“O… okay.” MiaoMIao shyly said.

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When Wen FuChen returned home that night, they started eating dinner.

Because Fu Li was there, their seating arrangements had been changed. Normally it was Fu Rou and MiaoMiao sitting together with Wen FuChen sitting across from them. Now it was Fu Li sitting next to MiaoMiao.

MiaoMiao noticed that her little aunt also really like to eat fried chicken legs! Little aunt and MiaoMiao had similar tastes, so she must definitely be a cute girl!

As MiaoMiao ate her fried chicken leg, she continued to think.

The house was about 400 meters squared. Normally other than MiaoMiao’s family of three, there were also two helper aunties. It was quite spacious. Fu Rou picked out the biggest guest room for Fu Li and had asked people to clean it up the day before.

After dinner, MiaoMiao was a curious little tail and followed behind her mother and little aunt and went into the room her little aunt would be staying in.

It was different from the master bedroom and MiaoMiao’s bedroom as there was no walk in closet. The guest room only had its own bathroom. The room was very big and had a large bed. Other than the bed, there was still quite a bit of space leftover. As Fu Li was still a student, Fu Rou had also specially bought a desk for her to use as well as a wardrobe.

“Your clothes will be sent over tonight. The guest room doesn’t have a walk in closet, so I bought you a wardrobe. If there’s anything you need just let me know. You don’t have to be polite.” Fu Rou smiled and said.

Fu Li nodded her head and said: “Normally because of school, I have to wear my uniform. Even if I had a walk in closet, it would be wasted. I think this room is very good.”

After Fu Rou left, MiaoMiao still didn’t leave. She ran over to stand in front of Fu Li and asked: “Little Aunt, mommy said you are studying in senior high. Is senior high fun?”

Fu Li laughed as she picked her up and put her on the bed. She also sat down on the bed. “It’s not very fun. I spending all my time studying.”

MiaoMiao furrowed her brows in frustration. “You only study in senior high? In MiaoMiao’s kindergarten, we can play.”

“In kindergarten playing is the most important. Studying is only touched upon a little bit. When MiaoMiao starts elementary school, the time you have to play will decrease. When you start junior high, it’ll be mainly studying.”

Fu Li still remembered when she was in elementary school, she still had time to play jump rope with other girls in her class. But after junior high started, other than the free time in her physical education class, she didn’t really have time for it anymore. After all, in her third year of junior high, they had to prepare for the entrance exams for senior high. After entering senior high, she hadn’t jumped once.

MiaoMiao looked at her in distress. “In the end, it seems that all adults are pitiful.”

“Honestly its not that bad. Everyone studying together isn’t bad. Besides, compared to other children, with our family, the GaoKao is not that important.” Fu Li explained.

“Why?” MiaoMiao was puzzled.

“Right now it’s still too early to explain to MiaoMiao. MiaoMiao will understand later on.” Fu Li didn’t explain. Even though the children of rich families don’t place that much importance in the GaoKao, with some that went to senior high for three years but before the GaoKao, they went abroad to study instead. But to her, it wasn’t the same.

“Little aunt needs to do her homework. MiaoMiao should also go do her homework, okay?”

MiaoMiao nodded her head: “Okay, MiaoMiao will go back to her room.”

After thinking for a moment, MiaoMiao also copied Fu Rou and said like a little adult. “If Little Aunt has anything you need, you can let MiaoMiao know.”

Fu Li couldn’t help but laugh as she nodded.

MiaoMiao thought she wasa great, she was still young, but she could do the same things as her mother.

MiaoMiao’s birthday was June 20th. Every year, as it approached her birthday, Fu Rou would make an appointment with a photographer to take photos for her, to record her growth.

The 20th happened to be Saturday, so Fu Rou planned to take the pictures one week before, so she made an appointment on the 13th.

When MiaoMiao heard that she would go take pictures and get to pose and show off, she was really happy. On Monday when she went Little Star Kindergarten, she shared the good news with Qin Yu.

“Yu Tou, I’m letting you know that this Saturday I will go take pictures. Each year before my birthday, my mother will take me to take pictures. After I take them, I’ll show them to you. On my birthday, you, Xiong Da, and Xiong Er can all come to take a look at my pictures and even the ones from previous years.”

“Okay.” Qin Yu thought about how he can see MiaoMiao’s baby photos and was full of expectations. He used to take a lot of pictures but after he gained weight, he didn’t want to take pictures anymore. Next time he goes to MiaoMiao’s house, he should also bring his photos as well.

During the third block in the morning, they had their free activity class. MiaoMiao and the others played airplane chess again. Every time they played airplane chess, it would take two days for them to finish a game. One class wasn’t enough for them to finish a game. The situation was always very intense. MiaoMiao still had two more chess pieces on the outside and she rolled a five. After moving her chess piece five spots, it was Qin Yu’s turn. He just so happened to roll a 3. As he moved his chess piece three spaces, it just so happened to eat MiaoMiao’s chess piece… …

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MiaoMiao: “… …” You can’t see me, you can’t see me, you can’t see me! No that’s wrong, you can’t see my chess piece!

Qin Yu saw MiaoMiao’s chess piece and pretended he didn’t see it and picked a different spot to move.

“Qin Yu, are you intentionally letting Little Aunt off? You could clearly eat Little Aunt’s chess piece!” Xiong Da looked at Qin Yu and asked.

MiaoMiao tightly grabbed her little dress and was scared that Qin Yu would hear these word and go back to move a different chess piece and said: “You already moved it, you can’t regret it now!”

“Hm? I didn’t see it just now.” Qin Yu scratched his head in distress.

Xiong Da: “… …” Who would believe you!

Xiong Er: “… …” I can’t believe Qin Yu’s vision is so bad!

MiaoMiao heard that Qin Yu didn’t see her, so she was very happy. She was thinking that her luck today was very good. Maybe she would even win?

MiaoMiao until now, had only won once. Qin Yu was even worse off than her, as he hadn’t even won once.

MiaoMiao originally thought that it was her lucky day today and she should be able to improve her record. But Qin Yu’s luck seemed to have exploded and he rolled several sixes in a row. This lead to his final chess piece reaching the final destination.

MiaoMiao: “… …” It looks like her luck isn’t that good today.

Qin Yu saw that MiaoMiao seemed to be feeling a bit down, so when class finished and they headed to the cafeteria, he carefully looked at MiaoMiao and said: “MiaoMiao, sorry.”

MiaoMiao lifted her little head. “You don’t have to say sorry. It is you who is amazing! After all, it was your last chess piece, you had no other chess pieces to move.”

MiaoMiao held his hand and went to the cafeteria to line up. Her little mouth continued to chatter endlessly.

Qin Yu just listened to her chatter quietly the entire way. His face had a smile and he looked at her with a look that was filled with pampering.

“When I take the photos, I don’t know what kind of clothes I should wear. Mommy said, she would help me bring quite a few of my dresses and that there would be quite a few clothes over there. If I like them, I can also wear those. Yu Tou, of the clothes I wore before, which do you think looks good?”

MiaoMiao was someone who liked to show off her prettiness and even though she was young, she cared a lot about her appearance. Thinking that she needs to go take pictures next week, she really wanted to call a few people over to help her pick out clothes.

Qin Yu subconciously answered: “MiaoMiao looks good in everything.”

“I also think so.” MiaoMiao narcissistically replied. Then she said. “Mommy said, if I bring too many clothes, there wouldn’t be enough time to take pictures. We only booked the photographer uncle for an afternoon. MiaoMiao can only bring 10 sets of clothes.”

As she spoke, MiaoMiao was a bit frustrated. Her little walk in closet had a lot of clothes and the photography place would also have lots of pretty clothes. If there were only going to be 10 sets, would that be too few?

Qin Yu thought for a moment and said: “MiaoMiao in ancient clothes looks very good. It’s very cute.” Especially with her in those two little buns, it looked especially cute.

When MiaoMiao heard this, she immediately said: “Okay, at that time, I’ll bring a few there. Grandma and Grandpa also like it when I wear these, especially during new years. They think when I wear a red HanFu (traditional Chinese clothing) its especially cute.”

That night, MiaoMiao pulled Fu Rou into her walk in closet to look for clothes. The walk in closet’s ceiling was the same as her bedroom, and some of her clothes were hung up very high. MiaoMiao couldn’t reach it, so she could only ask Fu Rou to help.

“Mommy, MiaoMiao wants to wear HanFu.” MiaoMiao shyly said. “Yu Tou said that MiaoMiao wearing HanFu looks very good.”

MiaoMiao had only worn HanFu once in front of Qin Yu and it was when Qin Yu had come over to their house to play. When Fu Rou heard this, she thought it was because Qin Yu was young, so he liked it. There were many children who liked to wear HanFu when they were young. There were some children that would even take a bed sheet that didn’t have the quilt in it and cover themselves in it, pretending that it was a HanFu.

Fu Rou helped MiaoMiao take out the HanFu. Since the weather was hot now, it would not be suitable to wear the Winter version, so she took out the summer one. MiaoMiao carefully picked and selected a yellow HanFu that cinched at the chest. She also picked out a green one that cinched at the waist.

TL Note: The kind that cinches at the chest.

TL Note: The kind that cinches at the waist.

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MiaoMiao’s HanFu were all custom made and the embroidery on it them were all done by hand. Fu Rou had found some female adult HanFu online and thought they were very cute. She bought the copyright from the other person and then ordered a children’s version. She did not use the other person’s brand and only used the design. Even though the clothes didn’t have a brand, but considering the copyright fee, each piece’s price was not cheap.

After MiaoMiao picked out these two, she also picked out two more little dresses. Because she tended to wear similar style of clothes everyday, Fu Rou prepared for her to try other styles and said: “BaoBei, for the rest, we should see if they have other clothes that you would like, okay? There are lots of clothes over there and BaoBei can try them.”

MiaoMiao quickly nodded her head. “Okay. MiaoMiao wants to wear ten sets!”

Mommy said that she could wear at most ten sets, so she would definitely wear ten sets!

Joey’s Corner:
Omg, I can’t believe Fu Rou actually bought the copyright to the designs. Is this a normal thing to do? I feel like it doesn’t make any sense at all to me.

When it was finally Saturday, Fu Rou and MiaoMiao ate breakfast very early and went to the film studio to check out the clothing.

MiaoMiao found out that there were a lot of clothes and they were different from the ones she had at home.

MiaoMiao liked tulle dresses and she also liked poofy dresses, but she didn’t like pants. There were all sorts of different styles there and there were so many it felt as though her eyes were spinning.

Fu Rou looked at the pictures of the other children and picked out a few to show MiaoMiao. “BaoBei, do you like any of the clothing on these children?”

MiaoMiao looked at each photo and she kept all the ones with dresses and eliminated all the ones with pants.

Fu Rou felt a bit helpless and helped her pick out ten sets of clothes. MiaoMiao then started to have her hair styled.

Even though MiaoMiao’s face was chubby, it was still a small face and was very photogenic. She didn’t need to put on makeup, all she had to do was change clothes and style her hair.

The stylist first helped her prepare for her ancient costumes. Other than the two HanFus that MiaoMiao had brought, there were also QiPaos. MiaoMiao also really liked her little aunt’s Korean style school uniform, and seeing that there were also some there, she also picked one out for herself.

TL Note: QiPao

There were all sorts of different styles of clothing and after changing into them, MiaoMiao also took quite a few photos. It took an entire afternoon and MiaoMiao had gotten tired.

She looked up at Fu Rou and said. “Mommy, this is too difficult, it’s so tiring.”

“Who said that they wanted to take so many pictures!” Fu Rou laughed as she pinched her cheeks. “Since you’re tired, should we go home and eat dinner?”

“Okay. When can we get the pictures? MiaoMiao wants to show Yu Tou, Xiong Da and Xiong Er next during during my birthday.”

“We will have the digital versions this week. If we want to print out the photos, it’ll take a few days. Mommy will first pick some. BaoBei, you should go and change.”

MiaoMiao nodded her little head and ran towards the changing rooms. Fu Rou and the photographer went out to look at the photos.

MiaoMiao went inside the changing room and just as she was about to change her clothes, a dialogue box from the system popped open in front of her. Then she heard Sister System’s voice: “MiaoMiao, there’s someone who has bad intentions nearby. Be careful and look at this person’s data. First lock the door.”

MiaoMiao heard what she said and immediately locked the door. Then she opened up the system interface to take a look.

Photographer Assistant. Intimacy Value: 5, Hate Value: 0, Like Value: 80, Situation: Pedophile.

MiaoMiao looked at this information in confusion and silently said: “Sister System, this person’s Hate Value towards MiaoMiao is zero.” Why is this a bad person? If they have malicious thoughts, then wouldn’t the Hate Value be very high? Also there is also that Like Value. So doesn’t that mean they like her? It’s clearly very high.

“MiaoMiao, look at the last part, he is a pedophile! So that is why his Hate Value is low and his Like Value is high.”

“What is a pedophile?” MiaoMiao asked.

“It is the kind of person who likes kids like you. He wants to bully you and will do bad things to you and hurt you. Basically he is a bad person. He is the enemy of all little kids!”

When MiaoMiao heard this, she was immediately afraid. “He… Will he hurt MiaoMiao?”

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“Yes!” System replied.

“But his Hate Value is zero, MiaoMiao can’t subtract anything from him.” MiaoMiao was a bit frustrated. What should she do?

“Isn’t MiaoMiao’s iPad still in your backpack? Send a message to Mommy and ask Mommy to come over.”

“Okay.” MiaoMiao looked for her iPad and when she picked it up, the door to the changing room was knocked on. She heard the Uncle Photograph Assistant’s voice through the door: “Little kid, did you change your clothes yet? Uncle wants to come in.”

As he spoke, the person outside tried to turn the door handle and was surprised to find out that it was locked. Then he said: “Little kid, open the door and let uncle inside.”

MiaoMiao was scared and took out her iPad and found Fu Rou and sent a voice message: “Mommy, there is a weird uncle outside knocking on the door. MiaoMiao is very scared, can you come over.”

Fu Rou was actually just in the room next door, when she heard that voice message she immediately looked over and saw that the assistant knocking on the changing room door. Fu Rou suspiciously asked: “What are you doing?”

When the assistant suddenly heard her voice, he jumped and said: “No… nothing. I just wanted to go in to get something.”

MiaoMiao heard Fu Rou’s voice and then carefully opened the door and said: “Mommy, can you help MiaoMiao change?”

“Okay.” Fu Rou quickly went in and just before she closed the door she gave a warning glare to the assistant. She was still not at ease, so she made a phone call to ask the driver who was waiting outside to come in, just in case.

After MiaoMiao changed her clothes, Fu Rou carried her out and said to the photographer: “Send the photos to my WeChat. I will pick them tonight and then send them to you.”

After speaking, Fu Rou immediately left with a dark face.

The photographer looked at the assistant. “What did you do? Did you offend them? That is a big client!”

The assistant clenched his fist and said: “I was only knocking outside the door. I wanted to go in to get stuff. I didn’t do anything.”

The photographer also thought that his assistant probably didn’t do anything, since after all today the entire team was working for them. If they really offended someone, then his job would not be guaranteed. A mistake probably wouldn’t happen, maybe the little girl was just a bit timid.

On the way home, MiaoMiao continued to silently speak to Sister System.

System said: “MiaoMiao, I detected that that bad uncle has bullied multiple little kids. There were quite a few girls that he bullied. We can’t just let this matter go like this.”

When MiaoMiao heard this, she furrowed her little brows. “Bullying little kids? Hmph! Sister System, what should MiaoMiao do? MiaoMiao is still small and that bad uncle doesn’t have any Hate Values. MiaoMiao cannot subtract his luck!”

“MiaoMiao cannot subtract his luck, but you can tell Mommy. You should say this… …”

After MiaoMiao understood, she felt that it was time for her to show off her acting abilities!

She pretended to be scared and grabbed at Fu Rou’s clothes and said: “Mommy, MiaoMiao was very scared. When that bad uncle was standing at the door, he said some weird words to MiaoMiao.”

“Don’t be scared, BaoBei. What did he say? Tell Mommy. Mommy will tell the Police Uncles and the Police Uncles will teach him a lesson.” Fu Rou said as she comforted her.

“He said…. MiaoMiao should open the door to let him in and to take off my pants… …”

Once Fu Rou heard this, her face immediately turned white.

MiaoMiao didn’t understand why Sister System said she just need to tell Mommy that the bad uncle wanted her to take off her pants. But since Sister System said this, then there will definitely not be any problems.

Even though the bad uncle did not tell her to take off her pants, but he was a bad person who had bullied lots of little kids. It should be his turn to be bullied.

When the driver driving in front heard this, his hands shook and his voice was trembling as he asked: “… … Madam, do you want to call the police?”

“We’ll first investigate him before we hand him over to the police.” Fu Rou hugged MiaoMiao tightly. She didn’t dare to imagine what would have happened if MiaoMiao didn’t send a message to her.

She would have spent quite a bit of time looking at the photos. Who knew what that pervert would do to her daughter in that time.

Furthermore, that was a professional children’s photography team and had taken on many rich clients. They specifically took photos of children from well off families, if this place had a pedophile, then the children who had gone there for photos before… …

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When they returned home that night, Fu Rou immediately told this matter to Wen FuChen and he immediately sent people to investigate.

Paper cannot contain fire and now that technology is so advanced, there will always be traces left behind. Especially from the customers who had gone there for photos previously. Wen FuChen’s people discovered that there were several children whose personalities had large differences after taking the photos. Clearly there was something suspicious.

The evidence was gathered within two days and after it was sent to the police, they immediately started investigating. According to the evidence supplied by the children whose personalities had greatly changed, they were able to ascertain that that assistant was a pedophile. He had even sexually assaulted children. He picked children that were cute and obedient and afterwards he would threaten the children into not saying anything.

The children only knew how to be scared and didn’t dare to tell their parents. So this situation was hidden until now.

After the results from the investigation came out, the assistant was sentenced to jail.

On MiaoMiao’s side, she had long forgotten about this incident. MiaoMiao was looking forward to her birthday.

The night before MiaoMiao’s birthday, Qin Yu went out to buy her birthday present. Even though MiaoMiao said that she wanted chocolate for her birthday present, Qin Yu thought that other than chocolate, he should send something she couldn’t eat but she could still continue to use.

In the end, he went to a girl’s accessories store.

The lady boss saw a boy had come in and asked: “Little kid, are you buying a present for your mom?”

Qin Yu shook his little head and said: “No, it’s for a classmate.”

“Oh? A girlfriend?” The female boss laughed as she teased.

Qin Yu didn’t know what a girlfriend was and only thought it was a friend who was a girl. So he seriously nodded his head. “Yup!”

Female Boss: “…. ….” Kids these days were really amazing!

Qin Yu picked for a long time before he finally decided on a Gemini hair clip.

MiaoMiao’s birthday just happened to be on the weekend and the start of vacation.

In accordance to MiaoMiao’s request, Fu Rou bought a fruit cake. It was even three layered.

This time it wasn’t just Grandpa, Grandma, Daddy, Mommy, Big Brother, Big Sister. There were also the two little nephews, little aunt and her desk mate. There were quite a few people and MiaoMiao’s home was very lively.

Qin Yu arrived pretty early. After he arrived, MiaoMiao enthusiastically introduced him to her family and then opened the present Qin Yu gave her and started to eat the chocolate without any hesitation.

Qin Yu saw the hair clip that MiaoMiao had placed on the side and then thought about it before he took it and raised his hands to help MiaoMiao put it on.

“Yu Tou, what is the picture on the hair clip?” MiaoMiao curiously asked: “Is it a little angel and a little devil?”

“It is the Gemini sign.” Qin Yu helped her put the hair clip on properly and then continued: “MiaoMiao was born on June 20th and your star sign is Gemini. I am also a Gemini.”

MiaoMiao asked: “What is a star sign?”

“I don’t really know. It is what the shop owner auntie told me.” Qin Yu didn’t know how to explain and could only say: ” I think it really suits you. A little angel and a little devil.”

It would be great, If it was only a little angel. MiaoMiao is a little angel, she didn’t need a little devil.

MiaoMiao innocently blinked her eyes. “Then Yu Tou, did you buy one for yourself?”

Qin Yu’s face was a little red. “My hair is short, I can’t use hair clips.” Besides, isn’t this for girls? If he wanted to wear it, he would first need to put on a wig.

If he was going to fight with Xiong Er over the wig, then Xiong Er will definitely be mad!

MiaoMiao nodded her head and then opened another package of chocolate. Then she thought that if it was only her eating it probably wouldn’t be good. So she split it in half and gave half to Qin Yu. “You should also eat too.”

Qin Yu accepted it and then shyly said: “MiaoMiao, starting from today you are four years old.”

“Yup! And we’re on vacation! Yu Tou, Summer Vacation is very boring. Since we live in the same complex, we should play together often.” MiaoMiao started making all sorts of plans in her heart. Could they all go swimming together in the summer?

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