MiaoMiao took out her math notebook from her little backpack and flipped to the pages that were assigned for homework this weekend. Just as she was about to start doing the questions, she heard Qin Yu ask: “MiaoMiao, do you think Xiong Da and Xiong Er are good looking?”

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“They look good.” MiaoMiao lifted up her little head to reply. Those were her little nephews, how can they not look good!”

Qin Yu thought for a bit and said: “Then… If I become as skinny as them, would it be good?”

“No!” MiaoMiao immediately furrowed her eyebrows. “Yu Tou, if you lose that much weight all of a sudden, it won’t be healthy! You need to take it slow. First become just a bit chubbier than me and then go back to eating the same amount as me and the other children. We will keep up the exercise.”

MiaoMiao had always remembered what Sister System said. Losing weight too fast is not good. Sister System was still worried, if she helped Qin Yu increase his Health Value to 80, would Qin Yu’s weight end up falling crazily. Even though MiaoMiao didn’t understand why losing weight too fast wasn’t healthy, whatever Sister System says is correct!

Qin Yu felt a bit dejected. “But… Didn’t you say that Xiong Da and Xiong Er are good looking?”

“You look good too! Chubby is cute. I am also chubby. Everyone says that I am cute.” As she spoke, MiaoMiao put down her little pencil and narcissisticly rubbed her chubby cheeks. “The big sisters and brothers, uncles and aunties, grandmas and grandpas, who have pinched my cheeks all say that my cheeks are soft and tender. They all say I am cute.”

“Xiong Da and Xiong Er look good, but being chubby is also good.” MiaoMiao carefully stretched out her hand and pinched Qin Yu’s cheeks and then gently rubbed them a few times.

Qin Yu’s face turned read and was too nervous to even look at her. “You… You really think I can do it?”

“Of course!”

Qin Yu felt very happy. Ever since he became fat, other than his family, there was no one who would praise him like this. MiaoMiao was the only one.

She really was a little angel!

Qin Yu was a bit embarrassed and said: “Let’s do our homework first. Later, you should watch me exercise. You don’t have to do them too. You have gotten skinnier lately.

When MiaoMiao heard this, she immediately became flustered. She anxiously pinched her cheeks and then pinched her chubby hands to ascertain that they were still chubby, before she could relax.

She breathed a sigh of relief and with the air of a little adult, she said: “It’s good that its still chubby. At lunch I will eat a bit more and then I won’t exercise in the afternoon.”

Qin Yu quickly nodded his head. He had talked to his father the night before, MiaoMiao likes to eat fried chicken legs. His father was good at cooking, he would show off his skills at lunch today and let MiaoMiao try.

At noon, Qin YiFeng cooked all of MiaoMiao’s favourite dishes that Qin Yu had told him about.

After MiaoMiao and Qin Yu finished washing their hands and came out to sit, she was surprised to see Qin YiFeng wearing an apron. The handsome uncle doesn’t only look good, but his food also smells great!

Xia ChenXi gave the two children their utensils and MiaoMiao said her thanks and then carefully selected some food. Every time she tried a dish, her eyes would brighten once.

Did Yu Tou really only become fat because he got sick? Was it really not because the food at home was too good, so he ate too much and became fat?

Qin Yu carefully looked at MiaoMiao. “Is my dad’s cooking tasty?”

“Yes. It’s delicious!” MiaoMiao frantically nodded her head and looked at Qin YiFeng with a gaze full of worship.

After the two kids finished eating lunch, they got ready for their afternoon nap. This time they were going to take a nap in Qin Yu’s room. MiaoMiao laid on the bed and enviously said: “Yu Tou, I’m so jealous of you. My Dad is always working. Each week, he can only spend one day to play with me. Sometimes he doesn’t even have time to spend a day with me. I also want my Dad to be at home.”

Qin Yu explained: “Honestly, my daddy is also not normally at home. But because you were coming over today, he decided to stay.”

“Oh, so it’s like that. Then we are both pitiful.” MiaoMiao furrowed her brows and then said in distress: “But I’m still jealous of you. My Daddy doesn’t seem to know how to cook. Your dad is amazing, he’s good looking and his cooking is delicious.”

Qin Yu: “… … ” Suddenly I don’t feel as happy, but I don’t know why.

That day, after MiaoMiao left, Qin Yu ran over to Qin YiFeng and tugged at his pants. “Daddy, I want to learn to cook!”

Qin YiFeng: “… …?”

Qin Yu lifted his little head and his eyes were steady. “I want to be like you. I want to be able to cook tasty food.” In the future after he grows up, he can cook for MiaoMiao. Then he can hear her saying how amazing he was and how excellent he is.

Qin YiFeng didn’t understand why his son requested this. But thinking about how being able to cook wasn’t a bad thing. After all, half the reason why he was successful in pursuing his wife was that he had already won over her stomach. So he nodded his head. “Okay, but right now you are still too young. After you grow a bit more, you can learn.”

Qin Yu seriously nodded his head. “Okay! I definitely will learn seriously!”

That night when MiaoMiao returned home, as she ate dinner, she carefully looked at Wen FuChen.

At first Wen FuChen and Fu Rou didn’t notice, but after she looked over so many times, how could they not notice?

They had a habit of not speaking while they ate, so after dinner was finished, Wen FuChen picked up MiaoMiao and carried her into the living room. The television was on and playing a drama, but Wen FuChen didn’t pay any attention to it. He asked: “What’s wrong today? Why was Daddy’s little princess constantly looking at Daddy during dinner? Is there something you want?”

MiaoMiao furrowed her little brows and thought for a while. Then she nodded her little head. “Mhm!”

“What do you want? Daddy will buy it for you.” Wen FuChen smiled and said.

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“Daddy, MiaoMiao wants to eat Daddy’s cooking.” MiaoMiao earnestly replied. Her black eyes sparkled as she looked at Wen FuChen. Her eyes were full of expectation. “Today, MiaoMiao went to Yu Tou’s house to play. Yu Tou’s dad is amazing. He is handsome and he can also cook.”

Wen FuChen’s eyelid twitched. Cooking? Him?

Ever since he was small, Wen FuChen had really never cooked before. His family conditions were always very good. Whatever he wanted there was a maid or a chef who would make it, otherwise he would go out to a hotel or a restaurant to eat. You can say that the only things he knew how to do in the kitchen, was that if he was thirsty, he could open the refrigerator to get something to drink. Now that he heard his little daughter asking to eat something he made, he fell deep into thought. He wondered, after his little princess eats it, would she be okay?

“Daddy’s cooking is really bad.” Wen FuChen rubbed MiaoMiao’s hair and said: “Whatever MiaoMiao wants to eat, you can ask the Auntie to make it for you, okay? Or Daddy can hire a chef for you?”

MiaoMiao shook her little head. “MiaoMiao wants to eat Daddy’s cooking. The other children can also eat food that their fathers have made. MiaoMiao wants to too.”

Wen FuChen was in an awkward spot. This wasn’t a ridiculous request, after all it was just asking him to cook. But to Wen FuChen, he would rather simply buy something for his daughter instead.

Fu Rou overheard this as she walked over and asked: “Whose father can cook?”

“Yu Tou’s! Yu Tou’s father can cook very delicious food!” MiaoMiao enviously said: “MiaoMiao knows that Daddy doesn’t know how. But MiaoMiao wants to eat it anyways. Even if Daddy doesn’t make it delicious, that’s okay too.”

Fu Rou looked at Wen FuChen with a pair of condescending eyes. “How about you make a bowl of noodles? You might not be able to stir-fry, but you should be able to make some noodles?”

Wen FuChen awkwardly said: “Instant noodles?”

Fu Rou: “… … that works.”

That night, Wen FuChen prepared to enter the kitchen and show off his skills.

He first went to the little market in the complex and bought three different flavours of instant noodles. They were braised beef noodles, seafood noodles, and fatty beef noodles.

After he entered the kitchen, he filled a pot with water and started to boil it. Then he simply cut opened the packages and took out the flavouring packet. Then he put the noodles into the pot and then opened the flavouring packet. Then he separately put each flavouring packet into a big bowl and filled each bowl with hot water.

After the instant noodles in the pot had cooked for a while, he fished out the noodles and put them into the bowls.

After successfully finishing it, Wen FuChen was very satisfied with his masterpiece. Then he tried a few tastes of the noodles in the bowl. After thinking for a while, he also took out Grandma Wen’s braised pork, that she had made when she was bored, and also placed it on top of the noodles.

Then he carried it out.

MiaoMiao was already sitting at the dining table and was obediently waiting. When she smelled the delicious scent of instant noodles, she said: “It smells good!”

MiaoMiao had never eaten instant noodles before. Fu Rou felt that since instant noodles were fried, it would not be healthy. So normally for breakfast, they would have noodles that were made from a noodle making machine.

Fu Rou helped MiaoMiao put some into her little bowl. Then she thought that since MiaoMiao can’t eat spicy, she gave her the seafood noodles.

MiaoMiao’s right hand held chopsticks that she used to stab into the noodles. Her two chubby hands than spun the chopsticks and the noodles twirled up her chopsticks. Then she stuffed it into her mouth and then she used her little spoon to taste the soup.

Wow! Delicious!

After she finished eating the noodles, her eyes were sparkling as she looked at her father. “Daddy is amazing! Your noodles are delicious! You aren’t worse than Yu Tou’s dad!”

Wen FuChen guiltily laughed. “As long as MiaoMiao likes it.” If it wasn’t delicious, there wouldn’t be so many people who would like it.

After MiaoMiao ate a small bowl, she used her iPad to take a picture and then she continued to eat.

It was rare for her to eat a midnight snack. Thinking that Qin Yu had said that it looks like she had lost weight, she ate until her little tummy was bulging.

When she returned to her room, she rubbed her round tummy and sent out the photo she had taken before.

MiaoMiao first sent it to the family group chat and then she sent it to Qin Yu. She also sent an accompanying voice message to both sides: “These are the noodles my daddy made. It’s delicious!”

Hehe. My Daddy is so amazing, I definitely need to show him off a bit!

MiaoMiao was very happy and then she thought for a moment and added another voice message to Qin Yu: “Yu Tou, my daddy also knows how to cook. He cooked noodles for the first time today. The taste was also good, my daddy is a genius!”

When Qin Yu received the messages and looked at the photo, he contemplated for a moment. He was a bit puzzled and thought, why do those noodles look like instant noodles?

Aren’t those noodles the kind that you just have a flavouring packet and add hot water and then you can eat already?

But MiaoMiao’s noodles also had a large rib, instant noodles wouldn’t have such a big piece of meat. So it should be made by MiaoMiao’s dad?

With that thought, Qin Yu replied to MiaoMiao with a voice message: “MiaoMiao’s daddy is amazing. The first time he made noodles already looks very very good.”

When MiaoMiao heard this voice message, she immediately replied: “Mhm, my daddy is amazing! Yu Tou, next time you come to my house, if my daddy is home, I’ll ask him to make you noodles.”

Wen FuChen just happened to be passing by her doorway when he heard this: “… …” To avoid being embarrassed, when my daughter’s classmates come to visit, I better go to the company for overtime!

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Because of the meat on the noodles, Wen FuChen wasn’t exposed. This included Xiong Da, Xiong Er, Wen FanChu, and Jiang FangFang, they all thought that Wen FuChen’s noodles were pretty good. It was only Grandma Wen who saw through everything because she was the one who made the meat!

Hmph, my son is really worthless. He can only give instant noodles to my granddaughter!

MiaoMiao was a bit clumsy with WeChat and wanted to post it to her friend circle. But she only knew how to use voice messages to chat and send photos. But she didn’t know how to post it to her friend circle, so she picked up her iPad and ran over with her bunny slippers to find Fu Rou. “Mommy, mommy. Can you help MiaoMiao send a picture? MiaoMiao wants all her classmates to see the noodles Daddy cooked for MiaoMiao!”

Wen FuChen: “… …” I hope that the parents of my daughter’s classmates don’t log onto their children’s WeChat accounts.

Fu Rou held back her laughter and started to help MiaoMiao post to her friends circle and asked: “What does MiaoMiao want to say? Mommy will help you write it.”

“Hmm…. Mommy, once this is posted, does it mean there will always be a record and MiaoMiao can look back on it?” MiaoMiao curiously asked.

“Yes, when MiaoMiao grows up, you can see that your Daddy cooked noodles for you.” The corners of Fu Rou’s moth lifted. When her daughter grows up, she will know that the noodles her dad cooked was instant noodles you just had to add hot water too.

MiaoMiao furrowed her brows and seriously thought for a moment and said: “Then Mommy, help me write: MiaoMiao’s daddy is this world’s best daddy. MIaoMiao loves Daddy a lot! Thank you to Daddy for cooking noodles for MiaoMiao. They were very delicious!”

Fu Rou originally wanted her daughter to laugh at her husband after she grew up, but after she heard these words, she was a bit jealous.

Should she also cook a bowl of instant noodles tomorrow night for her child? Would this earn her a post in her daughter’s friend circle?

Even though she was very jealous, Fu Rou still typed up MiaoMiao’s words and sent it to her friend’s circle.

MiaoMiao happily hugged her iPad and returned to her room.

That night, little kid Qin Yu saw that his little desk mate had made her first post to her friend’s circle.

He didn’t recognize the characters and could only run over to find his mother to read it to him. After Xia ChenXi finished reading, little kid Qin Yu tightly clenched his fists. He was full of fighting spirit!

In the future he definitely had to learn to cook well. His cooking skills need to be better than MiaoMiao’s dad and also his dad! Whatever he makes, MiaoMiao needs to like it!


Joey’s Corner:
Hahaha. I’m actually disappointed that only Grandma Wen saw through Wen FuChen. I was hoping that at least the adults would see through his instant noodles trick. Though it does look like Qin Yu will do anything for MiaoMiao though. He’s so cute.
Also, I dont think any of the noodles were spicy? i was confused by Fu Rou’s comment.

On Monday, when MiaoMiao returned to kindergarten, she increased Qin Yu’s Health Value to 80.

80 is considered to be a healthy body. Her Yu Tou will definitely lose weight quickly and become super cute!

Because MiaoMiao refused to go on stage and perform with everyone, during the free activity class, she was free.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er’s class only had a group song and currently the children were each singing on their own. After all, many of the children had still not memorized the song lyrics, if they wanted to practice together, everyone at least had to be able to sing.

When Xiong Da and Xiong Er came over, they saw Qin Yu jump roping and MiaoMiao was sitting on the stairs and then they quickly ran over.

“Little Aunt, Little Aunt, the noodles you posted, were those made by your dad?” Xiong Da and Xiong Er both asked.

“Yup, it was very tasty!” MiaoMiao happily nodded her head and thought about the flavour of the noodles and couldn’t help but lick her lips.

“That’s good, our dad has never made any for us to eat.” Xiong Da was a bit envious.

Normally at home, it was Jiang FangFang who cooked. She enjoyed cooking and it was only when she was too tired to move, did they order any takeout.

“On the weekend you can ask Big Brother to make some for you guys.” MiaoMiao innocently blinked her eyes. “My Daddy didn’t want to make any at first, but after I suggested it, he decided to to do it.”

After saying this, MiaoMiao gleefully lifted up her little chin and stuck out her chest. Her father dotes on her a lot!

“Okay, then we’ll talk to our dad tonight. We also want to eat noodles that dad makes.” Xiong Er enviously looked at MiaoMiao and then looked at Qin Yu. It was as though he had discovered a new world. “Qin Yu, how did you become so skinny?”

When they had come over, they were focused on MiaoMiao and didn’t pay much attention to Qin Yu. Now that they were carefully looking at him, they noticed that Qin Yu’s face had gotten smaller by an entire circle.

The kids in Qin Yu’s class, other than on the weekends, would see Qin Yu everyday, so they only felt that Qin Yu had gotten a little skinnier, but it wasn’t obvious. But Xiong Da and Xiong Er were from the Intermediate class and in their eyes, Qin Yu had gotten significantly skinnier.

Qin Yu heard them saying this about him, but he was still jump roping, and didn’t stop.

Mommy said, losing weight is tiring. When you feel tired, count backwards in your heard.

After counting for a few seconds you can stop, the results would be better than.

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Qin Yu skipped for another minute before stopping.

His skin was very white and the exercise just now caused his face to turn red. It looked very healthy. Xiong Da and Xiong Er quickly went over and looked at him in surprise.

“Qin Yu, are you wearing much fewer clothes inside? Why is it that you seem to have gotten a lot skinnier?”

Qin Yu happily smiled and said: “I really did lose weight. From the start of the semester, I lose about four pounds.”

Four pounds did not sound like a lot, but to a child who was not yet four years old, it was a lot. They weren’t very tall, and compared to their height, if they lost four pounds, then it would be similar to an adult losing 6-8 pounds.

Xiong Da looked at him in admiration. “I heard my little aunt say that everyday, you jump rope, run, and lift your arms and legs. It’s very difficult, you’re amazing. My teacher said, the most difficult thing for good habits is to persevere and maintain them.”

Xiong Da nodded his head. “I definitely can’t do it.”

Qin Yu smiled shyly and then looked at MiaoMiao in embarrassment. “MiaoMiao said that after I get skinny, during the graduation ceremony, we will dance together. We will wait for all the other children to leave and the stage to be empty, then we will go and dance. If there are still aunties and uncles watching, we can dance for them, otherwise we can just enjoy it for ourselves.”

“I definitely will successfully lose weight.” Otherwise it would be because of him that MiaoMiao cannot go on stage.

Qin Yu didn’t understand much, but he knew that it was because MiaoMiao felt that he was being left out and was being discriminated against. So she decided to reject going on stage with the other children and chose to stay behind and accompany him.

But he also knows that MiaoMiao really wants to go on stage, so he definitely cannot let MIaoMiao lose this chance! He needs to quickly slim down and then practice dancing with MiaoMiao!

“You will go on stage and dance together? Then I want to do that with big brother too! It cannot just be you two!” Xiong Er became unhappy when he heard this. Why was it that Little Aunt wants to go on stage with Qin Yu? Isn’t Little Aunt, his and big brother’s Little Aunt? If she goes on stage, then it should be with them!

Qin Yu didn’t know what to do and looked towards MiaoMiao.

MiaoMiao furrowed her little brows and said: “Yu Tou is still working to lose weight. Xiong Er, you come over!”

In front of her two nephews, MiaoMiao had quite a lot of say.

Xiong Er immediately went over and MiaoMiao seriously said: “I want to dance with Yu Tou. We plan to dance a partner dance which needs one girl and one boy. If you want to dance, then you need to find a girl first.”

Xiong Da felt a bit hesitant. “Little Aunt, does that mean I need to too?”

“Of Course!” MiaoMiao lifted her little chin with pride and said: “It needs to be a girl and boy pairing!”

Xiong Er hesitated for a bit and then as if he made up his mind, he furrowed his brows and made a solemn face. He made a fist with his right hand and thumped his chest and said: “Little Aunt, at that time, I’ll wear a dress! I’ll dance with big brother!”

Xiong Da: “But mommy said, boys cannot wear dresses.”

“It was just that time! Besides, I think mommy is wrong, last time when we went out, didn’t we see that big brother? He didn’t only wear a dress, he also had long hair!” Xiong Er spoke earnestly.

Xiong Da was puzzled: “But didn’t mommy say, that that big brother was wearing clothes from the ancient times? At that time, all the clothes were like that. From the outside it looks like a dress, but the big brother was still wearing pants.”

“Then I will wear pants on the inside, is that okay?” Xiong Er immediately refuted his big brother: “I will wear pants on the inside and wear a dress on top. Then I can pair up with Big Brother. I can even grow my hair! Wait? I don’t think my hair can grow that fast.”

As he spoke, Xiong Er rubbed his hair in distress.

Both Xiong Da and Xiong Er had a crew cut that was only about a centimetre long. If they really wanted to turn it into a long hairstyle, it was likely not possible.

“I’ve heard of something called a wig.” Qin Yu opened his mouth and said.

MiaoMiao was puzzled. “A wig? What is that? Is it related to addition? [1]“

She knew what was addition and subtraction, and knew that when they grew older they would also learn multiplication and division. But, what is a wig?

Qin Yu quickly shook his little head and said: “That’s not it. A wig is fake hair! That you can wear on your head and you can turn your short hair into long hair.”

MiaoMiao nodded in understanding. “So there is such an amazing thing. It’s really magical.”

“Then we’ll do that then. I will also participate with big brother. But what kind of dance will we dance?”

“I will go talk to my mommy and see if she can teach us.” MiaoMiao said: “I don’t really want to dance the same dance as the other children.”

The only dances that MiaoMiao knew that had boys and girls partnered together was the dance taught by the teacher during this period. But she had already decided to not participate with Qin Yu. So she didn’t want to perform that dance, she definitely need to learn a new one!

She definitely need to surprise the other children!

“Okay, maybe Auntie knows how to dance.” Xiong Er said.

That night when MiaoMiao returned home, she started discussing this with Fu Rou: “Mommy, the big brothers and sisters in the advanced class are graduating soon. MiaoMiao wants to dance with Yu Tou. Does Mommy know any dances and can Mommy teach MiaoMiao?”

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“BaoBei, you want to dance with your classmate? Did the kindergarten teacher not teach you guys?” Fu Rou was a bit surprised.

MiaoMiao had an aggrieved look on her face and said: “The teacher did teach, but Yu Tou clearly danced very well, but because he is too fat, there were no clothes for him, so he wasn’t chosen. He wasn’t chosen for the dance and he wasn’t chosen for the song either. The entire class is going to sing together, but only Yu You can’t, so MiaoMiao doesn’t want to participate with them.”

When Fu Rou heard this, her heart melted. Children tended to be rather sensitive, especially towards children who were different. Qin Yu was rather fat and he was even bullied before. If he was left out during as well during the group song and could only watch the other children sing on stage. What would he think?

What kind of teacher was this? Can’t they just tailor the clothes? Was the kindergarten that poor?

Fu Rou was very protective. She might not care as much about other people’s children, but this was her BaoBei’s favourite classmate. She definitely had to protect him and immediately replied: “Mommy will find two teachers for you two, okay? I will also buy some beautiful clothes too.”

“Okay!” MiaoMiao quickly nodded her little head. There will even be teacher teaching them. Their dance will definitely be really great!

The next day, when MiaoMiao was going to kindergarten, she told Xiong Da and Xiong Er the good news. When she reached her classroom, she also told Qin Yu.

When Qin Yu heard this, he was very happy and then he took out some chocolate from his backpack and passed it to MiaoMiao. “This is for you.”

“Thank you, Yu Tou!” MiaoMiao opened the package and then happily started to it. She thought for a moment and then said: “Yu Tou, after you become skinny, we will eat snacks together.”

Qin Yu lowered his head and thought for a moment before speaking: “I still can’t. My mom said, after I become skinny, I need to continue avoiding them for a while. It seems that fat cells have memory. After a while, it won’t be easy to become fat.”

“Fat cells? What is that? What is memory?” MiaoMiao looked at him in confusion.

“It should be the meat on a person’s body. Memory… … I don’t really know how to explain it. But it seems like, after you remain skinny for a long time, you won’t easily become fat. If you were fat for a long time, then it isn’t easy to become skinny. So after becoming skinny, I need to be careful.”

MiaoMiao nodded in understanding. “Yu Tou, your mommy knows a lot!”

“Yup. My mommy is amazing. She has a lot of houses. She is also able to select a house that will earn her money. Daddy always says, even though he earns more money, but the money he earns is really difficult. He always needs to do overtime. The way Mommy earns money is really relaxed. So I think my Mommy is super amazing.” Qin Yu happily nodded his head.

“That’s great that you can easily make money easily. MiaoMiao’s Daddy works hard everyday. But MiaoMiao’s family doesn’t have very much money.” MiaoMiao was a bit envious.

Qin Yu heard those words again and then he felt very curious. “MiaoMiao, why do you think your family doesn’t have much money?” He felt that MiaoMiao’s family definitely had a lot of money. They lived in the same complex and the apartments there were all about the same size, so the prices should be about the same. Before in Class 2, the children who bullied him all knew that he lived over there and were very jealous about how rich his family was.

“Because Mommy said, it’s difficult for Daddy to earn money. Our family doesn’t have a lot of money so MiaoMiao should spend less money. My pocket money used to only be $20, after this semester, I got full marks, so Mommy increased it to $50 a day.”

Qin Yu innocently blinked his eyes and said: “MiaoMiao, $50 a day is a lot. The other children don’t have this much.”

“really?” MiaoMiao was puzzled. “But Xiong Da and Xiong Er, both get $50 each.”

“I also have $50 a day.” Qin Yu innocently blinked his eyes. “The boys who bullied me before, they only got $15 a day. Besides, when I was at the other kindergarten, a lot of children there didn’t have any pocket money.”

MiaoMiao: “… …???” Her little head was filled with big question marks.

Why were there children who didn’t have pocket money? That would be too pitiful, right?

“I was always curious about why you say that your family doesn’t have much money. But each day, you wear different clothes to kindergarten.” Qin Yu then carefully said: “Also, your house and my house is about the same size. I asked my parents before and our houses cost at least 30 million. Families that are able to live in our complex are all very rich, since it is the best apartments in our area.”

MiaoMiao was even more puzzled and she raised her two hands and started to count: “One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand… …? What comes next?”

“Ten thousand, one million, 10 million. The houses need at least 30 million.” Qin Yu reminded her.

MiaoMiao felt dizzy. “Then… … isn’t that very expensive? How many days of pocket money will I need to save to buy the house I live in?”

“MiaoMiao, if you only rely on pocket money, you won’t be able to buy the house you live in.” Qin Yu mercilessly replied. “So, MiaoMiao’s parents should have a lot of money. Besides, poor families definitely would not hire aunties to help do housework.”

MiaoMiao’s little head could not really accept this. She furrowed her brows and thought for a long time, before she suddenly understood. “Yu Tou, I understand the situation now!”

“Hm? What situation?” Qin Yu thought that she found out that her family was rich, but then… …

MiaoMiao very seriously replied: “You’re such an idiot! My family is poor, but the other children’s families are even poorer! It’s such simple principle, how can you not understand?”

What Mommy says is correct, their family doesn’t have that much money. So, it should be that the other children’s families are even poorer than hers. Her classmates are really pitiful! QAQ

Qin Yu: “… …???” Why? Why can’t it be that the other classmates are well off, but your family is especially well off.

[1] 假发 [jia fa] Literally fake hair/a wig, but MiaoMiao thinks it is 加法 [jia fa] which is addition. I couldn’t come up with a decent/similar pun. The pun continues in the next line for subtraction as well which is 减法 [jian fa]. The word for hair 发 [fa] happens to sound the same as 法 [fa] which means method. So addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are all literally written as add method, subtract method, multiply method, and division method.

Joey’s Corner:
So I guess we can look forward to seeing Xiong Er in a dress! xD
Also, poor Qin Yu, being told he was an idiot by MiaoMiao. Clearly he is so much smarter than MiaoMiao, but MiaoMiao just won’t believe him.

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