For this field trip, everyone had to pay $50 in fees. The park they went to did not require any tickets to get in, but there were events inside the park that needed them to buy tickets. The bus that brought them over would also require fees.

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Ye Lu’s mother originally did not want her to attend this field this. She felt that it would be better to stay home and study instead. But because Ye Lu cried up a storm and because her Big Brother had also participated in the field trip every year in the Spring and in the Fall. With her good marks at school, she did not have any need to stay at home to study, she could go play with her classmates.

MiaoMiao was still young and was the only child of her parents, so she did not ever experience a parent favouring their sons over their daughters. After all, the children she had a good relationship with, Xiong Da, Xiong Er, and Qin Yu were all boys. They did not have any siblings and she couldn’t make any comparison.

In regards to this, as she was a girl, she was actually favoured more by other people.

She had never lacked for anything since she was young. Now that she was talking with Ye Lu and found out about Ye Lu’s family conditions. She was very surprised.

At the beginning they didn’t want Ye Lu to go, but after seeing her throw a tantrum they agreed. This meant that it wasn’t her family didn’t have money and was not able to afford to have Ye Lu go on the field trip. It was just that they didn’t want to pay.

Ye Lu continued to eat the chips and said: “I feel like my mother is very biased. She buys potato chips for my brother just like yours, in a tube. There is always a lot. But she only buys a single bag for me. There is only a little inside and it’s mostly just air.”

MiaoMiao looked at the chip in her hand. Her chips were in a long cylindrical container. Each container cost about a dozen dollars and there was very little air inside. Since after all, placing bags of chips inside a backpack would take up a lot of space.

Fu Rou knew that she would be going on a field trip and had gone with her to buy snacks. She had specifically picked out this kind of chips for her.

MiaoMiao just remembered that during kindergarten whenever she and the other children were going out to play and wanted to buy chips to put into her bag. As long as her mother was next to her, she would pick this kind for her.

Mommy had said that this way there would be more chips. If she wanted to eat, then she could eat them. If she was hungry then do not hesitate to eat. She had even given her some extra money and told her if she was still hungry after eating her snacks, to buy a bit more.

But in reality, MiaoMiao was small and even though she could eat a bit more than the other children, how much could she really eat? She would always end up bringing home some snacks. Then she would continue eating it at home. The only thing that she would buy outside would be drinks. It was also only because Fu Rou was worried that her bag would be too heavy so she would tell her to buy drinks while she was out.

MiaoMiao had known previously that her mother treats her very well. But she couldn’t explain how, she only felt that it was a mother’s care for her daughter. She thought that other mother’s would also treat their children this well.

But she just found out that this wasn’t true. Even if it was a mother and daughter, different mother and daughter pairs would have different ways of getting along. Not all mother’s would treat their children well.

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MiaoMiao looked at Ye Lu and carefully asked: “Why does your mother treat your big brother so well?”

“Mommy said that I am a girl. In the future I will marry someone. After I marry, I will help someone else have kids and the kid will have the other person’s last name. My big brother will bring a wife back. The children will have the same last name as my big brother.” Ye Lu furrowed her little eyebrows in frustration.

When MiaoMiao heard this, she was a bit confused. “Just because of this, so she doesn’t treat you better?”

Ye Lu’s expression was a bit agrieved and said: “They even said that big brother can provide for them when they’re old, so they prefer my big brother.”

MiaoMiao: “…??? Why is it that your big brother can provide for them when they’re old. Can’t you do that too?”

“I don’t know.” Ye Lu was also puzzled. “I always thought it was strange, can a girl not provide for their parents when they’re old?”

MiaoMiao was at a complete loss and said: “My parents only have me. I have a big brother, but he is my cousin. If I can’t help provide for my parents when they’re old, does that mean I need to ask my big brother to help them?”

If it was like this, then she would need to have a good relationship with her brother. In the future her parents would have to rely on Big Brother. She also hopes that Big Brother would treat them well. QAQ

Ye Lu nodded her head. “Maybe it’s like that. In any case, my parents say only my big brother can provide for them when they retire. So they feel that any money that they spend on me will be a waste. Even though my family conditions isn’t good, it isn’t that bad.”

After all, for the children who had poor family backgrounds and this field trip which cost $50, there were a few students in the class that couldn’t afford it and could not come.

Since MiaoMiao chatted with Ye Lu on the bus, she felt that she could understand her friend a little more. She also felt that Ye Lu’s snacks were too little, so on the way there, she gave a lot to Ye Lu.

After they arrived at the park, everyone got off the bus. Then the teacher brought everyone to a simple event.

When MiaoMiao got ready to go on the merry go round, MiaoMiao thought of her little gold fish.

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She had grown up and already understood.

If you die, you cannot come back to life. Her little goldfish was killed by Qian Duo and had really died. The little goldfish at home, was a little goldfish that her mother had found for her that was similar to her original one.

She had pretended that she didn’t know and continued to pretend that the little goldfish was the original one to avoid having her parents worry.

Qin Yu saw that MiaoMiao was standing in front of the merry go round and not moving. He reached for her hand and said: “Miaomiao let’s go.”

“Okay!” MiaoMiao came back to her senses and quickly nodded her head.

When they ate lunch, the teacher had rented some picnic blankets from the park. There were four children in a group and everyone looked for people to eat together.

MiaoMiao, Qin Yu, Ye Lu and her desk mate were in one group.

Qin Yu’s dishes were very good. There were two mixed meat and veggie dishes and two veggie dishes. There was a lot of food. There wasn’t very much rice however. MiaoMiao took a lot of his dishes and the two people shared their food. Ye Lu also wanted to try, but she and Qin Yu did not interact very much. So she was too shy to try his food. She had also heard from MiaoMiao that Qin Yu did not like girls getting to close to him. It was only MiaoMiao who was the exception.

After everyone finished eating, they emptied a lot of the things in their backpack. It was time for them to do a different event.

Before leaving, MiaoMiao wanted to play on the bumper cars.

The teacher had reminded them previously that after eating they couldn’t go and play immediately. MiaoMiao was worried that if they had gone earlier, the food in her backpack would get ruined, so she had waited to go at the end.

She and Qin Yu were in one car together. After the two of them got on they started to crash willy nilly. They didn’t have a target. They felt it was senseless and very fun.

After getting off the bumper cars, MiaoMiao tripped. She almost fell, but luckily Qin Yu was next to her and managed to grab her.

MiaoMiao was wearing a dress and it was not very convenient. She lowered her head and took a look. She furrowed her eyebrows and frustration and said: “Dresses are cute but when you come out to play its really inconvenient. In the future I will have to ask Mommy to buy some pants for me.”

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Qin Yu lowered her head to take a look. The weather was still pretty chilly and MiaoMiao was wearing tights. The tights had good elasticity and clung to her legs.

He thought for a moment and remembered that when they were playing rubber band jump rope some of the boys said that MiaoMiao’s legs looked nice.

He immediately nodded his head and said: “Unless the weather is hot, why not just wear pants. It would be more convenient when you play rubber band jump rope.”

MiaoMiao thought for a moment and felt that this was true.

She originally thought that just wearing spandex underneath would be enough, but Mommy had said that even if she’s wearing spandex, she would need to be careful. Boys were really bad these days. She needed to be careful.

Every time she had PE class, she would play rubber band jump rope and she wouldn’t wear a dress with a big skirt. It was usually just straight skirts. As long as it wasn’t the height of level four, she would not have to worry.

As for level four’s height… She couldn’t jump over it. Normally she would fail on the first line and then she would watch her teammates.

So even though the had played rubber band jump rope with her classmates for a few months, she had always worn a skirt.

She would have to wear pants in the future. QAQ

After MiaoMiao returned home, she talked to Fu Rou about this.

Fu Rou had long wanted to buy pants for MiaoMiao. Now that she had finally taken the initiative to ask, she would naturally buy a lot. So MiaoMiao’s closet ended up getting a lot more clothes.

MiaoMiao really had a lot of clothes and for the pretty clothes, she couldn’t bear to throw it away unless the clothes were too small.

Kids grew very quickly and she could only wear clothes that were bought within the year. Clothes from over a year ago, she couldn’t wear anymore. Fu Rou would get someone to wash them and then donate them. The clothes would then be given to poverty-stricken children and their families.

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AFter a few days, MiaoMiao looked at her closet full of clothes. She was silent for a moment and then solemnly said to her mother: “Mommy, MiaoMiao doesn’t want so many clothes.”

“What’s wrong, BaoBei? Do you not like the clothes Mommy picked for you?” Fu Rou asked in confusion.

MiaoMiao thought for a moment and said: “Mommy, the children in the class don’t seem to come from houses with good family background. If MiaoMiao wears different clothes everyday, people would have an opinion. MiaoMiao wants to be the same as the other kids. Yu Tou, Xiong Da and Xiong Er won’t wear different clothes everyday.”

Fu Rou thought for a moment and then felt that MiaoMiao’s words had logic. She had overlooked this point.

Even though she wasn’t very satisfied with the conditions of the school MiaoMiao had chosen, but since the child had not said she wanted to transfer and was studying happily at the school, she felt she should accept it.

There was also no problem with letting her child study at a public school. Previously she had said that they didn’t have much money, but that was because she had heard that many rich second generations would go astray and was worried that MiaoMiao would learn to frivolously spend money. She didn’t want MiaoMiao to develop a bad habit like this, so she said that.

Even though MiaoMiao was a child that would spend more money than her peers. But from the degree she was spending, she only spent very little. It was enough. But now that she was in a public school, most of the children were from ordinary families. There were only a few families that had good family conditions and there were a portion of children who had very poor family conditions. If she wore different clothes to school everyday, it would really be a bit too high-profile.

Fu Rou thought for a moment and said: “In that case, then Mommy will not throw away MiaoMiao’s dresses from before. Most of the new clothes are pants. MiaoMiao can decide which ones she likes. For the time being, Mommy won’t buy new clothes for you. What do you think?”

MiaoMiao quickly nodded her little head and said: “Then if MiaoMiao has clothes that she likes, MiaoMiao can wear them a few more times!”

MiaoMiao had always felt frustrated before. She had too many clothes. If she had clothes that she liked, she could only wear them once or twice and then she wouldn’t have the opportunity to wear them anymore. This was because she wouldn’t be able to wear the other clothes. If she waited to long and she grew, than those clothes would be too small. Even though they were brand new and had never been worn, they would be thrown away.

After she wore the new clothes, she wouldn’t have the chance to wear the clothes she liked before. She would rather wear different clothes for each of her meals instead! QAQ

Now that she would have less new clothes, she would be able to wear the clothes she liked a few more times! She was very excited with that thought.

Joey’s Corner:
I feel so opposite from MiaoMiao sometimes. As a kid, once I was old enough to have an opinion on my clothes, I absolutely refused to wear dresses. I would only wear loose comfy pants and loose clothes. I hated wearing anything that was tight/clung to my skin. But then again, I also liked to play with hot wheels and trains.
Even now, I can’t even imagine MiaoMiao’s life. I have a few favourite clothes that I like to wear, and I effectively just constantly wear them until I basically wear through them. All my hoodies end up having their cuffs destroyed because I basically put them on after they get out of the wash. My Mom hates this habit of mine because it makes it look like I only have like 3 hoodies and a handful of t-shirts. Do you guys also dress very similarly everyday? Or do you guys like to change things up? I get too self-conscious to ever wear something “fancy” that is different from my usual jeans and hoodie look.

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