Fu Rou smiled and laughed as she rubbed her little head, “I know, BaoBei is the most amazing. Tonight we will eat fried chicken legs!”

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When MiaoMiao heard fried chicken legs, she was immediately very happy. She coudn’t help but lick her lips a few times.

MiaoMiao’s appetite had grown along with her height. Previously she only had to eat about half a bowl to two thirds of a bowl of rice. Now she had to eat a full bowl. She liked being chubby and wasn’t scared of being fat. So she did not control her food intake. After adding on her dance classes, even if she ate more, only her face would get chubby. Because she exercised, she did not get chubby. She only had round child’s belly which looked very cute.

After eating dinner, MiaoMiao’s teacher came over.

Every Monday to Friday from 6 to 8 o’clock, MiaoMiao would attend two hours of classes. Only one day was for her core classes like Chinese and Math. The other four days were all related to the arts.

On Saturday and Sunday, she would go to dance class. After her afternoon nap, she and her two nephews, and little desk mate would play. After returning home at night, it was time for cartoons.

Lately she had gotten really into several different cartoons. Fu Rou was worried that watching her iPad for too long would be bad for her eyesight and had installed a TV in her room. There wasn’t one previously.

The TV screen was not big, she was worried that some of the older cartoons would have a low resolution. If the screen was too big, it would not be clear.

Every night, MiaoMiao would sit on her bed and watch cartoons.

Her favourite was Pokemon’s pikachu. Because there were a lot of episodes, it would take a long time for her to finish all the episodes. After watching them all once, she would watch it all again.

There was also Sailor Moon.

When she was in the advanced class in kindergarten, she was really into watching Sailor Moon. Later on, in a little store, she saw a Sailor Moon transformation wand. She even bought it to bring back home. Even though she chanted quite a few times “Moon prism power, make up!” She was not able to transform. She was so angry, she threw a tantrum and yelled about herself being scammed. She had spent $30 on that transformation wand, and it didn’t help her transform at all!

Fu Rou had coaxed her for a long time before MiaoMiao learned that cartoons are not real. QAQ It was different from normal television shows.

From that time on, Fu Rou had explained to her, that transformations were all fake. Pokemon were also fake. It was thought up by people and turned into a cartoon for children.

After MiaoMiao understood, she was very disappointed. But she still accepted reality and when she watched cartoons, it was just for entertainment.

Later on MiaoMiao felt that since she knew it was fake, there might be other kids that don’t know this. So she quickly went to find Qin Yu to discuss this.

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At that time Qin Yu was very surprised. He didn’t expect that MiaoMiao had actually thought it was real. MiaoMiao also felt that her intelligence might not be enough. Why did her little desk mate know that Ultraman was fake, but she still thought Sailor Moon was real! QAQ

The next day, after MiaoMiao finished brushing her teeth and washing her face. She had her breakfast and rinsed her mouth. Then she changed her clothes, put on her red neckscarf and headed to school.

MiaoMiao had just put down her backpack when the girl who sat in front of her turned around and said: “MiaoMiao, I didn’t do my Math homework. Can you let me copy your homework?”

When MiaoMiao heard this, she hesitated and said: “Copying homework is not good.”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s just once. If Teache Xu knows that I didn’t do my homework, she would definitely have a bad impression of me.” The little girl looked at her with puppy eyes.

MiaoMiao thought it was just once and dug out her notebook and passed it to her and said: “Then you should copy quickly. You don’t want to wait for the teacher to come.”

“Okay.” The girl laughed and agreed. Then she put her head down and started to copy the homework.

Not long after, the girl had finished copying and returned the notebook to MiaoMiao. MiaoMiao breathed a sigh of relief.

After the teacher arrived, she asked everyone to pass their homework notebooks up. MiaoMiao directly handed in her homework and then started to listen to class.

Later that day, after the three morning classes ended, during the fourth class, which was PE. The math representative found MiaoMiao and said that the head teacher was looking for her.

The head teacher was the math teacher, Teacher Xu. MiaoMiao did not understand why Teacher Xu would call her to the office, but she still went.

When she went to the office door, she knocked on the door and said: “Teacher, I am Wen MiaoMiao.”

“Come in.” Teacher Xu’s voice came in.

MiaoMiao opened the door and entered. She saw that other than Teacher Xu, there was another teacher in the office in the corner.

Teacher Xu’s expression was very solemn. MiaoMiao walked in front of her and Teacher Xu pushed her notebook in front of her and said: “MiaoMiao, you were always a good student. Why didn’t you do your homework before handing it in? Did you forget to do it, yesterday?”

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MiaoMiao was shocked. Then she looked at her notebook. She found out that all the questions were completely blank. There were no pencil marks at all. She was stunned.

She flipped through her notebook and she clearly knew she had done her homework yesterday. Besides, she had even lent it to a student to copy. If she didn’t do it, then the girl in front of her would definitely have known.

“I… …” MiaoMiao didn’t know how to explain.

Honestly a child’s pencil marks tended to be a bit heavy. Even if you used an eraser, there would still be marks. But Teacher Xu was a little near sighted, so she couldn’t see it. MiaoMiao however could clearly see it. Her answer should be that someone had erased it.

But if the matter became big, wouldn’t she have to say that she let another student copy her homework?

Her image of a good student was going to be broken. QAQ

MiasoMiao felt that there could be some students who didn’t like her. But at that moment she could only swallow down her indignation and say: “I’m sorry teacher. I might have forgotten yesterday. Can I finish it and give it to you later?”

Teacher Xu nodded her head and said: “In the future after you finish doing your homework, compare it with the list of homework you had been given. Make sure you have really completed all your homework, okay?”

“Okay!” MiaoMiao quickly nodded her head.

She took her math notebook and returned to the classroom. She picked up her little pencil and started to do the questions again.

Qin Yu saw that she had never come back outside to play rubber band jump rope. He was a bit puzzled and originally wanted to go to the teacher’s office to find her. But when he passed the classroom door, he saw MiaoMiao sitting inside the classroom.

Qin Yu was confused about why she was in the classroom. He entered the classroom and asked: “MiaoMiao what are you doing? Aren’t you going to go out and play rubber band jump rope?”

MiaoMiao lifted her head and her face was full of grievances. “Yu Tou, I’m being bullied!”

“Who bullied you?” Qin Yu quickly asked.

“Jin Luan bullied me! In the morning she borrowed my notebook to copy my homework. After she copied it, she erased my answers! Teacher Xu thought I didn’t do my homework and asked me go to the office. So I’m making it up now.” MiaoMiao said. She felt extremely wrong.

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Jin Luan was the girl who sat in front of MiaoMiao. Even though she sat in front of her, MiaoMiao did not talk to Jin Luan very much. Actually, we should say that MiaoMiao did not talk to the other students in the class very much. She only liked to play with Qin Yu. As for the other girls, she would at most play rubber band skip rope with them during PE class.

“You keep working on it here. I will go and ask her.” Qin Yu said and then he went outside.

MiaoMiao looked at the notebook, but she still decided to follow Qin Yu out. Besides, she had already done this once before. If she did it again, she would get be able to finish it quicker anyways. It can wait until after she finished asking Jin Luan.

Jin Luan was playing rubber band jump rope with the other girls. After Qin Yu went out, he found her and didn’t care about the other people. He directly asked: “Did you erase MiaoMiao’s homework answers?”

“Ah? I didn’t.” Jin Luan saw that it was Qin Yu who came over. She was surprised, but she did not admit it.

“MiaoMiao let you copy her homework. After you finished copying it, her answers were gone. Teacher Xu thought she didn’t do her homework.” Qin Yu continued to say.

“Then what does that have to do with me? I didn’t copy Wen MiaoMiao’s homework. You’re slandering me.” Jin Luan quickly shook her head.

The other girls were confused and wasn’t interested in the game anymore. They came over to ask what happened.

MiaoMiao arrived at the field at this time. She looked at Jin Luan with eyes full of grievances. “Why did you erase my answers! Teacher Xu thought I didn’t do my homework and called me to the office.”

“I didn’t do it. Don’t speak nonsense! I didn’t borrow your homework!” Jin Luan would not admit it.

Today, the two of them arrived pretty early. The other students in the class sat near the front and did not notice Jin Luan borrowing MiaoMiao’s homework.

MiaoMiao heard that she didn’t admit and felt even more wronged. “It was you who said you didn’t do your homework, so I lent it to you. How can you be like this.”

Even though lending your homework to people to copy isn’t a good thing to do. But from Jin Luan’s perspective, didn’t she help Jin Luan? After she copied it, she even erased her answers. This was really too much! QAQ In the future she won’t lend her homework to anyone to copy anymore.

Jin Luan coldly sneered and said: “There’s no evidence so don’t speak nonsense. Maybe you didn’t even do it.”

“She did it! During yesterday afternoon, she did it when she was sitting next to me!” Qin Yu confidently said.

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“You two have such a good relationship, who knows if you’re just helping Wen MiaoMiao!” Jin Luan pursed her lips and then enviously said: “The two of you play together everyday. Is it puppy love? I will report you to the teacher!”

“What is puppy love?” MiaoMiao looked at Qin Yu in confusion.

Qin Yu explained: “It’s when you start a relationship before you become an adult.”

“Then I haven’t. You can go report it and I won’t be scared!” MiaoMiao looked at Jin Luan and said: “When you erased my homework you didn’t erase it cleanly. My notebook still has the marks of being written on. This means I clearly have done my homework.”

When Jin Luan heard this, she was immediately flustered and said: “Then you eerased it yourself. I didn’t borrow your homework to copy!”

Qin Yu and MiaoMiao saw that she would not admit it. Qin Yu thought for a moment and then said: “MiaoMiao, she won’t admit it. There’s nothing we can do. Let’s just not talk to her in the future. She has a evil heart, she definitely will continue to do bad things in the future.”

MiaoMiao thought for a moment and nodded.

“How can you say I have an evil heart!” When Jin Luan heard that Qin Yu said she was bad, her eyes immediately filled with tears and started to flow down. “Qin Yu, how can you say this about me!”

People would always feel empathy for the weaker one. At the beginning, the other girls had still not understood the matter. So they didn’t know what to say. But now that they saw Jin Luan was crying, they immediately stood on Jin Luan’s side.

“That’s right. You haven’t figured out what happened. How can you just say it is Jin Luan’s fault! It’s a bit much if you say this about her.”

“She’s crying. You guys should quickly apologize.”

MiaoMiao had never been on this side before. She had a short temper and there was no way she would accept herself being wronged. Her desk mate helped her say a few words and just because the other person cried, they were wrong?

She immediately said: “We didn’t do anything wrong, why should we apologize? She is the one in the wrong. She borrowed my homework to copy and she even erased my answers. This isn’t bad? You think you’re the only one who can cry? I can too! I will tell Teacher Xu! I will even tell my Mommy. You’re a bad kid! I don’t want to sit behind you! I don’t want to be in the same class as a bad kid!”

As she spoke, she pulled QIn Yu’s hand. “Let’s go, Yu Tou. We will find the teacher. My notebook still has marks on it!”

Joey’s Corner:
Dang. Wth is wrong with Jin Luan. That’s just terrible to borrow someone’s homework and then erase it. She wasn’t grateful at all. I wonder if Jin Luan might have a crush on QIn Yu and that’s why she did this? Or maybe Jin Luan is jealous that MiaoMiao always has pretty clothes and lots of nice things. I do enjoy these kinds of conflicts more though. So much better than the other ones…

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