On the last day of MiaoMiao’s second vacation, she was wearing a white T-shirt with a large collar and a cute pleated grey skirt. She was also wearing a pair of 1 cm tall little flip-flops. There was also a cute bowtie on the flip-flops.

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At this momemnt, MiaoMiao was holding her cute little iPad and sitting on the bed in a video call with Qin Yu.

In the video, Qin Yu was wearing a set of cute homeclothes and sitting next to MiaoMiao was Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

A little kid did not understand what bad angles were on a camera, so when MiaoMiao had a video call, she would place the iPad on her legs. The video camera would face upwards and showed her two little nostrils very clearly. But she still thought that she was very cute.

“Yu Tou, we are going to fly back today. Tomorrow, let’s go swim together. I need to tell you all about our vacation!” MiaoMiao happily said: “Mommy also bought a lot of things for me!”

“Okay.” Qin Yu quickly nodded his little head. “Tomorrow, I also want to see your photos.”

“Okay.” MiaoMiao swung her little legs and smiled as she and Qin Yu chatted for a while.

For lunch that day, they had made a reservation at the most famous seafood restaurant in the area. MiaoMiao had eaten a lot of food that had come from the sea before, but she did not know that these were considered to be seafood. She only thought that she had never eaten these foods before and was looking forward to it a lot.

At noon, the three children followed after their mothers and when they were selecting their dishes, they saw a lot of crabs. Xiong Da and Xiong Er eagerly reached out to try and grab them. MiaoMiao thought they looked scary and wasn’t willing to get close.

“Don’t touch them!” Jiang FangFang dragged her two boys back. “If you aren’t careful they’ll pinch you. Then your hand will hurt!”

If was only when they heard that, that Xiong Da and Xiong Er suppressed their urge to touch the creatures. They then looked at the other creatures in the water tank.

“What do you want to eat, MiaoMiao?” Fu Rou lowered her head to look at MiaoMiao.

MiaoMiao was afraid and hugged Fu Rou’s leg. “Mommy, they look scary. They don’t look like they would be tasty. Can we really eat that?”

Eeek. These things look very fierce!

Fu Rou smiled and said: “Even though they look scary, they are very delicious. These are MiaoMiao’s favourite shrimps. There is also fish. The scray things are crabs. But because MiaoMiao is a little kid, you cannot eat too many.”

MiaoMiao thought for a moment and still said: “Then MiaoMiao wants to shrimp and fish. MiaoMiao doesn’t know about the others.”

“Okay. Then for the rest, you can just have a bite to try them.”

Fu Rou and Jiang FangFang picked a lot of seafood. Because there was children, the two adults did not pick any raw dishes. They only ordered cooked food and also an order of seafood noodles.

They entered a private room and MiaoMiao sat in a highchair. An assistant helped them disinfect their utensils using some hot water. Previously, Fu Rou had discovered that when MiaoMiao ate out, it was very inconvenient for her. So she had phoned Wen FuChen and asked him to send MiaoMiao, Xiong Da, and Xiong Er’s dining utensils over. So MiaoMiao had her little spoon and little chopsticks as well as several little plates and a little bowl.

After MiaoMiao ate her seafood noodles, the shrimp arrived at the table. The assistant put on a pair of gloves and started to peel the shrimp. He was very fast and MiaoMiao happily picked up the shrimp and dipped it into a mixture of soy sauce and vinegar before eating.

Fu Rou saw that her little mouth was all covered in sauce, so she used a wet tissue to help her wipe her mouth.

Very quickly, MiaoMiao saw the scary crabs again. After they were cooked, their original blue-green bodies had become completely red. They didn’t look as scary anymore.

MiaoMiao noticed that she seemed to have seen these before. But because their color was different and they were swimming in water, she had not recognized them.

She looked at Fu Rou with eyes full of questions. “Mommy, hasn’t MiaoMiao seen these before? Didn’t we eat them at home before?”

Fu Rou nodded her head and said: “Yes, that’s right. BaoBei, these are considered cold foods, so children should not eat them too much. So before, it was mainly Daddy and Mommy eating them. So to avoid you being able to see it but not being able to eat it, we rarely have it at home.”

Fu Rou had ordered quite a few crabs and each one was rather large. After she cracked open the claw’s leg and removed the shell, she placed it onto MiaoMiao’s plate.

MiaoMiao curiously held the red little leg and took a bite of the white meat. Even though when they were alive, they looked very scary, but after they died, the mouth feel was pretty good.

MiaoMiao felt that the taste was a bit light, so she looked towards her mother and said: “MiaoMiao wants to dip it in the soup.”

There was alcohol in the soup the crabs were served with and there was no way that Fu Rou would let MiaoMiao drink. So she said: “BaoBei, you can dip it into the soy sauce and vinegar dip and try it. Little children cannot try this soup.”

MiaoMIao was a little puzzled and then she felt a bit wronged. Why were there so many things that little kids can’t touch? Being an adult is great, even though studying is very difficult, but after becoming an adult, there are many things you can eat.

MiaoMiao clenched a little fist and then silently swore that she needs to quickly eat her food and be able to grow up faster.

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After lunch at noon, everyone boarded the plane. The seats of the plane could be placed flat and MiaoMiao laid upon the seat. Because the plane flew relatively smoothly, after she closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep.

When the plane reached City A and was preparing to descend, Fu Rou finally told MiaoMiao to wake up. MiaoMiao opened her eyes blearily and then reached out with her chubby hands and rubbed her eyes.

Fu Rou said: “BaoBei, we’ve almost arrived. You should wake up now.”

MiaoMiao opened her mouth and made a big yawn. She snuggled into her mother’s arms and closed her eyes. She still wanted to sleep some more.

Fu Rou helplessly hugged her until the plane landed. Then she carried her off the plane.

After leaving the airport, there was a driver waiting outside. MiaoMiao entered her family’s car before she woke up a bit and said: “Mommy, tonight, MiaoMiao wants to eat fried chicken legs and drink Yu Tou (Taro) soup.”

Even though they had eaten well when they were on vacation the past few days and she was able to try all sorts of food. But there was no fried chicken legs or taro soup. MiaoMiao hadn’t had them in a few days and MiaoMiao missed them.

“Okay, when we go back, we will ask the auntie to buy it.”

After MiaoMiao returned home, she started to do her math homework. She had already not done her homework for a week, so it was about time for her to make it up.

Her right hand held her little pencil and after finishing two days of math homework, then she started to read out loud her Chinese homework. At this time, Qin Yu’s afternoon classes were also done.

The two children started a video call together and this time, MiaoMiao did not use that bad camera angle, but instead placed her iPad on a stand and properly pointed it towards her face. Then she happily stood on her little chair and said: “Yu Tou, are my clothes pretty?”

Qin Yu nodded his head. “Very pretty. You look good in everything.”

MiaoMiao happily lifted her chin and stuck out her chest. “Mommy said that these clothes are a miniaturized version of an adults clothes. It’s very cute, isn’t it?”

“It’s not as cute as you.” Qin Yu’s mouth seemed to have been slathered with honey. Whatever he said was especially sweet.

MiaoMiao heard that he was praising her and she was very happy. Then she said: “Tomorrow you should come early. I want to show you all the pictures that I took. Then we can play airplane chess and in the afternoon we can go swimming. I bought another new swimsuit!”

The next day, Qin Yu had arrived very early, but his face didn’t look very good.

“Yu Tou, what’s wrong?” MiaoMiao asked, puzzled.

Qin Yu furrowed his little brows and said: “MiaoMiao, today I told my parents that I want to study at the same elementary school as you and be desk mates and always want to be together in the future.”

“But… … My daddy said. We can still be together in elementary and junior high, but senior high requires us to take an exam.” Qin Yu said. Then his expression looked as though he had been very wronged. “Didn’t you say before, your little aunt had to take the GaoKao? Before the GaoKao it seems like there is also a ZhongKao, an entrance exam for senior high. We then need to apply to our senior high schools depending on our marks from the ZhongKao. If the school is not thee same, then we wouldn’t be able to ask the school to place us in the same class and we cannot be desk mates anymore.”

When MiaoMiao heard this, she also felt a bit distressed. “Then what should we do? I think I am pretty stupid. Will my exam results be very bad?”

Qin Yu felt a bit dejected and said: “I don’t think that would happen. MiaoMiao, you are actually very smart. But I am worried that we would not be in the same school.”

As he spoke, Qin Yu sighed again and then said: “Besides this, after we go to senior high, even if we are in the same school, it seems that in year two of senior high, we need to decide on what stream we go into (humanities or sciences). If we do not pick the same one, then we won’t be in the same class. At that time, the class you are in is very important. The school will place you into classes depending on your results.

MiaoMiao was stunned. “Then does that mean our results also need to be very similar or we won’t be able to be desk mates?”

Qin Yu nodded his head.

MiaoMiao: “… …I … … I will study hard.” Hmm. Even though I don’t know what Yu Tou’s results are like, he seems to be very smart. It seems like he has never written down a wrong answer.

That night, MiaoMiao carefully looked at Fu Rou and said: “Mommy, can MiaoMiao stop studying dance? MiaoMiao wants to study hard, so that in the future she can get good results.”

Fu Rou was surprised to hear these words and asked: “BaoBei, why would you think this?”

“MiaoMiao is scared that she won’t be able to keep up with Yu Tou and won’t be in the same class as Yu Tou.” MiaoMiao sadly poked her fingers together. “We already discussed it, we want to always be desk mates.”

Fu Rou laughed as she rubbed her head and said: “We don’t think studying is that important. Similarly for your little desk mate as well. If you are worried, you can go to an aristocratic school. As long as you can pay, you can enter it and you can always be desk mates.”

MiaoMiao’s eyes immediately brightened. “Re… Really?”

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“Of course.” Fu Rou had already planned it out. You can enter a public school as long as you had good enough marks. That is not to say that MiaoMiao wouldn’t be able to get that score, but schools in City A all required students to live at school.

Most public school’s environment is not particularly good and the dormitory conditions were also average. She couldn’t bear to let MiaoMiao suffer any of these hardships.

Nowadays, there were many well run private schools. Even though the tuition is quite expensive, the dormitory conditions were very good. The teaching resources were also better.

Like the aristocratic senior high that Fu Li was studying at before, she was still able to score very well on the GaoKao and the requirements for the students to study at that school was that either they had to have money or they needed to score high marks to get in. As for tuition, it all depended on their ZhongKao results. The higher their ZhongKao scores, the lower their tuition. If their results were very good, then they would not even need to pay tuition and the school will even give them a stipend. This was the school’s way of attracting good students.

MiaoMiao relaxed and then talked to Qin Yu about this. She was happy that they could continue to be desk mates for a long time.

Joey’s Corner:
Wow. MiaoMiao’s eating good food every chapter. I want to eat crabs too. I feel like I haven’t had crabs in a very long time.

Thank you to Eddy for sponsoring two bonus chapters. They will go up today or tomorrow as I finish them.

Very quickly, summer vacation ended.

In the middle of September, Little Star Kindergarten started classes again.

MiaoMiao got promoted to the intermediate class and after switching classes, their head teacher was also changed.

The new head teacher was a particularly pretty female teacher and with a single look, MiaoMiao knew she liked her.

The pretty teacher smiled and said: “Hello everyone, I am the new teacher, Teacher Chen. From today on, let’s get along.”


“Because teacher is new, teacher is not familiar with everyone. Can everyone introduce themselves?” Teacher Chen continued to smile.

At this moment, most of the children became a bit shy.

The teacher got them to introduce themselves in order.

The kindergarten actually had everyone wear name tags. Every child would have their name tag on their left chest. So that it would be convenient for the teachers to interact with the kids and it would also help them remember their names quickly.

When it was time for MiaoMiao to introduce herself, she stood up and said: “My name is Wen MiaoMiao, I am four years old this year. I like to eat fried chicken legs and drink taro soup.”

After MiaoMiao finished speaking, Teacher Chen laughed and said: “Looks like MiaoMiao is a cute little foodie.”

MiaoMiao did not understand what “foodie” meant, but the teacher said that she was “cute”, so she immediately gave a bright smile and nodded her head.

Qin Yu went after MiaoMiao. He stood up and said: “My name is Qin Yu, I am also four years old. I really like my little desk mate.”

After speaking, Qin Yu shyly sat back down.

MiaoMiao was very happy and said: “Yu Tou, I also really like my little desk mate!”

Qin Yu’s heart was filled with bubbles. His little angel was so cute!

Teacher Chen’s expression was a little strange. After she reacted, she smiled and said: “Qin Yu is also very cute.”

Qin Yu had a calm expression. When he was fat, other than his parents, only MiaoMiao would say that he was cute. Now that he became skinny, even though he was chubbier than most four year olds, his chubbiness was still very cute. There were a lot of people who said that he was handsome. The kids in his class as well as the kids in the neighboring class, all said that he was more handsome than all the other boys in the school.

Hmph! They only looked at his face, it was only MiaoMiao who looked at his body.

After the children finished introducing themselves, Teacher Chen smiled and said: “Everybody, this is the first time Teacher is meeting you guys, so Teacher doesn’t really understand your study situations. So today we will have a little test. Everyone take a paper and start the test. You can’t look at other kids answers. Its okay if you don’t do well!”

Teacher Chen handed out the test papers.

There was Chinese, math, and English.

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The Chinese test was the same as before, they had to look at the PinYin and write the corresponding Chinese character, or write the PinYin for the given character. Mathematics was some calculations and for English, they had to draw lines to connect the word and the pictures. The questions were all very simple

MiaoMiao wrote down her name and then after finishing the questions, she checked it over. When it was time, she and the other children handed in their papers.

That afternoon, Teacher Chen passed back the test papers after she had marked them. “The students in our class are alll very smart. This time, we had two students who scored full marks! Can you guys guess who it is?”

“MiaoMiao!” Zhou Shu was the first to reply.

MiaoMiao hopefully looked at Teacher Chen and then she saw her smile and said: “Xiao Shu guessed correctly. MiaoMiao got full marks!”

MiaoMiao’s eyes immediately brightened up. She got full marks again! She definitely can have fried chicken legs tonight!

“Then who is the other student. Can anyone guess?” The teacher smiled and asked.

MiaoMiao thought for a moment and then she raised her hand. “It’s Qin Yu!”

“That’s right.” Teacher Chen laughed.

MiaoMiao felt that she was correct. Yu Tou always knew how to do their homework. If she didn’t know, Yu Tou will know. So if she got full marks, then as long as Yu Tou was not careless and wrote something down incorrectly, then he should also have full marks.

MiaoMiao’s heart was filled with happiness. The entire class only had two students with full marks and it was her and Yu Tou! They were even desk mates. The other people will definitely think their table was the best!

Qin Yu and MIaoMiao’s elective classes for this term had been discussed before. Qin Yu no longer needed to take dance everyday to try and lose weight, so he and MiaoMiao both selected music, dance, piano, drawing, harmonica. Their classes would be the same for all five days.

Today, the two went to their dance class. They went together with all the other children who had selected dance.

At this time, there was a little boy who made an unsatisfactory “hmph” and said: “I don’t want to go with Qin Yu! He cheated on his test! He’s a bad kid! I don’t want to play with a bad kid!”

Qin Yu was stunned. MiaoMiao didn’t understand. “What is cheating?”

“It just means its fake! MiaoMiao, he definitely looked at your answers and copied them!” That little boy furrowed his little brows and spoke loudly.

Everyone looked at Qin Yu and MiaoMiao glared at the boy unhappily and said: “Don’t speak nonsense! Yu Tou won’t do that!”

“He can! Otherwise why is it only the two of you in the whole class with full marks. You guys are also desk mates!” The boy thought that his logic was correct and said: “It is because he sits next to you and can see your answers. So he can copy down your answers.”

“I did not.” Qin Yu said.

MiaoMiao nodded his head. “He didn’t. Yu Tou is very smart! His homework answers are always correct! When we do homework together, he never makes any mistakes. And besides, for the questions I don’t know, he will know them! Yu Tou is a smart kid!”

“Then it was you who copied him!” The little boy was still unsatisfied.

“I did not copy! Last semester I got 300 points!” When MiaoMiao heard that she was being accused unfairly, her eyes immediately filled with tears. She tried to keep the tears from falling.

She clearly did it herself, why can they say she copied! QAQ

“Hmph, no matter what, one of you must have copied!” The boy hmphed again.

“We didn’t! All the other children think we wrote it ourselves. So why do you think we copied? Is it because you copied your desk mate’s answers, so you think other people are the same as you!” MiaoMiao said.

“I…. I didn’t copy!” The little boy was a little guilty, but he still kept his courage.

Qin Yu tugged MiaoMiao’s hand and said: “MiaoMiao, we don’t have to keep talking to him. Besides, when the teacher asks us questions in class, we can also answer them. The other kids also know this. We can both score 300 points without copying.”

“That’s right.” MiaoMiao thought about this point and then she relaxed. She rubbed her eyes to get rid of the tears she had kept from falling and said: “This is just him thinking that he’s clever. We didn’t cheat. The teacher knows this! We are smart! We’re different from those fools.”

MiaoMiao pulled Qin Yu’s hand and got ready to leave. She looked at the boy again and “hmphed” and said: “You must have scored very poorly and is envious of us! Hmph. You’re just a bad kid! We don’t want to go to class with you!”

As she spoke, MiaoMiao held Qin Yu’s hand and walked away.

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The little boy made a loud “waaaah” and started to cry: “You… You’re bullying me! I’m not a bad child!”

The little boy started to cry loudly. MiaoMiao pulled Qin Yu and started to run ahead and said: “We don’t need to pay attention to him. It was him who bullied us. Now it’s him who’s saying that he got bullied. He really knows how to lie!”

“Yup.” Qin Yu nodded his little head in agreement.

Teacher Chen heard the commotion and came over and asked what was going on.

The little boy gasped out between his sobs: “Teacher, Wen MiaoMiao bullied me. She said that I did poorly on the test and said I was a bad kid!”

The kid listening to the side quickly said: “How can you only say half of what happened! It was you who said that Qin Yu and MiaoMiao cheated. Teacher, he said that because Qin Yu and MiaoMiao sit together, so the reasons they both got full marks is because one of them cheated.”

Teacher Chen was a bit surprised and said: ‘You cannot just say that people are cheating on their tests. You can’t just say that because they sit together, they cheated, you know?”

“But they sit so close, they would be able to see the other person’s answers. How could it only be them who were able to score full marks!” The little boy sulkily looked at the teacher. “Teacher, those questions were very difficult.”

Teacher Chen: “… …” It was only difficult for you. For this test, there were 20 students. Two of them got 300 and there were two that got 290.

Each question was worth 5 marks, to get 290, you could only get two questions wrong. If it was because they connected the word and drawing in English in correctly, then there would be two wrong. It would not be possible to only get one wrong for these kinds of questions.

Teacher Chen smiled and said: “Teacher also has the marks from their previous semesters. Studnet Wen MiaoMiao also scored 300 last semester. When Qin Yu was in Class 2, he also scored 300. So the two of them scoring 300 is normal.

At that time, the two students were in different classes and they were both able to score 300 points. Now they just happened to be sitting together.

The little boy was stunned. Then he made a loud “waaah” sound and started to cry even louder. He could no longer convince himself that his thinking was correct. He had only scored just over 100 marks and they had more than double his marks.

A flash of impatience crossed Teacher Chen’s eyes, but she still had a smile as she comforted the little boy.

When MiaoMiao was heading back home, she told Xiong Da and Xiong Er of this matter. She was still very angry about this matter.

When Xiong Da and Xiong Er heard that someone was slandering their Little Aunt and saying that she cheated on her test, they were very unhappy.

Xiong Da: “Hmph! He must be stupid and was jealous about how smart you are!”

Xiong Er: “That’s right! Little Aunt, you’re amazing! Qin Yu is also amazing. You know how to do the questions, so you don’t need to cheat to get 300 points!”

MiaoMiao seriously nodded her little head and said: “In the future Qin Yu and I need to keep scoring 300 points, so they will know how amazing we are! Hmph!”

A few days later, MiaoMiao already forgot about this matter. But MiaoMiao noticed that her little desk mate seemed to be a little unhappy lately.

MiaoMiao thought that he was still thinking about how he was slandered by someone else for cheating. But during lunch break that day, she quickly are lunch with him and pulled him to the nap room. “Yu Tou, you seem to be unhappy lately. What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

Qin Yu’s expression was as though he didn’t know what to do. He turned his head and said: “No… Nothing….”

MiaoMiao thought about something and asked: “Is it because something happened at home?”

Qin Yu pursed his lips and shook his head.

“Then what’s wrong? We are good friends. If there’s something wrong, you can tell me. You don’t look happy lately. Xiong Da and Xiong Er also noticed. When we play airplane chess you’re always lost in thought.”

Qin Yu thought for a moment and said: “MiaoMiao, I feel like… … There’s someone touching me.”

MiaoMiao: “… …?”

At this time, Qin Yu’s information popped open in the system interface in front of MiaoMiao.

Joey’s Corner:
Aghh. Oh no, Oh no. Why is it pointing towards the teacher? I’m really hoping it’s really not what I’m thinking. But from the foreshadowing, it seems quite likely…
Thank you to Eddy for this bonus chapter. The next chapter should come out later tonight or early tomorrow.

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