She needed to tell her Daddy and Mommy!

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When Jin Luan heard the sentence “It was because my desk mate ignored her”, she looked at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu was white and tender. After he slimmed down in kindergarten, he was still a bit chubbier than other students. His face was chubby, but he had gotten a lot skinnier in the last two years.

Even though he knew that MiaoMiao liked chubbier kids and felt that it was cute. But because there was a dance class, these two years his cheeks got a lot less chubby, but he still maintained a little bit of baby fat.

But it was enough, that made him look a bit chubbier than the other students and made him look very cute.

His facial features were also very nice and he had inherited his mother’s peach blossom eyes. Even though it wasn’t clear because he was still young, it could already be seen. He inherited his nose and lips from his father, and his little nose was high and his lips looked nice. It was pink and tender. You could already say he was a cute bishounen.

Otherwise when he had just slimmed down and was still chubbier than other kids, Teacher Chen would not have felt he was cute and picked him.

Qin Yu was originally quite brave, but after being stared at by a woman, especially an adult woman, he would think of Teacher Chen. Then he felt a bit scared.

He disliked unfamiliar adult woman staring at him. He could not help but think if this person would be like Teacher Chen and want to do something to him.

MiaoMiao felt that Qin Yu was scared and stood in front of him to defend him. She lifted her little head and said: “My desk mate is scared of girls. Don’t stare at him. The only girl he is not scared of is me. Jin Luan wanted to play with him and was rejected, so she erased my homework answers!”

Children who had not yet matured did not understand what this meant. But adults could clearly see what had happened.

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Jin Luan might have liked Qin Yu a bit, so she had wanted to get closer to QIn Yu. But Qin Yu only played with MiaoMiao, so it seemed that MiaoMiao was special to Qin Yu. So QIn Yu might like MiaoMiao and Jin Luan got jealous and targeted MiaoMiao. This led to her erasing MiaoMiao’s answers.

Jin Luan’s mother couldn’t believe it and she lowered her head to look at her daughter. Jin Luan was young and was of course much shorter than an adult. When she did not raise her head, she could not see her child’s expression. She could only see her staring at the other two children.

Her daughter had fallen in love?

There were many children who had matured early. There were some who didn’t understand what puppy love was and only felt that the other person was handsome and liked them a bit. They wouldn’t understand what it meant and they only wanted to capture the other’s attention. They wanted to play together with them and would have a possessive feeling over them.

This could not really be explained as the feelings between a man and a woman. It was just a favourable impression. But this, was already the signs of puppy love.

The atmosphere in the office became deadlocked. Fu Rou came quickly. The minute she received the phone call, she asked the driver to send her over.

Normally it would take 20 minutes for her to arrive, but right now it was not rush hour and the roads were very empty. Fu Rou was also very worried and asked to driver to be faster. She arrived in 15 minutes.

She rushed to the teacher’s office. First she knocked on the door and then she entered.

When Jin Luan’s mother saw Fu Rou, she felt a bit of jealousy.

Fu Rou was almost 33 that year, but she had always lived and at in comfort. She also maintained herself very well. She would do yoga and other workouts everyday. So she looked very young. You would only think she was in her twenties.

She was dressed very low-key, but this kind of low-key was only considered low-key among wealthy wives. To a normal person, you could already tell that she was not an ordinary person.

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After Fu Rou came in, she did not look at the Jin Luan, mother and daughter pair. She directly went to MiaoMiao and looked her over a few times. Then she looked at Qin Yu. After she ascertained that the two children were fine, she relaxed.

But she could clearly tell that MiaoMiao had been crying.

She looked at Teacher Xu. “Teacher Xu, what happened?”

Teacher Xu explained it and then Fu Rou looked at Jin Luan’s mother. “So this lady scolded my daughter for having a poor upbringing. Why? Isn’t it because you didn’t teach your child properly and your child bullied other students? No matter how you look at it, the one without a good upbringing is not my family’s child.”

Fu Rou did not directly say that the other party wasn’t raised well, but everyone could hear the implications in her words.

“What do you mean? Are you saying that my family can’t bring up children? My family’s child already admitted her wrong. But your child won’t let this matter go. She even got the entire class to alienate my child. Now there’s no one in my class who wants to play with her. She is isolating my daughter. My daughter is only in grade one. Her mental state is very fragile, she even told me she wanted to transfer!”

Fu Rou lowered her head and looked at MiaoMiao, “BaoBei, explain to this auntie that you didn’t do it.”

Fu Rou had a lot of confidence in her little baobei. If MiaoMiao was smart enough to incite the other students to isolate another child as a form of bullying, she would not be so worried when she heard that Teacher Xu said that MiaoMiao had been bullied until she cried.

MiaoMiao was moved that her mother believed her so much. So she lifted her little head started to explain. “I did not ask the other students to stop playing with Jin Luan. That day when we were discussing in Teacher Xu’s office, the other students were at the door. They all heard what had happened. But after Teacher Xu changed Jin LUan’s seat, Jin Luan started to chat with the other students. She said that I was slandering her and Teacher Xu found out that it was my fault. Teacher Xu was worried that I would continued to bully her, so she switched her seat.”

“The other students all knew what had really happened. They felt that she did something wrong but she wasn’t willing to change, so they didn’t want to play with her.”

This matter, MiaoMiao and Qin Yu had only just found out. The same could be said for Teacher Xu, Jin Luan’s mother and Fu Rou.

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Jin Luan also only found out about this matter now. She had been curious, after the incident happened, there were still people willing to play with her. But later on, people started to play with her less and less. It was because everyone already knew what had happened. But she had felt everyone was stupid and decided to continue with her story of MiaoMiao slandering her.

Jin Luan’s mother didn’t want to believe it at first. But after MiaoMiao looked at Teacher Xu and said: “It was Ye Lu who told me. They overheard what happened from us and knew the entire story. Then they went home and told their parents. Their parents said they should not play with Jin Luan, but they felt that even though Jin Luan did something wrong, she could change. So they still wanted to play with Jin Luan. But Jin Luan didn’t only not change, she still continued to slander me. She didn’t believe she did anything wrong, so they stopped playing with Jin Luan.”

Fu Rou’s face suddenly sank. “So that is to say, your daughter erased my daughter’s homework answers and even said that my daughter was slandering her. In front of the teacher she pretended to admit she was wrong. But after she walked out of the office, she still said that it was my daughter slandering her?”

Fu Rou was very curious, what kind of teaching could cause a child to turn out like this?

“This is not possible. She is clearly lying! My child definitely wouldn’t do something like this!” Jin Luan’s mother shook her head in disbelief.

MiaoMiao didn’t care whether or not she believed it. She said: “In any case, this is what the other students told me. Even if you don’t believe me, it doesn’t matter to me. After that incident, I didn’t even want to think about her. I didn’t care enough to even tell the other students to not play with her. The students in the class all know, I am only close to my desk mate. As for the other students, I only play rubber band jump rope with the other girls during PE. Even if I tell them to not play with Jin Luan, they wouldn’t listen to me!”

Fu Rou looked at Jin Luan. She saw that she was still in a daze and said: “Normally I would not care how you teach your child, but this incident has pulled my daughter into it. This would affect my child’s studying. If you want to transfer schools, transfer quickly. Stop holding up other children.”

“Why should my daughter be the one to transfer? Shouldn’t it be your daughter?” Jin Luan’s mother angrily said. Transferring schools was big hassle. There was a lot of paperwork to do. Besides it was difficult to transfer into a good school. They would even have to explain why their child had to transfer. What if they didn’t want to accept her?

Fu Rou looked at her with a thoughtful gaze and said: “It’s fine if you don’t transfer. Just don’t affect my child’s schooling.”

When Jin Luan’s mother heard this, she thought that Fu Rou had decided to no longer pursue this matter. She did not dare to confirm whether or not what MiaoMiao said was true, because she already knew the answer in her heart. After all, if her daughter was really able to do this kind of thing where she even dared to bite back at the other person. She was even willing to confess her mistakes and then turn around and flip who was in the right and who was in the wrong. If the other children came out to testify, if what MiaoMiao said was true, then she would really have no face left.

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Originally Jin Luan’s mother felt that this situation would just blow over like this. But two days later when she went back to work, she noticed that there were other people who looked at her strangely.

She found a female coworker who she had a good relationship with to ask the situation. Then she found out that her daughter’s situation had been passed around the entire company. Not only that, but they knew about the situation in detail. It was to the point where they knew that Jin Luan had erased another student’s homework answers and even turned around to say that the other student was slandering her. Then she had admitted her mistakes in the office, but after leaving the office, she said that it was the other person who was wrong. There was even the matter of them going to the school to make a fuss…

It was said that this matter ended up being passed around her company was because her company had a coworker who was Jin Luan’s classmate’s parent…

The situation had become very big. Originally it was only a matter about a child’s upbringing and would not affect an adult’s work. But everyone at the company kept gossiping to the point where they no longer had the focus to work. As long as Jin Luan’s mother showed up at the company, then it would cause a discussion. In the end the company decided to ask her to rest at home for a period of time and properly deal with this matter before coming to work.

This rest period did not have an end date. In any case, after Jin Luan’s mother left the company to return home to rest, her position was taken over by a newly hired person.

MiaoMiao did not know what had happened. She only noticed that Jin Luan kept looking at her with more and more hateful eyes. Before she would still pretend a bit, but now her eyes were full of hate.

Jin Luan was originally a child who had better family conditions than other children. Even though she could not be like MiaoMiao and wear new clothes everyday, but she would still have new clothes every few days. But now it had been a long time since she wore new clothes.

When MiaoMiao was playing rubber band jump rope with Ye Lu, Ye Lu quietly said: “She was pretending to be pitiful. She said that her mother lost her job and now only her father has work. So in the future she can’t buy a lot of new clothes anymore.”

MiaoMiao was a bit puzzled: “Why is it that if only her father works, she can’t buy a lot of new clothes anymore?”

Her family only has her father working and her mother never went out to work. But she always had so many new clothes, she could never stop wearing them. So she could only wear her clothes once or twice.

Joey’s Corner:
I wonder when MiaoMiao will finally figure out that she is actually rich. Though I don’t think it’ll be now. Haha.

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