Qin Yu was still a bit puzzled, but MiaoMiao sighed helplessly like a little adult and said: “The other children are so pitiful. Yu Tou, at your old kindergarten, if the kids didn’t have any pocket money, how did they buy snacks?”

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“The kindergarten didn’t have a little kiosk, so even if you had money you couldn’t buy anything. You could only wait until you went home and asked your parents.” Qin Yu said: “It should be because we didn’t know how to count yet.”

“I used to need to count my fingers and toes. It seems like there are a lot of kids like me.” When MiaoMiao heard this, she was very relieved. “My mommy said, there are many girls that are better at Chinese and English, while boys are better at math. What about you, Yu Tou?”

“No, I think they are all simple.” Yu Tou innocently blinked his eyes.

MiaoMiao: “… …” I suddenly feel a bit jealous.

Qin Yu saw MiaoMiao’s slightly pouting look and quickly comforted. “Honestly, it isn’t always true. Each person has their own things they are good at.”

MiaoMiao nodded her little head and said: “Either way, I need to study hard. When I don’t know something, I will ask you. There’s also Xiong Da and Xiong Er. I will have three little teachers!”

Qin Yu made a “Mmm” sound but he thought: You won’t have a chance to find Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

That weekend, Qin Yu went to MiaoMiao’s house. Xiong Da and Xiong Er also came down. The four children waited in Fu Rou’s yoga room. When the two dance teachers came, they started to teach them to dance.

The teachers were one male and one female and specifically taught male and female dances. MiaoMiao and Xiong Er were in the group with the female teacher and Qin Yu and Xiong Da were with the male teacher on the other side.

The beautiful female dance teacher originally thought it was strange that a boy, Xiong Er, was following her dance, but she thought that the parents had agreed, so she didn’t think much about it.

According to MiaoMiao’s request, the two teachers taught a boy-girl partner dance. At first they practised separately, but after three classes, the children were familiar with their dance steps and could dance together.

The dance was fairly simple and took a total of three minutes. In the middle there was a section that was repeated. Since the dance was not fast, there weren’t very many moves.

The teacher separately showed each move to the children and ascertained that the four children could do each move separately and didn’t need to adapt any of the moves, before they started to breakdown each move.

MiaoMiao’s chubby face was very serious. Because the children’s stamina was poor, each class was only 40 minutes. After the first 8 beats of a move was broken down, they would start to dance at the normal speed. If they wanted to do all the moves continuously, then it would depend on the children’s memory.

Before the dance teachers left they said: “MiaoMiao, I heard you have WeChat. Tonight, teacher will dance what we learned today and record it for you. If you have time you can watch the video and remember the actions. But remember not to practice too much. You need to be watch out for your healthy.”

“Okay! I know!” MiaoMiao quickly nodded her little head.

The teachers left and the four kids started to play hide and seek.

When kids play hide and seek, the places they hid were very simple. If it was not in the closet or under the bed, there were also a few corners.

The last time they played, the first person to get caught was Qin Yu. So this time he will be the first person to be the seeker.

Qin Yu faced the wall and started to count backwards: “Thirty, twenty nine, twenty eight,… … three, two, one!”

After yelling out “one”, Qin Yu immediately turned around and his chubby body looked around.

He was counting down in the living room. Before they started playing, Fu Rou had gone upstairs to find Jiang FangFang to chat. The servants had also gone out to buy groceries.

After all they were just a floor apart, if anything happens to the children, they can directly contact them.

Qin Yu’s little head looked left and then looked right. He lowered his head to look underneath the sofa. The area was too small, there person could not fit. Then he went to the master bedroom and master bedroom. He went around the bed and next to the bed was the master bedroom’s walk in closet.

The walk-in closet was very big and filled with adult clothing. Qin Yu looked at the partially transparent cabinets and made sure there was no one inside. He was going to keep looking when he noticed that the corner of a piece of clothing stuck out… …

Looking at the color, it should be the pink dress that MiaoMiao was wearing today… …

Qin Yu: “… …” That was a bit too careless, isn’t it?

Qin Yu pretended that he didn’t see it and opened a few big cabinets to check.

Hidden in one of the smaller cabinets, MiaoMiao started to shiver when she heard the sounds.

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How did Yu Tou come searching for her so quickly? QAQ Do I need to be the seeker next?

However, Qin Yu only randomly chose a few cabinets to open and then he left the closet and checked the bathroom and then he changed locations.

The first person to be found was Xiong Er.

Xiong Er didn’t know where he heard this phrase: The most dangerous place, is the most safest place!

So he hid in the kitchen. He didn’t enter any of the cupboards and just boldly stood next to the refrigerator.

Qin Yu went into the kitchen and then turned his head to see him standing there. Their four eyes met and Xiong Er awkwardly laughed. “Am I the first person to be found?”

“The first.” Qin Yu honestly replied.

Xiong Er: “… …” The most dangerous place doesn’t seem to be the safest.

Xiong Da hid underneath MiaoMiao’s desk in her room. When he went in, he even placed MiaoMiao’s little chair in front of him, to try and cover up his body. But it didn’t hlep, the moment Qin Yu entered MiaoMiao’s room, he immediately saw him.

Then Qin Yu quickly ran to the closet and pretended that he had looked all over the house but still couldn’t find her, before remembering that he didn’t open all the cabinets and came back to look.

After MiaoMiao came out, she taught Qin Yu: “Yu Tou, how could you be so careless and didn’t open all the cabinets.”

Qin Yu: “… …” If I opened them all, then you would be the seeker for the next round!

Qin Yu felt wronged, but he didn’t say anything.

MiaoMiao saw that he was silent and thought that her words were useful and he was contemplating it. She patted his shoulder and said: “Yu Tou, you need to be more careful in the future.”

“Yes. I know.” Qin Yu responded at a loss.

In the next two weeks, on the weekends, the four children will attend the dance class together. After the moves were all taught, the children also watched the video on their own. They also remembered all the moves.

Qin Yu also lost weight very quickly during this time. Ever since MiaoMiao increased his Health Value to 80, each week he was able to lose three pounds. For a child, losing weight like this was a bit too fast. MiaoMiao made sure he ate eggs everyday to hopefully replenish the thing called protein.

Qin Yu’s weight had already dropped to forty pounds and had become slightly fatter than most children. He was no longer very fat compared to them.

On Sunday, Qin Yu went out with his mother to buy clothes, so the dance class was in the afternoon.

As Xia ChenXi helped her son pick out clothes, she kept saying: “BaoBei, you are already very skinny now. In the future, you don’t need to work as hard to lose weight, okay? Starting from today, during each meal, you need to eat a bowl of rice. You can’t skimp out on it. I will talk to your little desk mate later, so that she can keep an eye on you at school.”

Qin Yu’s face was a little red. “Mommy, I won’t do the same things as before.” MiaoMiao liked chubby kids, he can’t become too skinny. He needs MiaoMiao to like him.

Xia ChenXi didn’t believe his words, so she switched topics and asked what kind of clothes he liked.

Qin Yu’s looks were as MiaoMiao predicted. He would become good looking after becoming skinny. His parents had good genes and before he got sick, he was also a cute baby. Now that he became skinny, he naturally looked a lot better.

Xia ChenXi happily picked out children clothes according to his tastes.

Recently the temperature had also been slowly rising. It was already time to switch seasons. They needed to buy new clothing for spring and summer’s clothing also need to be prepared. After all spring and fall were both rather short seasons and for winter’s clothes, they can wait until fall before preparing.

After Xia ChenXi started buying, she found it difficult to stop herself. She swiped her card happily and left an address for them to send the clothes other. She only left a set of exercise clothes for Qin Yu to immediately change into.

That afternoon, when Qin Yu arrived at MiaoMiao’s house, Xiong Da and Xiong Er almost didn’t recognize him when they saw him.

Qin Yu and MiaoMiao saw each other six times a week. Xiong Da and Xiong Er only saw them once a week. Since they had to practice singing during their free activity class, they were unable to find time to play with them. The last time they see each other would be the previous weekend.

“Qin Yu, you got even skinnier. You’re amazing.” Xiong Da looked at him in worship. “My mommy doesn’t dare to eat much each day. She says that it’s hard to lose weight once become fat. But you can lose so quickly. That’s amazing.”

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Qin Yu’s face turned red in embarrassment and said: “Honestly, I am not that amazing. Before it took a long time to lose weight. It was only recently that I lost weight quickly.”

As he spoke, he expectantly looked at MiaoMiao. “MiaoMiao, should I become a bit more skinny?”

MiaoMiao frantically shook her head. “Yu Tou, right now you’re a cute kind of chubby. Starting from now, you have to start eating normally.”

Qin Yu thought for a bit and then nodded his head.

This week was QingMing (Grave Sweeping Day), so there was an extra day of rest. The kids could basically all dance already, so after this class ended, the teacher’s jobs were done. The rest could be left up to the kids to practice on their own.

On Monday, when Qin Yu wore his cute new clothes and carried his little backpack, and got off the car to enter the kindergarten, there were many girls looking at him.

Qin Yu lowered his head and walked to his classroom without any confidence. MiaoMiao had arrived a bit earlier and she obediently sat in her seat. Today she was wearing a blue dress.

Qin Yu looked at his dark blue exercise clothes and thought that the color was also very good.

He put down his backpack and said: “Good morning, MiaoMiao.”

“Morning.” MiaoMiao lifted her little head. Qin Yu then noticed that she was eating a red bean paste bun. The bean paste looked very sweet.

TL Note: Red Bean buns

MiaoMiao drank a mouthful of milk and then said: “The Auntie who helps cook wasn’t there today, so Mommy could only help me buy some breakfast outside. I didn’t finish eating it in the car.”

The apartment complex was only three kilometres or so from the school, so it was very convenient. There was not enough time for the children to finish their breakfast in the car. MiaoMiao still had half a bun left. Qin Yu was already full, but when he saw that bun, he also felt a little hungry.

Qin Yu was looking at MiaoMiao and the other children were looking at him.

A little girl wearing a puffy dress quickly ran over and said. “Qin Yu, this is for you.”

Then the little girl passed over a cute pink candy. Her face was very red and looked very embarrassed.

The girl giving the candy was called Zhou Lan. She was Zhou Shu’s elder female cousin. She was only older than Zhou Shu by a month. Zhou Lan was a very popular girl in the class because she was very cute and also very smart. Before MiaoMiao scored 300, she was the student the teachers loved to praise the most.

Qin Yu looked at the candy and said: “I cannot eat things that are too sweet. You should eat it yourself.”

Zhou Lan didn’t know that it was because Qin Yu didn’t want to accept her gift and had tactfully refused it. She only nodded and ran away shyly. She thought about what should she give him tomorrow.

MiaoMiao blinked and then curiously asked: “Yu Tou, why does Zhou Lan want to give you candy? Does she like you?”

Joey’s Corner:
Wow. I’m amazed at how observant MiaoMiao can be about Zhou Lan’s thoughts, but I’m surprised that she doesn’t anything about how Qin Yu treats her.
I’ve also realized that no one knows that Xiong Er learned the female part of the dance. I wonder at what point the adults will find out?

Due to MiaoMiao, even if the students in Class 1 thought Qin Yu was fat, they would never open their mouths to say it. Even though MiaoMiao didn’t have particularly good relationships with the other kids, but they had never gotten into fights. In addition to this, the other children all liked pretty faces. Since MiaoMiao is cute, they liked her.

But Zhou Lan was an exception.

Starting this semester, the teachers kept praising MiaoMiao for being smart. And in turn, the praises she received had reduced a lot. She felt like MiaoMiao had stolen something from her. Since she hated MiaoMiao, she also hated MiaoMiao’s fat desk mate.

But after the fatty lost weight, he’s actually very handsome!

Qin Yu didn’t understand. “I don’t know, but my mom said, unless you are good friends, you can’t carelessly eat other people’s things. You can’t covet other people’s things, but you can share among your friends.”

MiaoMiao quickly nodded her little head. It’s like how she really likes it when Yu Tou gives her chocolate!

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The next day, Zhou Lan switched to giving bread, but Qin Yu still refused.

On the third day, Zhou Lan tried to give a bottle of water, but Qin Yu still refused.

Zhou Lan sulked and looked at him. “Qin Yu, you don’t want to accept any of my presents?”

Qin Yu looked at her strangely. “You only just realized that now?” So dumb.

Zhou Lan’s eyes immediately filled with tears and she couldn’t hold them back. “You… you’re too much. If you didn’t want it, you should have said so earlier.”

Qin Yu scratched his head in confusion. “But my mommy said, girls have thin skin, so I need to tactfully refuse.”

Before Qin Yu had gotten sick, he was quite a handsome baby. When he was at his previous kindergarten, the other two year old children didn’t understand what “like” was, but they were all very nice to good looking children.

There were a lot of kids who gave presents to Qin Yu, there boys and girls would give him presents. Qin Yu didn’t like to receive presents from other people, so he had always refused. But there were a few girls who started crying after being refused. Furthermore, after they started crying, they wouldn’t stop. The teachers even thought he was bullying girls and had even called the parents.

But it was because he had refused to accept a present and the girl’s skin was too thin, so she started crying.

Xia ChenXi taught him, that if he was to refuse, he should do it tactfully.

But looking at this, it seems like what his mom said wasn’t quite correct.

He was tactful, but it seems like the other person didn’t understand and even started to blame him.

Zhou Lan angrily ran off, but before she left she even unhappily made a “Hmph” at MiaoMiao.

MiaoMiao immediately furrowed her brows. “Why did she “hmph” me? I didn’t do anything.”

Qin Yu also expressed that he didn’t know.

During free activity class, the teacher brought the other students to practice and just as MiaoMiao and Qin Yu were about to leave, the teacher called out. “MiaoMiao and Xiao Yu, wait a moment.”

The two children stopped their steps and the teacher hurriedly caught up and said: “You guys should join in for the song. Since Xiao Yu has gotten skinny, the clothes will fit him.”

Qin Yu clenched his fists, even though he did lose weight to go on stage, but he didn’t want to agree to the teacher. But MiaoMiao… … would she want to?

Qin Yu was worried, but he heard MiaoMiao say: “We won’t be joining in to sing and we won’t dance the dance from before. We have our own event.”

“Eh? What do you mean, your own event?” The teacher asked in confusion.

“We planned our own dance. Me and Qin Yu and Xiong Da and Xiong Er. The four of us will perform.” MiaoMiao happily replied.

The teacher furrowed her brows and said: “This isn’t possible. The graduation ceremony has already been planned out. There are no performances from students that are from different classes. MiaoMiao, don’t throw a tantrum, okay?”

“I’m not throwing a tantrum. Even if there is no one watching us perform, we will still dance! I will ask my parents to record it. I am dancing for my parents to see!” MiaoMiao arrogantly finished her words and took Qin Yu’s hand. “We’re going to play now.”

The teacher looked at them leaving in astonishment.

It was common for conflicts to occur between the children and the teachers. After all there were always some mischievous kids who don’t want to listen to the teacher. But MiaoMiao had always been very obedient. The first time she didn’t listen to the teacher’s words was when Qin Yu couldn’t perform with the other children in Class 1. This was the second time.

The teacher helplessly shook her head. Rich children were all headstrong and unruly. The graduation ceremony had already been planned out, how could they add another event? Even if their parents were there, after the other performances were over, the curtain would come down. How would they record it? How would they dance if there was no music?

Kids were kids, and definitely wouldn’t have thought that much. Since they don’t want to participate, that’s fine. After all, she had already invited them. When they find out they wouldn’t have the chance to go on stage, the ones who will cry will be them. She just needed to explain to the parents.

After MiaoMiao left the class, she was still muttering. “I originally really liked the teacher. But now, its seems I’m liking her less and less.”

Qin Yu asked: “Why?”

“When you were fat, they didn’t let you participate. When you are skinny, you can participate. Isn’t this… uhhh? Something criminate?” MiaoMiao patted her little head. She couldn’t remember the term.

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“Discriminate?” Qin Yu asked.

“Yes, yes!” MiaoMiao quickly nodded her head. “That’s the one! The teacher isn’t fair at all. She also keeps saying that she treats each child the same. She clearly doesn’t!”

As she spoke, MiaoMiao was a bit angry. “Before when we left, she didn’t care. But now that you’re skinny, she wants us to go back. We aren’t going to go back! We will dance our own dance! Our performance will definitely be better than theirs! Hmph!”

Qin Yu heard MiaoMiao’s headstrong words and nodded his head. “Our performance will definitely work out!”

The graduation ceremony was going to happen in May, and the kids in the advanced class will graduate at the beginning on June.

During the labor day holiday on May 1st, Qin Yu, Xiong Da and Xiong Er came to MiaoMiao’s house to practice. They no longer needed the teachers and could dance on their own.

After practice that day, MiaoMiao said: “Should we start preparing clothes? I want to wear a cute dress. Xiong Er, what will you wear?”

“I will wear the same as Little Aunt.” Xiong Er shyly said. He had coveted Little Aunt’s cute clothing for a long time. As long as Little Aunt likes it, then it definitely would be cute and he would like it!

“Then I will ask Mommy to give me some money and we can go pick.”

MiaoMiao made a plan and then went to find Fu Rou. Fu Rou brought her to a place that sold children’s performance clothes. MiaoMiao picked out two cute dresses that were similar in style, but were still slightly different. Xiong Da and Qin Yu could just wear their own little suits on stage.

Fu Rou saw that she had picked out two cute dresses. She only thought that MiaoMiao simply liked both and didn’t think much of it.

At this moment, Fu Rou would never have thought that when she saw the children perform next week, how shocked she would be.

“Mommy, the teacher said that the performances in the kindergarten can’t be arbitrarily added to. At that time, MiaoMiao, Xiong Da, Xiong Er and Qin Yu can only wait until the other children have finished performing before going on stage. There might be no one watching. Mommy, can you make Daddy come watch? Big brother and sister in law need to come too. Yu Tou will also ask his parents.”

MiaoMiao looked at Fu Rou hopefully. “This way, our performance will have 6 people watching! Even though there will be fewer people watching than the other kids, but MiaoMiao will still be very happy.”

When Fu Rou heard this, her heart felt a bit sour and could only smile and say: “Okay, Mommy will tell Daddy and make sure he finishes his work and then go watch MiaoMiao perform.”

“Thank you, Mommy.” As she spoke, MiaoMiao kissed Fu Rou’s cheek.

Fu Rou smiled and patted her little head. In her heart she thought that it didn’t matter how much money she needed to use, but she had to make the kindergarten lend out the stage for her daughter to perform.

Her BaoBei had practised so hard, how can there only be 6 spectators? So all the other attendants can’t leave! They all need to watch my daughter dance!

At this moment, the teachers in charge of planning the graduation ceremony had stay behind to do overtime and discussing the event.

Class 2’s Teacher Zhu, looked at Class 1’s teacher: “I heard that Qin Yu, who had transferred to you class has become skinny? Does this mean during your group song you will need to add people? Is there enough time for them to practice? Are they able to keep up?”

Class 1’s Teacher Hu helplessly shook her head. “You don’t have to worry. I asked them already, they don’t want to go on stage. It should be because of the incident from before, where they got angry at me. They even said that they had prepared their own performance and they will go on stage themselves to perform. Kids are so naive, after the performances end, the curtains will come down. There will only be a little bit of space in the front and there will be no one to play music for them. How will they perform their dance?”

“Then what should we do?” Teacher Zhu asked. “Did you tell them?”

“What can we do? After all, when I asked them to come back to perform, they didn’t listen and simply said they are going to go out to play. These rich kids all have a big temper. When they find out that they can’t perform, they will definitely cry. I can only wait and then explain to their parents.”

Teacher Hu thought about this matter and was still unhappy. “MiaoMiao is normally an obedient kid, I never thought her temper would be so big. I didn’t prevent her from performing. It was just that Qin Yu was too fat and I didn’t want to let him go on stage, there simply won’t be clothes for him. She made it seem like I was doing it on purpose.”

Teacher Zhu awkwardly smiled. Honestly, she had known what Teacher Hu has said to refuse. She had said that Qin Yu was too fat and there were no clothes in his size. But the clothes the children were going to perform in, they were only setting the order down now. Previously they had simply only had to decide on the style and hadn’t put down the order yet! There was still time to change the clothes.

Even if there wasn’t time to change it, kids who could come to Little Star Kindergarten could definitely just give a bit more money to people to tailor an entire set of clothes. There was no possibility of clothes not having Qin Yu’s size. It was just that Teacher Hu was too lazy to do it.

She had directly asked Qin Yu to not go on stage for this reason and didn’t discuss it with Qin Yu’s parents. How could this be the right approach.

Despite thinking this, Teacher Zhu saw the indifferent look on Teacher Hu’s face and didn’t remind her. She felt that even if she said it, Teacher Hu would not care about it.

Joey’s Corner:
Wow. This teacher. I have no words. I really also don’t like her. Qin Yu’s only 3 and you’re not letting a three year old go on stage to perform with the rest of the class just because he’s fat! What kind of preschool teacher are you! I can’t believe that the reason why she did it was because she was too lazy to. I had just thought that oh, the clothes they were using for the performance were something they used every year and it would be difficult to create new ones because the new ones wouldn’t be the same as the old ones. But she is just lazy!

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