Teacher Zhu saw the four kids standing in a daze. They had clearly not fully understood what had just happened. She quickly said: “It’s time for your performance. Quick. Go on stage!”

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“Ah! Okay!” MiaoMiao happily jumped up and pulled Qin Yu as she quickly ran forward. “Xiong Da, Xiong Er, hurry up!”

Xiong Da quickly pulled Xiong Er. “Run! We need to get to the center and get into the correct positions!”

After speaking, the four kids ran faster.

Even though it was just a kindergarten’s graduation performance they still had quite a large stage, since there needed to be enough space for the entire class to sing together. The dance the teacher taught the four children was quite simper, since the children were young and had short legs, the dance steps were also not excessive or the children wouldn’t be able to keep up even if they ran.

The four children ran to the center of the stage and got into position. The curtains opened and the music started to play.

MiaoMiao originally was worried that she would be so nervous she would forget the movements. But the audience wasn’t lit up and only the stage was lit up. When she looked down, it was just a sea of black, she couldn’t see anything at all.

At this moment MiaoMiao’s heart started to rapidly speed up.

Sitting in the first row of the audience, the Wen family saw that the kids that came out on stage were two boys and two girls. They were a bit surprised, they expected there to be another boy that would come out after, so they pulled out their phones and started to record.

But… …

When the kids turned as they danced, Xiong Da and Xiong Er came to the front of the stage, Jiang FangFang was thoroughly stunned.

Even though his hairstyle had changed and he was wearing a skirt. But it was her son’s face. How could she not recognize him!!!

Even though she regretted she didn’t have a pair of dragon and phoenix twins, but that didn’t mean that she wanted her son to dress up as a girl!

Wen FanChu was also stunned. He immediately stiffened and deeply started to wonder what the sex of his son was!

When Wen FuChen and Fu Rou saw this, they were also surprised. Fu Rou’s hand shook and her phone fell onto the leg and then slid onto the ground.

When she came back to her senses, she quickly took her husband’s phone to light up the ground to find her phone.

Fu Rou’s hands shook as she recorded. Since she was recording, it would have recorded her voice, so she didn’t speak.

The other people didn’t know that Xiong Er was a boy, so they didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with the performance. The four children were all very cute.

After the music played for a minute they switched places. Now it was Qin Yu and MiaoMiao in the front dancing, and Xiong Da and Xiong Er were dancing on the side accompanying them.

The two children danced very well. In the middle there was a section were the music slowed down. At this time they included a few waltz steps. The little gentlemen would hold the little lady in their dance. It looked especially cute.

Jiang FangFang heard some parents discussing behind them. “These four children dance very well. They are also very cute. Those two girls are especially adorable.”

Jiang FangFang: “… …” No. There’s only one girl on stage! QAQ

When the music stopped, they froze in the last position. The audience all started clapping. The claps were very loud. MiaoMiao was out of breath, but she was very happy. There were so many people who watched her performance! And they even clapped for her too!

When the children got off stage, Xiong Er happily said: “Little Aunt, the wig you bought is so good. It didn’t fall off!”

“It is. I spend a hundred dollars to buy it!” That was two days of pocket money! MiaoMiao’s heart hurt when she thought about it.

Xiong Er carefully rubbed the wig and said: “Then can you give it to me?”

“Okay.” MiaoMiao generously agreed. After all, today was the performance, everyone worked hard and she wouldn’t need the wig in the future anyways.

Xiong Da was a bit jealous. Why can his little brother get a present from Little Aunt and he gets nothing?

When he thought about this, he said: “Little Aunt, can you give the hair clip to me then? Your strawberry hair clip is very cute.”

“Okay.” MiaoMiao also agreed.

Even though the strawberry hair clip was very cute and she liked it, she had many cute hair clips at home. MiaoMiao didn’t mind if she gave one away. Besides, she couldn’t only give a present to Xiong Er without giving one to Xiong Da.

With that thought, Yu Tou should also get a present. So she held Qin Yu’s little hand and said: “Yu Tou, I’ll give you your present on your birthday. I’ll give you two!”

Qin Yu’s face turned red. “One is okay.” If there were two, then it would be too expensive. MiaoMiao only had fifty dollars of pocket money a day and she already gave out a wig and a hair clip. Now she wanted to give him two presents. Then MiaoMiao wouldn’t have any money in her piggy bank anymore.

MiaoMiao had already said to Qin Yu that she had a piggy bank and had even showed him the piggy bank. She didn’t know how much she had saved, but if Qin Yu followed what she says, then from this semester, she would have fifty dollars of pocket money a day. Each day she could save about twenty five dollars. If you think about it like that, it is quite a bit.

MiaoMiao quickly said: “Yu Tou, don’t worry. I have saved quite a bit of money. There’s quite a few twenty dollar bills, many ten dollar bills, and five dollar bills too. There are also a lot of coins!”

MiaoMiao had forgotten how much of each bill that she had, but after adding them up, there should definitely be a lot of money. She’s going to be a rich little lady soon!

“Wow! Little Aunt, how did you save up that much money? You don’t use up the fifty dollars each day?” Xiong Da was surprised.

“Mhm, you guys use it all up?” MiaoMiao looked at them with a bit of confusion.

The four children each had fifty dollars a day of pocket money. She felt that twenty five dollars was enough for a day. How did they spend fifty dollars?

Qin Yu embarrassed scratched his head and said: “I buy quite a few tea eggs each day.”

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Because he needed to eat a lot of protein, Qin Yu would eat at least four tea eggs a day. He would also buy milk to drink. The milk he would buy was the most expensive milk in the little kiosk, since he thinks that the most expensive one would be the one with the most nutrients. Each day he would drink two bottles of milk. Each day he would spend forty dollars on just these alone. With the extra left over, he would buy other stuff too, so he wasn’t able save much money.

Xiong Da said: “Xiong Er and I would buy lots of snacks each day. We will always use up all our pocket money each day.”

“How can you eat that much?” MiaoMiao felt a bit of contempt. “Even though you guys eat this much, Xiong Da, Xiong Er, you guys don’t grow any meat at all. What a waste of food!”

They definitely weren’t as cute as Qin Yu’s chubby look!

Xiong Da and Xiong Er felt that they were disliked by their Little Aunt and immediately lowered their little heads.

“I want to save a lot of money so I can be a rich lady in the future!” MiaoMiao happily lifted her little head and spoke out her goal. “After I fill up my piggy bank, I’ll ask my Daddy to buy me another piggy bank!”

Qin Yu thought, since MiaoMiao liked to save money so much, then he should save some too.

After all, he can start to eat normally now, so he doesn’t need to eat so many eggs and drink milk to increase his protein intake. Especially the milk, sometimes after drinking it, his stomach would be a bit uncomfortable.

Qin Yu didn’t know that that was lactose intolerance and he thought that in a few days it would be his birthday. He wants a piggy bank for his birthday present!

The four children went from the backstage back to the audience. The graduation ceremony had ended and many parents were leaving. They planned to stand and wait for the people to leave before looking for their parents.

MiaoMiao hugged Fu Rou’s leg. “Mommy, did you help MiaoMiao record it? When MiaoMiao was looking down from the stage, it was all black. I couldn’t see you guys at all!”

“Mommy recorded it. Baobei danced very well.” Fu Rou smiled and said. It was just that the beginning, her phone fell to the ground, so there was a section that wasn’t clear.

It was just that seeing Xiong Er wearing those clothes were just too surprising!

When MiaoMiao heard that it had been recorded, she was ecstatic and immediately wanted to watch it. After watching the video, she found out that there was a section that was just black. She curiously asked: “Mommy, why was nothing recorded here?”

“Mommy saw ChaoPei wearing a dress and a wig and was surprised. I didn’t hold my phone well and it fell onto the ground.” Fu Rou explained.

MiaoMiao nodded her little head. “Xiong Er was very cute. No wonder Mommy wasn’t able to hold her phone properly.”

Fu Rou: “… …” No, I didn’t hold my phone properly wasn’t only because he was cute.

At this momeny, Xiong Er looked at his parents shyly. “Did… Did I dance well?”

Wen FanChu and Jiang FangFang’s both had complicated expressions on their faces. In the end they only replied with one word: “Good.”

It would be better if he was wearing boys clothes.

Xiong Er was still wearing the little dress, because it was cold that day, he was even wearing girl’s stockings and MiaoMiao’s cute rounded princess shoes. The shoes had a clasp on the side and there was even a flower on the button. It looked extremely cute.

He was still wearing the wig and the strawberry hair clip. If they didn’t know that this was their son, Wen FanChu and Jiang FanFang would think that their little daughter was extremely cute.

When the returned home, Xiong Er posed in front of the mirror for a long time and didn’t want to take his clothes off. He also didn’t want to give the strawberry hair clip to his brother.

But his little aunt had said, the strawberry hair clip was to be given to his brother. He had the dress and the wig and his big brother only got a hair clip. It wasn’t much. So he didn’t feel very regretful and took the strawberry hair clip off and passed it to Xiong Da: “Big brother, you need to keep this hair clip well. I might need to borrow it from you in the future!”

“Okay, then I want to borrow your wig and dress!” Xiong Da thought, it would be fair this way, right? Since his little brother wants to borrow from him, he can also borrow from his little brother!

With that thought, Xiong Da was very happy.

It was almost time for Qin Yu’s birthday. Qin Yu said that he wanted to invite MiaoMiao over for his birthday and his parents naturally agreed.

After, Qin Yu also put out another request: “I… I want to buy a piggy bank. I want to save the leftover pocket money from each day.”

That night, Xia ChenXi took Qin Yu out to buy a piggy bank. Qin Yu looked for a long time. That store did not have the piggy bank that MiaoMiao had and he shook his head in disappointment. “Mommy, I don’t like the piggy banks here. I want a piggy bank with a bow.”

Xia ChenXi: “… …? BaoBei, why do you want a bow on a boy’s piggy bank?”

“MiaoMiao’s piggy bank is very cute. It has a bow on it!” Qin Yu seriously said: “I want one that is the same as MiaoMiao’s.”

Xia ChenXi smiled and rubbed his little head and said: “Silly child, if you buy one, it can be similar, but it doesn’t need to be exactly the same.”

“Why?” Qin Yu didn’t understand.

“Think about Daddy and Mommy’s things. They are all similar, but they are not the same, right?” Xia ChenXi smiled. She could already tell that her little BaoBei liked that little girl.

But he wasn’t even 4 years old yet, there’s no way it can be considered puppy love, so she won’t expose it. Besides, right now the children just have good feelings towards each other, she’ll wait and see how it turns out.

Qin Yu thought for a bit and realized that that’s true. The cups that Daddy and Mommy use for brushing their teeth are the same style, but the colour is different. When they go out, they wear the same colours, but the styles are different.

That is to say, there are similarities and there are differences.

Qin Yu thought for a bit and then looked for a while. Then he saw one that had a cute piggy bank wearing a bow tie under its chin. He pointed to that one. “Mommy, I want that one.”

MiaoMiao’s piggy bank had a bow on the top of its head, so with a single look, you can tell its a girl. This one is under its chin, its just like a boy wearing a suit with a bow tie, right? So it should be a boy!

They both had piggy banks that were pigs and it completely adhered to what his mother sait. They were similar, but not exactly the same!

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Xia ChenXi looked at the piggy bank and saw that it had a hole for removing the money and bought it.

Qin Yu returned home and carefully looked over his piggy bank, then he took out his iPad to take a photo and sent it to MiaoMiao with a voice message: “MiaoMiao, I also bought a piggy bank. Starting from today, let’s save money together.”

When MiaoMiao received the message she immediately replied: “Wow! Yu Tou, your piggy bank is so cute! It’s also a pig! Mine is a pig too!”

After she spoke, even though she knew that Qin Yu had seen her piggy bank before, she still took a picture and sent it to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu looked at the two piggy banks in the conversation history and felt that they was very suitable for being desk mates! Just like him and MiaoMiao!

On Qin Yu’s birthday, MiaoMiao opened the plug on her piggy bank.

She took out quite a few bills. She took many twenty dollar bills and neatly stacked them together and then bound them, then she put the other bills and coins back into the piggy bank and put her piggy bank back into its space.

She took the money with her out of the room and ran to find her mother. “Mommy, tomorrow is Yu Tou’s birthday, MiaoMiao wants to buy a present for Yu Tou. Mommy, bring MiaoMiao out okay?”

“Okay. But what present does MiaoMiao want to buy for him?” Fu Rou smiled and asked. “Different presents need to be bought in different locations.”

MiaoMiao furrowed her little brows and thought for a while and said: “MiaoMiao doesn’t know yet. I feel like Yu Tou already has everything.”

Fu Rou thought about and felt that that’s about right. To be able to live in this complex, what would a child lack?

She thought about it a bit more and said: “Then how about MiaoMiao gives a special present? Then we wouldn’t need to buy it?”

MiaoMiao was a little doubtful: “In this world, there are things you don’t need to buy?”

“You can make it yourself. You still have to buy it, but if you buy the materials, then it’s good enough. How about MiaoMiao make a little card as a toy and then give it to him. Or you can make something else.”

MiaoMiao furrowed her brows and thought for a long time. Then her eyes lit up. “Mommy, then bring MiaoMiao to the stationary store! MiaoMiao knows what she wants to buy!”

Fu Rou curiously asked: “What?”

MiaoMiao gleefully said: “I can’t tell Mommy. This is MiaoMiao and Yu Tou’s secret!”

Fu Rou: “… …” It was my suggestion, and you still have a seret!

Fu Rou brought MiaoMiao to a nearby stationary store. At this stationary store, other than stationary there were also some game sets.

MiaoMiao wants to give Yu Tou two presents, she got ready to buy a game set and something she makes. For the game, she planned to get one that they can play each day before their afternoon nap. For the thing she plans to make, she wants to make something Qin Yu can use.

MiaoMiao thought about it, since the graduation ceremony had ended, they could still play airplane chess with Xiong Da and Xiong Er, so she bought a basic set of airplane chess that would be suitable for children. Then MiaoMiao also bought ten wish cards.

TL Note: Airplane chess is a very basic board game that’s very similar to Sorry! It has mostly the same rules? I haven’t played it in years, so I’m a bit fuzzy on some of the details.

Fu Rou saw the request cards and laughed as she asked: “BaoBei wants to give these wish cards to Qin Yu and let him request things?”

MiaoMiao nodded her little head: “Yup. Yu Tou already has everything and MiaoMiao doesn’t know what to give. So he can just tell MiaoMiao what he wants and MiaoMiao can help. For his birthday each year, MiaoMiao will give him ten wish cards.”

“BaoBei, there’s no sincerity if you give him the same present each year. You need to change it up sometimes.” Fu Rou laughed as she rubbed her little head.

MiaoMiao furrowed her brows in distress. “Oh, its like that? Then for next year’s present, MiaoMiao will need to think harder.”

It didn’t matter if it was the airplane chess or the wish cards, they were not expensive things.

The two added together was just about a dozen dollars.

Children didn’t care about how much a present cost, they really only cared about whether or not they liked it.

MiaoMiao also bought a pretty blue bag and a pretty bow. She planned to put her presents inside later, so that her present would look prettier.

That night, she carefully placed the presents into the paper bag and used double sided tape to stick the bow on. Then she waited for Fu Rou to put all the things she needed for tomorrow into her backpack before carefully placing the present at the very top.

The next day, it was Qin Yu’s birthday but they still had to go to kindergarten.

When MiaoMiao reached the kindergarten that day, she saw that Qin Yu had arrived earlier. She put down her little backpack and said: “Yu Tou, you’re very early today.”

“Yup, I came over after I woke up.” Qin Yu was a little shy. He was a little embarrassed to say, that because he was able to invite his friend to his house to spend his birthday, he was already very happy.

MiaoMiao opened her little backpack and took out the birthday present and passed it to him. “This is for you. i bought you a birthday present!”

Qin Yu eye’s lit up and happily received it. “Thank you! Can I open it right now?”

“Yup.” Maybe they could play together during today’s free activity class!

Qin Yu carefully opened the paper bag, inside there was a box and it was wrapped very prettily. He opened it to take a look and inside there was a rectangular box and something that looked rectangular.

MiaoMiao pointed at the rectangular box and said: “This is airplane chess, in the future we can play together in the free activity class! These are wish cards, I don’t know what you like, so I bought this for you. If you want something, you can let me know and I will work hard to do it!”

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Qin Yu quickly nodded his little head and opened the wish card to take a look and found out there were quite a few. He looked at MiaoMiao in confusion. “For just one birthday, I can have this many wish cards?”

“Mommy said, I can’t give the same present every year, so you won’t get this every year.” MiaoMiao furrowed her brows and said: “Thinking of a birthday present is very hard, I’m already thinking about what to give Yu Tou for his birthday next year.”

Qin Yu puffed up his little face and said. “If you can’t come up with anything, you can always give me food. I can also give you food.”

“Okay!” MiaoMiao quickly nodded and agreed. She was good at giving food! If she takes her pocket money to the little kiosk, she can buy a big bag of snacks for Yu Tou!

During the third class in the morning, MiaoMiao and Qin Yu started to play airplane chess. They put the set on the desk and called Xiong Da and Xiong Er over. The four children started to play together!

However, after the class ended, they were still not done.

MiaoMiao furrowed her little brows in distress. “What should we do? We need to go eat lunch.”

“Hmm… How about we record it and continue tomorrow?” Xiong Da suggested.

“Okay.” MiaoMiao could only nod. She took out a notebook and recorded it down for everyone and also wrote down who should go first tomorrow. Then they cleaned it up and headed off to lunch.

Before the afternoon nap, Qin Yu curiously asked: “MiaoMiao, what kind of requests can I wish for?”

“Hm… As long as Yu Tou wants it, then you can ask. I will work hard to complete it.” MiaoMiao laughed as she spoke.

“Okay.” Qin Yu looked forward toward. His first request will be to be good friends with MiaoMiao for life.

That day after school, MiaoMiao directly followed Qin Yu to his house.

After the two little kids arrived to the house and gave their greetings. Qin Yu’s house also had a helper auntie. Xia ChenXi had went out to buy a cake and Qin YiFeng had not finished work yet.

Qin Yu sat in front of his little desk and wanted to write. He suddenly realized, he didn’t know how to write MiaoMiao’s name.

Qin Yu furrowed his little brows in distress and said: “MiaoMiao, how do you write your name?”

“My name is really simple. It’s three waters (水)! Mommy said, three waters is pronounced as Miao (淼)! There’s one that’s written on top in the center and there are two below it. I’ll write it for you!” MiaoMiao took the pencil in Qin Yu’s hand and wrote her name on some scrap paper.

There were quite a few strokes in the “Miao (淼)” character, but in fact, it was just three “water (水)” characters put together. It was actually quite simple for children.

“It’s so simple! My name is so difficult!” Qin Yu said and also wrote his “Yu (煜)” character on the paper.

MiaoMiao had seen Qin Yu’s name in the system before. She could use pin yin to recognize the character. Seeing that it needed so many strokes and how difficult it was, she felt that taro (芋头 yu tou) was very tasty, but it’s not easy to write at all!

Just the first character was already so difficult, if you add on the second character, it must be even more difficult!

“My last name is also very difficult.” MiaoMiao said. She furrowed her little brows. “When I was learning to write my name, I learned it quite quickly. But for my last name, it wasn’t easy to write. It took me a long time to learn!”

For the two MiaoMiao characters, as long as you could write the water character, then it was fine. But the “wen (温)” character for MiaoMiao wasn’t simple at all.

MiaoMiao curiously asked: “Yu Tou, what do you want to write?”

MiaoMiao curiously asked: “Yu Tou, what do you want to write?”

“I want to write: I want to be friends with MiaoMiao for life. (和淼淼当一辈子的朋友。) But other than the ‘一’ character, it seems like I don’t know how to write any of the other words.” Qin Yu furrowed his brows in furstration.

Even though the kindergarten had taught him quite a few words, but the brush strokes were all very simple.

Such as the characters for numbers one, two three, four (一二三四). The others were characters like mountain (山), big (大), and small (小), where there were very few brush strokes. Other than greetings like mommy and daddy, the rest were all characters that were easy to write.

“Then just wait until we have learned it before you write it!” MiaoMiao laughed and said: “Otherwise, even if you’ve written it, I wouldn’t be able to read it!”

Qin Yu nodded his little head. “Okay, wait until we grow older, then I will write my wish. You can’t forget about it. This is the first birthday present that MiaoMiao gave me.”

“I definitely won’t forget it.” MiaoMiao confidently patted her little chest.

When Xia ChenXi and Qin YiFeng returned, it was time to celebrate Qin Yu’s birthday. It wasn’t just them, there was also Qin Yu’s maternal grandparents as well as his paternal grandparents. MiaoMiao had a sweet mouth and smiled as she greeted the elders. Then everybody blew out the candles and cut the cake.

MiaoMiao was given a big piece. Xia ChenXi also specially selected a few extra pieces of fruit on top. Qin Yu’s slice of cake wasn’t very big, the two children ate and chatted in quiet voices on the side.

Qin Yu’s grandparents saw that he had a friend and was happy for the children. They also treated MiaoMiao very well.

When MiaoMiao returned home that night, she was still thinking about the taste of the cake. She straightforwardly started to bother Fu Rou. “Mommy, when it’s MiaoMiao’s birthday next month, can we buy a big cake? MiaoMiao really wants to eat cake.”

As she spoke, MiaoMiao licked her lips.

“Little gluttonous kitten, did you not eat enough at Qin Yu’s house? If you eat too much cake, it’s easy to get fat.” Fu Rou laughed as she poked her nose.

MiaoMiao wasn’t afraid of getting fat, since being fat was cute. So she immediately said: “MiaoMiao isn’t afraid. MiaoMiao wants to eat a fruit cake. When it’s MiaoMiao’s birthday, can Mommy buy one for MiaoMiao?”

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Tl Note: The fruit cake they’re talking about is most likely a layered spongecake with whipped cream and fruit between each layer. Its generally quite light. This is the birthday cake that I basically get every year. The fruit is my favourite part.

Before for MiaoMiao’s birthday, Fu Rou had also bought a cake for her, but they were chocolate cakes, because she liked to eat chocolate. But now that she’s tried fruit cake, she also thought ti wasn’t bad.

Fu Rou nodded her head. “Then at that time, I’ll directly bring you to the cake store. You can pick the one you like.”

“Okay!” MiaoMiao licked her lips in anticipation.

“Oh ya, this week, your Little Aunt will also come over. MiaoMiao needs to get along well with your Little Aunt. ” Fu Rou said.

“Little Aunt? Who is Little Aunt?” MiaoMiao curiously asked.

“Little Aunt is mommy’s little sister. Your Little Aunt is currently in senior high. She will be taking her GaoKao (college entrance exams) next month. Your maternal grandparents have already passed away and your Big Uncle (mom’s elder brother) recently is currently out of the country for business and won’t be back for a while. Mommy is worried about her being alone over the weekend, so I invited her over to live with us. MiaoMiao needs to remember, you can’t disturb Little Aunt’s studying. The exam she has next month is very important.”

MiaoMiao innocently blinked. MiaoMiao knew she had a Big Uncle, but Big Uncle was very busy and she had long forgotten what Big Uncle looked like.

MiaoMiao obediently nodded her little head. “MiaoMiao understands. Mommy, Little Aunt is still studying?”

MiaoMiao didn’t know when you studied in senior high, but Mommy had said that when she was in kindergarten, it was a similar format. So she thought that “in senior high” should also mean that Little Aunt is also studying, but she just wasn’t in kindergarten.

“Mhm. MiaoMiao needs to know, right now you are in kindergarten. A few days ago, the big brothers and sisters in the advanced class had their graduation ceremony, right? After they formally finish, next semester they will start elementary school. After elementary school, they will have junior high. After junior high, then it would be senior high.”

MiaoMiao nodded in understanding. “Then after senior high, are you done?”

“After senior high, there is still university.” Fu Rou laughed as she pinched MiaoMiao’s cheek. “BaoBei still needs to study for a long time.”

MiaoMiao furrowed her brows in distress. “Even though MiaoMiao’s mathematics is not as good as Xiong Da and Xiong Er, but MiaoMiao will work hard!”

Eeek, I never thought I have to study for so long. Mommy and Daddy also had to study for so long? Everyone is so pitiable!

It will be her turn to be pitiful later on. QAQ

On Friday that week, when MiaoMiao returned home, she looked forward to meeting her Little Aunt.

Since kindergarten let out fairly early at around 4 PM, there was not much of a traffic jam. The driver first sent MiaoMiao home and then went to pick up MiaoMiao’s Little Aunt.

Since it was the first time she was meeting her little aunt, MiaoMiao decided to dress up for it. Her little dress was a pretty one, so she didn’t need to change it. MiaoMiao opened the drawer with her hair clips and picked one for a long time, before deciding on a cute pink hair clip. She ran to the washroom and looked in the mirror as she put it on, before she started to pose.

She was full of anticipation. She couldn’t help but send a voice message on her iPad to Qin Yu: “Yu Tou, my little aunt is coming over today. I need to tell you, my little aunt is Mommy’s little sister. Mommy said, Little Aunt is currently studying in senior high! Little Aunt is amazing! It seems like to get into senior high, you need to take exams. Your marks need to be high, or you won’t be able to study in senior high.”

MiaoMiao didn’t have much of an understanding of the exam for getting into senior high, but she had heard that there was an exam. You needed to meet the standard or you wouldn’t have the opportunity to study in senior high. So she was full of admiration for the little aunt she had not yet met.

Qin Yu heard the voice message and also sent one to MiaoMiao: “Mhm, MiaoMiao’s little aunt is amazing. Can I come over to MiaoMiao’s house tomorrow?”

“Okay.” MiaoMiao sent the voice message over and then she remembered what her mother had said. Little aunt needs to take an exam next month and they cannot disturb her. So she immediately sent another message over: “but my mommy said, Little Aunt needs to take an exam next month, so we can’t disturb her studying. We need to play quietly in the room.”

At around five something, MiaoMiao heard the door opening and she quickly got off the bed and put on her little bunny slippers and then ran to the living room and stuck out her little head.

Secretly observing.jpg

Fu Rou laughed and said: “Your brother in law will be back soon. Are you hungry?”

“Not yet.” Fu Li was wearing a beautiful Korean styled school uniform. She was holding a black backpack in her hand. After changing her shoes, she saw the child hiding in the doorway.

The cutie only had her eyes and forehead sticking out. She had a cute pink hairclip in her hair. She curiously looked over and seeing Fu Li looking back, she quickly retracted her head.

Fu Li couldn’t help but laugh. “Is this MiaoMiao?”

MiaoMiao realized she had been discovered so she walked out and shyly said: “Nice to meet you, Little Aunt. I am MiaoMiao.”

The child was small and her cheeks were chubby. This was the first time they were meeting, so she was a bit shy.

Fu Li was 18 years old this year and was studying at an aristocratic high school. The school uniform was a beautiful Korean style school uniform and she laughed as she walked over. She crouched down in front of MiaoMiao and rubbed her little head and said: “Nice to meet you MiaoMiao, I am your little aunt. My name is Fu Li. Let’s get along well, okay?”

MiaoMiao’s face was red. Wow. Her little aunt was so pretty!

Face-con MiaoMiao was immediately smitten!

The Author has something to say: Little Theatre
N Years Later:
Qin Yu quickly wrote on the wish card and gave it to MiaoMiao: “Be my girlfriend!”
MiaoMiao: “… …???” Just a single wish card is enough for me to be your girlfriend? Are you dreaming?

Joey’s Corner:
I don’t really remember the process of me learning to write my name in Chinese, but I originally learned traditional characters. So when I started going to Chinese class when I was 5, I didn’t think my name was too difficult (祖儀). Later on, in high school, I got sent to a different Chinese school and I had to learn simplified characters. That’s when I found out my name in simplified characters(祖仪)was soooo much easier to write. Well to be fair, simplified characters are a lot more simple and I think they are easier to read on a screen, but I believe that traditional characters look a lot better especially when they are handwritten/written calligraphically.

Today is the first day I’m going to be back in the lab. The lab has been closed ever since things had been shut down for Covid and we were all assigned to work at home. I’m excited to go back, but I’m not looking forward to having to commute again. I’m still super busy, but I think things are starting to ease up. Still not sure about how regular the releases will be for now.

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