Qin Yu felt that MiaoMiao’s little head was sure strange. Why was she so certain that her family had no money? Clearly she had so much pocket money and she never lacked anything.

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Maybe its because she was always told since she was young that they didn’t have money. So even though her classmates told her she had money, she didn’t believe it.

But he also thought there was a point to it. If there was someone who told him that 1 + 1 did not equal 2. Then even if a lot of people told him this, he would still not believe it.

The lunch period for each school day was very long. There were four classes in the morning and then they would have a lunch break until 2 PM. Grades 1 to 3 got off school pretty early, and there were only two classes in the afternoon. The last class was always self-study, so that the students had time to do their homework.

Grade one students did not have much homework, but they still weren’t used to holding pencils. They would write very stiffly and they would write slowly too.

So even though there wasn’t much homework, it would still take an entire class to finish. That is if they were very focused on studying. If a kid got distracted, then they would have to bring it home to finish.

During lunch time, the children could choose whether or not they wanted to take an afternoon nap. MiaoMiao had the habit of taking an afternoon nap, but the conditions at the school were not very good for this. If a kid wanted to take a nap, they would have to put their head down on their desk. She didn’t like doing this, so even if she was a bit sleepy, she would still quietly read a book.

Qin Yu saw that when she was reading, she couldn’t help but want to close her eyes and her head would start to node. He smiled and said: “MiaoMiao, maybe you should sleep for a bit?”

“I don’t want to. It’s not very comfortable.” MiaoMiao rubbed her eyes.

Qin Yu thought for a moment and said: “How about starting tomorrow, you go home at lunch? Our lunch break is very long, there is two hours. You could go home, take a nap, and then come back.”

MiaoMiao thought for a bit and then she felt that that was a good idea.

The morning class ended at 11:30 and if you added up the time to eat lunch, then there would be a total of two hours. She only needed to take a nap for an hour. The other hour would definitely be enough for lunch.

MiaoMiao nodded her little head, “Then I will tell my Mommy tonight. Starting tomorrow, I won’t eat lunch at school.”

If you eat at school you had to line up. If she ate at home, then she could immediately eat after returning home!

That night, MiaoMiao spoke to Fu Rou about this and Fu Rou didn’t even think about it before immediately agreeing. MiaoMiao had given plenty of reasons. She felt sleepy at lunch and didn’t want to sprawl on her desk to take a nap.

Fu Rou naturally didn’t want her child to have to endure any hardships and felt that agreeing was natural. But she also thought about something else.

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Their house was a bit far from the school. Driving back and forth would take 40 mins and after adding up MiaoMiao’s sleeping time and hair brushing time, it would be an hour and a half. Then there would only be 20 mins for MiaoMiao to eat lunch. Then what If they bought a house near the school for MiaoMiao to take her lunch breaks?

Then doesn’t that mean the child could take her time?

Fu Rou immediately decided on this and then went to ask Jiang FangFang, to see if Xiong Da and Xiong Er would want this.

Jiang FangFang just realized she had never asked about the lunch break situation at school. After she found out that her two sons would take a nap sprawled over their desks, she was immediately worried about their backs and eye sight. So she and Fu Rou planned to buy a house that was on the larger side, so that it would be convenient for the three children to take their afternoon naps.

Fu Rou thought even deeper. Hadn’t she heard that the houses that Qin Yu’s mother buys always increases in price? She had never bought a house that had fallen in value. Then shouldn’t she let her pick the house?

Before Fu Rou had taken the initiative to ask Xia ChenXi, Xia ChenXi called her. She wanted to buy a house for Qin Yu to take his afternoon nap. She had already found a house and wanted to know whether or not they wanted to join in. This way, the four children could take their lunch breaks together, and an adult could go and watch them.

Fu Rou and Jiang FangFang agreed.

To buy a house required viewing the house first and it was a bit urgent. So the picked a place that was already renovated and the next day, the three mothers went to take a look at the house. After determining it was okay, they immediately asked people to move in some children’s furniture.

Fu Rou had already ordered new furniture for MiaoMiao. MiaoMiao had already started to grow taller and it was about time to change her furniture. She had planned to wait a while before changing the furniture set, but now she would temporarily move it to the lunch break house.

She simply also ordered a few other sets for Xiong Da, Xiong Er, and Qin Yu.

After the house was decided upon and the contact signed. The original owner had also moved out a while back. Seeing that the deal was going so smoothly, the keys were also handed over.

After adding on the time that required moving the furniture, it wasn’t even a week before they could move in.

The first time MiaoMiao went to the new house for her lunch break, she was very curious.

If was the first time she was going to an apartment complex that was different from the one she lived in. This apartment complex was different from her house. After leaving the elevator, she still had to walk a distance. It would not directly open up in front of her house’s door.

After entering the lunch break house, Fu Rou introduced the place. “There are four rooms here. The four of you have grown up now. You need to sleep in your own rooms now, okay?” The doors of each room has your names on it. First go take a look at the room and then come out after you wash your hands for lunch.

MiaoMiao happily charged towards her own room. She found out that the furniture there was made for her height. It was taller than the ones at home by a little bit. But the height was more suitable than the one at home. The room was smaller than her room at home, but there was no need for a closet or a desk. It was only for taking an afternoon nap. MiaoMiao didn’t mind.

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After she came out after washing her hands, Fu Rou had already set the table and ate with the four kids.

After eating, MIaoMiao went to her room for her afternoon nap. Mommy had brought over a set of little pyjamas just for her afternoon nap. She changed into them herself and quickly fell asleep.

Fu Rou had set an alarm clock for 1:30 PM and after the alarm clock rang, she went to call the children to get up.

After MiaoMiao woke up blearily and changed into her clothes. Then she went to the washroom before asking Fu Rou to help her tie her hair and then they went to school.

When the reached the school entrance, it was 1:50 PM and the children slowly walked towards their classrooms. They weren’t in a rush at all. There were a lot of kids who didn’t eat at school for lunch.

Lunch at school was $8 per child and they would pay it every Friday. It was helpfully exactly $200. For an ordinary family, this was naturally not a problem.

But there were a portion of kids where their family situations were not very good. They felt that the meal for a child was just one mixed veggie and meat dish and a veggie dish. To ask $8 for this was too much. After all, these kids were young and as long as they didn’t have too big an appetite and the dishes at home aren’t anything special. But eating at home would still be cheaper, so they would go home for lunch.

Other than MiaoMiao, there were four to five other students who would go home for lunch. The other students did not think it was strange.

MiaoMiao felt that going to eat at that little house was a lot better than eating at school.

At school, each child only got two dishes. One mixed veggie and meat dish and a vegetable dish. There would also be a soup. The soup was either seaweed and egg soup or a tomato and egg soup. There also wouldn’t be much substance at all. The soup’s taste was basically water plus a bit of salt.

The next day it was Jiang FangFang who was accompanying the kids. After MiaoMiao finished her lunch, she rubbed her little stomach and said: “Sister in Law, homecooked food is the best. The food at school isn’t good.”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er also nodded their heads. “Yup. The taste is really ordinary.”

Qin Yu didn’t say anything, but he still nodded his head in agreement.

Jiang FangFang laughed and said: “The conditions of this school isn’t that great. But it was you guys who picked this school. Wait until you guys go to junior high and pick a school with better conditions.”

MiaoMiao felt a bit distressed. It was her who picked this school. She was the one who caused Qin Yu and her two nephews to suffer with her and eat not delicious food.

Especially Xiong Da and Xiong Er. They had already eaten this food for a long time.

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“Quickly go and change into your pyjamas and sleep.” Jiang FangFang said.

The four children were already like little adults. They obediently listened and then they returned to their rooms to change and nap. MiaoMiao was still thinking about it. Wait until they go to junior high. They would change to a better school. The food had to be good. It had to be a school that had a place for taking afternoon naps.

Jiang FangFang had taken MiaoMiao’s words to heard. When MiaoMiao first selected this elementary school, she had thought the school building was cute. But you couldn’t trust a child’s judgment and it should still be checked by an adult.

When they selected their junior highs, they could not let MiaoMiao pick anything. As parents, they need to think for their children. Especially for children who were used to a certain level of comfort at home. The schools they go to could not have an environment that was too poor. Otherwise it could be difficult for them to accept.

After starting school for a year, it was time for the first group of first graders to enter the Young Pioneers of China [1]. In different schools, children would join the movement at different times. There were some schools that would have all the children join at once and there were schools that would split the children into three groups.

MIaoMiao’s school would split up the children into three batches. Starting from first grade to second grade, there would be a new group of children joining each term. Mostly the teachers would pick the most obedient students or the students that were the most energetic about speaking to enter the movement first.

As MiaoMiao and Qin Yu were kids that the teacher was taking special care of and they were particularly obedient in class. Plus their good results in the previous monthly test and were ranked first in class. They were successfully able to be in the first batch of kids to join. The entire class had 40 people and the first batch of kids had 15 people.

After MiaoMiao learned to tie her red neckscarf, that night she posed in front of the mirror for a long time.

TL Note: Picture of children with their red neckscarves

“Mommy, did MiaoMiao tie the neckscarf cutely?” She posed for a long time and felt that it wasn’t enough for just herself to see it. She ran off with her little rabbit slippers to ask Fu Rou.

“It’s super cute! Mommy’s BaoBei is the cutest!” Fu Rou pinched her cheeks and took a few pictures.

MiaoMiao looked towards Wen FuChen. “What does Daddy think?”

“It’s very cute. Daddy’s little princess is very cute.” Wen FuChen smiled and laughed.

MiaoMiao was very satisfied. After going to school, she found that there was a little box of chocolate on her desk.

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MiaoMiao looked around and felt puzzled. Where was this chocolate from.

Not long after sitting down, Qin Yu arrived. MiaoMiao picked up the chocolate and asked; “Yu Tou, when I came to school this morning, I found a chocolate on my desk. Did you put it on my desk yesterday afternoon?”

“No.” Qin Yu pursed his lips. He gave a warning look at several of the nearby boys.

Who was it that gave his desk mate chocolate? If MiaoMiao wants to eat chocolate, he can give it to her. The kinds he give is tastier too. Hmph!

“Then did someone put it here by accident?” MiaoMiao was a bit confused. “I’ll put it on the teacher’s desk then.”

“That… That is for you.” A nearby boy saw that MiaoMiao wanted to put the chocolate on the teacher’s desk and immediately felt nervous. He blushed as he spoke.

MiaoMiao looked at him and remembered his face. But forgot his name. She had to look down at his nametag to see that he was called Zhu WenYu and was a member of the study committee.

“Why did you want to give me chocolate?” MiaoMiao was puzzled. Maybe he wanted to be friends? But she already had Qin Yu. If she made another friend in class, if she wasn’t careful and neglected Qin Yu, then what would happen? Yu Tou would definitely be hurt.

“I saw that you ate chocolate before and I think you like to eat it. So I gave you some.” Zhu WenYu’s face was red as he spoke.

There were some children at this age who were a bit mature would know that they should give things to the girls they like, for example Zhu WenYu.

There were some who understood a little bit and didn’t fully understand what it meant, for example Wen MiaoMiao.

MiaoMiao looked at the chocolate and placed it on his desk and said: “I’ve eaten this chocolate before, I think it’s too sweat. You should eat it yourself.”

She had the chocolate that Yu Tou gave. Yu Tou’s chocolate was very delicious. It was just sweet enough. She really liked it.

When Zhu WenYu heard her refuse, he thought that she had understood what he meant and that she didn’t like him and had tactfully refused him. He immediately felt heartbroken.

When Qin Yu heard this, he was very happy. That’s right. Only he understood MiaoMiao’s tastes!

[1] Young Pioneers of China. It is effectively an introduction to communism for elementary school children. They wear red scarves and sing songs with words like “We are the successors to the communist movement.”

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