Ye Lu looked at MiaoMiao like she was looking at a little idiot. “Well that’s because if only your father is working hard to earn money, it’s really difficult. Think about it. Her mother doesn’t have a job anymore, her entire family needs to rely on her father’s salary. Then that means that her father needs to earn enough money for three people to spend. Eating food usually doesn’t cost much, so you don’t need to scrimp on food, but buying clothes is expensive. So of course you need to buy less.”

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MiaoMiao: “… ???” What is she saying? Buying clothes isn’t cheap? Their family doesn’t eat very expensive food, but they can always buy clothes!

MiaoMiao lowered her head to look at her new clothes. She carefully thought about it and then she understood.

Maybe it was because the food they ate was different. The food inside the school was $8 a meal. It’s very cheap, maybe Ye Lu was talking about meals like the school meals. The food from school was not very tasty, so its very cheap. So what Ye Lu said just now, is that they could afford to eat, but they couldn’t afford to buy clothes?

With that thought, the other kids family conditions aren’t very good.

MiaoMiao furrowed her little brows and felt that she should be more low key. Even though her family doesn’t have that much money, they were still a lot better than her classmates. To avoid making her classmates unhappy, she needs to quietly spend her money. She also need to remind Yu Tou!

Otherwise the other kids would be unhappy.

“Oh its like that. I didn’t know that before.” MiaoMiao nodded her little head.

Ye Lu continued to say: “MiaoMiao, is your family very rich? Each day you have a lot of pocket money. It must be at least $20? I also see you wearing new clothes every day. Your clothes are very pretty.

At this age, kids liked to be pretty. But the kids still didn’t know how to pair or style their clothes properly and most parents wouldn’t help choose nice looking clothes for their kids everyday. So this caused MiaoMiao to look very special.

Even if she tried to be low key and tell other people that her family doesn’t have much money, the other students could feel that MiaoMiao’s family was rich.

Would a family with no money wear different clothes to school everyday? Other than the morning meeting where it was required to wear the school uniform, MiaoMiao would never wear the same clothes twice.

MiaoMiao swept her bangs towards her ear and said: “No, my mommy said that my family doesn’t have much money.”

“Oh, then that means you do have money, but not a lot of money!” Ye Lu madly nodded her little head. She thought that maybe MiaoMiao’s mother was fairly modest, or MiaoMiao’s mother’s definition of rich and her family’s definition of rich was different.

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Maybe they had money but they didn’t think they had money. If they had even more money, then it would be called rich?

Rich people are sure scary!

After class, MiaoMiao explained her thinking to Qin Yu. She had a face like she was going to tell him an extremely big secret. She quietly spoke and Qin Yu thought it was something very important. After he finished listening, he had a complicated expression on his face.

He looked at MiaoMiao for a long time and then he nodded his head in agreement. In his heart he was still very puzzled. Why was MiaoMiao so smart in classes, but in regards to money. She could just not wrap her head around it.

MiaoMiao did not feel Qin Yu’s confusion. In her eyes, whatever her mother says is important. Besides, at Little Star Kindergarten, there were many kids that would have $20-$30 of pocket money a day.

Her pocket money had increased slowly bit by bit. It had gone up from $20, to $50, and not it was $100. So she felt that the kids at Little Star Kindergarten must definitely have several hundreds of dollars of pocket money a day now. So the amount of pocket money that she gets is the normal amount.

Ye Lu with her $2 of pocket money a day, is the abnormal one.

For the next section of time, Jin Luan’s situation at school remained the same. Not many people played with her, she was always alone. In the end, she transferred school.

MiaoMiao heard that because the first graders were still too new to the school, they would not have a school event during their first semester. They would need to wait until the second semester. Then they can have their fieldtrip and their sports meet. She had heard that on Children’s Day (June 1st) there would even be games and presetns!

Elementary school ended early and after her end of term exams, MiaoMiao returned home. After a few days, she returned to school to get her marks and found out how she did.

This time because they wanted everyone to have a good New Year, the questions were fairly simple. Chinese and Math both had bonus questions.

Chinese still didn’t have an essay requirement and the bonus questions were to match the pictures with the words. The Math bonus question was similar to the previous ones were it required a little bit of extra knowledge outside the scope of what had been taught. MiaoMiao got 200 + 13 points. It was considered pretty high. She was still second in class. Qin Yu was first again and he got 200 + 20 points.

Fu Rou knew that her BaoBei had gotten second and was not at all surprised that number one was Qin Yu. She did not tell MiaoMiao to work harder and take a first next time, because she felt that… Her BaoBei will not be able to beat him. After all his parents were both the top scorers in the sciences!

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Fu Rou had never encouraged MiaoMiao to do things that she didn’t have any hope in. She was worried that after the child had worked hard but still didn’t succeed, she would be heart. After all as long as MiaoMiao’s current results weren’t too bad, it would be okay.

After the new year, they returned to school. MiaoMiao noticed that everyone had gotten chubbier.

She was originally chubby and during the new year, she had eaten the like she had normally did. There was also her dance classes, but in her class now, there were quite a few children that had gotten fat.

School started at the beginning of February. Everyone was more busy this semester, Other than studying, at the end of March, there would be their field trip. At the end of April, it would be their Sports Meet. and the beginning of June would be Children’s day.

The field trip for the first and second graders would be the park. The teacher said that they would leave at 9AM in the morning. They would then eat lunch at the park and the kids would need to bring their lunchboxes and prepare some snacks.

MiaoMiao started preparing her snacks. After she started elementary school, her backpack had become bigger. It could fit a lot more snacks. In just snacks alone, she bought more than a hundred. She even asked her mother if there was a lunchbox for her to bring.

They had lunchboxes at home. Fu Rou would occasionally bring food to Wen FuChen at the company, so they were all adult sized.

Fu Rou had prepared to buy a small one for MiaoMiao. This way it wouldn’t take up too much space.

On the day of the field trip, the helper auntie had prepared MiaoMiao’s lunch very early. It was placed inside the Thermos and Fu Rou placed MiaoMiao’s little chopsticks and spoon inside a cutlery container. Then she placed it into a bag and placed it at the very bottom of her backpack. Then she placed the snacks inside.

“It’s too heavy to put soup into it, so I didn’t give you any. When you go there, buy some water to drink.” Fu Rou helped her put on the backpack. Then she asked: “Is it too heavy?”

“No.” MiaoMiao shook her head. The snacks were all very light. It was just the lunch box that was heavy.

After leaving, MiaoMiao, Xiong Da, and Xiong Er all got into the car together and got ready to go to school.

The location for the first and second grader’s field trips were the same. The three children’s backpacks were filled with snacks and their lunch boxes. If it was not for the fact that the teacher had said that they would be moving around as a class, MiaoMiao would want the four of them to play together.

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When MiaoMiao sat down in her classroom, it was almost 9AM. Today’s field trip would have the fifth and sixth graders leaving first. Then it would be the third and fourth graders. Finally it would be the first and second graders.

MiaoMiao put down her backpack and looked at Qin Yu: “Yu Tou, what lunch did you bring today?”

“My daddy made some red braised pork and also a pork rib soup.” Qin Yu was a little embarrassed as he continued to say: “MiaoMiao, do you want to eat with me?”

“Okay!” MiaoMiao had gone to Qin Yu’s house quite a few times. But because his father was busy with work, he did not cook very often. But there were still a few times that she got to try his cooking. She still remembered that Qin Yu’s dad was a very good cook!

“Then I will share some with you and we can eat together.” MiaoMiao said and then she couldn’t help but lick her lips. She was really looking forward to it.

After the teacher came and counted the people, she said: “The bus will be coming to get us soon. Everyone go into the hallway and line up. When you leave, hold hands. The girls will be in front and the boys will be behind.”

When MiaoMiao heard this she understood she couldn’t hold her little desk mate’s hand and go out the door. So she picked Ye Lu and stood as the very last girl. Qin Yu stood behind her.

All eight first grade classes were standing in the hallway. The kids were all talking to their friends and it was a bit loud.

After the teacher made sure everyone had lined up properly, they said: “Everyone, quiet down.”

The children obediently quieted down and then the teacher said: “We will be leaving soon. Everyone make sure you have everything you need. When we line up to go onto the bus, the car will have a garbage bag. If you have garbage, you need to throw it into the garbage bag and then bring the bag off the bus.”

“Good children won’t leave garbage inside the bus. Does everyone understand?”

“We understand~”

“Okay, then follow behind the teacher. We are going to leave now.”

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This was the first event that everyone was doing after starting first grade. The children were all very happy and obediently followed behind the teacher until they reached the school entrance.

MiaoMiao was in the first class of the first graders. They were the first to go into the bus. After everyone got on, the teacher counted and made sure there wasn’t a problem. Then she asked the driver to start driving.

In front of everyone’s seat there was a little white garbage bag. MiaoMiao pulled out a bag of chips from her backpack. She opened it and started to eat. She also gave Ye Lu some to eat.

Ye Lu’s family conditions were only okay. For the field trip, she did not have many snacks.

MiaoMiao had always been a child who liked to share. Especially to those she considered as friends. She was very happy to share food with her friends.

Ye Lu opened her little backpack. Then she took one of her two bags of chips and opened one to eat with MiaoMiao.

MiaoMiao saw that she didn’t have many chips and she felt that she definitely wouldn’t have enough. So she said: “Let’s just eat mine. I bought a lot, I don’t think I would be able to finish it!”

Ye Lu enviously looked at MiaoMiao’s bag full of chips and said: “MiaoMiao, I’m so jealous of you. For the field trip this time, my mother said that we already had to pay $50 and she can’t buy that many snacks for me. But my big brother’s field trip was $80 and mommy still bought an entire backpack of snacks for my brother.”

MiaoMiao thought about it for a moment and said: “Is it because your big brother is older and can eat more?”

Ye Lu sadly shook her head. “It’s not that. My Daddy and Mommy like my big brother more. When my big brother started elementary school, he would have $5 of pocket money a day. I only have $2 a day. Big brother can go to all the field trips. For this field trip, mommy originally didn’t want to let me come. She wanted me to stay home and study. I had to cry for a long time before she agreed.”

MiaoMiao and her were talking quietly. She now finally understood Ye Lu’s family situation. Her parents liked her Big Brother more. Even though they did like her, but they would give everything to her big brother first. Then whatever is left over would be given to her.

Ye Lu’s $2 of pocket money a day was something she had gotten by discussing with her mother for a long time. Her big brother was now in third grade and was in the same school as them.

MiaoMiao felt that $2 and $5 were both very little amounts of money and that there wasn’t much of a difference between them. but to Ye Lu, there was a huge difference.

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