When Jin Luan heard that they were going to find the teacher, she was immediately flustered. She was scared that the things she did would be found out by the teacher. So she immediately started to cry even harder.

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“Don’t worry, Jin Luan. They can’t slander you for things you didn’t do.” A girl quietly comforted.

Jin Luan nodded her head. But she was still worried.

Teacher Xu did not expect that MiaoMiao would bring her homework and Qin Yu with her. MiaoMiao explained the entire situation. When she spoke about how she was wronged, she couldn’t help but start to cry. She started to sob and looked extremely pitiful.

Teacher Xu had a short sighted and couldn’t clearly see the marks on the notebook. So she called over the other teacher in the office and asked her to look at the notebook. She discovered that there really were answers that were written and then were erased. They immediately called Jin Luan over.

Both sides had their own opinions, but because Jin Luan was a bit guilty in front of the teacher. It was clear from the expression on her face that was lying. But even still, she did not admit that she copied MiaoMiao’s homework.

Even though Teacher Xu could tell that she was lying, but because she definitely would not admit it, she could not just say that it looked like she was lying from her expression. It would not be right to say she did something wrong. Besides with every word she was saying that MiaoMiao was slandering her by erasing her answers after she had written it. It was honestly making the teacher’s head hurt. She was surprised that a grade one student was able to do something like this.

Qin Yu suddenly asked. “Teacher, isn’t there a surveillance camera in the classroom? Jin Luan said that she did not copy MiaoMiao’s homework. Then we can look at the surveillance from this morning.”

Teacher Xu’s heart thudded. The surveillance camera was only used during exams. Normally the teacher would just use it to scare the students.

Thinking about how severe the situation was now. She still pretended that the surveillance cameras were on. She nodded her head and said: “Between MiaoMiao and Jin Luan, there is definitely someone lying. Then we will look at the surveillance camera to see who is lying. Then we can also call the parents over.”

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Jin Luan heard that parents will be called and immediately became flustered. With a loud “Wah!” she started to cry and said: “Teacher, I’m sorry. I lied. It was I who erased Wen MiaoMiao’s homework answers. Please don’t call my parents.”

When MiaoMiao heard that she admitted it, she furrowed her little brows. “Why did you erase my answers! You even said I slandered you!”

Jin Luan looked at MiaoMiao with a face full of grievances. MiaoMiao felt even angrier when she saw that look. “Why are you looking at me like that! I didn’t bully you! I don’t even talk to you normally. Don’t you dare try to accuse me wrongly! I will tell my Mommy! Hmph!”

When Teacher Xu heard that MiaoMiao wanted to tell her Mother, she immediately felt her head heart a bit more. The kids might not know about MiaoMiao’s family situation, even she as the head teacher did not fully understand. But she knew that she could not offend them.

Since MiaoMiao and Qin Yu were both people the principal had specifically said she need to take special care with.

“Who let Qin Yu only play with you! I want to talk to him and he won’t even pay attention to me!” Jin Luan aggrievedly said.

When MiaoMiao heard this, she was stunned. When Qin Yu heard this, he was also stunned. He unconsciously hid behind MiaoMiao. He felt that this girl was very scary.

He didn’t talk to her and only played with MiaoMiao. So she erased MiaoMiao’s homework answers? That’s just too scary!

MIaoMiao felt that her little desk mate was scared and held out her arms to protect him and in a mother hen protecting her chicks voice she said: “Don’t scare him! He’s scared of girls! So he doesn’t like to play with girls. We came from the same kindergarten, so he isn’t scared of me!”

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It was the first time Jin luan heard that Qin Yu was scared of girls. So she didn’t know how to react.

Teacher Xu roughly knew what had happened and did not intend to continue to deal with this matter. She turned to Jin Luan and said: “Since you’re the one at fault, you should apologize to Wen MiaoMiao and Qin Yu.”

“I’m sorry.” To avoid having her parents called. Jin Luan decided to apologize. After all the other students wouldn’t know. After she walked out of the office, she still wouldn’t have done anything wrong. She was still the Jin Luan who was slandered by MiaoMiao. She could even say that MiaoMiao had slandered her and Teacher Xu had already asked MiaoMiao to apologize to her.

Jin Luan’s thought were really beautiful. MiaoMiao got her apology and forgave her. But she still requested to change her seat. She wanted Jin Luan to be switched to a different group of desks and the teacher agreed.

Jin Luan did not know that the dispute between her and MiaoMiao had long been spread around. There were a lot of kids at the door of the office listening. After hearing the entire situation, they knew that Jin Luan had been in the wrong. But she continued to not admit it and slander MiaoMiao. They all felt that Jin Luan was a bad child and didn’t want to play with her anymore.

So after Jin Luan left the office, she pretended nothing happened. She even said that the teacher knew that MiaoMiao was wrong and was worried that she would be bullied by MiaoMiao so she switched her seat. The other girls all had complicated expressions. They were scared of her and started to distance themselves from her.

Jin Luan only noticed this after a few days. She felt that something was off.

The school had three classes of PE a week. The next day during the first class in the afternoon, it was PE. During class she wanted to play rubber band jump rope. The other girls didn’t want to play with her. The eyes they looked at her with were strange. Yesterday she had clearly told the other girls that it was MiaoMiao who slandered her. In the end, those girls still played with MiaoMiao.

Jin Luan felt that something was wrong. She guessed that everyone had found out already. Even if she told her friend that she was wrong, there wouldn’t be anyone who would believe her.

The kids at this age were all still quite kind. Even though they were scared of Jin Luan, they didn’t say anything to her. They only chose to not play with her.

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But even if it was just this. Jin Luan was still scared.

In the entire grade, there was no one who would play with her anymore.

Each day when she wanted to find a friend to go to the washroom with her, no one went with her. During PE, when the other kids played rubber band jump rope, it was only her that was all alone.

She was always alone. Everyone was scared of her and had distanced themselves from her. They were too scared to get close to her. They were worried that she would slander them like she slandered MiaoMiao.

Being alienated was the most scary. In just one month, Jin Luan couldn’t accept it anymore. She cried to her mother and begged to change schools. Her mother asked for the reason and after she said it, her mother went to find Teacher Xu.

It was already the beginning of December and the weather was a bit cold. Everyone was wearing quite thick clothes.

Even though the weather was cold, she still wanted to look pretty in a little skirt.

She wore high tech inner clothes that were very thing, but were supposed to be very good at keeping warm. But whether or not it was effective, it was unknown. She wore a beautiful black and white peter pan collar dress. The sleeves and collar were a white knit and in the middle was a black Chanel style material. It also cinched at the waste. She also wore a down jacket that was not too thick. On her feet she wore a pair of thick black stockings. Her little feeet were covered in a pair of cute round toed princess shoes.

She obediently sat at her desk to do her homework.

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Teacher Xu’s office wasa right next to the classroom. Jin Luan’s mother brought Jin Luan into the office and then she started to talk to Teacher Xu about the matter. Their voices were faintly heard in the classroom.

“Even though you can say my child did something wrong, it was only a joke between the children. Why did the entire class need to find out about this matter? Now the kids don’t want to play with my child. Is this the attitude a teacher should have? The kids are still young. If it weren’t for the guidance of the teacher, how could they walk on the correct path? If she did something wrong, you need to teach her the correct thing to do. But now you’ve made the entire class ignore her. What is the use of this kind of alienation?”

Teacher Xu saw Jin Luan’s mother was very aggressive and had an imposing manner. She felt a bit frustrated and explained: “I did not tell this matter to the children. The entire situation was handled inside the office. I only asked Jin Luan to apologize to the children and then switched her seat.”

“Then isn’t it what those two children said? They’re so young, but they’re so evil. Which two children are they? They don’t have any morals and ethics at all. They clearly want my child to be rejected!” Jin Luan’s mother was very angry.

When Teacher Xu heard these words, she furrowed her brows slightly and said: “Jin Luan’s mother, I do not approve of these words. In this matter, the one who committed a wrong was your child. There is no reason to talk about those two children. Especially since it was one of those children that was used by your daughter in your so called joke. The two children had an argument during PE class, Jin Luan started to cry. This lead to all the other children to think that she bullied Jin Luan. This caused her to feel wronged, so she ran to me to explain. If it was not Jin Luan who did something wrong and wouldn’t admit it, I also would not know that thi situation happened.”

“You mean it is all my daughter’s fault?” Jin Luan’s mother could not believe it as she continued to speak. “You couldn’t have not cleared up the matter and not think that it was those two children being too overbearing, so my daughter would cry? My daughter was forced by her to cry, so those children would stand on her side. You don’t think that these children are a bit much?”

“Then aren’t the actions of the children now show that it was Jin Luan’s actions that were too excessive, so they decided to distance themselves from her?” Teacher Xu was a little angry. “School is a place for educating children. But I hope you understand, we are here to teach the children about culture and history. We will not teach children how to scheme and plot against other students. We also would not teach children to erase another student’s answers. Other children won’t do this. So why would your child do this? Have you thought about this?”

“Do you mean there is something wrong in the way I educate my children?” Jin Luan’s mother was so angry, her face turned red. “I have never seen a teacher like you who would push away the blame. If it weren’t for you teachers not knowing how to teach children, how could my child turn out like this? My child is very obedient at home!”

Joey’s Corner:
Well honestly, I’ve got to say that the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree with Jin Luan’s attitude. Her mother also seems to not want to admit she was wrong. But I wonder if Jin Luan actually explained the whole situation. The other children would not have alienated her so badly if she didn’t continue to lie after apologizing to MiaoMiao. I wonder what would happen next…

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