“Okay, then we can see each other every week.” Qin Yu’s face was slightly red with embarrassment as he replied. “But during this vacation, Daddy and Mommy requested a few teachers for me.”

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Because Qin Yu was a bit fat previously, during kindergarten, all the elective classes he picked were dance and exercise based so that it could help him lose weight. Since he had slimmed down now and he wasn’t as fat as before, he could now learn things according to his interests. Until now, he had never learned drawing or piano from any professional teachers. He was really looking forward to it.

“You still have classes during vacation? Then Yu Tou, after vacation ends, you’ll definitely be very amazing!”

Qin Yu was a little embarrassed as he replied: “Not necessarily, it depends on talent.”

MiaoMiao looked at Qin Yu with a bit of jealousy. Winter vacation was about 20 days and she found it quite boring. Now that summer vacation would be about two months, wouldn’t it be even more boring? Even thought they lived in the same complex, their parents would not let the kids run around everywhere. No matter where they went, they would still be inside the house. Staying at home is not that fun even if they could play hide and seek.

After playing hide and seek a lot, MiaoMiao felt that there were only a few hiding spots that they would hide in and everyone was already familiar with them. Hide and seek wasn’t that fun anymore.

MiaoMiao clenched her fists and said: “I also want to learn things. I’ll talk to my Mommy tonight, anything will work. Otherwise summer vacation will be too boring. There isn’t much homework to do everyday anyways.”

Kids in kindergarten only had a little bit of homework. It was mostly just reading, doing some math, and looking at vocabulary. Spending just half an hour to an hour would be enough to complete it. There was nothing to do the rest of the time.

MiaoMiao looked at Qin Yu curiously. “Yu Tou, are you learning drawing and piano during summer vacation?”

“Yes.” Qin Yu nodded his little head. “My mommy said, she doesn’t hope that I have a lot of talent, I just need to learn a little bit and see if I like it. If I like it, then I can continue learning it. If I don’t like it, then we would switch to something else. In the future, I might switch to singing or zhu mental math.”

“Pig (Zhu) math? Why do you need to calculate pig hearts?” MiaoMiao didn’t understand. Did he have to count lots of pig hearts?

“Zhu (bead) mental math is using an abacus to do calculations.” Qin Yu knew that MiaoMiao had misunderstood the word and quickly explained.

MiaoMiao furrowed her little brows and said: “Is it like that calculator app on the iPad?”

“Um… … maybe?” Qin Yu was also not that sure.

“Then do you still need to learn it? With a calculator you can just enter the values and the answer will come out.” MiaoMiao was puzzled.

Qin Yu: “That’s true, then it has to be different from a calculator.”

“Then after you learn it, let me know what is different about it.” MiaoMiao looked at him with expectant eyes. “Yu Tou, you are amazing. You know so much more than me. I don’t even know what Zhu mental math is.”

Qin Yu found it a bit embarrassing to be praised like this. “… … Thank you.” He really wasn’t that amazing.

Eh? Every time MiaoMiao praised him for being amazing, it didn’t seem like he was really that amazing. But if he let MiaoMiao know that he didn’t really understand that much, would she be disappointed?

So that MiaoMiao can continue to think of him as amazing, he must continue to study hard! He needs to learn all sorts of things and develop in all directions so that MiaoMiao can continue to worship him!

MiaoMiao’s birthday party officially started. After lighting the candles and turning off the light, everyone started to sing happy birthday. On the top layer of this cake, there were four candles stuck in, representing her fourth birthday.

After singing the song, MiaoMiao closed her her eyes and wished: I hope that MiaoMiao’s family and friends can continue to be happy, healthy, and lucky.

After silently wishing, MiaoMiao opened her large black eyes and took a deep breath. She aimed at the four candles and blew hard and the candles went out.

After turning on the lights, Fu Rou held MiaoMiao’s hand and helped her cut the cake with a plastic knife. Then she started to distribute the cakes.

On a three tiered cake, the bottom most layer was the largest and the top most layer was the smallest.

Fu Rou gave the top most layer to MiaoMiao and asked: “BaoBei, can you finish this?”

“MiaoMiao and Yu Tou can eat together.” As she spoke, MiaoMiao split the little cake in half and gave half to Qin Yu. This was the treatment only her little desk mate can have!

Qin Yu’s heart was filled with happiness. After saying thank you, he started to eat.

Those who liked to eat cake got big pieces and those who didn’t like cake got small pieces and just ate a few bites for show. After distributing the cake, the dishes were also served.

Children had small stomachs, after MiaoMiao ate half the cake, she already felt that she was almost full. But the first dish was longevity noodles and the second dish was her favourite fried chicken legs!!!

If she had known earlier, she would have split the cake into four pieces and also give some to Xiong Da and Xiong Er. QAQ. How could a cake compare to fried chicken legs!

MiaoMiao wanted to first eat fried chicken legs, but Fu Rou already started to give her noodles.

Longevity noodles were very long and Fu Rou gave her a little bowl and said: “First eat the noodles, then you can eat fried chicken legs.”

MiaoMiao then pitifully started to eat the noodles.

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Xiong Da and Xiong Er had Wen FanChu and Jiang FangFang helping them and Fu Rou helped Qin Yu get a bowl of noodles. After Qin Yu said thank you, he thought that no wonder this was a little angel’s mother. She is also very gentle and warm.

After eating a lot today, MiaoMiao felt that her little stomach was filled to the brim. The four children stepped away from the table and MiaoMiao started to show them her pictures.

Although there was a bit of problem during the photo shoot this time, MiaoMiao had long forgotten about it. Before the situation was investigated thoroughly, the other side had already sent the digital versions over and in the end, Fu Rou sent the photos to a different location to print them.

This time there were more than 800 photos and there were 100 photos that were printed. They were placed inside their own photo album.

Until today, MiaoMiao had five photo albums.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er had seen MiaoMiao’s previous albums before, so they first started to look at her newest album. Qin Yu on the other hand, started with the album from when MiaoMiao was just born.

Qin Yu was a bit curious as he looked at the album.

The first album wasn’t taken by a professional photographer and was taken by MiaoMiao’s family. There were photos of her in her swaddling clothes with red and wrinkly skin. There were pictures from when she turned a month old and you could already see some of her cute looks. There were also pictures of her learning to sit and when she learned to crawl.

In the pictures, MiaoMiao had very short hair and you couldn’t tell whether it was a boy or a girl. But there were still several points of likeness compared to MiaoMiao now.

Qin Yu curiously finished looking at the first album and then he went to look at the second one. At this time, MiaoMiao had reached one year old and could walk with her short stubby legs with some help. She walked very slowly and would sometimes fall. There were also pictures of her stubbornly climbing up again after falling while she tried to not cry. There was also the first time she held a spoon to feed herself. There was also pictures of her watching education videos and learning to call Daddy, Mommy, Grandma, and Grandpa.

These were also taken by family.

The third album was from when MiaoMiao was two to three years old. It included the studio photos hat she posed for when she was two. There was also some pictures of her daily life. At this point in time, MiaoMiao had also started to enjoy posing and showing off. She like to wear pigtails and wearing little dresses.

The fourth album had the photos that MiaoMiao went to take at the studio and also what happened during the last year. She had changed into lots of cute clothing and looked very fair and delicate. She was like a cute little ball. There were also a few photos from when she and her brother’s family went to the hot springs.

After looking at these three books, Qin Yu then took the album with the photos that MiaoMiao had recently gotten done from Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

The little girl in these photos looked even cuter. She was wearing clothes from different dynasties and also tried many different styles. She also had quite a few more poses and there were even outdoor shots.

Seeing that Qin Yu had seen almost everything, MiaoMiao then said: “Yu Tou, the place I went to that day had lots of clothing! They were all really good looking!”

MiaoMiao pointed at the picture of her wearing a little QiPao and said: “This dress is from there. There were also others too.”

MiaoMiao pointed at each one and then continued to ask: “Which one do you think I look best in?”

“They all look good. MiaoMiao is so cute, she’s cute in everything.” Qin Yu was a little embarrassed.

“That’s right! Whatever Little Aunt wears is good!” Xiong Da and Xiong Er quickly nodded their head and agreed.

After getting their praises, MiaoMiao was a little embarrassed. “If you praise me like this, I’m going to be a little embarrassed.” She was very happy.

That night, MiaoMiao hovered around her mommy and asked whether or not she could take classes during summer vacation.

She counted her chubby little fingers and said: “Mommy, MiaoMiao likes singing, dancing, piano right now. Can I continue to learn during summer vacation? MiaoMiao is really bored at home.”

Fu Rou originally had this plan. Now that MiaoMiao suggested it, she naturally agreed. “BaoBei can study anything she wants. But how many classes do you want to attend a week?”

MiaoMiao furrowed her little brows and seriously thought about it. After thinking for a while she dejectedly said: “MiaoMiao doesn’t know. MiaoMiao only thinks that summer vacation is boring. There are no friends who can play with MiaoMiao everyday. Xiong da and Xiong Er can play with MiaoMiao but we always play together. Yu Tou also needs to take classes during summer vacation.”

“Then how about this. MiaoMiao and Yu Tou can set up a time. Ask him what days during summer vacation that he would be taking classes on and you can leave those days free. Then you guys can play together and on the other days, Mommy will invite some teachers over to give you classes. What do you think?”

“Okay! MiaoMiao will go ask!” After speaking, MiaoMiao ran off in her little bunny slippers to her room. She found her iPad and sent Qin Yu a voice message.

“Yu Tou, I am also going to be taking classes during summer vacation. What days are you taking classes on? My Mommy said I will set up my class times to be the same as you.This way we can play together during our free time!”

On Qin Yu’s side, he quickly sent a voice message back. “I have classes on Monday to Saturday afternoons. I have no classes on Sunday.”

When MiaoMiao heard this, she sent a voice message back: “Then I will ask my Mommy to set the same class times for me. Then we can play together in the morning or on Sundays.”

The results from the GaoKao came out two days after MiaoMiao’s birthday. MiaoMiao heard that Little Aunt did very well. It seemed like she scored more than 700. MiaoMiao didn’t know what full marks was, but seeing how happy her Mommy was, she knew that her Little Aunt definitely did very well.

After two more days, her Little Aunt left because her Eldest Uncle had returned. Little Aunt went back to living with her Eldest Uncle.

Even though there was one less person in the house, but MiaoMiao had classes each day in the afternoon. The teachers would occasionally play games with her, so MiaoMiao continued to be very happy.

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Joey’s Corner:
The GaoKao is out of 750. To get over 700 is a really amazing mark. The GaoKao is on June 7th and June 8th each year, I think. But according to Wikipedia, the GaoKao system is currently changing. I’m not entirely sure how it will change though.
I’m also surprised that MiaoMiao got to eat her cake first. When I was young, the cake always came out last. After eating our meal, the cake would be effectively dessert.
MiaoMiao is finally 4! I wonder what will happen next.

When it was finally Sunday and MiaoMiao and Qin Yu had already attended a week of class, the two children finally had time to play.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er had followed their parents on vacation had also returned. It just so happend that on Sunday, the four children planned to go to the swimming pool inside their complex. The complex had a building that contained a swimming pool that also had a children’s swimming pool. It was only 0.8m deep and every child that went in were also provided with a swim tube.

Fu Rou was still worried about MiaoMiao going in to play. Even though the children’s swimming pool wasn’t deep and there were lots of people watching, they were after all four children. She told one of the helper nannies to follow along. The helper nanny wouldn’t disturb MiaoMiao and the children, she would only look after their safety.

Because Qin Yu would be going to the swimming pool, he had to buy a pair of swimming trunks. Since he was quite fat previously, after he lost weight, all his clothes were too big for him. This included his swimming trunks. While he was picking swim trunks, Xiong Da, Xiong Er, and MiaoMiao had already changed into their swimsuits and had come out. MiaoMiao was wearing a little pink one piece swimsuit today. It was a very cute one piece. Her little tummy was wrapped up in the swimsuit and stuck out a bit. It looked extremely cute.

Qin Yu was faced with choice paralysis. He stared at the pile of swim trunks for a long time, but he still didn’t know which one he should pick. Xiong Da and Xiong Er simply randomly picked out a pair for him. “Just take this one. You don’t need to take so much time to pick out a pair of boy’s swim trunks. Let’s go in and play, Qin Yu.”

He looked at MiaoMiao and asked. “MiaoMiao, which one do you think I should wear it?”

MiaoMiao quickly nodded her head. “Yu Tou, you’re so cute, whatever you wear will be good. Quickly change into the swim trunks. We should go in and play.”

After Qin Yu changed into his swim trunks, his white and tender chubby body was revealed. MiaoMiao looked at her own little belly and then looked at Qin Yu’s. It seemed that she had lost?

The four children entered on the side of the children’s swimming pool. After entering, the staff at the door gave each one of them a swim ring. The staff member didn’t care to pick out colors for them, but MiaoMiao thought that the pink one looked nice, so she swapped with Qin Yu’s pink swim tube.

Before they entered the water, MiaoMiao first put the swim tube over herself and the four children stood at the edge of the pool. They saw the other children inside the swimming pool easily swimming with the help of the swim tube. MiaoMiao couldn’t wait to also enter the pool.

She first carefully sat down at the edge of the pool and then she scooted forward with her little butt and then entered the pool. Then with the help of the swim tube, she floated on top.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er were more brave so they directly jumped into the pool and created a big splash.

Qin Yu copied MiaoMiao’s movements and then entered the pool. Then with a kick of his chubby legs, he tried to shorten the distance between him and MiaoMiao.

But sadly his short stubby legs didn’t have enough strength. He kicked for a long time, but he only moved a little bit.

MiaoMiao floated in the pool and wanted to play with Qin Yu. So she splashed some water at him. Then she suddenly felt her hair being suddenly pulled by someone.

The pain transmitted from her scalp stunned her. When she turned around she saw a little boy. He didn’t seem to care that MiaoMiao had found out it was him and even intentionally laughed at MiaoMiao.

MiaoMiao furrowed her little brows and asked: “Why did you pull my hair!”

“I already pulled it. Did I need a reason to?” The boy laughed as he replied and then made a face at MiaoMiao.

MiaoMiao suddenly felt wronged and shouted. “You bad kid! Go away!”

With great difficulty, Qin Yu finally reached MiaoMiao and reached out a hand and pulled MiaoMiao’s swim tube so that MiaoMiao was behind him. “How can you bully a girl! It would hurt!”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er were originally playing on the side. When they heard the noise they started to head towards them. “What happened?”

“He pulled MiaoMiao’s hair!” Qin Yu immediately said.

MiaoMiao sadly pulled at her pigtails. “This was what Mommy braided for me today. He made my braids crooked. He’s a bad kid!”

Waah. She only started to play! But her pigtails were already crooked. It definitely won’t be cute anymore.

The helper nanny saw the commotion and quickly headed over. She just so happened to hear that mischievous boy say: “Didn’t I just pull it once? Since you have braids, isn’t it meant to be pulled?”

“Braids aren’t meant to be pulled! They look good!” MiaoMiao looked at the boy with a lot of dissatisfaction.

“You can’t pull a girl’s hair! It will hurt!” Xiong Da seriously said. “If you don’t believe me, I’ll pull your hair. Let’s see if you will be in pain!”

The words coming out of Xiong Da’s mouth was very impressive, but even if he kicked his short little legs with all his strength, he could only move a little bit. There was no way for him to get close to the bully.

The boy looked to be older than them, even though he couldn’t swim as well as an adult, but with the help of the swim ring, his swimming speed was still faster than Xiong Da.

MiaoMiao was mad and silently asked: “Sister System, that bad kid hates MiaoMiao right? MiaoMiao wants to subtract his Charm Value! Then in the future, no girl will like him!”

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The system interface popped out the little boy’s data.

MiaoMiao was shocked to see. Hate Value: 0, Like Value 60.

“… ???” MiaoMiao was puzzled. “Sister System, did something go wrong? Why is his Like Value so high! He is clearly bullying MiaoMiao… …”

“There are some boys that are like this, MiaoMiao. If they like a girl and want her attention, they will intentionally pull that girl’s hair. So that the girl will pay attention to him.” Sister System helplessly said.

MiaoMiao was shocked. “Why would there be such a boy? Since MiaoMiao’s hair was pulled, I did look at him. But MiaoMiao will get angry and hate him!”

Is that boy stupid?

Sister System felt helpless. “There are some boys like this.” Who knew what they thought in their hearts.

MiaoMiao suddenly thought about the weird uncle from when she was taking pictures. That weird uncle had a Hate Value of zero and his Like Value was even higher than this boys. But he still wanted to to hurt MiaoMiao.

MiaoMiao’s heart was a little scared. “Sister System, does that mean if a boy likes a girl then they would bully her?”

“There are lots of boys like that.” But this “bullying” was a little inappropriate.

MiaoMiao was suddenly scared. Boys were so strange and terrifying! If MiaoMiao likes a person, she would want to treat them well. She wouldn’t bully them! Why would a boy want to bully a girl they liked! They were so stupid!

As the helper nanny helped MiaoMiao fix her braids, she said to the boy: “Little kid, you can’t pull a girl’s hair. If you like a girl, you can’t do this.”

The helper nanny had quite a bit of experience and how could she not see through this. However, since the boy’s heart was seen through, he immediately flew into a rage. “There’s no way I like her! Hmph!” As he spoke he swam away.

“Hmph! I don’t want you to like me!” Your like is too scary!

MiaoMiao pouted in dissatisfaction. After her hair was newly arranged, she said thank you. Then she furrowed her little brows and asked Xiong Da, Xiong Er and Qin Yu. “I need to ask you guys. If you like a girl, would you intentionally pull her hair to get her attention?”

Xiong Da innocently scratched his head. “Nope. I like Little Aunt and I have never pulled Little Aunt’s hair. This is because I know if I pulled it, Little Aunt will definitely get mad.”

Little Aunt liked to be pretty and if her hair was pulled and her hairstyle got messed up. She would definitely get angry. If she started to cry, then his parents would definitely yell at them!

Xiong Er also nodded his head. “Yes. Besides we don’t need to capture Little Aunt’s attention. We always play together, why would we need to capture your atttention?”

MiaoMiao nodded her head. “You have a point.”

Then MiaoMiao looked towards Qin Yu. “What about you, Yu Tou?”

Following MiaoMiao’s gaze, XIong Da and Xiong Er also looked towards Qin Yu.

“I… …” Qin Yu was stared at by three pairs of innocent eyes. Qin Yu’s face was a little red. He carefully said: “I would want the girl’s I likes attention, but I wouldn’t pull her hair. I know that it would hurt and the girl wouldn’t like it. I will do things according to stuff she likes.”

If she is a little foodie, then I will gift her food.

If she likes to be pretty, then I will gift her a pretty hair clip.

If the other person admires powerful people, then he needs to become a powerful person!

This way, she would notice him and then they can be friends!

For children of their age, they still hadn’t realized that there were many kinds of like. They just considered it to be the same liking their friends

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, MiaoMiao nodded her head. “You guys are smart after all. That boy from earlier is so stupid. The girl he likes will definitely hate him!”

“Mhm, Little Aunt, we should ignore him. Does it still hurt?” Xiong Er asked.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore.” MiaoMiao stuck out a wet hand and rubbed her hair. Then she said: “Let’s have a race to see who can swim the fastest!”

“Okay!” Qin Yu immediately nodded and agreed.

MiaoMiao looked at the helper nanny with a hopeful gaze and said: “Auntie, can you be our referee?”

“Okay.” The helper nanny laughed and said.

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“So the four children lined up in a row and there was a bit of space between each of them.

Then, the helper nanny said: “Ready… get set. Start!”

As her words came down, the four children kicked their legs forwards.

However… …

Even if they exerted all their strength, they only went forward a little bit.

The helper nanny slowly moved forward. She couldn’t help but secretly laugh. Are they trying to see who was the fastest or who was the slowest?

MiaoMiao used all her strength and kicked with her short stubby legs and finally got last place!

“Little Aunt is amazing! You got fourth place!” Xiong Er immediately clapped his hands and praised.

Xiong Da also nodded his head. “Yup. The teacher said as long as you make it to the finish line, you’re already amazing!”

Qin Yu’s eyes were shining as he looked at MiaoMiao and said: “MiaoMiao is great.”

MiaoMiao originally thought that her getting last place was really too slow. But when she heard her little companions words, she was suddenly filled with confidence. She stuck out her little chest and said “Mhm! I am fourth place!”

Just as MiaoMiao felt happy, the system interface popped out again and she heard Sister System’s voice: “MiaoMiao, Big Brother’s Wealth Value has a problem”

MiaoMiao immediately looked at the system interface and saw that Big Brother Wen FanChu’s Wealth Value had turned into a red 50.

“Sister System, why did Big Brother’s Wealth Value drop all of a sudden? MiaoMiao remembered that Big Brother’s Wealth Value was over eighty and was it the same as Sister in Law’s Luck Value? Did it get stolen by someone?”

“The Wealth Value is similar to the Luck Value, if it’s greater than 80, it is unlikely for it to be stolen by someone. For such a situation to happen, it means that there must be someone that has appeared next to your big brother and that person is scheming against him.” Sister System explained: “Normally, the data will move up and down. A person’s life could start off with a lot of disappointment and poverty but they could meet a noble person later on and then have their Wealth Value rise. But if they meet a villain in the early stages, then it would fall.”

MiaoMiao was completely puzzled but largely understood the idea: “This means that a bad person has appeared next to Big Brother and want to scam away Big Brother’s money?”

“They are a bad person, but whether or not they want to scam his money is uncertain. The target might not be because of Big Brother’s money, there might be another target. But if this target is achieved, then it would cause Big Brother to have no money. MiaoMiao should also look at your father.”

MiaoMiao opened up her Father’s page and was surprised to see that her Father’s Wealth Value, which was originally 100, had fallen to 97.

Even though it only fell by three and it was quite far from the red mark of 60, but it had still fallen.

Sister System analyzed it and said: “Big Brother is working inside your father’s company. It wasn’t only your big brother’s Wealth Value that had fallen, but your father’s Wealth Value had fallen too. This means that that person’s target is your father’s company. Maybe they are next to your big brother and can cause your father’s company to take a loss and then cause your big brother to take the blame. So to make up for the loss, your big brother will go bankrupt. This will affect your father’s company, but it won’t affect your father much.”

MiaoMiao furrowed her brows and said: “Then MiaoMiao can increase Big Brother’s Wealth Value. Then that means that person wouldn’t succeed anymore and Daddy’s Wealth Value will also recover?”

“MiaoMiao did you forget? Intimacy Values cannot be shared. So you should use it sparingly. If you can use your own abilities to avoid it, then you shouldn’t use Intimacy Values. Otherwise if you run into a situation that you can only solve with Intimacy Values and you don’t have enough, then it would be bad.”

MiaoMiao understood and nodded her little head. “Then what does MiaoMiao need to do?”

“At night, you should go find your big brother and then… …”

MiaoMiao furrowed her brows in frustration. “But MiaoMiao is only a little kid, will Big Brother believe MiaoMiao?”

Sister System said: “Relax MiaoMiao, in your big brother and sister in law’s eyes, you are not a normal child.”

After so many situations had occurred, if Wen FanChu and Jiang FangFang still treated MiaoMiao as a normal little kid, then that would truly be strange.

MiaoMiao was a little puzzled. “MiaoMiao isn’t a normal child? Then what kind of child is MiaoMiao?”

Sister System didn’t know how to explain and could only compliment her: “MiaoMiao is a very cute and very smart child. So as long as MiaoMiao tells Big Brother and Sister In Law, they will definitely pay attention. Because they know, MiaoMiao won’t tell lies to trick them and that you wouldn’t make a joke like this.”

MiaoMiao heard Sister System praising her and immediately felt happy and quickly said: “Okay. Then MiaoMiao will find Big Brother and Sister In Law tonight and tell them!” She definitely needs to help her Big Brother avoid this crisis!

Joey’s Corner:
I’m sortof excited to see Sister System come out again and actually do something. I feel like it’s been quite a while since the last thing happened. I wonder what Sister System told MiaoMiao to say?

With my current schedule of having to go into the lab on weekdays, I’ll be changing up my posting schedule. I think I will be able to release regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. At least I’ll try to and see how it goes. Suddenly having to leave the house after over a year of working from home is rough. I have forgotten how tiring commuting on public transport is and how much time I waste just sitting on the subway and bus. Two hours of my day just disappear just like that.

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