Due to Sister System needing to temporarily disappear for one to two days, MiaoMiao needed to pay attention to her family’s data. MiaoMiao was scared that her family would run into any problems, so every two hours, she would take a look at her family’s data. She needed to double check that it did not turn red or she could not relax.

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Qin Yu noticed that his little desk mate was a little absent minded. During their free activity class, when the four of them were playing airplane chess, she would often not react when it was her turn. Even Xiong Da and Xiong Er, who were fairly careless also noticed her unusual behaviour.

“Little Aunt, what’s wrong? You seem to be out of it, today.” Xiong Er asked.

The three people all looked at MiaoMiao and MiaoMiao looked a little embarassed. She said: “It’s… nothing. I am just thinking… about how we need to study in the future.”

MiaoMiao though of an excuse and the four children stopped paying attention to airplane chess. Instead they started discussing this topic.

“What about studying in the future?” Xiong Da asked.

“… … Mommy said, in the future we have elementary school, junior high, senior high, and university. I was just thinking that it would be very difficult.” This topic was started by her, so MiaoMiao could only rack her brains and continue on.

Qin Yu nodded his head. “I heard that elementary school will be six years. In kindergarten, it would normally only be three to four years.”

There were some kindergartens that had a class that came before the Little class, and those kindergartens would require four years to graduates. If they just started from the Little class, it would just be three years.

When Xiong Er heard that elementary school would require six years, he was very surprised. he calculated it and said: “Right now we are in the advanced class and we are already five years old. After we finish kindergarten, we would be six years old. After we study in elementary school for 6 years, we would already be 12 years old. Then what about junior high, senior high, and university? Will those also require six years?”

OMG, then wouldn’t they always need to study?

“I think junior high and senior high need three years each. For university, then it depends on the university.” MiaoMiao said.

Xiong Er calculated it and said. “Then if we finish senior high, then we would be 18 already. That sounds so pitiful, we will always need to study.”

“But Mommy said, senior high and university all require exams to get into. So after studying in junior high, we need to take an exam called the ZhongKao. If our points are high enough, then we can attend senior high. Mommy also said that we can also go to a private school. A private school can allow you to get in by paying money. Xiong Da and Xiong Er, will you guys also need to go? If that’s true, we don’t have to care about our ZhongKao scores and we can all go to the same school!” MiaoMiao laughed and said.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er thought about it and then nodded their heads and said: “Okay, Okay”

After the four children agreed, they started to discuss studying together and taking tutoring classes together.

That night when Xiong Da and XIong Er returned home they talked to Jiang FangFang about this matter. The two kids spoke in turns and worked hard to persuade their mother.

Xiong Da: “Mommy, Little Aunt and Qin Yu said that in junior high and senior high requires exams to go into. We want to go to the same school as Little Aunt so we want to go to private school that we can buy our way into.”

Jiang FangFang: “… …” You brat. Can’t you consider that everyone wants to score well enough to be admitted into a top school?

Xiong Er: “Mommy, as long as you agree, the four of us can choose to go to the same school. We can also take care of her more. We will enter the school a year before Little Aunt does and we can be her seniors.”

Jiang FangFang thought for a moment and didn’t want to burst their bubble, but she still said: “ChaoYu, ChaoPei, there is actually something Mommy has never told you guys.”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er: “… …? What is it?” Could we be adopted?

“Even though you guys are older than MiaoMiao by half a year and is currently a grade above MiaoMiao. But when you start elementary school, you need to wait until you guys are six years old. Most schools start classes in September, so you will need to wait until September next year when you guys are six years old.”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er: “… …?”

Xiong Da spent some time before he could accept this news and then he asked. “Can we have celebrate our birthdays in advance?”

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Xiong Da and Xiong Er were older than MiaoMiao by about half a year. Their birthdays are in November. They didn’t really understand what a year really meant. They only remembered that each time they had a birthday, then their age would increase by one. So they naively thought that if they celebrated their birthdays earlier, then they would be considered six years old.

“Celebrating your birthday earlier is no use.” Jiang FangFang said: “I originally planed to wait until you guys graduate from your advanced class and then send you two to preschool.”

Preschool was specifically meant for children like Xiong Da and Xiong Er who had finished kindergarten, but had not yet reached the age where they could attend elementary school. It was just that Little Star Kindergarten did not have this class, so they would have to go to a nearby kindergarten instead.

Xiong Er’s eyes immediately filled with tears. “Mommy, does that mean we will need to be in the same grade as Little Aunt? Would Little Aunt think we weren’t obedient enough, so we had to repeat a grade?”

“No. That won’t happen.” Little Aunt laughed and then she added: “Actually, there is another option. It is that you guys first attend preschool and then wait for your birthday to pass. After you are six years old, you then go attend Grade 1 in elementary school. But if you do this, you need to study everything that the other children had learned in Grade 1. If you do this, you need to take an exam to get in. If you don’t pass the exam, you won’t be allowed to go.”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er immediately nodded their heads. “We will study hard!”

Jiang FangFang successfully convinced her two sons to believe they should study hard and she was very satisfied. She decided that she needed to plan where her children should study for elementary school.

She had originally chosen an elementary school, but seeing that Xiong Da and Xiong Er wanted to study with MiaoMiao at the same school, then she would also need to discuss with Fu Rou. But recently, MiaoMiao was always with her little desk mate, so they should also discuss this with her desk mate’s parents as well.

That night, Jiang FangFang told the situation to Fu Rou and Fu Rou also phoned Xia ChenXi.

The two family lived in the same complex and their children were also desk mates and would often go to each other houses to play. They had long exchanged contact information.

When Xia ChenXi knew that they wanted to discuss the elementary school the children would study at, she immediately agreed. The three people booked a private room in a nearby restaurant and met up the next day at noon. They prepared to eat and chat and had also prepared some information about their ideal schools.

Each person had selected several schools and they were all schools that were well ranked within the city. They chances of them choosing the same school was quite high and there were three schools that they had all chosen.

The first school: Public elementary school. They were planning to move to a new school campus next year and the new campus’s environment was very good. There were many good qualified teachers and was well known for being a very good elementary school.

The second school: Public elementary school. The campus is old and the surroundings is not as good. But the teachers were very good and enforced small class sizes. Each class only had 30 students which made it easier for teachers to teach.

The third school: Private elementary school. The environment was extremely good and the teachers were also qualified. It was similar to Little Star Kindergarten and would have elective classes that would allow children to explore their hobbies and develop their talents. It would not only just be the normal classes taught in school.

Judging by the family backgrounds of the four children, taking those normal classes would not be very important to them.

The ZhongKao was an opportunity for ordinary students to improve their social status. If they could be admitted into a good university with a good educational background, then it would be a good stepping stone for them when they enter society. It would be easier to find a job. The rest though, would depend on how they perform in their respective companies.

But to these people with money and power, they do not really place much important on these. Because… … people with good educational backgrounds are people who work for them in their companies.

For example Wen FuChen, he did not like to study when he was young. He was a sloppy young master. He did not study well during his school years but he had a lot of interest in business. His grades were a mess, but he had a natural talent for doing business.

Wen FuChen did not like to study and would often request for leaves of absences. When he was studying, he went to a private school that he could buy his way into. He was a weak student. If there were five schooldays, then he would be absent for at least three. Most of the time, he would not even attend any of the classes. During his GaoKao, his grades were only passable to be able to select a major. He had only registered his name at the university and when first year started, he entered his father’s company instead.

A person’s intelligence could not only be determined by studying. There are some people who are good at studying and there are others who are good at business. Each person had their own talents.

There are many people who would look down on Wen FuChen for being an underachiever in his chosen major, but honestly he was just not very good at regular subjects like math, English, and sciences. But when doing business, how many people were actually better than him?

Fu Rou and Jiang FangFang were good at studying. Fu Rou was the oldest between the three of them and she had chosen humanities. During her GaoKao that year she scored over 680 points. Jiang FangFang and Xia ChenXi were actually from the same year. Jiang FangFang had chosen humanities like Fu Rou and her score was a little lower at 670 points.

What was shocking however was that Xia ChenXi was the top scorer in science for their year. Her husband was also a top scorer. In Jiang FangFang’s year, their province had three top scorers. One in humanities and two in sciences. That year, the two science top scorers had extremely high marks and it seemed like they had only been deducted about 10 points.

Fu Rou sighed in her heart. As long as Qin Yu’s genes did not suddenly mutate, he would most likely be a top scorer as well.

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Even though the three people had good grades, they did not have high expectations for their children. As long as it was good enough it would be okay. After all, for these children when they find jobs, they would not be comparing their educational backgrounds. But they would pick a major in university and then enter their family’s companies as interns to learn through experience. They would not need to use their educational backgrounds.

Unless their family went bankrupt.

So after the three parents discussed for a while, they temporarily decided to choose either the first school or the third school.

Even though the small class sizes in the second school were good, but if the children were smart, then they would still be able to learn well in a class of 50-60 students. But if the student was not smart enough, even if there were only 30 students in a class, they would probably still have difficulties.

If it was the kind of child who had to be stared at by a teacher to learn, then even if it was a class of only 30 students, a teacher could not always constantly supervise the child.

So that night, when MiaoMiao returned home, Fu Rou showed MiaoMiao the pictures of the schools that they had decided on.

MiaoMiao curiously looked at the two schools. Even though the private school was very beautiful, MiaoMiao actually liked the public school more.

Children could not appreciate how beautiful the environment the environment was. MiaoMiao thought that the public school’s new campus’s school buildings was pretty. So she wanted to study there.

Fu Rou felt helpless at her reason for choosing the school. She really could not expect much from this child.

Joey’s Corner:
I can’t believe it’s labour day already and school starts tomorrow. :sob: I hope everyone has a safe return to school!

That night, after MiaoMiao had her bath and had changed into a pair of cute pyjamas, she snuggled into her warm bed and got read for bed. She suddenly heard Sister System’s voice: “MiaoMiao, I have finished leveling up.”

MiaoMiao immediately opened her eyes and in front of her was the new system interface.

Other than the list of names on the left side and the blank spaces on the right, there did not appear to be anything different.

MiaoMiao was a little confused: “Sister System, there doesn’t seem to be anything different.”

“Pick someone’s data and open it.” Sister System helpfully suggested.

MiaoMiao opened “Mommy” and then waited for the Fu Rou’s information to be displayed.

Other than the original data that was there before, there was a new data: Original Life Span.

MiaoMiao: “… …???”

“This is the original lifespan.” Sister System’s voice was extremely serious. My upgrade this time only received this data. But MiaoMiao, I also received a lot of data about your family situation, if you did not have a system’s help.”

“Does this mean, without Sister System, my mommy can only live until she is 36 years old?” MiaoMiao’s eyes immediately turned red and she couldn’t help but start to cry.

Fu Rou was 30 years old this year. She would soon turn 31 and it was not far from 36.

Sister System said: “I need to carefully explain to you what would have originally happened. After you were trafficked, I would not have been by your side. Then when you returned home, you also wouldn’t know that your father’s body had a problem. Your father’s work is very busy and he would not have had time to go to his physical examination. So he would not have found out that his body had a problem so early. During the new year, he would not have stayed in the hospital and wouldn’t have sent you to go on vacation with your father and sister in law because he was scared you would be worried.”

“So your big brother, sister in law, and two nephews would have lost their lives as a result of the airplane accident. Your family was extremely saddened by their passing. You would be crying everyday wanting to see your little nephews, big brother and sister in law. Your father, who also saw his nephew who he had always treated as a son die, he continuously smoked cigarettes which cause his illness to worsen. When he had time to do a physical examination, he already had late stage lung cancer.”

“Then, your father stayed in the hospital. The body is more important that money and he left the company in someone else’s hands. But the company suddenly no longer had him and your big brother and the rival company took the opportunity to attack the company. This lead to the company’s situation being very bad. Your father was also worried, which affected his mood and caused his illness to worsen. Despite being treated, his illness did not improve and he passed away when he was 40 years old. At that time your mother was only 35 years old. After she finished dealing with your father’s affairs, her body had suffered multiple shocks and had taken a turn for the worse.”

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“Your grandparents also could not accept the passing of their only son and also passed away. At this time, your mother’s family also went bankrupt. Your Big Uncle and Little Aunt were saddled with many debts. The company your father left behind was also in danger. In the end, your mother died of illness and you followed your Big Uncle and Little Aunt. But because your Big Uncle and Little Aunt owed a lot of debts, after you graduated from junior high, you no longer continued to study, but instead went to find a job. This continued until you came of age. This is all the information that I have currently obtained.”

When MiaoMiao had heard that her big brother, sister in law, and two little nephews would have passed away, her eyes were already continuously dripping with tears.

She sniffled and cried: “Sister System, you are tricking MiaoMiao right. MiaoMiao’s family members would not leave MiaoMiao so soon. Daddy and Mommy won’t not want MiaoMiao. They won’t leave me behind.”

System became silent. She had also hoped that it wasn’t true. First it was big brother, sister in law and the two little nephews. Later it was daddy, then grandpa and grandma. At the very end it was mommy.

In just a short six years, the closest people to this child would have all left her. You could only imagine how scared she would have been at just nine years old.

“MiaoMiao, this is what would have originally happened. But now you have big sister. I will help you.” Sister System’s voice was very gentle. “We will change the future together. Big brother, sister in law, Xiong Da and Xiong Er’s deaths have already been changed. Daddy’s illness has already improved and he has also quit smoking. They will not die. Grandpa and Grandma will not suffer any psychological shocks and will not pass away. Next, as long as your mother’s family does not go bankrupt, your mother will not leave you so early.”

“Okay!” MiaoMiao rubbed her eyes and then curiously asked. Then she asked curiously. “Sister System, why is Big Uncle and Little Aunt not in MiaoMiao’s list of family members?”

Why was her family members only including her father’s side and doesn’t include her mother’s side?

System was silent for a while and then she said: “That is because of your Little Aunt. Previously I had also noticed it. Your Little Aunt’s body… … has a very strange system. Hm… It’s a pay to play cub raising app?”

MiaoMiao: “… …? What is a pay to play cub raising app? Is it to raise little pets?”

“Yes. but it is not like the dolls that MiaoMiao has. But it is more similar to raising them on a phone or an iPad. When MiaoMiao normally watches cartoons, you select those little square icons. Those are called apps. Different apps have different abilities. The one that Little Aunt has is considered one that requires you to use money to raise the people in the app.”

“From a system’s perspective, raising people would not receive much benefits. But for a system to watch her raise them, there is only one possibility. It is that the person your Little Aunt is raising, is this world’s son of fortune. This could be related to why the Fu family went bankrupt. So for your mother’s family, MiaoMiao does not need to pay attention to it. Your Little Aunt would be able to handle it without a problem.”

“Wow! Little Aunt is so amazing!” She can even stop bankruptcy!

Even though MiaoMiao doesn’t really know what “bankruptcy” means, but if it cause her mother to suffer any shocks, it definitely could not be a good thing!

Since Little Aunt could stop it, then Little Aunt must be amazing!

“Mhm, she is also a person who has a system, so her data will not appear in your system interface. As for your Big Uncle, because he will only suffer the calamity of bankruptcy, as long as the Fu family does not go bankrupt, then Big Uncle will not have any problems. So he will not appear. Normally, the people who appear in your list of family members are the people who will have problems.”

When MiaoMiao heard this, even though she was young, she could also tell something was wrong. “Right now big brother, sister in law, Xiong Da, Xiong Er, Mommy and Yu Tou have already run into problems. But MiaoMiao’s grandparents don’t seem to have had any problems.”

“That’s right. In the data I received, Grandpa and Grandma was unable to accept the passing of their grandchildren, great grandchildren, and also their son, and passed away as a result. But that has already changed. They will not receive any of these psychological blows. But something else will probably happen, or they will not appear on the list. So MiaoMiao needs to get stronger, so MiaoMiao can protect your family members.”

MiaoMiao clenched her little fists and solemnly nodded. “Okay! Sister System, we will protect our family together!”

We definitely cannot let MiaoMiao’s family members leave MiaoMiao!

“Hm? Sister System, in the things you talked about, it seems there was no Yu Tou.” MiaoMiao curiously asked: “Then why would Yu Tou show up in MiaoMiao’s list of people?”

Sister System was silent for a while and then she said: “According to the original data, this world would not have a person called Qin Yu.”

MiaoMiao: “… …???”

“Actually there is still a matter I have not told you yet. Qin Yu’s mother… .. is also a person who has a system.” Sister System’s voice was filled with a bit of envy. “It is also a very powerful system. It is a Earn Money by Studying system. Right now it has already levelled up to the point it can invest. Qin Yu’s mother should be using this system to earn money. In the future, if MiaoMiao has an interest in earning money, you can also follow Auntie in buying houses. The houses she buy will definitely increase in value.”

After all, she is your future grandma. She definitely won’t mind bringing you along to earn money.

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“Qin Yu’s mother probably had some sort of opportunity. There is a high probability that she was reborn. That means she died once and then returned a few years to the past. So Qin Yu originally would not have been born because before his mother was reborn, she did not marry his father. But after his mother was reborn, then she got together with his father and had him. So now he is by your side.”

“As for why Qin Yu would show up on your list of family members, after this upgrade, I still don’t know.” Sister System felt that it would be too early to tell MiaoMiao that she was going to be married to Qin Yu.

A child does not need to know these things. They should just let things develop naturally.

If they find out now, maybe it would even ruin things.

MiaoMiao was completely confused, but she still said: “To be reborn is like what happened to MiaoMiao’s little goldfish. First it was dead, then after MiaoMiao wished and prayed for it, he came back alive, right?”

Sister System: “… … Yes.” But really, your little goldfish did not come back to life. That is a new little goldfish.

MiaoMiao thought that she understood everything and then she said: “This world has a lot of systems. Sister System, you know all of them. But does that mean they also know you?”

System was silent for a moment before saying: “They don’t know me. I don’t know why, it seems like it is only me who can feel the existence of other systems. For the two systems I ate previously, when they were caught by me they were very surprised. They thought they were the only system in this world.”

“Wow! Then Sister System is also a very powerful and special system. The things that other systems can’t do, Sister System can do!” MiaoMiao said in admiration.

When Sister System heard this, she couldn’t help but feel happy. “Of course!”

If she had a body, right now she would probably be sticking out her chest and lifting up her chin to show how pleased she was feeling.

MiaoMiao felt that her system was excellent. Other people’s systems were not as good as hers. As the host, was she also an excellent host?

Hehe. Of course!

The next day, when MiaoMiao arrived at Little Star Kindergarten, Qin Yu had already arrived. MiaoMiao put down her little backpack and Qin Yu said: “MiaoMiao, my Mommy showed me two schools last night. Did your mother also show you?”

“Yup. I saw them!” MiaoMiao quickly nodded her head. “I picked the school that had prettier colors.”

Qin Yu: “… …” One of the schools had a building that was simply brown and did not look very good. Then MiaoMiao probably picked the other one. It had a yellow and blue school building and it looked quite cute.

MiaoMiao gleefully asked: “Yu Tou, I remember you saying before, your mommy is very good at earning money.”

Qin Yu didn’t know why MiaoMiao would suddenly bring this up, but he still nodded his head and said: “Daddy said Mommy is very amazing. Every time she buys a house, it will go up in price. Even though Mommy doesn’t earn as much money as Daddy, Mommy is able to earn money in a much more relaxed way. Mommy doesn’t need to do anything, but each month she we get several tens of thousands in rent. Every year she can even earn several tens of millions by flipping houses. Also Mommy’s immovable property is also a lot. But I don’t know what immovable property is. Right now, Daddy and Mommy opened a company that does things like immovable property. It seems that they are earning quite a bit!”

“Wow! Several tens of thousands. That’s amazing!” MiaoMiao looked at her fingers. She counted one by one, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousands. She then saw the place value of her own pocket money and then the place value of tens of millions. She was immediately full of admiration.

Sister System was right. Yu Tou’s mother had a system, and it was a system that could help her earn money.

MiaoMiao didn’t know that her own parents were very rich. Also she didn’t know that the amount her father earned was also not little. She only looked at Qin Yu full of admiration. “Yu Tou, your family is very rich!”

Qin Yu scratched his head in embarrassment and said: “It’s just okay.” Honestly they weren’t as rich as MiaoMiao’s family. Mommy had told him before, that his father seems to know MiaoMiao’s father. When they saw each other during the graduation ceremony, his father felt that MiaoMiao’s father looked familiar. When they returned home, he remembered who it was.

MiaoMiao’s father seemed to also be amazing, but MiaoMiao doesn’t seem to know. MiaoMiao’s mother seems to not have told her. Even though he didn’t know why, he felt he should still properly keep this a secret.

Joey’s Corner:
Wow, I didn’t expect there to be this many systems in this world. It’s almost like everyone has a system. You have a system, you have a system, we all have a system!
I think it would be interesting if we really did have systems like this though. I think it would make the world a very interesting place.

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