RD Chapter 32.1

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After MiaoMiao returned home, she continued to pose in front of the mirror inher little bathroom. Because she had a performance today, she had worn makeup. Even though all the children had the same makeup, but because she was cute, her makeup looked extra cute.

MiaoMiao took out her iPad and then posed a few more times in front of the the camera and took a few selfies.

She was surprised to find out that even though the she who was in front of the camera was so cute. Why was she so ugly in the picture?

When she had video calls with Yu Tou, did she also look this ugly.

When she thought of this, MiaoMiao who liked to look pretty felt a bit tangled. She held her iPad and then ran to Fu Rou. “Mommy, MiaoMiao’s iPad seems to be broken. When it takes pictures of MiaoMiao, MiaoMiao is very ugly.”

As she spoke, MiaoMiao showed the photos that she just took to Fu Rou.

Fu Rou took a look and couldn’t help but laugh. “BaoBei, you didn’t pick a good angle. It needs to be straight in front, or from a bit higher. It would make your face look smaller. Mommy will show you.”

As she spoke, Fu Rou picked her iPad and held it a bit higher. MiaoMiao saw that on the screen, she had gotten rounder and cuter. Then she realized that when she had video calls, she definitely did not use a good angle.

Yu Tou saw her all ugly. QAQ

MiaoMiao who liked to pose felt very conflicted. But she still quickly took a few photos.

Children were not very good at taking pictures and MiaoMiao did not know how to pose for different angles. So she simply showed a bright smile and then started to take pictures.

After she took a few photos, she felt that she had recorded her cute look well today and then looked at Fu Rou. “Mommy, MiaoMiao wants to remove her makeup.”

Removing her makeup was a term that MiaoMiao learned the previous year when she participated in Xiong Da and Xiong Er’s graduation ceremony. At that time, MiaoMiao had also worn makeup. She was originally planning to just wash her face and then go sleep, but Fu Rou had brought over some makeup remover to help her remove the makeup. That was when MiaoMiao learned that after putting makeup on, you had to remove it with a special remover.

Fu Rou brought over the makeup remover and then lightly massaged her face.

A child’s face was very smooth and tender and Fu Rou couldn’t help but massage it a few more times. Then she used some water to help her rinse her face. After rinsing off the makeup remover on her face, they used some face soap to continue to clean. After it was all clean, she helped MiaoMiao apply some facial cream.

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MiaoMiao looked at herself in the mirror and then put on some hand cream after washing her hands. Then she patted her soft and bouncy cheeks. She didn’t really want to stop.

“BaoBei, Mommy helped you take a lot of photos today. Daddy also helped record a video of you.” Fu Rou said and then open the photo album on her phone. She showed MiaoMiao all her photos. As MiaoMiao looked at the photos, she went to bring over Wen FuChen’s phone.

MiaoMiao admired herself dancing and was very happy. She lifted her head and looked at Fu Rou full of expectation. “Mommy, can we buy the DVD as well?”

“Of course. This is our BaoBei’s graduation ceremony. We need to save this properly.” Fu Rou did not just prepare to buy the DVD, she had also prepared to buy the digital version. She only hoped that Little Star Kindergarten’s videographer was skillful and recorded her BaoBei extra cutely.

After the graduation ceremony at school ended, Qin Yu and MiaoMiao still had to go to school for a few more days. Not long after Qin Yu’s birthday, the DVD and digital versions of the video had been completed. Fu Rou bought the two and watched them at home twice. She even grabbed MiaoMiao to watch how she danced.

MiaoMiao’s eyes were sparking. She pointed at the TV screen with a chubby finger and said: “Mommy, who is that little cutie?”

“It is our little BaoBei!” Fu Rou laughed and then kissed her cheek.

“Hehe.” MiaoMiao was very happy and continued to watch her performance.

After the vacation, MiaoMiao had her sixth birthday. It was a blisteringly hot summer vacation. Other than hiring teachers to come to her house to teach her, MiaoMiao, Yu Tou, and her little nephews would go swimming together.

Starting from last year, the kids that started to understand what it meant to be self conscious. They did not like to shower with other people and had started to shower separately. MiaoMiao was the most shy. After last year started, she always wanted to showed alone. If there were people there, even if it were her parents, she would refuse to take off her clothes. If she was changing, she would do it herself.

Her room’s bathroom had been renovated for a child, and everything was kid friendly. Even if she was short, she could still do everything herself.

After a girl started to attend elementary school, they would start to grow quickly. So Fu Rou had already arranged for people to prepare a set of furniture that was a bit taller. So that it would still be convenient to switch out the furniture when MiaoMiao grew taller.

The new school was not far from their house, but it was not as close as the kindergarten. Each day it would take about 20 minutes to drive to school.

Wen FuChen and Fu Rou had originally planned to move. It would be best if it would not take more than 10 minutes to send the kids to school. If MiaoMiao could sleep for an extra 10 minutes, it would be best.

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But MiaoMiao wanted to go a public school. Everything nearby was a normal civilian residential area. It was all normal apartments and was not set up to be a single apartment per floor. There were also no standalone houses either.

Even though Wen FuChen and Fu Rou did not have very high requirements for their home, they did not like small living spaces. So in the end, they decided to continue living in their current house.

The week before MiaoMiao was to start elementary school, Fu Rou started to help her pick a backpack.

MiaoMiao did not want to stop using her pikachu backpack. Seeing that her mother wanted to buy a new backpack to replace her pikachu one, she sadly clutched at her little backpack and her eyes were filled with tears when she looked at Fu Rou. “Mommy, MiaoMiao doesn’t want to change her backpack. MiaoMiao really likes this backpack.”

“BaoBei, you need to go to elementary school now. This backpack is a little childish. Mommy will help you pick out a Sailor Moon one, okay?” Fu Rou smiled as she coaxed MiaoMiao.

MiaoMiao quickly shook her head and clutched her little backpack tigther. “MiaoMiao liked pikachu more.”

“Mommy won’t throw away the pikachu backpack, it will still be in your room and you can continue to look at it. But if you bring this backpack to school, it won’t be very appropriate. How about you look at this one, it is also pikachu.” Fu Rou picked up another backpack. There was a pikachu print on it.

But MiaoMiao felt that her original pikachu backpack looked better.

Her original pikachu backpack was three dimensional! It was made in the shape of pikachu and it was very soft. After opening the zipper and then turning it inside out, you could turn pikachu into raichu.

It was great!

“BaoBei, after you start attending elementary school, it is different from kindergarten. You know, in kindergarten, your only textbooks were a few storybooks. Your old backpack could fit it all. But once you start elementary school, you will have a lot more books. You won’t be able to put everything into your pikachu backpack.

When MiaoMiao heard this, she lowered her head to look at the little pikachu backpack in her arms. She did feel that it was a little small. She had seen Xiong Da and Xiong Er’s backpack, after they started elementary school, their backpacks seemed to have turned a lot bigger all of a sudden! There must be a lot of books inside!

With that though, MiaoMiao could only obediently nod her head and said: “Then when MiaoMiao goes to school, MiaoMiao will use a new backpack. But this one, Mommy can’t throw it away. MiaoMiao likes it a lot.”

“Okay, Mommy won’t throw it away. There is a lot of space at home, I will help you store it.” Fu Rou helplessly said.

“There is also charmander, squirtle, and bulbasaur. You can’t throw any of them away!” MiaoMiao was given an inch and she decided to go for a mile. She had to keep all of her cute backpacks!

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Fu Rou: “… … Okay.”

MiaoMiao heard that her mother agreed and she was quickly very happy.

Fu Rou was happy that she and Wen FuChen did not decide to move. If they really had moved, then the largest apartment nearby was only 200 square meters.

They probably wouldn’t be able to store everything.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er had already studied at the elementary school for a few months, and Jiang FangFang was quite familiar with the school. Fu Rou had already learned all about it.

In grade 1 and grade 2, the main focus was Chinese and math. English was only once a week and was considered an elective class. There was no test for it. The monthly tests were only in class quizzes. There was only a big midterm exam and a final exam which were used to rank the students.

In grade 3, English would become a core course and they would increase the amount of English being learned. Science classes would also start. There would be biology, chemistry, and physics. They would only be teaching the basics of these courses.

Other than these, there was also IT classes, music, art, and also physical education.

The classes were all simple and were ordinary elementary school classes. The students would also get off school very early. They would get off school at 4 PM. On evenings and weekends, it would be up to the parents to arrange other extracurricular classes or tutoring sessions.

Fu Rou felt that as long as MiaoMiao’s normal results weren’t too bad, then it wouldn’t be a problem. She had prepared to focus on developing her child’s hobbies and interests.

In the beginning, she liked the private school more because there were all sorts of courses. It would be more suitable for exploring a child’s talents. But MiaoMiao liked the public school’s school building… …

They could only privately learn these now.

Fu Rou spent a lot of time preparing for MiaoMiao to attend elementary school. When it was time for school to officially start, she brought MiaoMiao to the school and talked to the teacher for a bit. The head teacher had long knew that there were several students that she needed to give extra attention to. After learning MiaoMiao’s face, she told MiaoMiao to find a seat and then Fu Rou left.

MiaoMiao had arrived quite early and not long after sitting down, the other students in the class started to trickle in with their parents. Then the parents left and the children stayed.

MiaoMiao knew that she and Qin Yu would be in the same class. Fu Rou had already spoken to the teacher about it.

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So she specifically placed her backpack on the seat next to her to pretend that there was already someone sitting there. This was to avoid other children wanting to sit there and stealing her little desk mate’s spot.

When Qin Yu arrived, she raised her hand and waved.

When Qin Yu saw MiaoMiao, he immediately smiled. Xia ChenXi let Qin Yu go to MiaoMiao’s side to sit down first and then headed over to talk to the teacher.

MiaoMiao moved her backpack and let Qin Yu sit down. She smiled and said: “Yu Tou, we really are in the same class. My Mommy said that the teacher will let us be desk mates.”

“Mhm. My Mommy also said that too. But MiaoMiao, there are a lot of kids in this class.” Qin Yu looked around and felt that there were a lot of kids. It made him worried a bit. “Will we be able to remember who is who?”

“I don’t know.” MiaoMiao wrinkled her brows in frustration. “When we were in Little Star Kindergarten, we didn’t have many people in our class. Why are there so many people here, I feel like there is almost 40 people.”

Not long after, all the children had arrived. The head teacher counted the students and seeing that the number was correct. She brought out the attendance list and started to take attendance. “In a minute, when Teacher yells out your name, you need to remember your student number. Then you have to yell out: ‘Here’. Okay?”

“Okay~” The students answered in unison.

The teacher started to take attendance. In the class the odd numbers were boys and the even numbers were girls.

“Number 13, Qin Yu.”

“Here.” Qin Yu called out.

“Number 14. Wen MiaoMiao.”

“Here~” MiaoMiao also yelled out. Then she looked at Qin Yu. “Yu Tou, our student numbers are also right next to each other.”

“Mhm.” Qin Yu nodded his little head. They wouldn’t only just be desk mates in the future. Their student numbers were also right next to each other. He was very happy.

After the teacher finished taking attendance, there were a total of 40 student in the class. The head teacher smiled and said: “Okay everyone, I am Teacher Xu. You can call me Teacher Xu. I will be in charge of teaching you math. In a moment, can everyone go and line up according to your height? Teacher needs to assign the seats.”

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