The children planned to eat lunch at MiaoMiao’s house and then after taking their afternoon nap, they would go and swim. But airplane chess was just too exciting and MiaoMiao wasn’t happy that she was constantly losing. So after they woke up from their afternoon nap, they continued to play airplane chess and the four children continued to fight each other.

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Today MiaoMiao only won two games. She sulkily recorded it into her little notebook. Xiong Da and Xiong Er returned upstairs, but Qin Yu remained behind and comforted MiaoMiao. “MiaoMiao, you’re so amazing, I only won one game today.”

MiaoMiao looked at Qin Yu with pitying eyes and suddenly felt comforted. Even though she wasn’t very good at the game, it seemed like Qin Yu was even worse than her.

The ones who won a lot were always Xiong Da and Xiong Er!

MiaoMiao felt that Qin Yu really was too pitiful and couldn’t help but comfort him as well. “Yu Tou, don’t be sad. We’ll be good in the future. We can choose to not play with Xiong Da and Xiong Er and find other kids to play with. The other kids wouldn’t have played as much as us, so they might lose more often!”

Qin Yu: “… … Okay.”

Summer vacation was very fulfilling but it could also be a bit boring. Every day there were teachers that would come teach MiaoMiao. But at home, there was only MiaoMiao taking lessons and there were no other kids there. MiaoMiao felt that it was a bit dull.

Fu Rou also noticed this fact and decided to let MiaoMiao take a break for a week. She and Jiang FangFang will take the three kids out on vacation.

As for their husbands… … They had too many things to deal with at the company, so they should just stay at the company and do some over time. They can just wait for them to send photos into the family group chats and then they can take a look and pretend that they had participated as well.

After Fu Rou decided, she discussed it with Jiang FangFang and the two of the finally decided to go to the seaside to play.

When Wen FuChen and Wen FanChu found out from their wives that they were going to bring the children out to play, their faces had an expression that showed they didn’t know what to say. They felt as though they were abandoned by their wife and kids.

MiaoMiao, Xiong Da, and Xiong Er were very happy. MiaoMiao even hugged Wen FuChen’s leg and said: “Daddy, MiaoMiao will take many many pictures, then Daddy can see them and it can be like you were there with us too!”

Wen FuChen’s smile stiffened. “Okay, when MiaoMiao goes out to play, you need to remember you can’t be unruly and run everywhere. You need to follow Mommy, okay?”

“Yup, yup!” MiaoMiao quickly nodded her little head.

MiaoMiao’s second vacation started!

Fu Rou helped MiaoMiao take out the pink swimsuit and the yellow swimsuit that they had bought previously and said: “BaoBei, we’ll temporarily bring these first. You can first wear these swimsuits. When we get there if there are any pretty ones, then we can buy some new ones for you. If there aren’t any pretty ones then you can just wear these two.”

“Okay!” MiaoMiao quickly nodded her little head.

MiaoMiao had a lot of clothes. She could basically change to a different style every single day. But the novelty of her new clothes was actually not just a single day. There were times where she finds some new clothes that she thinks are so beautiful and she couldn’t help but want to put them on right away. There were some clothes that even though she had worn them before, she still really liked them.

Having too many clothes, was also another headache!

This time, they would go out to play for almost a week. On Sundays, MiaoMiao would go play with Qin Yu, so they planned to leave on Monday and then return on Saturday.

Fu Rou packed some cute, but light and cool clothes for MiaoMiao. Then she also brought a little fan and a portable power bank that she had bought previously. There was also a cooling mist spray as well as sunscreen for adults and children.

Her preparations were very thorough, when they left the the next morning, she rushed to help MiaoMiao change her clothes and then helped her put on the baby sunscreen and then helped her put on a straw sunhat.

Today MiaoMiao wore a flowery spaghetti strap dress today. Her two chubby arms were revealed and the dress came to her knees. She wore a cute pair of sandals which revealed her round little toes.

“Mommy, will we be taking Daddy’s private plane?” MiaoMiao asked.

“Yes.” Fu Rou replied and then thought of something and looked at MiaoMiao and said; “BaoBei, do you want to take Daddy’s plane?”

If normal people heard these words, they would have thought that the mother was asking the daughter if she liked it or not. But when Jiang FangFang who was bringing Xiong Da and Xiong Er heard this, she subconsciously looked towards MiaoMiao nervously.

Because she knew that Fu Rou was asking if the airplane would have any problems.

Even though plane accidents had a low probability of happening, but if an accident occurred, then it would most likely be fatal.

MiaoMiao innocently blinked and said: “MiaoMiao likes it. The plane has lots of snacks! Daddy’s plane is amazing!”

MiaoMiao didn’t notice her mother and sister in law’s nervousness and then look of relief. She only thought that her mother was asking if she liked the plane or not.

Nevertheless Sister System always kept a close eye on MiaoMiao’s family’s data to prevent any accidents.

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The flight plan was in fact very smooth. However, this time because her mother was there, MiaoMiao’s snacks was much less because her mother didn’t allow her to eat that many. MiaoMiao could only request for several extra cups of juice. As a result, just during the flight, she had to go to the washroom twice.

When the plane prepared to land, MiaoMiao looked at Fu Rou. “Mommy, when we go to the hotel, would it be like the hotel from before where everything in the room is very tall?”

MiaoMiao remembered the last time that they stayed at a hotel and furrowed her brows in frustration. All the furniture was too high and it really wasn’t suitable for children to use.

Fu Rou only thought of that matter now, but hotel suites would not prepare a set of things for children to use. She immediately nodded her head and said. “That’s right. When the time comes, Mommy will buy you a little stool. MiaoMiao just needs to stand on the stool and it’ll be okay.”

MiaoMiao nodded her head. Going out to play is really fun, she can see all sorts of different things, but she always needs to buy a little stool. That’s so annoying!

After the plane landed, MiaoMiao held her mother’s hand and got off the plane with her sister in law and little nephews.

When they left the house this time, they also brought three assistants whose main jobs were to help them carry their luggage as well as handle other work.

MiaoMiao walked with her short little legs. After they left the airport and got into the car. She took out her iPad to send the pictures she had just took to Qin Yu.

It was still morning and Qin Yu had not yet started to attend class. The children started to send voice messages and started talking.

This time Fu Rou specially picked out a luxurious resort hotel’s suite. There were three bedrooms and the largest was for the children to stay in. Next to the bed and in the bathroom there were already little stool prepared. The other two rooms were only a little smaller and Fu Rou and Jiang Fang Fang moved their luggage inside.

MiaoMiao’s things could all fit into a little suitcase. Her clothes were all packed inside and were inside the the room. Xiong Da and Xiong Er’s things were all inside the same suitcase. The three children huddled together and opened their suitcases. Then Xiong Da and Xiong Er looked at MiaoMiao enviously.

“Little Aunt, your clothes are all so cute and pretty.” Xiong Er said jealously. “Me and my brother’s clothes are all simple shirts and pants.”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er enviously looked at the clothes next to MiaoMiao. There were some with ruffles, there were some with cartoons, there were little hearts, and even all sorts of embroidery.

There were also many different styles like spaghetti strap dresses, pleated skirts, dresses with blouses… …

There were so many different styles. A girl’s clothing was really different!

MiaoMiao gleefully raised her little chin and said: “These were all picked out by Mommy! My Mommy is really good at picking out clothes!”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er really hated that they couldn’t just turn into girls. If their clothes didn’t have cartoon graphics, then there would be stripes. They were all shirts paired with shorts. It was only that the shirts could be sleeveless, could be t-shirts, or they could be polos.

Tsk. Why did they only have one style?

It’s barely enough! QAQ

MiaoMiao lowered her head and looked at her little flowery dress. Then she took out a glasses case out of her suitcase. After opening it, she took out her cute little sunglasses.

She put on the sunglasses and then put on her cute little straw hat and then twirled around. “Does this look good?”

“It looks good!” Xiong Da and Xiong Er quickly nodded their heads. “Little Aunt looks good in everything!”

MiaoMiao normally watched TV and the people on TV won’t wear sunglasses. It seemed like the only people who wore sunglasses were all very amazing people. They would look very scary with a bunch of little brothers following them!

With that thought, MiaoMiao didn’t smile anymore and quickly put on a serious expression. She walked to the little stool and sat down. Then she thought for a moment and then crossed one leg over the over and then she crossed her arms over her chest. “Xiong Da, Xiong Er. Quick. Help me take a photo!”

XIong Da and Xiong Er quickly used their iPads to help MiaoMiao take photos.

The two kids held an iPad each and stood in different positions. They took pictures of MiaoMiao from different angles.

MiaoMiao lifted her little chin and pursed her pink and tender lips. She worked hard to give out an aloof feeling.

MiaoMiao: I am now one of those powerful people on TV! I won’t accept any rebuttals! Hmph!

Xiong Da and Xiong Er helped MiaoMiao take quite a few photos. Then MiaoMiao took off the sunglasses and then started to pick photos. She picked one from Xiong Da’s side and then she also picked one from Xiong Er’s side. Then she sent them to the family group chat.

Wen FuChen who was currently in a meeting saw that his cellphone had notifications from the family group chat. As he listened to his subordinates report, he unlocked his phone and started to take a sip of his coffee.

As he entered the family group chat and opened the pictures, he saw his little princess. With a ptooo! Wen FuChen spat out the coffee in his mouth. He choked a little and coughed as he took a napkin to wipe his mouth and then he wiped his desk.

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Wen FanChu was sitting next to him and saw the pictures on his phone. He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and he reached out to pat Wen FuChen’s back. “Are you okay, Little Uncle?”

“I’m fine. Cough Cough… …” Wen FuChen coughed a bit more. When he felt a little better, he decided in the future, he definitely can’t look at the pictures in the family group chat during meetings.

The pictures his daughter takes…. … Hm… The style was quite unique. Wouldn’t it be too embarrassing if it were seen by others?

“Continue” Wen FuChen said.

The meeting continued normally.

Joey’s Corner:
Whoops. It’s a little late, but it’s still Monday! Thank god for PST. My new keyboard should be arriving tomorrow! I can’t wait to get it and then build it!

At this moment, Grandma Wen, who was at home, also received the photo on her iPad. When she opened it, she couldn’t help but laugh. “Old man, come quickly. Take a look at MiaoMiao’s photo. It’s so cute!”

The elderly couple’s vision was not very good, so Wen FuChen had prepared an iPad for them with very large font sizes so that it would be convenient for them to use.

Grandpa Wen looked over and then laughed and said: “This was taken by ChaoYu and ChaoPei, wasn’t it?”

“Most likely.”

MiaoMiao thought that these two photos looked good, but she didn’t know why but her mother and her sister in law seemed to not have seen them at all. So she picked up her iPad and ran over. As she ran, she yelled out: “Mommy, Sister in law, MiaoMiao sent her photo into the group chat! Take a look!”

Immediately after speaking, MiaoMiao didn’t care about her mother and sister in law’s smiling expressions after they saw the photo, and she returned to the room and asked. “Xiong Da, Xiong Er, do you guys have Yu Tou’s WeChat? Can you help me send a photo to Yu Tou?”

“We haven’t added Qin Yu yet!” Xiong Da innocently scratched his head.

“Then how will I send a picture to Yu Tou?” MiaoMiao furrowed her brow in frustration.

She only knew how to send out photos from her iPad, but she didn’t know how to forward anyone else’s photo. No one had taught her before.

“I know how!” Xiong Da quickly picked up MiaoMiao’s iPad and forwarded the two pictures she picked out. Then he also downloaded the pictures into MiaoMiao’s iPad.

MiaoMiao exited out and then opened up her chat with Qin Yu. Then she found out it was already sent out. She thought it was really magical and looked at Xiong Da with a gaze full of admiration. “Xiong Da, you’re amazing!”

“Little Aunt, I also know how to do it!” Xiong Er wasn’t happy that his big brother could show off in front of his little aunt. So he quickly started to teach MiaoMiao, the different functions of WeChat.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er did not study during their vacations. The two children always went out to play and they were very familiar with WeChat and also all the entertainment features of their iPads. So they immediately started to explain the different functionalities to MiaoMiao.

After listening to this, MiaoMiao felt that her two little nephews were really amazing!

Qin Yu sent a voice message in the middle of all this and the four children started to talk together.

Fu Rou and Jiang FangFang finished tidying up and placing their things in their rooms. They then started to prepare to go to a nearby Japanese restaurant for lunch.

It was the first time for MiaoMiao to try Japanese food and it was the first time for her to see this kind of restaurant. Once they entered, everyone was placed into different rooms and in each room, they need to take off their shoes.

MiaoMiao held her mother’s hand and followed after the waitress. In the room, she took off her shoes and saw that her mother had sat cross legged. She curiously copied her mother and also sat cross legged.

The waitress left the menu and then softly said: “You can also scan a QR code to order.”

After the waitress went out, MiaoMiao curiously asked: “Mommy, why do we need to take off our shoes to eat here?”

MiaoMiao had gone out to eat many times before, but this is the first time she went into a restaurant that needed them to take off their shoes.

“This is the rule here.” Fu Rou said and after scanning the QR code, she passed her phone to MiaoMiao. “BaoBei, take a look at these photos. Is there anything you want to eat?”

MiaoMiao curiously looked at the phone and found out there were many little pieces of things. The inside was white and the outside was wrapped with something dark. There were also some that had extra things added as well. She asked in confusion: “Mommy, what is this?”

“This is sushi. The white stuff is rice and the things on top is sauce. There’s also meat. BaoBei, look at the pictures and select what you like.”

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“Okay!” MiaoMiao nodded her little head and the looked at the pictures. She selected a corn boat, as well as a pink sakura roll. She thought that since it was rice, she wouldn’t be able to eat that much, so she only selected these two. Fu Rou thought her daughter didn’t understand the words, so she simply picked out several more. They could use two phones at the same time to order their dishes, so they could also see what they others had ordered. Jiang FangFang was also ordering.

Other than sushi, there was also other Japanese food. Even though there were only two adults and three children, they still ordered enough to fill up an entire table.

After MiaoMiao went to wash her hands, the sushi had already arrived. The chopsticks here were too big, so MiaoMiao wasn’t able to use it, so she could only use her hands to grab it.

Her chubby fingers picked up a cucumber roll and dipped it in some vinegar. Then her little mouth bit it in half. She tasted the sourness of the vinegar as well as the sweetness of the salad dressing. The cucumber was also very crisp.

MiaoMiao then finished eating the other half of the cucumber and then she tried some of the other rolls off the boat as well as other hand rolls. There was also bibimbap as well as soup.

After Fu Rou finished eating, she only just noticed that her daughter had already become a messy little cat. Her mouth was covered in salad dressing as well as ketchup. She took a tissue and helped her wipe her mouth.

“Mommy, MiaoMiao wants to come to this store in the future.” MiaoMiao looked at Fu Rou hopefully. Children trying new foods would always find it very novel, and Fu Rou saw that she liked it. So she easily nodded and agreed.

During the afternoon while the three children had their afternoon naps, Fu Rou and Jiang FangFang discussed their itinerary for the next few days.

They planned to go to a few different places, but they had not yet decided on what day they would go to the different places.

MiaoMiao slept until about 2 in the afternoon. She dazedly sat up and rubbed her eyes. She saw that Xiong Da and Xiong Er, who were next to her had already gotten up and had gotten off the bed to change. So she also started to look for her clothes to change into.

Fu Rou and Jiang FangFang heard them moving around, so they came over as MiaoMiao was changing.

Fu Rou smiled and said: “BaoBei, today we’re going to the water amusement park.”

MiaoMiao didn’t know what a water park was, but she understood what an amusement park was. So she happily asked: “Mommy, is a water amusement park an amusement park?”

“It’s similar to how an amusement park has many different things. But its all related to water, so we need to wear swimsuits.”

They didn’t just have to wear swimsuits, they also had to wear sunscreen.

When they reached the water park, it was almost three and the sun wasn’t as strong anymore. But there was still lots of sunlight. MiaoMiao changed into her cute pink swimsuit and when she followed her mom out, she also saw lots of slides.

Her eyes immediately brightened and her big black eyes were full of happiness. Her chubby fingers pointed at the big slides and asked: “Mommy, those big and tall things. Are they all slides? Can MiaoMiao play on them?”

Fu Rou pinched her cheek and said: “Those are slides, but little kids cannot play on them. There is a height and weight restriction. BaoBei, you can’t go on them yet, you need to wait a few more years.”

When MiaoMiao heard this, she immediately felt that it wasn’t fair. “Why not? Is MiaoMiao still not tall enough? Or is it because MiaoMiao is not fat enough?”

Hmph, MiaoMiao already eats so much, she still couldn’t go and play on them?

Fu Rou rubbed her hair and comforted her as she said: “That’s right, so BaoBei needs to obediently eat her meals and grow up faster. Then you can come and play.”

MiaoMiao: “… …” It really is because I’m not fat enough. Then maybe if Yu Tou came, he would be able to go. So lucky.

MiaoMiao looked at the giant slides next to her with eyes full of envy.

As she walked closer, she heard the voices of many big brothers and big sisters.

MiaoMiao lifted her little head and looked at her mother and said: “Mommy, MiaoMiao understands now. Those slides are for adults to play on right? MiaoMiao is still a little kid and can only play on the little slides for children. That slide is very big, so I can only play on them after I grow up.”

Fu Rou could only nod her head.

MiaoMiao clenched her little fists and seriously said: “MiaoMiao needs to grow up faster!”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er didn’t really like to play on the slides very much. They saw that not far away, there was someone selling water guns and were having a water fight. So they happily pulled at Jiang FangFang’s hands and said: “Mommy, can we buy that gun? We want to play with that!”

Jiang FangFang turned her head and looked. She saw that there was a little store that wa selling toys for children.

She went in and bought water guns for the three children and even filled them up inside the store.

MiaoMiao curiously fiddled with the water gun and pressed on the trigger. Water burst out and hit Xiong Er in the back.

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Xiong Er jumped and turned around to look. He saw his Little Aunt still holding the incriminating gun and he immediately didn’t show any weakness and started to fight back.

Xiong Da wasn’t happy that only his little brother and little aunt were having a water fight, so he also joined in.

Fu Rou and Jiang FangFang stood on the side and used their phones which had been placed into a transparent bag to take photos of the three children.

That day, MiaoMiao stayed near the water and let her mother take many cute pictures of her. She thought that it wasn’t just her father and big brother who didn’t come and needed to look at photos. Her little desk mate also couldn’t be here to play with them. He was so pitiful that he had to study everyday too!

So MiaoMiao immediately said: “Mommy, you have to help MiaoMiao take a few more pictures. MiaoMiao needs to send them to Yu Tou.”

Fu Rou held her phone and madly take photos. Luckily her cellphone had enough storaage and her photography skills weren’t bad and she took many pretty pictures of her cute baby.

When she returned to the hotel, MiaoMiao copied what Xiong Da and Xiong Er had shown her before and took the photos that her mother had sent inside the group chat and sent them all to Qin YU.

She didn’t only know how to forward a single message, she also knew how to forward many messages at once.

So she selected all the photos and then sent them individually to Qin Yu.

So while they were eating dinner, Qin Yu’s WeChat was bombed by MiaoMiao!

“What’s the matter? That is not my WeChat.” Xia ChenXi was a bit confused.

“It’s also not mine.” Qin Yu’s father was puzzled.

The husband and wife looked at their son.

Qin Yu was a little embarrassed and said: “MiaoMiao went on vacation and she is sending me a lot of pictures.”

Xia ChenXi felt that her sons words…. …. It seemed like he was actually really happy?

Your desk mate went on vacation and is just sending you photos. Why are you so happy?

After Qin Yu finished eating dinner, he ran back to his room to look. He saw that MiaoMiao had sent him many photos.

He started at the bottom and then slowly worked his way up. He clicked every photo and enlarged them. He saw his cute desk mate in all sorts of photos. At the very end, he saw the two pictures that she had sent in the day of her wearing sunglasses.

Qin Yu couldn’t help but smile. His little angel was really cute. Her skin was white and tender and her cheeks were so chubby. Even though she was wearing sunglasses, she was still a cute angel!

That night, Fu Rou prepared a bubble bath for the three children.

Seeing that the bathtub was filled with so many bubbles, MiaoMiao was excitedly said: “Mommy, help MiaoMiao take some photos! This is the first time MiaoMiao is taking a bath like this. She needs to keep a memory of it.”

“Okay.” Fu Rou smiled and took out her phone and pointed the camera at the three children. Then she said: “Look over here, 3 + 4 = ?” (seven in mandarin sounds like “chi”)

“Seven (qi)!” The three children answered in unison and also revealed their smiles.

Unsurprisingly, the photos were not only sent to the family group chat, but it was also sent to Qin Yu.

He saw his little desk mate and her little nephews taking a bath together, and Qin Yu’s heart felt a little sour.

He was very envious of Xiong Da and Xiong Er. They could take baths with MiaoMiao. He only took a bath with her twice.

When he thought of this, Qin Yu decided, every Sunday during summer vacation, they definitely have to go swimming! If there was time then, on Monday to Friday mornings, they could also go to the swimming pool. Then he could go to MiaoMiao’s house and take a bath with MiaoMiao before going home!

Everyone is a good child, so he could not be the only one left out of their baths!

Joey’s Corner:
My keyboard has a broken pcb, so I need to send it back and wait for a new one to arrive.  At least the customer service was really good and they replied very quickly. But I’m a bit sad that I still have to wait though.
But back to Qin Yu and MiaoMiao, Qin Yu is so hilarious. I’m sortof sad that Fu Rou and Jiang FangFang didn’t invite Qin Yu and his family to go on vacation as well. I think it would have been fun for all of them to go together, since they’re spending so much time together anyways.
During MiaoMiao’s lunch, I was hoping that MiaoMiao would have a reaction to sashimi or to wasabi. But they didn’t mention that at all. But at least we know that MiaoMiao ate very happily.

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