RD Chapter 35.1

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Teacher Xu had a bit of a headache, she knew that it wasn’t easy to be a teacher in the present day, especially when she runs into the combination of a spoiled child and an oppressive parent. Why would such a spoiled child appear? Most of the time it was because their parents did not teach their children well.

From Jin Luang’s mother’s words, she could already roughly see how Jin Luan’s mother teaches her children. She felt that Jin Luan was pushed around by MiaoMiao to the point where she cried and because her child cried, then it was definitely because they had been wrongs. Under these conditions, even if the child does something wrong under normal circumstances, all they would have to do is start to cry and make a fuss and it can be as though nothing had happened.

If they always had this kind of habit at home, then they would think that as long as they cried then everything would be fine. But when they are no longer at home, then would this still work?

Even if everyone at home allows her to get away with things, that doesn’t mean other people will allow for it.

“Jin Luan’s Mother, no matter how obedient your child is at home, she really did erase another student’s homework answers. If you really want to treat this as a joke, then I really can’t do anything about it. As a teacher, I do not think that this is a laughing matter. Besides, have you considered why the other students no longer want to play with Jin Luan?”

“Why?” Jin Luan’s mother angrily asked.

“It is because when the children got into the argument, Jin Luan refused to admit that she erased another child’s homework. She even said that the other child was slandering her. If she had admitted it and said it was a joke. After she apologized, then the other children wouldn’t alienate her. But she refused to admit it, and even said she was being slandered. Do you really think that this was just an ordinary joke?” Teacher Xu asked as she furrowed her brows.

“Even if a child did something wrong, the school is a place for teaching. Is it not possible to give a child a chance to better themselves?” Jin Luan’s mother could see that there was no logic in her previous argument, so she switched the angle in her argument and continued to argue.

“It is not that we did not give the child a chance. We did not call the parents in Jin Luan’s matter as we felt that the children were still young. After this incident, she should know that she made a mistake and would know that she should change. Today it is because you took the initiative to come here. Didn’t the school already give her a chance? But the people who did not give her a chance, is the students in the class.”

“Then you teachers are just going to leave this be? And allow my child to be excluded from the class? This is alienation. What is the difference between this and bullying?”

The teacher smiled and said: “The school is in charge of teaching the children about history and culture. We will also teach ideology and morality. If there is any problems with the child’s way of thinking, we, as teachers will work hard to correct it. If it is bullying, we will also stop it. But this kind of alienation, we can’t really do anything about it. Unless you think I should tell the students in the class to play with Jin Luan? I do not think that the social skills of children is within the scope of our teachings.”

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The voices discussing in the office were quite loud and the students in the classroom all heard it.

MiaoMiao sat in her seat. She was a little worried. She knew that Jin Luan had brought her mother today. She knew that she didn’t do anything wrong, but as she heard the arguing voices, she still felt uneasy. She could not continued to study.

The other students in the class started to discuss the matter in low voices.

After changing seats, the person sitting in front of MiaoMiao was Ye Lu. Ye Lu turned around and quietly said. “They’re arguing very loudly over there. Did Jin Luan’s parents get called because of what happened last time?”

“It’s probably not. It’s already been a month.” MiaoMiao shook her head. If they really called their parents, then they would have been called when the situation happened.

At that time, Teacher Xu had clearly said even though this situation was malicious, it did not reach to the point where the school would need to issue a warning. They would give Jin Luan a chance, so they did not call their parents.

MiaoMiao felt that it wasn’t fair at first. She felt that she was wrong and she still had to help Jin Luan hide it. But later on, Sister System said that things in Elementary school were like this. As long as the incident was not too excessive, such as slandering another student by saying they cheated on their test. If it was only erasing someone’s homework answers, then it is not a very severe incident.

But what really had to be taken care of, was after Jin Luan erased MiaoMiao’s answers in her notebook, she refused to admit it. She had even said that MiaoMiao was slandering her.

Ye Lu carefully said: “Actually, that time when you guys were talking with Teacher Xu, we all heard it. At that time we were at the door of the office. After we went back, everyone was curious as to what had happened, so we explained it. After we went home, we told our parents. Daddy and mommy said to not play with Jin Luan. She is a bad kid.”

MiaoMiao was curious: “So you guys don’t play with her anymore?”

Ye Lu nodded her head. “Sorry MiaoMiao. At that time when we were playing rubber band jump rope, we saw Jin Luan crying. We felt that you were bullying her. So we stood on her side. Later on, when we found out she was in the wrong, I originally thought that we were classmates after all. Even if Daddy and Mommy said to not play with her, rubber band jump rope should still be fine. As long as we don’t give her our homework, it should be okay.”

“But… … did you know? After she changed seats, she still said that Teacher Xu said she knew that it was your fault. She was worried that she would be wronged and changed her seat for her. We all knew the truth and felt that she was really scary. She didn’t even know she did something wrong and just felt that as long as she hid it, it’ll be okay.”

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When MiaoMiao heard that Jin Luan had continued to slander her after the incident, she was so angry her little face turned red. “No wonder you guys ignore her.”

When Qin Yu heard it, he was also a bit angry. “It’s a good thing you guys were standing by the office door. Otherwise with those words, everyone would misunderstand and think that it was MiaoMiao’s fault.”

MiaoMiao quickly nodded her little head. That was really a fortuitous thing.

After that incident, even if someone asked, she didn’t explain it. She only vaguely described it. She wanted to give Jin Luan an opportunity to understand her mistake. But who knew that Jin Luan didn’t want this opportunity.

“The teacher is coming.” The girl sitting in front of Qin Yu pulled Ye Lu’s sleeve. Ye Lu quickly turned around and pretended she was studying hard.

Jin Luan held her mother’s hand and entered into the classroom. Just as she was about to go to her seat, Jin Luan’s mother asked: “Xiao Luan, tell mommy. Who bullied you?”

When Teacher Xu heard this, she immediately furrowed her brows. “Jin Luan’s Mother, the incident is already over. Please do not continue to bring it up.”

Jin Luan’s mother ignored Teacher Xu and only looked at Jin Luan. Jin Luan pointed at MiaoMiao and said: “It’s the girl in the white down jacket.”

In that area, it was only MiaoMiao wearing a white down jacket.

MiaoMiao looked at Jin Luan. Her eyes were full of innocence. What were they trying to do?

Jin Luan’s mother looked at MiaoMiao and immediately walked to her. She looked down on her from above and said: “It was you who bullied my daughter? You’re so young, but you’re so evil. You were even able to incite the other students to ignore my daughter. When you grow up, you will definitely become a gangster and bully other students. Did your mother not teach you well? What kind of upbringing did you have?”

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Jin Luan’s mother felt that she was an adult and that all she needed to be was be a overbearing and she would be able to scare the child. Children at their age tended to be scared easily. If they weren’t, then she could be more overbearing. If she gave a good warning today, then that child wouldn’t dare to bully her daughter anymore.

Then in the future, her daughter could continue to stay at the school like before and wouldn’t need to transfer.

When MiaoMiao heard this, she didn’t react.

Sister System said: “MiaoMiao, cry! Say you want your mommy and ask Teacher Xu to call your mommy! This person is bullying you! She’s even scolding your mommy!”

MiaoMiao had always listened to Sister System’s words. When Sister System said this, she immediately burst into tears with a loud “Wahhh!”. “Teacher Xu, she’s scolding me! Help me call my Mommy! She’s bullying me! I want my Mommy!”

Hmph! It’s not only Jin Luan who has a Mommy! I also have a Mommy!

Even though my Mommy is very gentle, my Mommy definitely wouldn’t let someone bully me!

Teacher Xu had a headache and then she gave a pitying glance at Jin Luan’s mommy. Regardless of the fighting prowess of the child’s parents, MiaoMiao was a child who the principal had personally ordered to take special care of. Her family definitely had power and money. If you bullied such a child, then you definitely wouldn’t have a good end.

When Jin Luan’s mother saw that MiaoMiao was crying, she felt that her deterrence had worked. But when she heard that she wanted to call her mother over, she felt a bit flustered. When she thought about how this was a child who knew to instigate other children to isolate others, she was still in the right and she felt very confident.

As the other children still needed to study, Teacher Xu asked MiaoMiao to first go to the office.

Qin Yu was worried that MiaoMiao would be scared and simply followed them. Teacher Xu didn’t say anything.

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MiaoMiao was still crying in the office. Qin Yu took out a handkerchief and helped her wipe her tears. “MiaoMiao, don’t cry anymore. You’ll ruin your eyes and you won’t be pretty anymore.”

When MiaoMiao heard she wouldn’t be pretty anymore, she didn’t dare to cry anymore. Because she had cried really hard before, she was still sniffling and looked very pitiful.

Qin Yu carefully helped wipe her tears.

“Teacher Xu, wouldn’t you say that these two children are suspected to have a puppy love? They’re only in grade one and they have already fallen in love. Your school still accepts kids like this? Isn’t it against the school rules to fall in love? Shouldn’t they get a warning?” Jin Luan’s mother said.

Feeling Jin Luan’s mother’s malicious intent, Teacher Xu was a bit annoyed with this parent and said: “The children are only in grade one. The boys and girls who have a better relationship with each other can play together. Besides they are also desk mates. Speaking of puppy love, Jin Luan’s Mother, you probably do know know why Jin Luan erased MiaoMiao’s homework.”

Teacher Xu thought of what she had heard previously and she looked at Jin Luan with an odd gaze. “Jin Luan, did you not tell your mother, why you erased MiaoMiao’s homework?”

“What else could it be? Wasn’t it a joke between children?” Jin Luan’s mother coldly sneered.

“It wasn’t a joke!” MiaoMiao immediately stood up and said: “It was because my desk mate ignored her, and she took it out on me! That day she said that she didn’t do her homework and was worried she would be scolded. I didn’t want to lend my homework to her but she said it would just be that one time. So I lent it to her. But as a result, after she copied my homework, she even erased it!”

“Teacher Xu thought I didn’t do my homework so I went to find her. She even said that I was slandering her!” When MiaoMiao thought about that incident and how she was now being scolded by Jin Luan’s mother, she felt very wronged.

She didn’t do anything wrong. Why did she have to be scolded! QAQ

Joey’s Corner:
I can’t wait for Fu Rou to arrive and kick their butts! It would be nice if Qin Yu’s mother came too. Qin Yu’s mother seems super cool. I sortof wish there were more scenes with her.

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