Qin Yu saw MiaoMiao looking at something in front of her and then suddenly furrowing her brows. Then her expression was a bit strange. He felt a bit puzzled, so he asked: “MiaoMiao, what’s wrong?”

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MiaoMiao came back to her senses and saw Qin Yu staring at herself suspiciously. Her two nephews were also looking at her, she quickly pretended to be embarrassed and said: “I… … I was thinking about what to eat for dinner.”

Children were easy to persuade and it is also easy to change the subject on them. When the three children heard this, they immediately ignored MiaoMiao’s odd actions and started to discuss dinner.

In the end, MiaoMiao thought that if they had Yu Tou (Taro) soup tonight, then it’ll be great.

After seeing “Yu Tou”, she really wanted to eat Yu Tou (Taro)!

MiaoMIao looked at Qin Yu and couldn’t help but lick her lips. Then she looked towards the helper nanny that was looking after them and said: “Auntie, MiaoMiao wants to drink Yu Tou Soup.”

“Okay, Auntie will buy Yu Tou tonight.” The helper nanny nodded her head and agreed.

Fried chicken legs were a deep fried food and required Fu Rou’s consent before MiaoMiao could eat it. But Yu Tou soup would not be unhealthy, so as long as MiaoMiao wanted to drink it, she could have it at any time.

When Qin Yu heard that she wanted to drink Yu Tou soup, he always got the feeling that he was going to be cooked….

But once he saw MiaoMiao’s naive and innocent cute face, Qin Yu thought, there was no way that MiaoMiao would cook him. They were clearly good friends.

The four children had a lot of fun playing in the swimming pool. The boy who had previously pulled MiaoMiao’s hair was hiding in the corner of the pool staring at them.

He was a little jealous looking at the three boys, seeing that they could play with such a cute girl. He also wanted to do that, but that girl just now said that he was a bad kid and seemed to hate him. If he were to go over there now, they would definitely drive him away. Thinking about this, the boy felt a bit dispirited. Did he really do something wrong? Would pulling a girl’s hair make them unhappy?

MiaoMiao kicked her chubby legs and happily splashed some water. “Let’s come here and swim every Sunday, okay?”

Qin Yu saw that she was happy, so he agreed without even thinking about it.

After playing for over an hour, when the children walked out of the pool, they noticed their hands and feet were all wrinkly.

MiaoMiao lowered her head and looked at her chubby hands and furrowed her brows as she said: “Why are MiaoMiao’s hands wrinkly? It’s so ugly.”

Qin Yu, Xiong Da, and Xiong Er also looked at their hands and found out that it wasthe same as MiaoMiao’s. It was all wrinkly. They carefully thought about it and it seemed like after they took a bath it was always like this.

“It’s like an old grandpa and old grandma’s hands.” Xiong Da bent his waist and hunched his back to pretend to be an old man.

“Xiong Da, you are good at acting.” MiaoMiao’s eyes were bright and her big black eyes happily looked at Xiong Da.

Xiong Da laughed in embarrassment. “It’s just okay, previously didn’t the other children’s performance also have them act like this?”

The children returned home to take a shower. The swimming pool had places for showering, but the children’s parents didn’t think they could take a shower by themselves, so the helper auntie asked them to dry themselves off and then change their clothes before coming out. They can shower when they return home.

It was still quite early and he had had classes the previous few days, so Qin Yu didn’t feel like going home that early. So he simply followed MiaoMiao and the others. When they returned to MiaoMiao’s house, the children took a bath together.

The bathtub was filled shallowly and the children took off all their clothes and sat in the bathtub. The helper nanny watched them on the side, to make sure no accidents happen.

It wasnt the first time that Xiong Da and Xiong Er took a bath with MiaoMiao, but it was the first time for Qin Yu to take a bath for with a girl. He was surprised to see that MiaoMiao’s body was different from his own.

He originally thought that it was because his body was strange, but if he carefully looked, Xiong Da and Xiong Er’s body was the same as his. It was only MiaoMiao who was different from them.

Qin Yu asked in confusion: “Why is MiaoMiao’s body different?”

When these words were said, Xiong Da and Xiong Er curiously looked at MiaoMiao. Honestly, they had discussed this before when they had first took a bath together. It was just at that time, Qin Yu wasn’t there.

MiaoMiao was a little embarrassed as she said: “I think it is because MiaoMiao is a girl. A girl’s body is different from a boy’s.”

Qin Yu suddenly understood. He had always been curious about what the difference was between a girl and a boy.

It seemed like a boy’s hair was normally fairly short and a girl’s hair was comparatively longer. But if he followed this logic, then he just need to grow out his hair and then he could change from a boy to a girl.

But now he realized that the differences between a girl and a boy was not just the length of their hair. The main thing was also the body.

Qin Yu scratched his head in embarrassment. “I always thought that the difference between a boy and a girl was the length of their hair. A boy only had to grow out his hair and then he could become a girl. A girl only had to cut her hair short and she could become a boy. So this is the reason.”

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“Yu Tou is so silly. Why would you think this?” MiaoMiao wouldn’t tell anyone else that she had also thought this too. But after her mother called her silly, she would always take this opportunity to say other people were silly.

Qin Yu was a little embarrassed as he said: “There was no one who told me before.” Besides, he didn’t have any older or younger sisters to take a bath together, so he had never noticed before.

“We found out very early when we took a bath with Little Aunt. We were also very surprised.” Xiong Da thought about the first time they took a bath with Little Aunt and couldn’t help but secretly laugh. “At that time, Little Aunt was especially scared, because she found out she was different from me and Xiong Er. She thought it was her body that was abnormal. Then Little Aunt started to cry and Second Grandmother had to explain for a long time before she believed that she was normal.”

MiaoMiao thought about her she looked when she was crying and she felt that her little nephew was ridiculing her. So she immediately furrowed her brows and pretended to be angry and said: “That’s because Xiong Da and Xiong Er’s body was different from mine, so I got scared.

Qin Yu was currently imagining MiaoMiao furrowing her little brows with her face scrunched up and a face full of grievances and loudly crying. It must be very cute.

The four children simply cleaned themselves up and then changed into a set of clean clothes. When they walked out of the bathroom, MiaoMiao felt that she was always being exposed by Xiong Da and she would lose face each time.

She was their Little Aunt, she was their senior. Xiong Da kept exposing all her bad things and letting herself be ridiculed. Xiong Da was too evil!

Qin Yu returned home at four in the afternoon. MiaoMiao followed XIong Da and Xiong Er upstairs. She had a mission tonight, Sister System said, you must remind Big Brother and Sister In Law today. If she was late, then Daddy’s company might have a problem

MiaoMiao thought that her family already didn’t have much money and if her father’s company had a problem, even though his Wealth Value had only fallen by three, it might affect their family by a lot. It wasn’t easy to get 50 dollars of pocket money a day, if something happens, it might get decreased to 20 dollars a day.

On Saturday, Wen FanChu and Wen FuChen both didn’t go to the company to do over time. On Sunday however, there was a sudden meeting in the afternoon.

Wen FanChu finished the meeting at around 4:30 PM and when he finished work and returned home, he saw MiaoMiao at home. He was a bit surprised but he thought that MiaoMiao had come over to find Xiong Da and Xiong Er and that was normal.

When he found out that MiaoMiao wanted to stay for dinner, Wen FanChu finally felt that something was off. According to what Jiang FangFang said last time, MiaoMiao also was like this saying she wanted to eat with them. Was something going to happen again?

MiaoMiao was originally worried that no one would believe her words, but in fact, when Big Brother and Sister In Law saw that she wanted to eat with them, the first thing they thought was that MiaoMiao must know something. They were already worried and were just waiting for MiaoMiao to say something.

After eating dinner, MiaoMiao tugged Sister In Law’s pant leg and said “Sister In Law, MiaoMiao has something to say to you.”

It’s finally here!

Jiang FangFang’s heart skipped a beat and then shared a look with Wen FanChu. It seemed to be just like what they expected. There must be something that was going to happen.

Jiang FangFang brought MiaoMiao into a room to talk and let Xiong Da and Xiong Er to play by themselves.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er didn’t know what their Little Aunt and their mother were going to talk about, but they clearly didn’t want them to listen. So they sulkily went to the living room to watch television.

“What does Little Aunt want to say? Is she going to tattle to Mommy? I don’t think we’ve done anything wrong lately.” Xiong Er was a little worried as he spoke.

Xiong Da also seriously thought about it. Recently it did seem like they haven’t done anything wrong. Ever since summer vacation started, they had gone on vacation with their parents. They had only returned home yesterday. They had only gone swimming with Little Aunt today. When they were at the swimming pool, they didn’t bully their Little Aunt. When Little Aunt was being bullied, they had even tried to help her.

“Maybe Little Aunt is praising us in front of Mommy? There was a little boy who bullied her and we helped her teach him a lesson.” Xiong Da said.

When Xiong Er heard this, his eyes immediately brightened. “That’s right, she must be praising us.”

At this moment, inside the room.

MiaoMiao carefully looked at her sister in law and said. “Sister In Law, MiaoMiao has been reading astrology books lately. Big Brother’s star sign seems to be in a bad situation lately. It said that he needs to be careful of the people around him and that there is a possibility of losing money. The book MiaoMiao has been studying is really amazing. It’s very accurate, but I don’t think Big Brother will believe it. So can Sister In Law say something to Big Brother?”

Jiang FangFang: “… …” If she remembered correctly, MiaoMiao had only just turned four and she only knew simple words. How could she read books on astrology?

From the perspective of a child, this lie of MiaoMiao’s was hard to see through. The other children would probably believe it. But an adult is able to look at the entire picture. Besides, her family knew of MiaoMiao’s circumstances. Even though MiaoMiao was a bit smarter than other children her age and could recognize quite a few characters, there was still no way she could read books on astrology. She could only understand children’s book and those books had to have PinYin over the characters for her to read.

What astrology books would even have PinYin over them?

MiaoMiao innocently looked at her Sister In Law with her big black eyes. Sister System said that she needed to warn Big Brother to pay attention to the people around him. But MiaoMiao felt that Big Brother definitely wouldn’t believe her, so she said that she was reading books on astrology.

There were really books on astrology with PinYin. It was a story with the twelve constellations as the protagonist and it was not on analyzing horoscopes.

Even though Jiang FangFang knew that MiaoMiao was lying, she knew very clearly that MiaoMiao must have found out something in advance and had specially come to warn them. The child thought that her lies were spun very well and Jiang FangFang pretended that she didn’t notice. She nodded her head and said: “Okay, MiaoMiao is so obedient. Sister in Law will go tell your Big Brother.”

Since MiaoMiao doesn’t want to say how she knows, she won’t ask about it. After all, she knows that this child is only thinking of them.

After MiaoMiao got her Sister In Law’s agreement and knew that she believed her, she breathed a sigh of relief.

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It was so difficult for MiaoMiao. She can’t listen to Sister System. It definitely needed MiaoMiao to give a plausible solution. Sigh, Oh well!

Sister System listening to the host’s thoughts: “… …”

After MiaoMiao returned home to her little room, she turned to say to Sister System: “Sister System, isn’t MiaoMiao amazing? The reason MiaoMiao thought of was believed by Sister In Law.”

System: “… …” My host is so silly, she’s adorable. They clearly didn’t believe it at all, okay.

Joey’s Corner:
We’ve made it to a quarter of the way through! I love how innocent MiaoMiao is and how everyone saw through her lies. I wonder how Big Brother will react to this and whether or not he will know who she’s talking about.

At this time, Jiang FangFang was telling Wen FanChu about this matter. “Husband, MiaoMiao said that she was reading astrology books and she said that your horoscope was not very good. You need to pay attention to the people next to you and that you might lose money.”

When Wen FanChu heard this, he was stunned. “MiaoMiao said this? She can read astrology books? Can she understand it?”

For a four year old child, even if they could read the words in the astrology book, they still wouldn’t be able to understand the meaning. MiaoMiao was clearly lying.

“I think that MiaoMiao must definitely know something and she is worried that we wouldn’t believe her, so she found this excuse.” Jiang FangFang spoke and then she couldn’t help but laugh. “Children are so naive, she believed that she hid it very well, but in reality the minute we heard it, we knew it was a lie.”

Wen FanChu’s was already thinking about where he could have made a mistake at the company. He thought about the project plan that Wen FuChen had recently given him. This was a fairly important plan. Could it be that there was a spy from another company in his team that would leak out company secrets?

When he thought about this, Wen FanChu’s face started to look bad. He though of something and then suddenly said: “Wife, do you still remember my university roommate from when we were in university?”

Jiang FangFang was surprised to hear this before she remembered and could roughly guess. “Are you talking about Xu ZiKai?”

Wen FanChu nodded his head. “That’s right. Two months ago he entered the company. After I saw him, I pulled him into my team. MiaoMiao said that my horoscope is not looking good and that I need to be careful of people around me and that it would affect money matters. I thought about the project proposal that Little Uncle gave me. If we are talking about people in my team, then someone who is not particularly reliable and might spill secrets, I could only think of him.”

Even though they were university students, it has already been a few years since they’ve seen each other. The other person could have changed by now.

Xu ZiKai lived in the same dorm as Wen FanChu when they were in university. They were even in the same major. However, their family backgrounds were as different as the sky and the earth. Wen FanChu was from the famous Wen Family and Xu ZiKai was just a normal student. At that time, Xu ZiKai was also one of Jiang FangFang’s pursuers. As the prettiest girl in her major, Jiang FangFang was liked by many of the boys. How could she pay attention to an ordinary boy?

She didn’t find out that Xu ZiKai liked her until she was already with Wen FanChu.

Xu ZiKai never said anything about this matter. When he saw that his roommate had gotten together with the girl he liked, he was sullen and unhappy and started to distance himself from his roommates. Until it was almost time for graduation, during a dinner together and Jiang FangFang had come to take Wen FanChu back. Xu ZiKai was drunk and confessed. Due to this matter, the two men were very unhappy. Xu ZiKai said that he liked Jiang FangFang way before Wen FanChu and that Wen FanChu had stolen the person he liked.

Due to their drunken state, the two men even got into a fight. The next day after sobering up, Xu ZiKai regretted it. He apologized and said that he was always brooding over it and that he no longer likes Jiang FangFang.

After that, the two got along normally and Wen FanChu didn’t think much of the matter. When he saw Xu ZiKai again, it was inside the the company. Wen FanChu felt that his team still didn’t have enough people, and when Xu ZiKai was in university, he was always praised by the teacher. So he decided to recruit him. He also heard that Xu ZiKai also currently had a girlfriend and that he truly no longer liked Jiang FangFang.

Jiang FangFang pursed her lips. “It’s still too early to say. You should be more careful when you go to the company these days. It might not be him, but if it is him… … You should just act as if you never had such a friend.”


Due to this matter, Wen FanChu kept certain details to himself and laid a trap for his team. He didn’t have team meetings inside the meeting rooms but he instead individually called people into his office to discuss. In the end, when they were bidding against a rival company, they saw the other team propose with the plan that that they had developed. It was also the version that he had discussed with Xu ZiKai.

Including Wen FanChu, there were five people in the team. So he had prepared five versions. The other four versions were to ascertain whether or not the other people were spies and the final version was still in his hands.

The rival company gleefully looked at them and his team members were all discussing.

“What happened? How can their proposal be so similar to ours?”

“I don’t know. Who leaked it?”

Xu ZiKai was proud of himself. Wen FanChu, you will also have such a day!

At this time, Wen FanChu took out the proposal that he had made on his own. After revealing the proposal, it was different from the one on the screen. At that time, the rival company and Xu ZiKai were stunned.

What is this? Why is the plan in Wen FanChu’s hand different? Could it be that from the beginning he had prepared two proposals?

Xu ZiKai’s original plan was that as long as this succeeded, the proposal that Wen FanChu had could not be presented and could only say that he didn’t bring one. But if he still presented it, then it would mean he plagiarized and it would negatively affect the company. At that time, he would have accomplished his goal.

But the problem was Wen FanChu had a second proposal, even if the company had prepared for this circumstance beforehand, but who could have made this second proposal? He didn’t know that there would be such a matter.

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Did Wen FanChu make it on his own? Or did Wen FanChu know that he had a problem and had the other teammates create this second proposal without him.

When he thought of this, Xu ZiKai looked at the expressions of his teammates and saw that everyone was surprised. They didn’t seem like they knew about this before. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, since everyone was surprised, then it meant that it wasn’t just him who didn’t know about this matter. Wen FanChu did not suspect him.

After successfully completing the work and returning to the company, Wen FanChu called the team into his office.

Everyone had their heads down, they knew very clearly that within their team, there was definitely a spy.

Xu ZiKai was calm, he thought that as long as he didn’t admit it, no one would know.

There were so many people that could be suspected and he had already entered the Wen family’s company for two months already and had only made a move now. In the previous two months, he had honestly completed all his work. There was no reason for Wen FanChu to suspect him, they were after all university classmates and roommates.

With that thought, Xu ZiKai felt a lot more relaxed.

But the words that Wen FanChu said next surprised him greatly. “I knew early on that there was a traitor within our team, but I wasn’t sure who it was. So after I found out, every time we needed to work on the proposal, I would individually call each of you to my office to discuss it. The proposals I showed you guys were all different.”

When he heard these words, Xu ZiKai broke out in a cold sweat.

“I think you guys are all suspicious about how the rival company could have brought out a proposal that was so similar to ours. But in fact, it wasn’t just similar, it was identical. That’s right. The proposal that the other company submitted is one of these proposals.

Wen FanChu brought out several proposals and put them on the table. “To uncover the traitor, the main points that I discussed with you guys were all different. The proposals that resulted from these discussions were all different. Within them, the proposal that is identical to that rival company’s is this one.”

As Wen FanChu spoke, he pointed to the proposal wrapped in red leather.

The other people looked at it and found that on the proposal it was written Xu ZiKai’s name.

Xu ZiKai felt that he had been exposed and sneered and looked at Wen FanChu. “I never thought you had started to suspect me so early on. Looks like you don’t trust your team members very much.”

Xu ZiKai knew that he had been exposed, but before he left he wanted drive a wedge between the others.

Wen FanChu laughed silently. “It wasn’t that I didn’t believe in my team members, but I believed in you too much. Once I realized that that my team had a traitor, my first reaction was that you had only just entered the company for not even two months. The other people had been with me for a long time, I believed them, but I didn’t want to believe that the person I personally selected to promote would want to ruin me. After all he was my university roommate.”

Losing this proposal wasn’t a problem, after all to the Wen family’s company, even if they couldn’t seal this deal, there were also other opportunities. But for their proposal to be stolen, they wouldn’t just be bitten by the other company, it would also become them plagiarizing others. This would be bad for the company’s reputation and they wouldn’t want cause the other company to sue them for “plagiarism”.

Wen FanChu looked at the other people and said: “You guys go out first, I need to talk to him first.”

When the other people left, he looked at Xu ZiKai. “Speak, what did you want to get out of this?”

“It’s nothing really. I just felt that you were better off than me and I didn’t like it.” Xu ZiKai said and then added. “I will submit the resignation letter and I will leave work early today.”

“You think that after you have done this, a resignation letter is enough? Since I had prepared for this early on, how could I let you leave this easily?”

Xu ZiKai’s steps stopped and he clenched his fists. “What do you want?”

“The contract you signed states that you cannot leak company secrets. You violated the contract. You will have to fight this lawsuit.”

Xu ZiKai’s face immediately turned black. The penalty fee didn’t matter, after all how much could the penelty for breaking a contract be worth? But the problem was after he was sued, who would dare hire him? If the situation became big, which company would want to hire a worker who sold company secrets?

Besides, since the rival company didn’t succeed in winning the bid today, he didn’t think they would give him any benefits.

Xu ZiKai’s matters were dealt with in two days. At this time Wen FanChu found out that Xu ZiKai could still not forget Jiang FangFang. His so-called girlfriend, was also someone who was similar to Jiang FangFang.

Since he was even willing to find a substitute and thinking that this guy had always been coveting his wife, Wen FanChu really wanted to beat him up.

MiaoMiao wasn’t sure about what had happened in the company. But she saw that her big brother’s Wealth Value had returned to normal and her father’s Wealth Value had also returned to 100.

MiaoMiao saw this and breathed a sigh of relief. She pretended to be a little adult and said. “This is great. Sister System, MiaoMiao’s pocket money is safe.”

System: “… …” Your pocket money is a really small matter.

After this matter finished, Wen FanChu told the entire story to Wen FuChen. When Wen FuChen found out, in his heart, he thought that his little daughter is really amazing.

Even though he had already made such preparations in his heart, every time he heard things related to MiaoMiao, Wen FuChen felt a bit flustered. What happened to his BaoBei? Is this some sort of foresight ability? Could it be that when she is dreaming at night, she would be able to see bad things that happen in the future?

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Wen FuChen was suspicious and when he returned home, after eating dinner he picked up his daughter and carried her to the sofa in the living room to sit. He solemnly asked: “Little Princess, when you’re asleep, do you have a lot of dreams?”

MiaoMiao was puzzled and looked at her father while she shook her head. “Nope, MiaoMiao sleeps until morning.”

Wen FuChen started to contemplate, since she isn’t dreaming while she slept, then who could the child have the foresight to know of things that that are not right?

Wen FuChen had also asked Fu Rou previously, MiaoMiao really did have a book on astrology, but that book is just a storybook. The books contents were about the daily lives of the twelve star signs when they were children. It also described the different personalities of the different star signs and did not have anything about horoscopes.

Wen FuChen finally realized that his little princess might have her own little secret.

MiaoMiao still didn’t know that she had been exposed and thought that she kept her secret very well. Since it was rare that her father had time to spend with her, MiaoMiao made him play airplane chess with her.

As the two people played airplane chess, Wen FuChen would naturally yield to his little princess. If there were opportunities for him to eat MiaoMiao’s chess piece, he wouldn’t eat it. He would pretend he didn’t see it and take another path.

Miaomiao originally thought that her father really didn’t notice it, but when it happened multiple times, she realized that her father was intentionally taking it easy on her. So she decided to not eat her father’s chess pieces either. Both sides kept trying their luck and seeing who’s numbers are better.

In the end, because MiaoMiao had eaten two of her father’s pieces in the beginning and caused them to start over from the beginning and wasted some time, MiaoMiao won.

MiaoMiao quickly took out a little notebook from her pocket and used a little pencil to write down: “July 4th, MiaoMiao and Daddy played airplane chess. MiaoMiao won.”

This simple sentence became: “July 4th, MiaoMiao and Daddy play erplane ches. MiaoMiao win.”

Wen FuChen saw that she was using a little notebook to record her results and looked at it out of curiosity. He found out that most of the time she lost and it was with Xiong Da, Xiong Er and Qin Yu.

MiaoMiao saw her father sticking his head out to secretly look at her results and shyly put her little notebook away and said: “MiaoMiao only just learned to play airplane chess and MiaoMiao isn’t very good so I always lose.”

Usually the ones who win are Xiong Da and Xiong Er. She and Yu Tou rarely won, this must be the result of XIong Da and Xiong Er being older than them by half a year!

Wen FuChen laughed as he rubbed MiaoMiao’s little head and said: “In the future when MiaoMiao plays, you need to pay attention to a few things. When your chess piece is in front of your opponents, it is easy for it to be eaten. You have to follow behind other people. Other than this, when you’re close to someone else’s home, if you can move a different piece, move that one instead. Wait until your chess piece won’t be eaten by your opponent just coming out of their home, then you can go.”

MiaoMiao didn’t understand at all. Later, Wen FuChen started to teach her how to play airplane chess.

MiaoMiao then understood, that airplane chess actually required some knowledge and you couldn’t rely blindly on luck. Unless your luck was off the charts, if you wanted to win, you need to use some strategy.

Miaomiao felt that her fighting spirit was raised up very high. She suspected that in the future when she plays airplane chess, she would always win.

Luckily, the next day was Sunday. The children planned to go swimming in the afternoon. In the morning they would play airplane chess.

Qin Yu brought the airplane chess set that MiaoMiao had given him previously. Then the four children sat together and MiaoMiao prepared to use the strategies her father taught her the day before. She thought that she would definitely be able to win quite a few times today. She needs to show how amazing she is to her little deskmate and her little nephews!

Later, the three little boys were surprised to find that their Little Aunt (little deskmate) was suddenly very amazing at airplane chess!

After winning the first game, MiaoMiao gleefully stuck out her chest and raised her chin. “Yesterday, my daddy taught me how to play! Today I used what Daddy taught me yesterday, so I improved a lot!”

Little Aunt, what did grandpa teach you yesterday? You should tell us.” Xiong Er enviously said.

MiaoMiao was someone who wouldn’t keep secrets especially to people she liked. So she never knew what it meant to keep a secret, so she immediately said everything her father said yesterday. Then she even demonstrated it.

Later… … Her win rate fell again.

MiaoMiao: If I knew earlier, I wouldn’t have told you guys. QAQ. I have very few wins in my little notebook.

The Author has something to say: After I wrote about how MiaoMiao bought a set of airplane chess for his birthday present, the author couldn’t help but constantly think about airplane chess. So she went to download the QQ game and when she logged in, she found out her account’s points was -11000….

The author thought: Which noob used my account to play airplane chess? How can they be this bad?

My mom, Little Aunt, and my little cousin, all know the password to this account. I suspect it should be one of the three.

Later, I got addicted to airplane chess and couldn’t free myself from it. It seemed like I always lost more than I won. I figured out that the noob was actually me. QAQ

Joey’s Corner: :joy: hahaha. That author note was hilarious. I’m also amused that MiaoMiao spilled the beans immediately after winning one game. I thought she would have won a few more games before spilled the beans.
I’m sortof disappointed that Xu ZiKai’s matter was basically resolved in half a chapter. I guess I was hoping for a bit more scheming and plotting, but then again, it wouldn’t fit into this fluffy, slice of life story about a child.

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