When MiaoMiao returned home, she was surprised to find that her father had returned early and was already at home. She took off her cute round toed shoes and changed into her white bunny slippers and charged inside. She hugged her father’s leg and said: “Daddy, why are you home so early today?”

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“Today is Daddy and Mommy’s 6th wedding anniversary. We are going to go out to eat as a family.” Wen FuChen smiled as he pinched his daughter’s cheek.

MiaoMiao blinked in confusion. “Wedding anniversary? What kind of holiday is this?” Why didn’t she hear anything about this holiday during kindergarten? Previously if there was a holiday they would have said something.

“It is the day when a husband and wife gets married. Right now MiaoMiao is very young. So you only need to know that today is Daddy and Mommy’s holiday.” Wen FuChen explained. Then he said: “Does the little princess need to change her clothes? We need to get ready to leave soon.”

“Yes!” MiaoMiao eyes lit up. She immediately ran to her room. MiaoMiao had a lot of clothes and she liked a lot of her beautiful clothes, but she could only wear them a few times. Because her closet was always full of cute clothes that were waiting for her to wear!

MiaoMiao was too short and she used a lot of energy to open the closet door. Then she lifted her little head and looked for a long time. Then she pulled Mommy over to help her bring her clothes down and then started to change.

MiaoMiao put on a beige blouse and a light coffee coloured checkered pleated skirt. Fu Rou was scared she would be cold, so she brought a pair of thigh high socks for her to wear. Paired with her black round toed shoes. It was super adorable.

When MiaoMiao left the house earlier, she had two braids and she didn’t need to change them now. She left her backpack at home and with her left hand holding her father’s hand and her right hand holding her mother’s hand, they left the house.

Wen FuChen had reserved a restaurant and the two people did not dress very formally. They dressed like normal, and the family of three had a warm feeling.

Fu Rou took the menu and asked MiaoMiao what she wanted to eat. MiaoMiao looked at the menu and noticed that there were fried chicken legs. Without hesitation she selected the fried chicken legs and then also selected the french fries. There was also a taro rib soup. Her three favourite foods were all here. This restaurant was great!

After MiaoMiao finished ordering, she looked at Fu Rou. “Mommy, MiaoMiao’s little iPad please.”

Fu Rou took out her iPad. MiaoMiao was small and she did not have a lot of strength. So the iPad they had bought for her was also the small size. So it would be convenient for her to hold. She skillfully opened the iPad and then selected the camera app. She took a video of the surroundings and then sent the video to the family group chat and also to Qin Yu.

After she recorded a voice message and quietly said: “Yu Tou, we went out for dinner tonight. This restaurant is amazing. There is my favourite fried chicken legs, taro rib soup, and also french fries!”

When Qin Yu heard the voice message, he sent a sticker back.

Qin Yu: <drooling>

Then he sent a voice message: “MiaoMiao eat more. If you eat more then you’ll be chubby and be very cute.”

When MiaoMiao finished listening to the voice message, she looked at the emoji that Qin Yu had sent over. She was a little puzzled. What is this thingy? How do you send it?

MiaoMiao wanted to ask Mommy but she noticed that her mother was still seriously looking at the menu. The waitress sister was still waiting for her mother to order. It would not be good to disturb her now. So she sent a voice message to Qin Yu: “Yu Tou, what is that drooling picture you sent? It can move. How do you send it?” MiaoMiao was immediately very jealous. Could it be that Qin Yu’s iPad was more amazing?

Her iPad doesn’t seem to be as good as Yu Tou’s QAQ. Maybe if she changed it to another one, she could send that kind of picture.

Qin Yu: “That is a sticker. I just learned about it. I will teach you on the weekend.”

MiaoMiao immediately agreed.

After the dishes arrived at the table, Wen FuChen took out the present that he had previously bought. It was a diamond necklace. He carefully helped Fu Rou wear it. Then he picked up the bouquet of roses the waiter handed to him and placed it in the empty space next to her.

Fu Rou was very happy, but her words were filled with fake disdain: “We’re already an old couple. But you’re still using this trick.”

“We have only been married for six years. How can we be considered an old couple? I feel like we have only been married for a little while.” Wen FuChen laughed.

MiaoMiao lifted her little head. She noticed that the atmosphere between her parents seemed to be a bit different.

A child couldn’t understand what was happening. MiaoMiao only felt that the gazes of her father and mother was a bit strange. Their eyes were very moist. It seemed like they wanted to cry?

MiaoMiao didn’t understand. Didn’t we come out to eat dinner? Why did Daddy giving Mommy a present cause them to turn strange?

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But looking at the expression on their faces, it didn’t look like they were unhappy. They were even smiling.

MiaoMiao felt that she didn’t really understand adults.

On Saturday, Qin Yu arrived at MiaoMiao’s house. He showed MiaoMiao how to send stickers. Xiong Da and Xiong Er were also there, the four children each had an iPad. Qin Yu first showed them how to download the sticker packs that they liked and then showed them how to send stickers.

After MiaoMiao learned how to do it, she downloaded several cute sticker packs for herself. Then she started to use them when she chatted.

Some of the stickers had words and some didn’t. MiaoMiao basically couldn’t recognize these words and could only use the the actions of the cartoon characters. She was able to guess the meaning from these. Then she started to use them to chat. So the entire week after, there were always scenes like this:

Qin Yu: “MiaoMiao, I am going out to play with my Mommy and Daddy. I won’t be able to come to your house today.”

MiaoMiao: <Go then. My Mom doesn’t let me play with idiots> (You should go.)

In this sticker, MiaoMiao could only understand. “Go then. My mom doesn’t X let me XXX” The words that came after were because she didn’t recognize very many words. So she could only understand the “You should go” part from the sticker and then she sent it out.

It was good that Qin Yu also did not understand many words like MiaoMiao. So he did not notice what was wrong with the sticker.

They had originally planned to play airplane chess together, but because Qin Yu wasn’t there. The three children simply played hide and seek.

Without Qin Yu there to let MiaoMiao off easy, MiaoMiao was found very easily every time. She didn’t know that Qin Yu would often secretly help her. So she just thought that her little desk mate was her lucky star. Qin Yu wasn’t there today and her luck was very bad.

After playing eight rounds, MiaoMiao was the ghost four times. She had lost half the times. If it was Xiong Da or Xiong Er who was the ghost, the first one to be found was always her. QAQ.

After eight rounds, Xiong Da and Xiong Er returned home. After eating lunch, they prepared for their afternoon nap. The system interface popped open in front of MiaoMiao and she heard Sister System’s voice in her ear: “MiaoMiao, look at the system interface.”

MiaoMiao looked at the system interface and she noticed that her grandpa’s data had turned red. His Health value had dropped to 54.

MiaoMiao opened her eyes in surprised and silently asked: “Sister System, grandpa’s body has a problem?”

Even though the body of an elderly person would not be too good. But MiaoMiao’s grandma and grandpa were very healthy and robust. It was rare for them to have any problems.

Sister System said: “The description below says that he will fall and sprain his waist. It should start in a few minutes. This is a warning.”

MiaoMiao didn’t understand what “sprain his waist” meant. But she thinks it should be a scary situation, otherwise Grandpa’s health value wouldn’t drop until 54.

MiaoMiao immediately didn’t want to sleep anymore. She sat up and picked up her iPad. In her family group chat, she sent a voice message: “Grandpa, Grandpa, what are you doing? When you walk you need to be careful. Make sure you don’t fall!”

About half a minute late, Grandpa’s voice message came back: “Grandpa and Grandma are at the park basking in the sun. MiaoMiao hasn’t taken her afternoon nap yet? Grandpa will be careful.”

“MiaoMiao go and sleep quickly. Grandpa will be careful. Grandma will also watch Grandpa.”

Grandma’s voice message also quickly came: “Okay Okay. Grandma will watch Grandpa carefully.”

At this moment, in the park, Grandma Wen and Grandpa Wen were sitting on a bench at the park.

The two people saw the kids playing not to far away and Grandma Wen said: “MiaoMiao said you need to be careful. You must pay attention.”

“I know. Our granddaughter’s words have been very profound lately. We need to listen.” Grandpa Wen nodded his head. “But when I walk, I always pay attention. I don’t think anything will happen.”

The two people sat on the bench for a while longer. After they felt that they had enjoyed the sun for long enough, they got up and got ready to head home.

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After walking for a while, there was the sounds of children laughing coming up from behind them. Grandma Wen thought about the words her granddaughter had just said and she turned around to look. She saw the children jostling and running about as they charged towards them. They were directly heading towards her old partner.

Grandma Wen jumped in fright and immediately pulled Grandpa Wen to the side to dodge.

The children were playing hard and didn’t notice that there were people nearby. They immediately charged through the place the elderly couple were just standing in.

Grandpa Wen saw this and jumped in fright. If it were not for his old partner pulling him over, he most likely would have been run into by the kids.

If a kid ran into something, at most they would scrape their knee or get a bruise. If him and his old bones fell…. Well then it would most likely torture him for quite a while.

“Seems like MiaoMiao really does know something. Even though the problem wasn’t you paying attention when you walk. But it most likely has something to do with you falling.” Grandma Wen said. Then she looked at the children on the side and helplessly sighed. “These children are a bit too lively.”

When they were originally watching in the distance, they thought that children should be lively. But now that they had run into them on the path, even though there were no cars inside the park, there were still people. If they ran into a person, if it was a young person it was still okay. But what if it was an elderly person or a pregnant lady?

“In this way, I think children like MiaoMiao, who are obedient and calm, are what most people like.” Grandma Wen said.

“Our granddaughter is the cutest of course. I wonder what kind of opportunity that MiaoMiao obtained.”

That night, after Grandma and Grandpa Wen returned home, they explained the situation to their son and grandson.

As a result, the voice message that MiaoMiao sent at noon suddenly became very meaningful. Even though she had said to carefully keep his eyes on the ground when he’s walking was wrong. The second half where she reminded Grandpa to not fall, was a real warning.

From this, MiaoMiao would know when her family members would run into any problems, but she why a problem would happen, she might not know.

For example, whether Wen FuChen’s lung cancer is because of smoking, she would not know.

When the plane Wen FanChu’s family was supposed to take had a problem, she as a child, would definitely not know what problem the plane had.

After MiaoMiao’s warning, she saw that Grandpa’s health value had returned to normal, so she continued her afternoon nap.

She slept until two something in the afternoon, before she blearily opened her eyes. Then she noticed that the eyes her mother was using to look at her was a little strange.

She looked at Fu Rou in confusion. “Mommy, why are you looking at MiaoMiao like this? Is there something on MiaoMiao’s face?”

As she spoke, she raised her little hands and patted her cheeks. She didn’t feel anything. But she felt that her squishy cheeks were very soft and felt very good to touch. So she rubbed them a few more times.

MiaoMiao probably thought she hid it very well, so it’s better not to scare her. It’s better if only family members knew of this matter. They could not let anyone else know.

Fu Rou helped MiaoMiao change into a set of house clothes but she did not help her tie up her hair. She only helped her comb out her hair and ensure that there were no knots. Then she put down the comb and told her to go play.

When Wen FuChen returned home, he looked at MiaoMiao, who was watching cartoons in the living room, with a complicated gaze. Then as he took off his tie, he said to Fu Rou: “Was anything different about MiaoMiao today?”

“Nope, she looked the same as usual.” Fu Rou said and then she continued worriedly: “What kind of situation do you think this is? Foresight? Fortune telling? Or something else?”

Wen FuChen was stumped by Fu Rou’s question. He thought for a moment before saying: “If it was fortune telling, besides danger, she should be able to tell other things. But MiaoMiao seems to only be able to tell when her family members are in danger. So this should be foresight?”

Fu Rou felt that his words were logical and said: “I don’t know if there are any bad things about these circumstances. There’s a lot of things that say that this is considered a special ability and you might have to pay some sort of price. Nothing in this world is free, after all. So I am a bit worried.”

“Then we should be a bit more careful. Looking at MiaoMiao, it doesn’t seem like there are any bad side effects.”

MiaoMiao completely did not notice her parents worry and happily continued to watch her cartoons. Her day passed by very comfortably.

Time flew by and a year and a half later, it was time for Little Star Kindergarten’s graduation ceremony again.

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After the graduation ceremony ended, she continued to study at the kindergarten for a period of time and then she formally graduated from the kindergarten. In September this year, she will start elementary school!

In these few months, MiaoMiao had participated in two of Little Star Kindergarten’s dance practices. One was an abacus dance [1] and a dance from XinJiang. They were going to dance them during the graduation ceremony today.

In the abacus dance, she was in the centre position, but she wasn’t in the XinJiang dance.

She was standing in the backstage waiting to go onstage. She heard Qin Yu’s voice coming from from her side. “MiaoMiao, it’s almost your turn. Good luck!”

MiaoMiao quickly nodded her head. “Okay. Yu Tou you should sit in the front. Help me take a few photos. You need to make me look good.”

“Okay.” Qin Yu quickly nodded his head.

MiaoMiao was not the only one who had grown taller. Qin Yu had also grown taller by a few centimetres. His facial features had also opened up a bit and looked more handsome. Even though he was still young, you could already tell he would be a handsome little guy.

During this graduation ceremony, Teacher Yan wanted Qin Yu to go dance as well, but Qin Yu had rejected it.

This time, their class’s dance was either an all girl’s group dance or it was a boy and girl group dance. There were no dances where it was only boys.

MiaoMiao noticed that her little desk mate was a little strange. He no longer liked to be near girls other than her. Other kids were still okay, but all the teachers in the kindergarten were female. If the teachers went a bit closer to Yu Tou, he would seem as though he was scared.

Sister System said, it could be because of what happened with Teacher Chen and it caused Yu Tou to have a bit of a psychological shadow. So he is now scared of being close to girls.

Due to this, MiaoMiao was confused. Isn’t she a girl? Yu Tou would take his afternoon nap with her everyday. She had never seen Yu Tou being scared of her.

MiaoMiao was a little confused, but then she thought about how she could be a part of her little desk mate’s fear, she felt that she probably shouldn’t bring it up. So that he wouldn’t notice or feel scared.

It was time for MiaoMiao to go on stage and she looked down at her clothes and confirmed that there were no problems. Then she and a few other girls went onstage.

After the announcer finished speaking, the curtains were opened. Eight girls started to dance. As MiaoMiao was in the centre position, she was always in the middle of the stage. Fu Rou and Wen FuChen who were watching offstage took a lot of photos to record their daughter’s growth.

After the very last dance move, MiaoMiao immediately went offstage with the other kids and got ready to change into a set of XinJiang clothes.

The clothes for the XinJiang dance was very beautiful and everyone’s clothes were custom made. There were seven girls and the colors were red, orange, green, blue, and purple. MiaoMiao was in purple and the girl in the centre was wearing red. When they were standing in the centre of the stage they were very eye-catching.

MiaoMiao was very good at dancing. At the very beginning when the teacher was trying to decide who would stand in the centre, it was always between MiaoMiao and the girl wearing red. In the end, MiaoMiao became the centre dancer in the abacus dance, so in this dance, she would be on the side. It was because the kids who were dancing on the side had fewer dance moves so she could learn fewer dance moves, so it would be easier.

MiaoMiao liked the XinJiang dance clothing the most. After she wore it, she didn’t want to take it off. After she got off stage, she spun around in front of Qin Yu. “Yu Tou, what do you think of my clothes? I think I look pretty when I wear purple!”

MiaoMiao was posing and looking for compliments. As her desk mate, Yu Tou was naturally very supportive. He nodded and said: “Cute! Whatever you wear is very cute!”

MiaoMiao was very happy and said: “Then in the future, I will ask Mommy to help me buy a few more purple clothes.”

MiaoMiao used to like pink and yellow clothes. She had clothes in other colors, but most of her clothes were pink or yellow.

At the very end of the graduation ceremony, the advanced class’s students had a big group song.

Almost 40 students stood together to dance.

Because Qin Yu refused to stand with next to a girl, the teacher specially arranged for his surroundings to all be boys. To the students who had a few requests, as long as they were not too over the top, Teacher Yan would try to satisfy them.

After the song was finished, the children lined up in the lines they had prearranged.

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The two class’s head teacher stood up on stage to say a few words. Then it was time for the principal to hand out the graduation booklets.

The kindergarten’s graduation booklet was very simple. It was a simple little booklet. It was merely just for show. After all, a kindergarten’s graduation certificate did not have very much use.

The principal held MiaoMiao’s graduation booklet and passed it to her with two hands. After MiaoMiao received it with two hands, the principal said: “Congratulations, Student Wen MiaoMiao.”

“Thank you, principal.” MiaoMiao smiled and sweetly said.

As the principal continued to give the other students their graduation booklet, MiaoMiao opened her graduation booklet.

Half a month earlier, the children had handed in little passport photos.

In the passport photo, MiaoMiao’s chubby face looked especially cute. Her smile was very sweet and there were words written underneath. But MiaoMiao didn’t know what it said.

MiaoMiao carefully closed the graduation booklet and then held it. She looked at Qin Yu standing next to her and quietly said: “Yu Tou, can I look at your photo?”

Qin Yu passed over his graduation booklet and the two people thought their actions were sneaky and no one saw it. But the audience watching below saw everything.

MiaoMiao looked at Qin Yu’s passport photo. She thought it was super cute. But she thinks that her little desk mate seemed to have gotten skinnier.

She passed the graduation booklet back to Qin Yu and said: “You need to eat more. You’ve gotten skinny. You don’t look as cute as before!”

Qin Yu: “… … Okay. I will eat more.” He already aate a lot, but his weight kept dropping. What could he do. QAQ My little angel says that I’m not as cute as before. Why can’t I be chubbier!

The Qin Yu before wanted to be skinny, but now Qin Yu wanted to be fat.

After the graduation ceremony, MiaoMiao happily held her parents hands. “Daddy, Mommy, MiaoMiao graduated. Does it mean I have to go study at elementary school? Does it mean I can study with Xiong Da and Xiong Er?”

“You still need to wait a few months though. Elementary school starts in September.” Fu Rou smiled and said.

MiaoMiao nodded her head. “Then MiaoMiao will wait for elementary to start then. Is the school the one that MiaoMiao thought was cute?”

“Yes, ChaoYu and ChaoPei have already studied there for a year.”

Because Xiong Da and Xiong Er were born after September, they did not go directly to elementary school. They had gone to a nearby kindergarten for preschool. In fact, for the good kindergartens, the material that they cover is about the same as what a student would learn in grade one.

Since grade one in elementary school starts from the basics anyways, Jiang FangFang was not worried that Xiong Da and Xiong Er would not fall behind the other students even if they started lated.

After Xiong Da and Xiong Er were six years old and went to the elementary school to take their tests. The two children successfully scored well and were allowed to enter the school.

The test for elementary school, grade one only had Chinese and English. This elementary school also had English classes in grade one. But in grade one and two, they only learned the basics. Each week, there was only one class. It was not until grade three before English would become a core class.

So even though Xiong Da and Xiong Er were not good at English, they still easily passed the test. They were able to start studying in elementary school a year earlier than MiaoMiao. They would not let their Little Aunt think they had to repeat a grade.

After they started attending elementary school, they kept telling MiaoMiao how fun elementary school was. There were lots of different classes and the girls in their class would also play rubber band jump rope.

MiaoMiao felt very confused. A rubber band was very small. It could only be used to tie up hair. How could they use it for jumping? It wasn’t as big as her little feet.

The big sisters in elementary school were very strange!

[1] Abacus Dance (算盘舞): It’s literally a dance where the kids are holding abacus’s and dancing. I couldn’t find a decent video on youtube, but there are a few videos on bilibili. But the quality also wasn’t good.

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