Seeing her son carefully looking at her, Xia ChenXi couldn’t help but wonder, did she and his father really have this sort of image in his heart. Did she really seem like a person who would do such illegal things?

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Xia ChenXi mulled over the question for a moment and then said: “BaoBei, Mommy and Daddy did not make them disappear from the world. That is illegal and we would not do something like that.”

Qin Yu’s heart thumped, Mommy only explained the second half of the question… … So the first part was true?

When he thought about this, Qin Yu asked: “Mommy… … then the reason why those kids left Little Star kindergarten is… is because they bullied me? I already transferred to a different class, so I don’t mind.”

Qin Yu quietly said: “I really don’t mind… …”

In the new class, all the children is good. Even though the only person who played with him was MiaoMiao, but if anyone said he was fat, MiaoMiao will definitely say he was cute because he was chubby. So even though in his current class he only had MiaoMiao as a friend, he was already very satisfied.

As for the boys who bullied him before, after the parents were called, they stopped coming to find him. They already knew that they were wrong.

“BaoBei, you need to understand, after you do something wrong, you need to accept the consequences. Right now they are still minors, so even though they hit you, they don’t need to be responsible for it. All they need to do is to compensate you for your clothing. But our family doesn’t lack this bit of money. All we’re making them do is to transfer schools. It’s really nothing.”

Xia ChenXi did not think she did anything wrong. Only when it happened to her son, did she understand how angry it could make her.

Bullying would occur in some middle and high schools, in many cases, it was the student who was being bullied who could not continue to stay at the school and decide to transfer. But what did they do wrong? Why is it the children who bullied others are able to continue studying at the school, but the child who was bullied needs to change schools and need to adapt to a new environment.

The people who should leave, are the ones who did something wrong.

Qin Yu nodded his head. “I understand.”

That night, after MiaoMiao finished her homework, she received Qin Yu’s voice message. After Qin Yu transferred to Class 1, he was added to the Class 1 group chat and had added MiaoMiao as a friend.

After he explained what he knew, MiaoMiao replied with a voice message: “Yu Tou, your mother is amazing! The kids who bullied you were driven away.”

“Mhm. Mommy said, they did not disappear from the world, they just transferred to a different kindergarten.” Qin Yu lifted his fingers off the screen and sent out the voice message. Then he thought for a moment and pressed his fingers down to record another message: “MiaoMiao, can I come to your house to play this weekend?”

After MiaoMiao heard these two voice messages, she also sent one back: “Okay! Xiong Da and Xiong Er are just upstairs. If you come, we can do our homework together and then play games together! We can play hide and seek!”

Qin Yu agreed and then he was a little nervous. It was the first time he would go to a classmate’s house to play. He hoped that uncle and auntie would like him.

The next day, MiaoMiao sent the GPS location over. When Qin Yu saw the address, he was surprised and said: “We live in the same apartment complex.”

“Hm? But I normally don’t see you.” MiaoMiao was a bit doubtful.

“Maybe the complex is too big, so we never run into each other.” Qin Yu saved the address. When he went home that night he asked his mother for the map of the complex. He found out that the complex had 4 entrances, MiaoMiao’s building was on the north side while his building was on the south side.

So when they left for kindergarten in the mornings, his family’s car would leave via the south exit, while MiaoMiao’s family left via the north exit. So they only just found out that they actually lived in the same complex.

On Friday when school ended, Qin Yu and MiaoMiao planned to meet at 9 a.m. the next day. MiaoMiao quietly made a plan. In the morning they will do their homework and then eat lunch together. Then in the afternoon they’ll play.

That night after dinner, MiaoMiao reminded Fu Rou. “Mommy, tomorrow my classmate is coming over. He and I both like to each fried chicken legs.”

“… …” Fu Rou: “Okay, Mommy will ask the auntie to make your favourites.” Clearly she was the one who wanted to eat them, but she still said that her classmate also liked to eat them.

MiaoMiao couldn’t help but lick her lips a few times. Thinking that she could eat fried chicken legs tomorrow, she was very excited.

If Yu Tou came every weekend, it’ll be great!

On Saturday morning, after MiaoMiao finished breakfast, her iPad received Qin Yu’s message. When she opened it, she heard Qin Yu’s voice: “MiaoMiao, I am coming over now.”

MiaoMiao also sent a reply back: “Okay, I will be waiting for you downstairs!”

As she finished speaking, MiaoMiao quickly put on a long down jacket and started to run out in her bunny slippers.

“Mommy, Yu Tou is on his way. I am going to go downstairs to pick him up~” MiaoMiao ran to the entry way to switch her shoes.

Fu Rou quickly followed her and said “Mommy is coming with you too.”

After MiaoMiao was kidnapped last time, Fu Rou did not let MiaoMiao go out on her own. Even if it was just to go down to the entrance of their building!

Fu Rou put on a pair of cotton slippers and held MiaoMiao’s hand as they went out.

Each floor only had one apartment so it was very convenient. Once you opened the door, the elevator would be right there. After Fu Rou and MiaoMiao went downstairs, they waited.

MiaoMiao wore a down jacket and excitedly looked left and right. She couldn’t wait for her little desk mate to appear.

Very quickly, a car approached and stopped in front of them.

After the door opened, Qin Yu jumped out and smiled: “Hello Auntie, hello MiaoMiao.

“Yu Tou, you’re so fast!” MiaoMiao was very excited.

Yu Tou was a bit embarrassed as he scratched his head. “We are in the same complex, so it is quite quick.”

Then he looked at the driver who sent him over. “Uncle, I’ll go back at night. When I want to leave, I’ll call you.”

“Okay, have fun young master.”

After the driver left, Fu Rou said: “Your name is Qin Yu, right? Welcome to our house.”

“Thank you, auntie.” Qin Yu said and then took out the chocolate he had brought with him and gave it to MiaoMiao. “MiaoMiao, this is for you.”

“Wah! This is the really delicious chocolate from last time! Thank you!” MiaoMiao promptly took it and then opened it and split it in half. When she was able to share it with Qin Yu, Qin Yu shook his head and said: “I’m still on a diet, you should eat it.”

“Okay.” MiaoMiao unceremoniously stuffed it into her mouth and then curiously asked: ‘Yu Tou, did you lose more weight?”

“Yup, I lost another 0.8 pounds. Even though it doesn’t look very obvious, I will continue working hard. The doctor said that slowly losing weight is better. If I lose weight too quickly, it won’t be healthy.” Qin Yu was a little embarrassed.

Compared to the last time Fu Rou saw him, she had noticed that the child was skinnier than before. Even though Qin Yu had not lost that much weight, but children were not very big and even though the amount of weight lost was quite small, it was still fairly obvious. Fu Rou could tell that Qin Yu’s double chin was already a lot smaller.

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When they entered the house, Qin Yu took off his shoes and Fu Rou gave him a pair of children’s slippers. He said thank you and put them on, and then he followed MiaoMiao into her room. He put down his backpack and the two children started working on their homework.

At first, Qin Yu was a bit shy about being in a girl’s room, but after sitting for a while he was a bit curious. MiaoMiao’s room was quite similar to his and there was furniture custom made for children. The furniture in MiaoMiao’s were mainly pink and the ones in his room was mostly blue.

His chubby hands held a pencil and quickly finished his homework. Then he and MiaoMiao compared answers. If the answers were the same, then it meant they were correct, if they were different then they would discuss it and then figure out what the correct answer was.

Recently there were no exams at the kindergarten, so MiaoMiao did not know what Qin Yu’s results were. So when they compared answers and found answers that were different, she was surprised to find out that it was Qin Yu who was correct. She immediately looked at him with a gaze full of admiration and said: “Yu Tou, you’re amazing! You know how to do all of them!”

The homework questions were all quite basic, but when the children did them, they would get careless and they would make simple mistakes. But Qin Yu was particularly careful so all his answers were correct.

After being praised, Qin Yu was a bit embarrassed and his face was red and he said: “When my parents were studying, their results were always very good. I think it might be inherited.”

“Then I think I might have inherited it from my parents too.” MiaoMiao furrowed her brows in frustration and said: “Daddy said, when my mommy was studying, she was really amazing. But Mommy said that when Daddy was studying he was a bit of an idiot. So I think I inherited it from both of them, so I am not smart, but I am also not dumb.”

MiaoMiao had thought that her math was bad, so she might not be smart. Later on, she gained some confidence from Xiong Da and Xiong Er. Even though her math was not good, but she can still slowly learn it. But her Chinese and English were always very good!

Qin Yu blinked his eyes a few times, not believing her and said: “During class, the teacher is always praising you. MiaoMiao, you are very smart.”

“That is because last month when I did math problems, I still needed to count my fingers and toes.” Speaking of this matter, MiaoMiao was quite distressed. “I am not smart, it was Xiong Da and Xiong Er who spent a long time to teach me, before I learned to not need to count my fingers and toes to add and subtract. But I heard the big brothers and sisters in the advanced class say, when we start elementary school, we need to learn multiplication and division. It’s so frustrating. I dislike math the most!”

When Qin Yu heard this, he thought for a moment and then said: “How about this, in the future we can attend the same elementary school and we’ll even be desk mates. If you don’t know how to do it, as long as I know, I will teach you! No matter how many times you ask, I’ll still teach you.”

MiaoMiao’s eyes lit up. “Really?”

“Yup, really!”

MiaoMiao was very happy and said: “Yu Tou, you’re such a nice person!”

Qin Yu never thought that he would be assigned a nice guy card and he was a bit embarrassed. He thought, MiaoMiao is actually the nice one.

No, that’s wrong. She is actually a little angel!

She was so nice to him, he also needs to treat her well.

Judging from his parents previous academic results, his results should also not be bad. Also since they were in the same grade, if they can both test into the same school, then they might even be in the same class. So their study progress should be about the same and their homework should be similar. At that time, he could teach MiaoMiao.

At this time, Qin Yu didn’t know that when they reached senior high, they need to split into different learning streams.

MiaoMiao seriously did her homework, her tip of her pencil became blunter and blunter. She sharpened her pencil and then continued to write.

Today’s Chinese homework included copybooks for children.

In Chinese class, this copybook went with the stories they learned at Little Star Kindergarten. After the Chinese teacher finished reading the text and explained the meaning, she would pick out some characters for everyone to write. When they returned home, they would copy the character in the copybooks a few times.

MiaoMiao picked up her little pencil and seriously continued to write. After writing a while, she felt that her hand was a bit sore. So put down her pencil to take a break for a while.

At this time, Sister System spoke in a very satisfied voice: “MiaoMiao, Sister System is going to level up.”

“… …?” MiaoMiao didn’t understand. “What is level up?”

“It means my functions will improve.” The System said: “it’ll take some time, during this time, I won’t be able to contact MiaoMiao.”

“Then that means at night there will be no one for MiaoMiao to talk to.” MiaoMiao was a bit dispirited.

“… …” The System’s abilities is not just for having conversations. “It’ll roughly take one to two days. If MiaoMiao is bored these two days, you can talk with you desk mate.”

“Okay then.”

The System’s voice immediately vanished.

MiaoMiao went to the washroom and then got a drink of water and then continued to do her homework.

It was time for lunch before she and Qin Yu went back out.

Lunch was very luxurious meal. They were all MiaoMiao’s favourites. Not only was there fried chicken legs, there were even ribs and taro soup. MiaoMiao ate very happily and Qin Yu ate his half a bowl of rice as usual. Fu Rou was worried he would be hungry and also prepared some fruit for him.

The original plan was to find Xiong Da and Xiong Er after lunch to play hide and seek, but the children definitely needed to take an afternoon nap. So after eating lunch, Fu Rou made them walk around the house and to wait until they had their afternoon naps before going upstairs to find Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

So MiaoMiao took Qin Yu on a tour of her house.

“This is my room.”

“This is the guest room.”

“This is the kitchen.”

“Living room.”

“Daddy’s study.”

“Mommy’s exercise room.”

“Mommy and Daddy’s room.”

… …

MiaoMiao introduced them one by one. After Qin Yu saw everything he said: “Even though we live in the same complex, our houses don’t look the same. Next time you should come to my house to play, okay?”

“Okay.” MiaoMiao agreed and then brought him to her room. “We need to take our afternoon nap, otherwise when Xiong Da and Xiong Er wake up, they will wonder why we still haven’t gone up.”

MiaoMiao and Qin Yu took off their outer clothes and climbed onto the bed to sleep. When MiaoMiao closed her eyes, she felt it was a little strange. Why is it that the sound of someone eating is gone? How odd.

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After eating until she was full, Sister System had entered an update mode. If MiaoMiao had opened the system interface, the upper left corner would show a new 2% updating mark.

After MiaoMiao woke up from her afternoon nap, she rubbed her eyes and looked beside her. She saw her chubby desk mate lying there, she couldn’t help but reach out a hand and pinched Qin Yu’s face.

Before MiaoMiao was the one whose face was pinched. When the adults pinched her face, they all felt that it was really nice. Now that she was the one pinching Qin Yu’s face, she found out that chubby cheeks were really nice!

No wonder the adults liked kids with chubby cheeks! Yu Tou was so cute, before those boys didn’t understand how to appreciate his cuteness.

Qin Yu was in a daze and felt a hand pinching his cheek. When he opened his eyes, he just so happened to see MiaoMiao’s eyes that were full of satisfaction.

Qin Yu jumped and then felt that his cheek was being pinched by MiaoMiao. He pursed his lips and probingly reached out a hand to pinch her cheek.

“Yu Tou, has anyone told you that pinching your cheeks is really comfortable?” MiaoMiao curiously asked.

Qin Yu shook his head and said: “Very few people pinch my cheeks, pinching your face is the comfortable one.”

MiaoMiao was very confident in her little face and many adults had said that pinching her cheeks was very soft and knew that it was full of collagen.

Even though she didn’t know what was collagen, but it sounded like a good thing.

“We should get up then and go find Xiong Da and Xiong Er!”

The two kids sat up and changed their clothes and headed upstairs to find Xiong Da and Xiong Er to play hide and seek.

The System finished upgrading faster than MiaoMiao thought. At 8pm on Sunday night, MiaoMiao once again heard Sister System’s voice: “MiaoMiao, I have leveled up. Come take a look at the new system interface.”

The system interface opened up in front of MiaoMiao. The blank spaces that were in the system interface before had changed. Other than the table with her family members on the left that had remained the same, the right side had a many little boxes.

MiaoMiao questioned: “Sister System, what are the things on the right for?”

“Those are the new slots. The left side is left for MiaoMiao’s family and in each little box on the right, you can fill in a name. After entering a name, it will show the information of the person MiaoMiao knows. MiaoMiao can use Intimacy Values or Hate Values to adjust their data. Hate Values represent how much they hate MiaoMiao.”

“Why would they hate MiaoMiao?” MiaoMiao pouted and furrowed her brows. “It is because MiaoMiao isn’t cute enough?”

“MiaoMiao, in this world there is nobody that can make everyone like them. So if someone hates you, that is fine. But you need to know, if someone hates you, their Hate Value cannot be used to increase any of their data, it can only be used to decrease values.”

MiaoMiao thought for a moment and then understood. “Sister System, I don’t care if they hate MiaoMiao or not. MiaoMiao won’t use it to hurt people.”

MiaoMiao thought about how her Sister in Law’s Luck Value had crashed. The person who had taken Sister In Law’s luck was a bad person and nearly caused her sister in law to die. MiaoMiao didn’t care if they hated her, but she did not want to do this kind of thing. Mommy had said, she could choose to not do good things, but she can definitely not do bad things.

“MiaoMiao can relax, we won’t do bad things. Because Sister has levelled up, I now have new abilities. Hate Values can be shared. That is to say, Hate Values can be used to subtract other people’s values, but Intimacy Values cannot be shared. For example when Big Brother and your father’s charm values were particularly high, MiaoMiao could not use your Intimacy Values, because Intimacy Values could only be used to add and not subtract. At this time, Hate Values can be used.”

MiaoMiao nodded her head in understanding and then she was a bit puzzled. “How will MiaoMiao know that someone hates MiaoMiao?”

“After MiaoMiao enters the someone’s name on the right side, it would show that person’s Intimacy Values and Hate Values. They will only be added after MiaoMiao chooses confirm, if MiaoMiao doesn’t choose confirm, they won’t be added. Right now there are only nine slots for MiaoMiao to use. MiaoMiao needs to treasure them, Sister doesn’t know when the next time she will upgrade.”

MiaoMiao understood but was still a bit puzzled: “Sister System, what do you need to do to level up?”

System was silent for a while and before saying: “By eating other systems.”

MiaoMiao: “… …???”

Joey’s Corner:
Wow. Well I didn’t expect the system to just tell MiaoMiao like that. I had literally just hoped for more system interactions and information about the system the day before and the author really delivered. I can’t believe it happened so quickly.
Anyways, I’ll see you tomorrow with the second half of this chapter!

MiaoMiao simply couldn’t believe it. Sister System would eat other systems? Aren’t they the same kind?

MiaoMiao used her little head to think about it for a long time before saying: “But Mommy said that MiaoMiao is a human, so MiaoMiao cannot eat humans. MiaoMiao can only eat pork, beef, chicken, duck, and other animals. Sister System is a system, so why can you eat other systems?”

“We don’t have a body and are only data. You don’t need to pay to much attention to this. Last time, that Auntie Zhu Fu’s body had an attacking system. According to that system’s data, that attacking system will let the host constantly switch worlds to target men. It is the kind of system that would appear in your quick transmigration stories.”

MiaoMiao had never heard of quick transmigration, so there was no way she would understand. Her mind was totally blank.

The System didn’t notice and only continued to explain herself: “But within the systems we also differentiate between good and bad ones. Attack systems are considered bad, they specifically target married men like MiaoMiao’s father and big brother. Their goal is to destroy families and they end up giving us systems a bad name.”

MiaoMiao only understood a bit of it. “So the reason that pretty Auntie wanted to take MiaoMiao’s daddy was because of a system?”

“Yes. Naturally, to be selected as a host by this kind of system, the host would also not be a good person. At that time, I grabbed them and seeing that he wasn’t any good, I ate him. But the data of each system is considered relatively large, so it can take quite a long time to eat them.” As she spoke, Sister System burped. “The taste was pretty good.”

Data has flavours? MiaoMiao didn’t know about this, but she accepted it.

“Then Sister System, would you eat good systems?” MiaoMiao questioned.

“No. Within the good systems, killing each other is against our rules.”

Once MiaoMiao heard this, she felt relieved.

“Oh ya, Sister System, why didn’t you move Yu Tou’s position? Shouldn’t Yu Tou be on the right side?”

MiaoMiao was puzzled, when he appeared on the left side she had already thought it was strange. Now that Sister System had updated, why was Yu Tou still on the left?

Why was it like this?

The System was silent for a moment, before saying: “This is a bug in the data. It probably can’t be changed. MiaoMiao doesn’t need to worry about it. Being on the left side is pretty good, it won’t use up a spot on the right side.”

MiaoMiao didn’t know what a bug was, but she understood that it couldn’t be changed.

Since Yu Tou had appeared on the left side, then he can stay on the left side.

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But the System is sure mysterious, the left side should just be for her family members, but Yu Tou was also placed on the left side. Could Yu Tou be her long lost brother? Like in those dog blood dramas?

During the third class on Monday morning, it was the free activity class and MiaoMiao and Qin Yu were working hard on the new dance.

The teacher noticed that many of the children had poor coordination. Teaching all of them to dance at the same time was really tiring. Each person also danced a little differently, so since they needed to start preparing the song as well, they decided to pick out the children who will dance on stage first.

They only kept 8 children to be dancers, four boys and four girls. MiaoMiao was chosen, but Qin Yu wasn’t.

MiaoMiao saw that Qin Yu was very disappointed and her heart was puzzled. She walked over with her short legs to the teacher’s side and tugged the teacher’s pants. “Teacher, Qin Yu danced pretty well, why didn’t you pick him?”

The teacher lowered his head and saw MiaoMiao. She squatted down and said: “Xiao Yu dances well, but the dance uniforms are all the same. Xiao Yu wouldn’t fit in them.”

When Qin Yu heard this, he lowered his head in disappointment.

He already worked hard to lose weight, but he was still fat. Even though he wasn’t as round as before, his body still had a lot of meat.

He knew that his actions were already very accurate, but because he was too fat, when he danced, it looked quite strange. Instead it actually looked even worse than the boys whose actions weren’t accurate.

When MiaoMiao heard this, she asked: “The clothes don’t have sizes?”

“There are sizes, but they don’t have that big of a size. The uniform for the choir is also like that.” The teacher felt awkward and said: “Teacher also knows that this isn’t fair to Xiao Yu, but this time there isn’t any other choice.”

When MiaoMiao heard this, other than not being selected to be a dancer, even the clothes for the choir didn’t have Qin Yu’s size, she was very unhappy. She held Qin Yu’s hand and walked out of the practice room and said: “Qin Yu, let’s go run. I’ll lose weight with you!”

“MiaoMiao!” The teacher anxiously chased after them. “You still need to practice.”

MiaoMiao’s footsteps stopped and she turned around and furrowed her brows and said: “Teacher, MiaoMiao won’t participate. MiaoMiao will lose weight together with Yu Tou. I think I am too fat, I am not fit to go on stage! You can pick Zhou Shu. Zhou Shu dances pretty well.”

Zhou Shu heard this and her eyes brightened and she looked expectantly at the teacher.

The teacher was suddenly in a bit of a difficult position. Zhou Shu danced pretty well, but MiaoMiao danced much better! This child, how was she not suitable to go on stage?

MiaoMiao didn’t care about this, she just pulled Qin Yu outside.

Even though Wen FuChen and Fu Rou did not agree to all of MiaoMiao’s requests to avoid MiaoMiao from becoming spoiled, MiaoMiao still had quite a temper.

She did want to stand on stage and perform, but if her little desk mate who also clearly did well but could not go on stage and could only watch them enviously from offstage, she would rather not go on stage.

“Yu Tou, we will run and dance together. If you can lose weight, then we can do our own performance. We can wait until the other children have finished performing and don’t need the stage anymore. Then we can go up to dance. Even if at that time, all the other children and parents had left and no one is there, I will still accompany you. Let’s go! Yu Tou, we need to go lose weight!”

When Qin Yu heard her words, he couldn’t hold on anymore. His mouth trembled and with a loud “Wah” he loudly started to cry.

MiaoMiao was immediately flustered. “Wha… What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

Eek, did she do something wrong? Why is Yu Tou crying?

Qin Yu sniffed and his tears continued to fall as he rubbed his eyes. “Thank you, MiaoMiao, but you don’t have to be like this. Even if I don’t participate, it’s not a problem. You should go back.”

MiaoMiao quickly shook her little head and said: “Zhou Shu also wants to dance. I already said it. If I go back, she would be disappointed. We can prepare our own little program? Even if no one watches… … There is always next year! Next year Xiong Da and Xiong Er will graduate and we can still go on stage to perform. You will definitely have gotten skinny by next year. Your mommy is so pretty, you definitely will look good too. At that time we can go on stage and let the other students watch us perform!”

“Okay!” Qin Yu continued to cry as he nodded his head.

MiaoMiao saw that his tears were still flowing and quickly took out a little handkerchief from her pocket and helped him wipe his tears. “You are a boy, how can you cry so easily! Don’t cry. We need to start losing weight. Let’s first make a lap around the field!”

As she spoke, MiaoMiao took his hand and the two children started to run around the field.

The children normally didn’t exercise much and after running a lap, MiaoMiao thought for a long time before deciding, in the future they should stick to skip rope for exercise instead.

She took advantage of Qin Yu going to the equipment room to get the ropes and hid in a little corner to open up Qin Yu’s interface.

At the moment, MiaoMiao and Qin Yu’s Intimacy Value was 25 and she had already used 5. Qin Yu’s Health Value used to be 60, but after MiaoMiao added 5, it became 65. After his recent efforts caused his weight to drop a bit, his Health Value had increased by 1 to become 66.

MiaoMiao thought for a moment and then silently asked: “Sister System, can MiaoMiao give the remaining 20 Intimacy Values to Yu Tou?”

“You don’t need to give that much. A Health Value of 80 is already considered normal. If you increase it to 80, according to his diet and exercise, he will lose weight very quickly. But MiaoMiao, since you and him aren’t going to participate in the song or dance, then there is no need to lose weight that quickly. There are still a few months to the graduation ceremony. Losing weight too quickly is unhealthy.”

When MiaoMiao heard this, she was still a bit hesitant. “But Sister System, a lot of children look down on Yu Tou for being fat. MiaoMiao doesn’t want him to be unhappy.”

System thought for a bit and said: “How about this, each week you can increase it by 5 and increase it slowly. In the future, you need to make him eat more foods that are high in protein.”

“What is protein?” MiaoMiao didn’t understand.

“It is things like eggs and meat. For meat, he can eat beef. It is less fattening compared to pork.”

MiaoMiao understood and nodded her head. She then increased Qin Yu’s Health Values by 5 and picked up a rope to run back to Qin Yu.

The two children skip roped together. When they got tired in the middle, they took a break before continuing to jump.

MiaoMiao thought, it won’t just be Yu Tou getting skinny, she would also become skinny too!

That’s not good. Her cheeks need to be chubby to be considered cute. She can’t get skinny!

At lunch that day, MiaoMiao at a lot. She followed Sister System’s words and got Qin Yu to select a dish of beef and a dish of vegetables. Afterwards she even dragged Qin Yu to the little kiosk to buy some tea eggs.

Tea eggs are also eggs, so it should also be considered protein right? [1]

So Qin Yu went from eating two tea eggs a day to eating four tea eggs and two soft-boiled eggs.

He had it for three meals a day.

After MiaoMiao went home, she also asked her mother. Her knew that her mommy normally did physical training. So after asking about her mother’s diet, she sent a voice message to Qin Yu: “Yu Tou, in the future you can eat beef and chicken breast and also eat more eggs. You also need to eat vegetables. But you should eat less staples like rice, bread, and noodles. You also shouldn’t eat fried foods.”

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Ay… You Tou was very pitiful, things like fried chicken legs and french fries are so delicious, but he couldn’t even touch them!

After Qin Yu received MiaoMiao’s voice message, he immediately ran over to his mother and played it again. Then looked at his mother expectantly: “Mommy, I need to lose weight well in the future. So I need to eat like this.”

Xia ChenXi nodded her head and thought that her son was so pitiful, she definitely had to give him more chicken and other meat dishes.

Meat dishes can’t be reduced. What if he faints?

When Fu Rou learned that MiaoMiao was accompanying Qin Yu in losing weight at the kindergarten, she told them to be careful when they exercised. They need to be careful of injuries and to not only go running to avoid hurting their knees. She also suggested some exercises like raising their hands and lifting their legs.

When MiaoMiao first saw her Mommy doing the exercises, she thought they were very simple, but she tried it a few times she found out. Raising her leg in the air and waving it around without letting it touch the ground is very difficult. Her mother’s exercises were very hard!

But she needs to persevere with Yu Tou! She must help him lose weight!

MiaoMiao and Qin Yu’s plan for losing weight was found out by the entire class. Even Class 2’s students also heard about it.

During the free activity class on Friday, because the teacher who was teaching the dance was busy that day, the children were allowed to freely play like before.

A few students saw MiaoMiao and Qin Yu skip roping together. One of them couldn’t help but go over and said in a voice that he thought was quiet: “MiaoMiao, are you skip roping everyday? I think you got skinnier, but Qin Yu didn’t get skinnier.”

He was Zhou Shu’s desk mate and his name was Lu Qi. Before Qin Yu came to Class 1, he had asked if MiaoMiao wanted to be his desk mate and MiaoMiao had refused.

MiaoMiao heard his words and unhappily “hmphed”: “Is there a problem with your eyes? I’ve been eating a lot these days and didn’t lose any weight. But Yu Tou’s weight has been repeatedly dropping!”

Even though MiaoMiao said she would accompany Qin Yu in losing weight, but she didn’t think she was fat and had no intention of slimming down. So during this time she ate a low to maintain her weight.

The only person who was actually losing weight was Qin Yu.

When Lu Qi heard this, he was stunned for a moment. Then he felt that he was rebuked and was a little unhappy: “Even if he works hard, he won’t be able to become skinny. The amount he eats is not a lot. He didn’t become skinny before, so he can’t become skinny now. Besides your exercises are so simple, you guys are just raising your arms and lifting your legs. How can you become skinny?”

“He can do it!” MiaoMiao was very unhappy: “This is what my mommy taught me. I will help him become skinnier. Just you wait! I’m not going to talk to you anymore!”

Hmph! Wait until Yu Tou becomes skinny. Then you’ll know how cute he is!

After Qin Yu’s Health Value was increased by 5, it became 71. After paying more attention to to his diet and the constant exercise, he lost 1.5 pounds in a week.

At the moment, Qin Yu’s weight was 45 pounds and MiaoMiao was shorter than Qin Yu by 2 centimetres, but she only weighed 32 pounds. She thought that when Qin Yu becomes 35 pounds, he would probably become handsome.

When it was their day off on Saturday, it was MiaoMiao’s turn to go to Qin Yu’s house. The two people planned to do their homework in the mornings and then after their afternoon nap, they would exercise and lose weight.

MiaoMiao got up at 8 a.m. for breakfast and took a very long time to pick out a dress. After she finally changed into her clothes, she playfully hugged Fu Rou’s leg and said. “Mommy, MiaoMiao wants cute braids today!”

“Okay, sit down BaoBei. Mommy will get some elastics and help you comb your hair.”

MiaoMiao’s hair was fine and soft and was very nice to touch. Fu Rou’s skilfully braided her hair and then used some small elastics to tie them off. MiaoMiao showed off and posed in front of a mirror for a while before being satisfied. Then she went to the door and put on her cute, round princess shoes and went down with Fu Rou.

MiaoMiao was driven to Qin Yu’s place. When she saw Qin Yu and his mother, she sweetly called out: “Hello Auntie, I am MiaoMiao.”

“Hello MiaoMiao.” Xia ChenXi smiled and said.

Fu Rou also got off the car at this time and nodded at Xia ChenXi as a greeting and said: “My family’s MiaoMiao will need to bother you today.”

“You are too polite. Xiao Yu had also gone to your house to bother you. We live in the same complex and the kids are even desk mates. In the future we will see each other a lot.” Xia ChenXi smiled.

After Fu Rou left, the three people went upstairs. Once MiaoMiao entered the room, she saw a very handsome uncle sitting on the sofa. The uncle was wearing home clothes and was holding a book. He was originally reading it, but when he heard the door opening, he had looked over.

He was very handsome but he didn’t have much expression. It looked like he would be hard to get along with.

At this moment, MiaoMiao was a bit shy and wanted to hide before Qin Yu.

But at this time Qin Yu decided to introduce him: “This is my dad.”

MiaoMiao was a bit surprised. Yu Tou’s dad… … He is so handsome!

Qin YiFeng originally was going to go to work today. But yesterday his wife said that his son was going to bring a friend over, so he decided to stay. If he remembered correctly, this was Qin Yu’s first friend.

Qin Yu’s personality was pretty shy. In addition to being sick before and becoming fat as a result of the medicine, he didn’t have very many friends. Now, he was bringing a friend over and it was even a girl. Qin YiFeng was very curious and since the company wasn’t that busy these days, he simply decided to stay at home and check out the situation.

“Hello Uncle. My name is Wen MiaoMiao.” MiaoMiao shyly said.

“Hello.” Qin YiFeng was worried that his expressionless face would scare the child so he tried to put on a more gentle expression.

“MiaoMiao and Qin Yu should go and start working on your homework.” Xia ChenXi continued to smile.

“Okay!” MiaoMiao quickly nodded her head and changed into slippers. Then she went to Qin Yu’s room.

After entering the room, MiaoMiao excitedly said: “Yu Tou, your dad is so handsome!” Before she had seen Yu Tou’s mother and thought that Yu Tou’s mother was beautiful. She never thought that his father would look even better!

When Qin Yu heard this, he immediately had a strange feeling. He thought for a moment and then asked: “Is my dad really that handsome?”

“Yup!” MiaoMiao frantically nodded her head. “My daddy is also handsome, but he is not as handsome as your dad.”

MiaoMiao always thought that her father was already pretty good looking. At least among the fathers’ of the children she had seen before, other than Yu Tou’s father, no other father was as good looking as hers!

Yu Tou lowered his head in disappointment. “But I am not handsome.”

“That’s wrong. You definitely will be handsome. Right now you are cute. Once you become skinny, you’ll become cuter! Because both your mother and father are good looking.” MiaoMiao quickly comforted.

Qin Yu nodded his head and accepted the comfort. Then he carefully remembered MiaoMiao’s words about his father being handsome.

After he grows up, he needs to be as handsome as his dad! No, he needs to be more handsome than his dad! So that in MiaoMiao’s eyes, he will be the most handsome boy! Hmph!

[1] This is a cute misunderstanding that is lost in translation. Protein in Chinese is 蛋白质 (dan bai zhi) which is literally “egg white quality”. So MiaoMiao thinks tea eggs are eggs, so it should have that egg white quality, right?

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