After MiaoMiao sat down, she quietly said: “He’s so strange. Even if I like to eat chocolate, what does it have to do with him. I won’t just eat anyone’s chocolate.”

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Even if they were in the same class, there were still differences between the kids who were closer to them and those who were not. MiaoMiao had known Qin Yu since kindergarten and had been her desk mate for two years. So their relationship was very good.

If Qin Yu gave a present, MiaoMiao would unhesitatingly accept it. But if another child gave her a present, she would not carelessly accept it. She would be polite.

Qin Yu’s heart was filled with happiness, but his mouth still said: “MiaoMiao, he likes you, so he gave you chocolate.”

MiaoMiao innocently blinked her eyes. “There are a lot of people who like me. Daddy, Mommy, Grandma, Grandpa, Big Brother, Sister-in-law, Xiong Da, Xiong Er, and even you, Yu Tou. They all like me.”

Qin Yu heard that other than himself, everyone else was MiaoMiao’s family. He was very very happy. He felt that his position in MiaoMiao’s heart was very high.

Qin Yu was a little embarrassed as he spoke. “It’s not that kind of like. The like we have for you, is the family kind of like. His… His like, is the like between a boy and a girl.

At this moment, Qin Yu would never have thought, that who knew how many years later, he would regret to death, the sentence of “The like we have for you, is the family kind of like”.

When MiaoMiao heard this, she was immediately scared. She thought of the Assistant Uncle who liked her before. Sister System said that that bad uncle wanted to do bad things to her. She also thought about how the first time she had gone swimming with Xiong Da, Xiong Er, and Yu Tou, she had run into that boy who pulled her hair.

The like between a boy and a girl is too scary! QAQ A boy is such a scary creature, if they like a girl they would go bully her. She doesn’t want to be liked by a boy! She only wants Yu Tou who likes her like family!

MiaoMiao warily looked at Zhu WenYu. It was as if Zhu WenYu would come over and pull her hair in the next second.

Must distance from dangerous creatures!

So Student Zhu WenYu noticed that the girl he liked started to avoid him every time she saw him. As though he was an extremely dangerous creature.

He was very disappointed. If he knew this would happen, he would not have gifted any chocolate. If she didn’t know his thoughts, she wouldn’t avoid him like this. He was so pitiful! QAQ

Qin Yu paid attention for a few days and noticed that his little angel had not been stolen by any other boys. She continued to play with him and the other girls. Sometimes when she saw other boys, she would even subconsciously avoid them. He started to relax.

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Kids at their age had not quite yet started to like to dress up. There were some that were, but they would not make themselves look beautiful. But MiaoMiao had always liked to pose and show off. She liked to dress herself up all prettily. Even though there were school uniforms, she would only wear them to the Monday morning meetings. She would not wear her school uniform normally.

MiaoMiao, who had tons of very pretty clothes, quickly became the best dressed girl in the class. Fu Rou had also put on baby sunscreen on her ever since she was very young, so MiaoMiao’s skin was especially white. It was almost as white as Qin Yu’s. They were the two whitest kids in the class.

Most of the kids in the class would not wear sunscreen or carry a parasol when they go out to play. There were some that had naturally white skin, but they were not as white as MiaoMiao. The other kids were all very tan.

MiaoMiao’s features were very pretty and her skin was white and tender. Her cheeks were chubby and it made her look extra cute.

Qin Yu knew that there were a lot of boys that thought MiaoMiao was very pretty. But she was his little desk mate. No one can take her away!

When MiaoMiao went to PE that day, she finally understood what Xiong Da and Xiong Er meant when they said that the girls liked to play rubber band skip rope.

She had always thought that rubber bands were the kinds that were used to tie up hair. Those were very small, how could they use them to jump! They weren’t even as big as her foot. Was it whoever could first hop their toe into the circle made by the elastic? That wouldn’t be very fun.

So it seems like you had to buy a very long elastic. There were a few girls in a group. They can jump in a triangular shape and even an square shape. You needed a least three people and the people took turns jumping.

MiaoMiao listened to the rules and understood them. Roughly the first and second levels you could not touch the rope. On the third level you could touch the rope and the people inside the area could move but people outside could not. On the fourth level you could also touch the rope and the people outside could move too.

If you missed the jump or on the first and second level you touched the rope, then it means you lost. You would need to switch out with another member. If you succeeded, then you could go up a level.

One round had four levels. The first round you would jump with your feet separately. The second round you had to jump with two feet at the same time, the third round only let you use one foot. The fourth and final round was freestyle.

Wow! It sounds very complicated. But it seems very fun!

MiaoMiao and five other girls got together to play the triangular version. After splitting up, they started to jump. It was not particularly difficult to do, but they had a rule. Your hands could not touch the floor. If you touched the floor, your entire team would lose.

MiaoMiao played to one side and not far away, Qin Yu would look over.

After radio gymnastics ended, everyone could do their own thing during PE. So MiaoMiao went to jump rope.

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The girls played very happily. On the boys side, someone shouted. “Come! We can also play rubber band skip rope!”

Qin Yu: “… We also need to jump like that?”

“Of course, the girls can do it, so why can’t we boys do it? Go ask the girls if there are any other elastics. Also remember to ask for the rules too.”

There were two girls who were left out and they simply joined the four boys in playing together.

The two girls split up and were grouped with two other boys. Qin Yu tried to jump and felt that it was quite simple. But there were some children who were unwilling to admit when they have lost. Even if they clearly touched the rope, they would say they didn’t touch it. Then the kids started to argue.

In the end, they only jumped for a few minutes. MiaoMiao wore a dress today. Truthfully, you can say she wore a dress everyday because she likes dresses the most. But luckily today’s dress was a straight skirt, so it would be difficult for her to expose herself.

But once it went to the fourth level, the rope was raised to armpit level. It was too high and Qin Yu saw MiaoMiao getting ready to jump. He quickly grabbed her hand and said: “MiaoMiao, come over.”

In the fourth level, you could move both inside and out of the area. Even though MiaoMiao was pulled away, she wasn’t angry. She asked: “What is it?”

“You’re wearing a skirt. You can’t jump that high.” Qin Yu anxiously said.

MiaoMiao lowered her head and then pulled up a corner of her skirt. “I’m wearing shorts underneath!”

Qin Yu: “… …Oh.” So it turns out, girls also wore pants under their skirts!

MiaoMiao calmly went back to jump. Even though she failed on the first line of the fourth level, she could only remain on standby.

After returning home, MiaoMiao told Fu Rou how she played rubber band jump rope today. Fu Rou was not against her doing exercise and only reminded her: “Don’t jump out in the sun for too long, okay? It will make your skin dark and it won’t be pretty. If you get sunburned, it will also be red and itchy.”

MiaoMiao who liked to look pretty quickly nodded her head. “MiaoMiao knows!”

Very quickly, it was time for the midterm exams.

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Before, all the monthly exams were only within their classes. Only the children in their class would take the test and compare their marks. This time, all the children in grade one would be taking the test. It was the first time the children would experience such a big exam. Their seating arrangements would also be determined by their results on the exam.

Qin Yu and MiaoMiao were not just first in their class, but they were first in their entire grade. But the exams for elementary school were quite simple. Plus, English was also not a proper subject and they were only tested on Chinese and Math. There were eight classes and there were 13 people who scored a full mark of 200 points.

Their names were arranged in alphabetical order. MiaoMiao’s last name was Wen. Because “w” came later in the alphabet, her seat was not near the front.

MiaoMiao did not care much about her seat. It was the first time she would take a proper exam. She was a bit curious.

The desks in the classroom had already been placed into their positions the day before.

The first exam was Chinese. Other than the things the teacher taught in class, the questions were quite simple. MiaoMiao finished the questions quickly and started to carefully check her answers.

After Chinese ended, it was time for math. Because there were many kids who scored 200 points, the teachers wanted to spread the marks apart. In the midterm exam, the math exam had bonus questions. There were worth ten marks. MiaoMiao was able to do them and she happily started to carefully check her exam papers.

After the midterm exam ended, the weekend came. After returning to school on Monday, the teachers passed out the exam papers.

There were not many questions on the papers and the teachers marked the papers very fast. The Chinese exam had not yet included an essay so there were many students that scored full marks. There were also a lot of students that got full marks in math. But they pretty much did not get the bonus questions right. MiaoMiao got an additional 5 marks from the bonus questions. She was a bit puzzled, the teacher marked it correctly, so why was there only 5 marks? Wasn’t the bonus questions worth 10 marks?

She looked at Qin Yu’s papers and found out that Qin Yu had scored 100 + 10. So she asked: “Yu Tou, can you lend me your papers to take a look?”

“Okay.” Qin Yu passed his exam papers over and MiaoMiao compared their answers. Then she noticed that on the last question there was another sentence: “How many ways can you calculate this?”

MiaoMiao had written out one way and got five marks. Qin Yu had written two ways and got 10 marks.

The last question was an applied question. To put it simply, the last question was to test a child’s judgment. The final outcome was to use either addition or subtraction. It asked the child to determine whether they should add first or subtract first.

MiaoMiao was surprised to find out that the other method that Qin Yu had written down had a symbol she didn’t recognize.

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MiaoMiao pointed to it and asked: “Yu Tou, why did you write a little ‘x’ here? What does it mean?”

“This is the multiplication operation. Xiao Ming bought two pencils that cost $3. This means it is ‘2 x 3’. It means that there are two groups of three added together. So it is 6. We will learn it later.” Qin Yu said.

“… …???” MiaoMiao: “We will learn it later? Why do you already know it?”

“I… I already memorized my multiplication tables.” Qin Yu said in embarassment.

MiaoMiao: “… … You studied secretly behind me back!”

“I didn’t. I learned this during tutoring during summer vacation. You also know about it.” Qin Yu hastily explained.

MiaoMiao: “… …” I know you were taking extra classes. But I didn’t know you learned that quickly.

MiaoMiao had not yet started to memorize her multiplication tables. Fu Rou had not planned for her to study too quickly. So during her vacation, it was all art-type courses.

She felt that she had been surpassed by her little desk mate! QAQ

This time in the Chinese and Math classes, excluding the bonus questions, there were 12 students that scored 200. There were three of them that were able to complete the bonus questions. Another child, like MiaoMiao, was able to get 5 marks. It was only Qin Yu who was able to get 10 marks.

There were a few students who did the bonus questions correctly but did not score 200 marks. But the rankings were first done without including the bonus marks. Then they were added in after, for tie breaking. If the scores for the bonus questions were still the same, they would be ranked in alphabetical order.

MiaoMiao happily brought home a second and she was still very happy.

After she returned home, she pulled out her two exam papers and happily said: “Mommy, I got second place! First place is Yu Tou, he got 5 more bonus marks than me. There’s 300 students in grade one at our school. MiaoMiao got second out of 300 people!”

Joey’s Corner:
I’m actually getting a bit tired of all of the obsession with snow white skin. I swear the author brings it up every other chapter… I don’t think there’s any problem with having tanned/darker skin tones. That’s just how we are. Snow white skin should really not be such a focus…

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