*** Minor Trigger Warning: Topic may be uncomfortable for some people. ***

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MiaoMiao noticed that Qin Yu’s name had not turned red.

She was confused and silently asked: “Sister System, Yu Tou’s data looks normal. There’s nothing red.”

“MiaoMiao, take a look at the Charm Value. It’s already 79. If the Charm Value goes above 80, then it would be dangerous. His Charm Value is already the highest it can be before it becomes dangerous. Besides, looking at the previous data, Qin Yu’s Charm Value has been increasing slowly everyday. If it keeps going like this, I think it will turn red tomorrow.”

MiaoMiao thought for a moment. “Sister System, you had said before that if the Charm Value is too high, it would affect Daddy and Mommy’s, and Big Brother and Sister in Law’s relationships. But, Yu Tou does not have a wife.”

“… …” Sister System: “MiaoMiao, that is for people who are already married, so it would affect the relationship between husband and wife. But for people who are not yet married, then it means they are being targeted by someone. For an adult, this would be fine, but Qin Yu is still only four years old. Who would want to like a four year old child?”

MiaoMiao immediately furrowed her little brows. “Sister System, how can you say something like that? Little kids are cute too. Yu Tou is also very handsome, everyone thinks that Yu Tou looks very good now. Why would there not be someone who would like a four year old child?”

The System felt as though she was about to crash. Host, can you pay attention to the important parts? “MiaoMiao, do you still remember when Qin Yu first showed up, what his Charm Value was?”

MiaoMiao’s face was confused. It was so long ago, how could she remember?

The System felt helpless and could only say. “At the very beginning, Qin Yu’s Charm Value was only 30, after he became skinny, his Charm Value became 40. If you look at your two nephews, their Charm Values are only 37. Besides this, Sister needs to tell you, if a child’s Charm Value is this high. Then it means that they are being targeted by a pervert.”

“Because children are cute, the attraction value they can get for their Charm Value is very low. It should only be adults who can have a Charm Value of 79. For a child, their normal Charm Value should be less than 50. If it is over 50, then it would be similar to when you met that Uncle. He was a bad person, but he liked MiaoMiao, he wanted to hurt MiaoMiao. The situation Qin Yu is in now should be similar to the situation you ran into last time.”

MiaoMiao was immediately very scared. “Then… What can we do?”

“You should first ask Qin Yu about the specifics of the situation.” Sister System said.

MiaoMiao then looked at Qin Yu. She noticed that Qin Yu saw that she hadn’t spoken for a long time. His expression was strange as though he wasn’t surprised there was something off about her.

“Yu Tou, can you tell me about the details?” MiaoMiao asked.

Qin Yu’s face was pale as he spoked: “It’s just…. Recently when I’m sleeping, it feels as though there’s someone touching me. It has only started this semester. It started a few days ago during our afternoon nap. That day, everyone didn’t know why we were so sleep. We all had to be called awake by the teacher that day. I felt as though someone was touching my face. They even wanted to touch my body, but I don’t know why but they stopped in the middle.”

“That night, I started to have nightmares. The next day in the afternoon, I got the same feeling. But after I woke up, there was nothing. There was only Teacher Chen who was supervising us while we slept, who asked us what was wrong. I didn’t say anything, I thought it was just another nightmare. But now… Every night I have dreams of someone touching me. MiaoMiao, I am scared. This… Is this like one of those ghosts on TV?”

As he spoke, Qin Yu clenched his little fist. “I… Am I going to die soon?”

Sniffle, sniffle. He still wants to be desk mates with MiaoMiao is elementary, junior high, and senior high. How can he die so quickly? Why can’t it be 50 years late, so that he could accompany his little angel longer?

When MiaoMiao heard that it could be a ghost, she was so scared her face immediately turned white. “It… It shouldn’t be. My mommy said, that in this world there are no ghosts. But even if there is, don’t ghosts only show up at night? Yu Tou, when you have your afternoon nap at school, how can there be a ghost? There most definitely won’t be one!”

Even though MiaoMiao spoke comforting words, she honestly felt very uneasy. She was so scared her little body was trembling.

Qin Yu pursed his lips and said: “But… … I am sure I can feel someone touching me. But when I open my eyes, there is no one there. The feeling will also disappear. This is why I’m sure there is a ghost.”

MiaoMiao was so scared, her body had already shrunk into a ball. “Let’s…. Let’s not sleep this afternoon. We’ll stay awake and see if you are really dreaming, or if there really is someone touching you.”

“But… I don’t know how to pretend to be asleep.” Qin Yu felt it was a bit difficult, wouldn’t they be exposed?

“Then… how about you lie on your stomach and then close your eyes. This way even if someone touched you, they won’t be able to tell you are only pretending to be asleep.” MiaoMiao suggested.

Qin Yu felt that this suggestion wasn’t bad and then he nodded his head.

After the weather got warm, during the kids’ afternoon naps, they would have the A/C on while they have their blankets on. MiaoMiao was worried that Qin Yu would fall asleep, so she also endured to not fall asleep. She thought, if there really was someone touching Yu Tou, they wouldn’t pay attention to her. So she simply turned her back to Qin Yu and she closed her eyes to pretend to be asleep.

But they didn’t know why, even though she didn’t plan to sleep. After lying down for not long, she felt very sleepy. Very quickly, she fell asleep.

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Qin Yu also slept very well at first, however slowly, he felt a bit strange.

That weird uncomfortable feeling came again.

Today he was lying on his stomach as he slept. It felt as though he was picked up by someone and flipped over. After, it seemed as though a hand was touching his face. The hand’s owner seemed to really like his face. They pinched it for a bit and then they pulled down his blanket. Then cold water wet his pants.

Qin Yu really wanted to wake up, but it felt as though his eyelids were very heavy. He couldn’t open his eyes at all.

It was currently September and the children didn’t have to wear a lot of clothes. The clothes on Qin Yu’s body was quickly taken off.

When the children were sleeping deeply, but because of Qin Yu’s words, Sister System did not rest.

At this time, she was constantly calling MiaoMiao: “MiaoMiao? MiaoMiao? Quickly wake up?”

“Hm… ? Sister System, what’s wrong?” MiaoMiao felt as though her eyelids were very heavy. She was very sleepy. After being woken up by Sister System, she felt too lazy to even open her eyes. So she directly spoke in her heart to Sister System.

“Quickly wake up! Qin Yu is being bullied!!!” That is your future husband! You have to save him quickly!!!

Sister System was very anxious. After her words were spoken, MiaoMiao who was originally sleeping soundly, quickly woke up. After opening her eyes and turning her head, she saw that Qin Yu had his eyes closed and was placed on top of his blanket. All the little clothes on his body was taken off. The person taking off his clothes was Teacher Chen.

MiaoMiao immediately sat up and asked: “Teacher Chen, what are you doing!”

MiaoMiao tried hard to put on a fierce expression. She earnestly furrowed her brows and wanted to put on an expression as though she was going to interrogate someone. But she was a soft little kid and her voice was especially gentle. Even if she wanted to be fierce, she could not pretend to be.

Teacher Chen was surprised by her turning around. Then she reacted and said: “Qin Yu seems to have peed the bed. So Teacher is helping him take off his clothes.”

MiaoMiao originally thought that she had caught a bad person. When she heard the teacher say this, she was surprised. Then she looked over at the spot next to her and noticed that the bed was wet.

“So it’s like that.” MiaoMiao breathed a sigh of relief. She was so scared. She even thought that Teacher Chen was a bad person.

Teacher Chen smiled and said it seems like his shirt did not get wet, but his pants are wet. So he needs to change them.”

As she spoke, Teacher Chen prepared to continue to help Qin Yu take off his pants. Sister System spoke at this moment. “MiaoMiao, stop her!”

MiaoMiao immediately said: “Teacher Chen, my desk mate doesn’t like other people changing his clothes. He is very shy. Wake him up and then ask him to change himself.”

A four year old child would not normally wet the bed, but occasionally it would happen. So Little Star Kindergarten had prepared quite a few sets of clothing so that the children could change into them. They had even prepared clothes depending on the different seasons.

After MiaoMiao finished speaking, she grabbed Qin Yu’s hand and said: “Yu Tou, Yu Tou, wake up. You peed the bed!”

Qin Yu blearily opened his eyes. After seeing Teacher Chen, he jumped in fright. Then he lowered his head and looked and found all his upper clothes were gone. Then he thought about the feeling of someone touching him. He was so scared that he pushed away Teacher Chen. Then he shifted on the bed and quickly covered himself with the blanket. It looked as though he was an innocent young girl who had been bullied.

Teacher Chen: “… …” I haven’t done anything yet.

Yu Tou, you peed the bed. Go and change your clothes.” As she spoke, MiaoMiao passed Qin Yu’s clothes to him and got him to put them on.

Qin Yu quickly took them and put them on. Then he looked warily at Teacher Chen. When he got off the bed, Teacher Chen wanted to carry him down, but he swatted Teacher Chen’s hand away. “Don’t touch me!”

After speaking, he didn’t care that a flash of coldness flickered across Teacher Chen’s eyes. He jumped off the bed, put on his shoes and then ran off to find a different teacher to ask where the clothes were.

MiaoMiao laid down and pretended to sleep, but she was actually speaking with Sister System. “Sister System, why did you want me to stop Teacher Chen?”

MiaoMiao, the reason you fell asleep just now was probably because of Teacher Chen. You guys were speaking just now, but there were no students that woke up. It must have been her handiwork. Besides, Qin Yu didn’t pee the bed. She poured water on Qin Yu and the bed and even wet his pants. Then she started to take off Qin Yu’s clothes. Before that, she even touched Qin Yu. This teacher is a pervert! You must send her away!”

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When MiaoMiao heard this, she was immediately very mad. “What does she want to do to Yu Tou! Why does she want to take off Yu Tou’s clothes.”

Sister System was also unclear. Even though clearly Teacher Chen was not a good person, but in the end, Qin Yu was a boy and Teacher Chen was a girl. What could she do? If Qin Yu was an adult man, then the girl would still forcefully do it. But a four year old child? What can a four year old child due to an adult female? He still didn’t have that ability!

Sister System sank into contemplation and said: “Maybe… This kind of female pervert likes cute boys. Seeing a cute boy, then she wants to touch them.”

System expressed that she did not really understand a pervert’s thoughts. Even if it was a normal person, the system may not be able to fully understand. Then it was less likely for her to understand a pervert.

Joey’s Corner:
I’m sortof annoyed and frustrated that the story went into this direction. I don’t understand why they needed to write a scenario like this to be part of the story. I think they could have come up with a different problem that was not like this

After Qin Yu finished changing his clothes and came back, he didn’t want to sleep anymore and he also was not willing to go back into the nap room. He just stood outside until the afternoon nap time was over. When the other children came out, everyone notices that Qin Yu was wearing a change of clothes provided by the kindergarten.

The little boy who said that Qin Yu and MiaoMiao were definitely cheating laughed and said: “Qin Yu peed his pants! Hahahahah. Everyone look, Qin Yu peed his pants! That’s so embarrassing! Hahaha!”

Qin Yu pursed his lips and grabbed his clothes, he wanted to say ever since he turned three, he had never peed his pants.

But today, he really had peed his pants.

After MiaoMiao changed into her shoes and came out and saw the children surrounding her little desk mate, she was immediately unhappy and said: “Yu Tou didn’t pee his pants! Water was poured on his clothes!”

“That’s not possible. How could water get onto his clothes when we were taking an afternoon nap! He definitely peed his pants!” The little boy “hmphed” again. “Wen MiaoMiao is a liar!”

“I didn’t lie! You’re jealous that Yu Tou is more handsome than you and his results are better than yours. So you’re just making things up!” MiaoMiao copied his “hmph” and then continued: “Yu Tou never pees his pants when he takes a nap! Right, Yu Tou?”

Qin Yu originally felt embarrassed as he was being laughed at. But after hearing MiaoMiao words, he blushed and nodded. But actually, he had peed his pants before. But after he turned three, it didn’t happen again. That was because before he went to sleep, he would definitely go pee first.

Today he didn’t drink much water and he also peed before going to sleep. So why would he pee his pants?

Qin Yu really thought that he had peed his pants. But since MiaoMiao saw that he was being bullied, she was defending him.

“Hmph! You two are both liars! I won’t play with liars.” The little boy was unsatisfied.

“I didn’t lie! But we won’t play with a child who is always jealous of other kids!” MiaoMiao made a face and then pulled Qin Yu away.

MiaoMiao pulled Qin Yu back to the classroom and then quietly said: “Yu Tou, Teacher Chen is not a good person. You didn’t pee your pants. She poured water onto the bed.”

When Qin Yu heard this, he was stunned. Then he asked: “Really?”

MiaoMiao quickly nodded. “When you woke up, we had not slept yet for very long, right? Pee is very warm, but the part of the bed that was wet, was very cold.”

Qin Yu finally remembered that his underwear was very cold and wet. It wasn’t warm.

Now that he knew that he really didn’t pee his pants, Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Then he thought of the feeling of being touched by Teacher Chen and Qin Yu’s body started to tremble. “Teacher Chen… Why would she want to touch me?”

“I don’t know.” MiaoMiao continued with Sister System’s words and said: “But Yu Tou, she is definitely a bad person! But we are just two little kids. Who would believe our words?”

Qin Yu solemnly said: “My parents will definitely believe me.”

“But, if only your parents believe you, it’s no use. Everyone needs to believe you.” MiaoMiao’s face was distressed. Sister System had taught her to say the words at the beginning. But she was still a bit doubtful. Is it enough to just tell their parents? Their parents could believe them, but if the other children and the teachers don’t believe them, what can they do?

Because Teacher Chen does not look like a bad person.

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Qin Yu furrowed his brows and thought for a long time and said: “My parents can probably do something. Remember last time the children that bullied me? Didn’t they all transfer schools?”

“That’s right!” MiaoMiao looked at Qin Yu in awe. “Yu Tou, your parents are very powerful!”

Qin Yu scratched his head in embarrassment.

The next morning, Teacher Chen was gone. Quickly a piece of news burst out of City A.

A female kindergarten teacher molesting a young boy showed up on the trending list on WeiBo. This incident caused a lot of discussion among the netizens who felt that this teacher should be severely punished. Who knew how many children had been affected.

But the little children who didn’t use WeiBo would not know of this matter.

But this semester had only recently started and MiaoMiao’s classes teacher had changed again.

This time, because they had to suddenly find a teacher, the other teachers all had classes at other times. So the kids in Class 1 had different teachers for their classes.

It was lucky that the kids in kindergarten were only expected to build a bit of a foundation and their parents did not hope for their children to immediately become geniuses. So even though there were different teachers teaching the classes, the children’s parents did not say anything.

The beginning of October was National Day and it was also right next to the Mid-Autumn Festival and there was a little vacation. After the vacation ended, MiaoMiao’s class got a new kindergarten teacher.

This time, Little Star Kindergarten went through a strict screen process to ensure this teacher had no problems before they let her take the job.

Teacher Yan was 25 years old this year. Before she had worked at a different kindergarten for two years and had performed pretty well. But because of her family relocating, she had resigned from her previous job.

Little Star Kindergarten’s principal had specially called the previous kindergarten she had worked at before to confirm that her performance was actually good, before she finally relaxed.

On the first day after their little vacation, Teacher Yan came to start class. Seeing the cute little kids she gave a brilliant smile. “Hello everybody, I am your new teacher. You can call me Teacher Yan.”

Teacher Yan had a cute face. It was a little round face and her face was a little chubby and she had two pigtails. She was very short and was not quite 160 cm (5 foot 2 roughly). She did not look like a teacher at all. She just looked like an older sister.

When MiaoMiao saw this teacher, her eyes lit up. This teacher was very cute! MiaoMiao liked chubby faces the most!

“Today is the first time we are meeting. But Teacher has something to announce. Our kindergarten is preparing to go out on a field trip this Friday. So if you want to participate, you should go home and discuss it with your parents. We will start registration tomorrow. There is only two days to register. This time we are going to go to a nearby children’s amusement part. If you want to participate, you need to buy your snacks in advance.”


When MiaoMiao heard that they were going to go to an amusement park, her eyes lit up.

Little Star Kindergarten would have a field trip every year. But last year they had only gone to a nearby park to look at the flowers. It was a very beautiful scene.

But little kids could not really appreciate beautiful landscapes. At that time MiaoMiao felt very bored.

MiaoMiao wanted to go play and Fu Rou naturally agreed. She helped her buy a lot of snacks. Her little backpack was basically stuffed full. Then she also prepared a little bag for MiaoMiao.

On Friday, when the little children arrived at the kindergarten, they obediently lined up. All the children were chattering about how they had brought a lot of snacks.

MiaoMiao’s little backpack was stuffed full. In her hands there was also a plastic bag.

Fu Rou said that that water was too heavy and told her to buy water if she was thirsty at the kindergarten. The backpack and bag only had snacks.

MiaoMiao immediately opened a bag of chips from the bag and shared it with Qin Yu.

“Yu Tou, what snacks do you have?” MiaoMiao curiously asked.

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“Mommy bought chips for me and chocolate. There is also chicken feet.” Qin Yu opened his little bag and showed the snacks inside.

“Wow! There’s a lot. I also have a lot.” MiaoMiao said and then also took her pikachu backpack off and opened the zipper to show Qin Yu her snacks.

“Okay children, we are going to leave now! Everyone needs to wear the yellow hats that we gave you yesterday. Line up in two rows. We will hold hands and walk together!” Teacher Yan laughed and said.

MiaoMiao was standing next to Qin Yu and the two children held hands and walked to the kindergarten door. The teacher carried them up into the car and they went to the nearby children’s amusement park.

This amusement park was not very big, as the target audience was for little kids. All the things were neither exciting nor dangerous.

Little Star Kindergarten had over a hundred students and almost all the students had signed up. The kindergarten had directly bought out the amusement park. The different classes had split up to do different events.

MiaoMiao was wearing a princess dress today. With her pikachu backpack on her back, it looked extremely cute. The first event their class was going to do was to catch gold fish.

But the store owner was a scammer. After MiaoMiao fished out a goldfish, the paper net broke and the little fish fell back down.

MiaoMiao: “… … Hmph! I definitely will catch one!”

As she spoke, MiaoMiao solemnly furrowed her brows and continued to fish.

After she broke over a dozen paper nets, MiaoMiao finally fished out the smallest goldfish.

She was already considered successful. In the entire class, she was the only one who had managed to catch a fish.

MiaoMiao gleefully took the goldfish with her and felt that she was the most amazing kid in her class!

As they walked, Qin Yu and MiaoMiao curiously looked at the little goldfish inside the transparent box. The transparent box had holes on the top to let air in. MiaoMiao stared at the little goldfish and noticed that he was constantly swimming in circles.

“Yu Tou, is the little goldfish stupid? Why is he constantly swimming in circles?” MiaoMiao asked in confusion.

“Maybe the box is too small and he doesn’t have the space to swim?” Qin Yu thought for a moment before replying.

“Then when I get home, I will switch him to a big fish tank.” MiaoMiao said and then the children reached the merry-go-round.

As the little children went to sit onto the horses of the merry-go-round, Zhou Shu saw MiaoMiao was still carrying her fish, so she said: “MiaoMiao, if the fish goes onto the merry-go-round, will he get dizzy?”

“Ah? Will he?” MiaoMiao was a bit confused. Then she looked at the merry-go-round and thought for a moment before speaking and said: “That’s true. Maybe we could get dizzy after going a round. Who knows about the little fish.”

As she spoke, MiaoMiao placed the little fish on the ground. In the entire class, she was the only one who had fished out a gold fish. She was not worried that other children will take it.

After MiaoMiao entered the merry-go-round, she sat on top of a little horse. This merry-go-round’s wooden horses were all fairly short, so it would avoid causing the children to fall. There was a little seat belt that could go around the children’s waists. After Teacher Wen confirmed that all the children had been secured, she let the staff start the merry-go-round.

MiaoMiao sat on the horse with an endearingly silly look. She suddenly felt that she was moving forward and had even risen up. The horse that Qin Yu was sitting on suddenly lowered its height. The two horses kept going up and down. MiaoMiao grabbed the pole in front of her and laughed as she said. “Yu Tou, I’m taller than you!”

“Wait a minute and then I’ll be taller than you.” Qin Yu smiled and said.

After the merry-go-round stopped and with Teacher Yan’s help, the children all got off. As MiaoMiao went to retrieve her little goldfish. Just as she walked out, she saw on the ground… … The goldfish’s corpse?

Joey’s Corner:
I’m still very annoyed by the whole situation with Teacher Chen. It doesn’t add to the story in any way. I think it should not have even been a part of the story. It doesn’t add anything to the plot at all. It bugs me so much   I’m glad we’re done with it now though. I really hope the author doesn’t pull something dumb like that again.

From how the author likes to do things, I feel bad for the innocent goldfish…

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