MiaoMiao didn’t react at first, but when she recovered, she had already started to run over.

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The little gold fish was very small, the plastic container was placed on the side and the goldfish was next to the container.

MiaoMiao anxiously squatted down and used her hand to pick up the fish and placed it back in the container. But the little fish no longer swam like before. It continued to maintain its motionless appearance.

“MiaoMiao… … is the little fish…. dead?” Qin Yu saw this and asked in concern.

MiaoMiao had thought of it too. At that moment tears started to fall. With a loud “wah” she started to cry.

She… she had just thought about asking her father to buy her a fish tank when she got home and raise the little fish well. But now, she hadn’t even brought the little fish home and the fish is already dead.

After Teacher Yan finished helping all the kids off the merry-go-round, she heard MiaoMiao’s sobs. She quickly came over and asked. “What happened? MiaoMiao, why are you crying?”

“Teacher Yan… … Waaaah. My little goldfish is dead. Someone took him out of the water and placed him on the ground. He’s dead…. waaaaah…. ….” MiaoMiao had cried until she was completely disoriented. She had one hand holding the box and the other hand pointing to where the fish was lying. That spot was still damp.

Teacher Yan suddenly realized, the entire class only had MiaoMiao who had a little gold fish. All the other children did not have one. Even if the children were young, there were some that could be jealous. Especially for children of these ages, they might not understand the value of life. They may view value of the lives of these little animals as very low. If they see it they might even hit or yell at it. But to directly fish the goldfish out and place him on the ground to die, is truly a bit too cruel.

Seeing that MiaoMiao had cried until she was complete mess, Teacher Yan took out a tissue to help her wipe her tears and said : “MiaoMiao, it’s okay. Don’t cry. The little fish went to heaven. He is a very cute baby fish. He will definitely go on very well.”

MiaoMiao immediately stopped crying. “Really?”

“Of course.” Teacher Yan smiled and said. “MiaoMiao, don’t be sad. Teacher will help you buy another goldfish, okay?”

MiaoMiao shook her head. “MiaoMiao doesn’t want it. MiaoMiao only wants the little goldfish she fished out.”

There were many fish in the fish pond, but MiaoMiao was not interested in those. The only reason why she wanted to take good care of that little fish was because she had caught him herself.

“I want to bring the little fish home and bury the little fish.” As she spoke, MiaoMiao picked up the container and just as she was about to walk away, she thought of something. The plastic container had a lid and it was always on. There were a few holes to let air in, but the fish definitely couldn’t jump out. There definitely must have been someone who took the fish out.

She definitely wouldn’t just let this go!

With that thought, MiaoMiao turned around again and said: “Teacher Yan, there was someone who took MiaoMiao’s fish out of the water! MiaoMiao had placed the lid on the container properly. The little fish couldn’t have jumped out on its own. We have a fish murderer!”

MiaoMiao’s expression was extremely serious. Teacher Yan had a bit of a headache and could only helplessly say. “MiaoMiao, our entire class just now was playing on the merry-go-round. No one would have seen it and we can’t figure it out.” If we change the way we look at it, even if we find out what happened, there is nothing we could do.

It wouldn’t be possible to kill the murderer who killed the fish. That would be impossible, the most that would happen is they would get scolded.

“I… I saw it…. …” At this moment, Zhou Shu walked over and quietly said: “I saw Qian Duo take the fish out and place him on the ground.” [1]

Qian Duo was the little boy who had accused Qin Yu and MiaoMiao of cheating on their test. He was also the boy who ridiculed Qin Yu for peeing his pants.

Zhou Shu saw everyone looking at her and was a bit scared but she still continued to say: “When Teacher Yan helped us off the merry-go-round, I saw Qian Duo placing the fish on the ground and then putting the lid back on the container.”

MiaoMiao was immediately very angry. “He really is a bad kid! He’s a fish murderer!”

MiaoMiao looked around and didn’t see Qian Duo. “That’s strange, where did he go?”

Qin Yu was also helping MiaoMiao look for people. After looking for a while he pointed at the Qian Duo who had just walked out of a nearby washroom. “He’s coming back.”

Qian Duo came back with an appearance as though nothing was wrong. When he saw MiaoMiao with a face full of tears, he was extremely delighted. He put on a puzzled expression and asked. “What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me?”

“You’re a fish killer! You killed my gold fish!” MiaoMiao angry hugged the plastic container and walked towards him.

“What? I didn’t!” Qian Duo retorted back.

“Zhou Shu saw it! It was you who fished out my fish and placed it on the ground!” MiaoMiao was so angry, her entire face turned red. How could there be a kid like this. He didn’t only kill her fish, he eve lied. He really was a bad kid!

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“Is whatever she says the truth? It was clearly her that placed the fish on the ground. Why are you slandering me!” Qian Duo immediately said.

“I… I didn’t… … ” When Zhou Shu heard this, she felt wronged and her two eyes filled with tears. She clearly saw it. It was definitely Qian Duo who did it. How could he say that it was she who did it.

“You’re a bad kid!” Qin Yu looked at him with disdain and said. “You don’t care about life at all. Even if it’s just a little fish, he was still alive! You just killed a life. Can you sleep peacefully at night!”

“I…. Why would I not be able to sleep peacefully?” Qian Duo guiltily said.

“Because you caused my fish to die. Don’t you know that after you die, you’ll become a ghost? The little fish was so young, after he died, he definitely would become an evil spirit. He will definitely find you at night! You will definitely have nightmares!” MiaoMiao furrowed her little brows and said.

“Don’t speak nonsense!” Qian Duo backed away two steps in fright.

How, how could there be ghosts! Clearly they were making things up.

MiaoMiao hugged the container that held the little fish. “You’re terrible! You’re a bad kid! Who knows if you don’t only kill fish. maybe you even killed little kitties and puppies!”

When Qian Duo heard that he was being falsely accused, he was immediately unhappy. “I didn’t kill any kittens or puppies. I only killed your fish!”

After speaking that sentence, Qian Duo regretted it. The noise of them arguing had already captured all of the children’s attention.

The children who got along well with Qian Duo naturally believed him. Even though they were still very young, they wouldn’t easily doubt the people they were close to.

But Qian Duo admitted it himself. When the other children heard this, they all looked at him in fear. Even his friends did the same.

In the entire Class 1, it was only MiaoMiao who got a little goldfish. Everyone was quite jealous. But they were only jealous, the other people wouldn’t take her fish out and place it on the ground.

Even if they were only four, they all knew. If a fish leaves the water, it will die.

But what was this? I don’t have it, so you can’t think of having it either, so I’ll destroy it.

Teacher Yan saw that Qian Duo admitted it himself and squatted down in front of him and said: “Xiao Duo, you can’t do this. The goldfish also has a life. He is dead now.”

“So what does it have to do with me!” Qian Duo angrily yelled out and felt that all the little children was looking at him and immediately ran away.

Teacher Yan was worried about him running off on his own. Even though the amusement park was booked out by Little Star Kindergarten, if Qian Duo got into an accident, then the blame would be on the kindergarten and her.

Teacher Yan stood in front of the little kids and said: “Everyone, please wait here and don’t go anywhere. Teacher will come back right away.”

After speaking, Teacher Yan quickly headed towards the direction Qian Duo ran off in. She was an adult and was of course much faster than a child with short legs. So she quickly caught Qian Duo.

Teacher Yan counted the students and after ensuring that all the students were still there, she relaxed and brought the children to another activity.

MiaoMiao was still sad that her little goldfish had died, but there was nothing she could do. Just now, Teacher Yan was very gentle when she spoke to Qian Duo, but he still immediately ran away. If they argued again, Qian Duo would definitely run again. At that time, Teacher Yan would have to chase after him again.

MiaoMiao could only hug the plastic container holding the little goldfish’s corpse. She didn’t have much interest in the activities after that.

Qin Yu noticed that she was feeling down and opened his backpack and took out a candy from inside and passed it to her. “MiaoMiao, eat this. Don’t be sad anymore.”

MiaoMiao originally really liked to eat candy. She liked to eat sweet things, but she wasn’t in the mood to right now. She shook her head. “I don’t want to eat it. Yu Tou, I’m really unhappy. If i had brought the little goldfish onto the merry-go-round, he wouldn’t have died.”

MiaoMiao originally thought that since she was the only one with a little goldfish, other people wouldn’t be able to take it. As long as they can’t take it, then there would be no problem. But she never would have thought, that the fish would just die like that.

If she had known early, she could have brought the little fish onto the merry-go-round. Even if the little fish got dizzy from spinning around, it was still better than being dead.

When they returned to the kindergarten in the afternoon, they waited for their parents to pick them up to return home.

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MiaoMiao held the box that contained the little fish and waited at the entrance of the kindergarten with Qin Yu. She told Xiong Da and Xiong Er about what happened that day.

When Xiong Da and Xiong Er heard that the little gold fish that their Little Aunt had caught with great difficulty was killed, they were immediately very angry.

Xiong Er angrily said: “Little Aunt, who killed your little goldfish. We will beat him up!”

Xiong Da nodded his head: “That’s right! He thought you were easy to bully, right! We will get revenge for you!”

MiaoMiao hesitated and furrowed her brow. She pointed at Qian Duo. “It’s that boy. But if you go and fight him, our parents will be called.”

When they heard that their parents would be called, Xiong Da and Xiong Er were a little scared.

Even though last time they didn’t do anything wrong and Jiang FangFang didn’t say much about it. But the little kids naturally had a fear of having their parents being called.

MiaoMiao sighed like a little adult and said: “Teacher Yan told me that she would make a call to Qian Duo’s parents and to scold Qian Duo a bit. But the little goldfish is already dead, no matter how much his parents scold him, my little goldfish won’t come back to life.”

When Xiong Er heard this, he was very unhappy. He glared at Qian Duo and said: “Little Aunt, we won’t fight him, but we can do other things.”

“What can we do?” MiaoMiao asked.

The four children huddled together and whispered.

[1] Qian Duo (钱多) Literally translates to Money Lots. I think the author got a bit lazy with the naming here. Or maybe Qian Duo’s parents hoped that he would be like his name and bring them lots of money?

Joey’s Corner:
Awws. The poor fishy. But i do think this kind of conflict makes more sense to happen in a kindergarten. I wonder what the kids are planning.

After going home that night, Fu Rou was surprised to see that her little daughter had brought home a dead fish.

MiaoMiao told her mother the entire story. Fu Rou rubbed her little head and said: “BaoBei, don’t be sad. mommy knows a way for the little goldfish to be revived.”

“Revived? Does that mean the little goldfish can come back to live?” MiaoMiao looked at Fu Rou in surprised.

Fu Rou smiled and nodded her head. Then she said: “Before MiaoMiao goes to sleep everyday, if you sincerely wish for the little goldfish to come back to life, the little goldfish might revive. But it would require a few days and we won’t know if it would really happen.”

MiaoMiao quickly nodded her little head and then she asked: “Mommy, if MiaoMiao wishes before her afternoon nap and also wish before going to sleep at night, would it be faster?”

“Yes.” Fu Rou nodded her head.

MiaoMiao immediately ran to her room and prepared to take a nap.

Fu Rou opened the container and then took a few photos of the goldfish and then estimated the size. Then she asked someone to find a little goldfish that looked similar.

On Sunday morning, after MiaoMiao woke up and ate her breakfast, she headed to the living room to watch TV. She was surprised to see that there was a new transparent little fish tank in the living room. In the fish tank, there was a cute little goldfish slowly swimming around.

When MiaoMiao saw the little goldfish, her eyes immediately brightened. “Wow! Mommy! Daddy! MiaoMiao’s little goldfish came back to life!”

That day, MiaoMiao was very happy and took a lot of photos of her little goldfish. She sent it to Qin Yu, Xiong Da and Xiong Er. She let them know that her little goldfish had come back to life.

Qin Yu was a smart child, with a single look he knew that MiaoMiao’s parents must have bought her a new goldfish. But he knew that he shouldn’t reveal anything to avoid MiaoMiao crying again.

On Monday, when they went to Little Star Kindergarten, she saw Qian Duo at the entrance. MiaoMiao “hmphed” and then she quickly sped up and entered the classroom.

During the afternoon nap, MiaoMiao specially brought her cup filled with hot water. She placed it next to her bed. The cup had a spillproof design and she told the teacher she planned to drink it herself.

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Halfway through their afternoon nap, Sister System said: “MiaoMiao, wake up. The teacher went to the washroom.”

MiaoMiao opened her eyes and sat up. Seeing that the teacher wasn’t there, she quickly picked up her cup and went to Qian Duo’s spot not too far away. She carefully opened up the blanket and carefully poured the hot water onto his pants.

Hmph, who let you say that Yu Tou and I were cheating. Who let you say that Yu Tou peed his pants. You even killed my little goldfish.

MiaoMiao remembered her grudges and after getting her revenge, she quickly put his blanket back over him. She then climbed back into her bed and continued to sleep before the teacher returned.

Consequently, after they finished their afternoon nap, Teacher Yan went around to collect the children’s blankets. When she reached Qian Duo, Qian Duo refused to let go of the blanket and would not give it to Teacher Yan. “Teacher… … I… I still want to sleep for a while.”

Teacher Yan furrowed her brows and said: “Xiao Duo, the next class is about to start. It’s time to go to the classroom.”

“But I am still very sleep.” Qian Duo refused to let go of the blanket. He did not want to let Teacher Yan take it away. If the blanket wasn’t there to cover himself, all the other kids were still there, then everyone would know that he peed his pants!

Everyday at the kindergarten, after the children wake up, it was always the teachers who would collect the blankets and help the girls tie up their hair.

Right now, all the girls in the class were still waiting for Teacher Yan to help them tie up their hair. So they were still in the room and there were still a few boys that hadn’t left yet.

MiaoMiao walked over and pointed at a spot that was not covered by the blanket. “Why is it wet? Qian Duo, did you pee your pants!”

“I… I didn’t! You’re making things up!” Qian Duo’s face turned red and and he immediately refuted her words.

He…. Who could he pee his pants. Waaah. He hadn’t peed his pants in a long time. Why would he pee his pants today! The room even had so many other kids!

“You peed your pants? Qian Duo, quickly give the the blanket to Teacher. Teacher will bring you to change your clothes.” Teacher Yan anxiously said.

Qian Duo’s face turned completely red. He saw a lot of kids looking at him. He refused to admit it and said: “I did not pee my pants!”

“Hmph! Then give the blanket to Teacher Yan!” One of the girls said unhappily. “After Teacher collects the blankets, she still has to help us comb our hair! if you do this, Teacher can’t help us do our hair!”

Qian Duo was a little angry and Teacher Yan took advantage of him being distracted by the other child and took the blanket away from his hands.

Then all the kids saw that the spot he was sitting on was very wet.

“Qian Duo really peed his pants then. He was even ridiculing Qin Yu before. But look, he peed his pants now.”

“That’s right, every time someone pees their pants, he would always ridicule them. I even thought he was so great.”

“That’s so embarrassing. Hahaha.”

Qian Duo heard what all the other children said. With a loud “Wah!” He started to cry. “I didn’t! I didn’t pee my pants! You guys are making things up!”

MiaoMiao saw that her plan had succeeded. She happily pulled Qin Yu to the side and sat down.

Teacher Yan brought Qian Duo to change his clothes. After returning she helepd the girls comb their hair again. Then she continued to tidy up the blankets.

Teacher Yan felt very tired. Most of the students in the class were very obedient. It was just this Qian Duo, who was really… …

He was already so ruthless despite his young age. He was cruel to young animals and still wanted a lot of face. After he grows up, who knew what he would be like.

Not long after MiaoMiao returned to the classroom, she heard Sister System’s voice: “Host, I have detected a bad system in the environment..”

“… …???” MiaoMia; “Then Sister System, does that mean you can have a meal?”

System: “That’s right. The other system is very close by. If it is in your class, then you can just pretend that nothing happened. If it is in the classroom next door. Then after your first class, you should go and take a look in the classroom. The bad system this time seems to bind onto the host and help the host do the things that they want. But in exchange, they will reduce the hosts lifespan (阳寿 [Yang Shou]: lifespan).”

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“Skinny Sheep? (羊瘦 [Yang Shou]: Characters for Sheep and Thin). What is that? A very skinny little sheep?” MiaoMiao silently asked.

“… … No. It is a person’s lifespan. For example, if MiaoMiao can live until she is 80 years old. Right now MiaoMiao is four years old. Then MiaoMiao can still live for 76 years. If the lifespan is exchanged away, then MiaoMiao will not live until she is 80, but instead you could die when you are 45 years old. So you would die early. It depends on how much the host uses the system to do things outside of his own abilities.”

MiaoMiao finally understood and then asked in confusion. “So Sister System, is this a bad system? This seems to be like the system is helping the host and then they can take waht they want from the host. That is like when MiaoMiao wants to buy snacks. She needs to give money to the auntie at the little kiosk.”

“If it is like that, then it is a transaction. But to be declared as a bad system, then they would have to either not have told their host that they would take away their life span or they always bind onto evil hosts and help their hosts do evil deeds.”

When MiaoMiao heard this, she immediately felt that that system wasn’t a good thing at all. In the first case, it was only the system that was bad. But in the second place both the system and the host are bad!

“Then Sister System, why do you always follow MiaoMiao?” MiaoMiao asked in puzzlement.

It seemed like from the beginning, Sister System had always been helping her. But she seems to have never been able to help Sister System.

Sister System said: “I am not sure. After I woke up, I was already bound to you. I had only received one command. It is to protect you and your family. The bad system is coming!”

MiaoMiao immediately sat up and nervously listened to the movements. Then the Then she heard the system say: “The host is…. Qian Duo?”

“Hm? Then the system and the host are both bad!” MiaoMiao furrowed her brows and silently said.

“Seems like it is still a very young system. I can eat it.” Sister System finished speaking and then MiaoMiao felt a weird feeling. Not long after, she heard Qian Duo suddenly say. “Why aren’t you talking anymore? Hey! Didn’t you say you would help me!”

Qian Duo suddenly yelled out and captured the attention of all the other children. Qian Duo got flustered and said: “What are you looking at. It’s almost t ime for class!”

Then he pretended that nothing had happened. But in reality, his palms were already covered in a cold sweat.

What happened? What happened to the voice he heard in his head? Why was it not responding no matter how loud he yelled? Could it be that he had just dreamed about all that had happened?

But… … he had clearly woken up from his afternoon nap! It could not have been a dream!

Immediately after, MiaoMiao also heard the familiar sounds of chewing.

She curiously asked silently: “Sister System, are you eating right now? How many days will you be eating for?”

“Roughly one or two weeks.” System said: “After eating, I will be able to upgrade. This little system is quite tasty. It’s fresh meat. Compared to that old dried out piece of meat from last time, it is much tastier.

MiaoMiao: “… … Systems can be divided into fresh meats and old dried out meats? But MiaoMiao thinks that the flavour of dried meat is not bad.”

“… … Fresh meat is more tender. Old dried meat is too hard.” I don’t know why, even though I am clearly a system, I have a feeling that my teeth isn’t very good.

MiaoMiao suddenly thought of that bad Teacher Chen who said that she was a foodie. She gave a splendid smile and said: “Sister System, are we the foodie group? I am a foodie host and you are a foodie system.”

Sister System: “… …” No. I don’t want to join this group!

MiaoMiao did not feel the dislike from Sister System about joining this group. She was just happy that she and Sister System had similarities. After all, a little foodie sounds like it would be very cute.

For the next few days, Qian Duo would constantly talk to himself. The other children and Teacher Yan did not understand his words. It was only MiaoMiao who understood.

He kept muttering. “Why is it not there anymore?”, “Why did he disappear?” and other similar words. MiaoMiao knew that he was talking about the system that he had bound to. But the other people did not no this. They only thought that Qian Duo was a bit crazy.

Teacher Yan made a phone call to Qian Duo’s parents to discuss about this matter. His parents only felt that their son had taken one of his dreams to be real and did not really think much of the matter. But a week later, Qian Duo’s desk mate could no longer accept Qian Duo’s crazy mutterings. He got into an argument with Qian Duo. The two children’s fight was very fierce and Qian Duo pushed his little desk mate to the ground. his forehead hit a table leg and he started bleeding. Qian Duo’s parents started to panic.

The children that were able to attend Little Star Kindergarten all had good family backgrounds. Everyone was the precious darlings of their parents. After the matter turned large, Qian Duo’s family compensated them with a lot of money. When the students in the class saw Qian Duo’s adult-like appearance and his daily mutterings, they all felt that he had really gone crazy. They did not dare to approach him. Not long after, Qian Duo left Little Star Kindergarten.

At this time, Sister System told MiaoMiao: “MiaoMiao, I need to prepare to upgrade. It would take about one to two days. For these two days, you should pay attention to your family’s data.”

MiaoMiao obediently replied: “Okay~” I wonder what new abilities Sister System will get from this new upgrade? I’m looking forward to it!

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