Announcement: Hey guys, I’m back! I’m not sure if there’s any interest left in Richest Daughter though. Should I continue to translate Richest Daughter or look for a different novel to translate? (A bit more details at the bottom). I’m thinking about looking for dropped novels and picking up something like that instead.

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MiaoMiao felt that since she would be able to wear the clothes she likes a few more times, she needed to arrange her closet to better show off the clothes she likes more.

She was short so she asked a helper auntie to help her bring the clothes out and then according to her preferences they would be placed in a different wardrobe.

MiaoMiao’s room had a wardrobe as well as a walk in closet. The walk in closet was behind the bed and she normally wouldn’t go inside. It was only used to hold the clothes that she she wouldn’t be wearing in the near future. MiaoMiao had a lot of clothes and even though a children’s clothes were small and didn’t take up much space. The 10+ meter square closet was still stuffed full.

After MiaoMiao went through her clothes, her clothes were divided into three categories. The left ones were clothes that MiaoMiao had worn before and liked. The middle category was clothes MiaoMiao had never worn before and the right side contained clothes that MiaoMiao did not like or clothes she thought were neither pretty nor ugly.

After MiaoMiao posed and happily finished looking through her clothes, the helper auntie helped her put her clothes away and then she went out.

The wardrobe’s door had not yet been closed and MiaoMiao took out her iPad and took a few photos. Then she sent them to Qin Yu.

In these two years, she had grown taller, so her iPad had also changed to a larger one.

Previously because she was young, Fu Rou was worried that if she held her iPad for too long, she would get tired. So she had bought the mini version. Now that MiaoMiao had grown up, it also changed to a large one.

MiaoMiao actually was not very good at using her iPad. Other than talking to her friends, she basically wouldn’t use it. This was because her mother said that constantly playing on the iPad would be bad for her eyes and wouldn’t be good for her skin.

MiaoMiao didn’t particularly care about her eyesight. She felt that if her eyesight wasn’t good, she can just wear glasses. But because it would be bad for her skin, this meant that MiaoMiao who cared about her looks, would not be able to accept.

Now when she watched cartoons, she would use the television inside her room. Fu Rou helped her buy a membership and it allowed her to watch all kinds of anime.

Qin Yu received the photos and sent a voice message back and said: “MiaoMiao, are these your new clothes?”

Qin Yu had noticed that the wardrobe had a lot more pants. MiaoMiao’s wardrobe was designed very well. There was lots of places to hang clothes and could be used to hang clothes that would wrinkle easily. Clothes that wouldn’t wrinkle easily would be folded near the bottom.

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Qin Yu had seen many pants that MiaoMiao had never worn before.

He had known MiaoMiao for three years and if she went out, she would be wearing a dress. At most when it was cold, she would add a pair of woollen stockings.

MiaoMiao immediately responded with a voice message. “That’s right, Yu Tou. My Mommy bought me a lot of pants. I told my Mommy already to not buy me so many new clothes. Otherwise I would have a lot of clothes that I like but can only wear once or twice and I wouldn’t have the chance to wear them anymore. Then I would grow taller and I would have to throw the clothes I don’t fit anymore away. I can’t bear it.”

Hearing MiaoMiao’s slightly frustrated tone, Qin Yu felt a little helpless. He simply sent a video call over and MiaoMiao accepted. Then the two people started to talk together.

They first spoke about the clothes. Then MiaoMiao thought about what Ye Lu said. She did not say anything about Ye Lu’s family situation, she only said: “Yu Tou, I heard that girl’s cannot support their parents after growing up. I am worried about my parents, in the future it seems I can only count on my brother for this instead.”

“… ???” Qin Yu: “Why can’t girls support their parents after they retired? You can support them as long as you earn money. If you respect them, isn’t that enough?”

“But I heard that if a girl marries someone, then they will be part of the other person’s family. A boy will marry a wife and bring the girl back to their home. Then they can help support the parents.” MiaoMiao innocently blinked her eyes.

Qin Yu thought about his mother. His mother had a bad relationship with her parents. So ever since he was born, other than new year’s, he would only see his grandparents a handful of times. Instead it was his great-grandmother (his mother’s grandmother) that his mother would often bring him to see. His mother had even bought a big house for his great-grandmother and she even hired a helper to take care of her. She would take care of all the expenses for food and living, and she would even periodically bring his great-grandmother to the hospital for check ups.

His mother even said, that great-grandmother is old now. Even though her body is still healthy, they do not know how many more years she can watch him grow. So if he had time, they need to visit his great-grandmother more.

So in Qin Yu’s mind, even though his mother had married his father. She could still support and take care of the elders. It just depended on who.

Qin Yu thought about it for a moment and said: “MiaoMiao, it is not like that. After a girl haas married, they can still support and take care of their parents. As long as you are willing to support them, then it does not matter. My father has never prevented my mother from doing this.”

MiaoMiao was a little uncertain. “Really?”

MiaoMiao’s grandparents had already passed away. She did not know how Fu Rou’s relationship with them was. She thought what Ye Lu said was true for everyone.

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MiaoMiao frowned and thought for a while before she thought that this question would be a bit weird. But she still chose to ask it anyways: “Yu Tou, I have a friend. She is a girl, with a big brother. Her parents care for her brother a lot. Everything they have will be given to her big brother first. Her mother even said that this is because her big brother will marry a wife and the child will have the same last name as her brother. But in the future, when she marries someone, she will be part of someone else’s family. Her kid will also have a different last name.”

“So her parents feel that they do not need to treat her well. Since they are just helping someone else raise a child. They even said her brother will support them when they are old. So I thought that only boys could support their parents after they had retired.”

“But a girl can do that too. As long as they want to. Besides, aren’t there many families now that only have a daughter? MiaoMiao, you are an only daughter too. If girls could not support their parents, then what will they do?” Qin Yu explained; “MiaoMiao, I think your friend’s family is favouring sons over daughters.”

“What is favouring sons over daughters?” MiaoMiao had an idea of what the phrase meant, but she did not know if her understanding was correct.

“That is when a family strongly favors sons over daughters. In olden times, people strongly favoured sons. A girl’s social position was very low, now things are much better. But there are still people with these kinds of thoughts.” Qin Yu patiently explained: “My grandparents were like this. Even though they did not treat my mother or aunt badly, they treated my uncle especially well. My mother even said that my grandparents will leave everything to my uncle.”

MiaoMiao furrowed her little brows. “If it is all given to your uncle, then what about your mother and aunt?’

Qin Yu pursed his lips and continued: “My mother has my father. She can also earn money on her own. She does not need my grandparent’s money. My aunt is also not their biological daughter.”

MiaoMiao felt that her little deskmate’s family situation seems to be very complicated.

She hesitated before saying: “Then that means I can support my parents in the future. But Yu Tou, I’m scared the amount of money I earn will not be enough. Each day I already spend a hundred dollars, after I start junior and senior high, or even when I start working, I will definitely spend more money. Then in the future after I start working, how much money should I give my parents? I need to earn a lot of money in order to support my parents.”

Qin Yu: “…”

Even thought Qin Yu was young, he knew that this was something he did not have to worry about at all.

According to MiaoMiao’s thinking, only rich families with only daughters need to worry, but in reality his parents had never worried that he would not support them in the future.

After the field trip, it was the weekend. MiaoMiao waited until Monday to go to school. She took advantage of the fact that she could not pass the fourth level of rubber band skip rope to talk to Ye Lu. “Did you know, Ye Lu. It is not only boys who can support their parents. Girls can support them too. It just depends on whether or not you want to. What your parents are doing is called favouring sons over daughters.”

Ye Lu was confused. “Since girls can support them too, why don’t they treat me better? I can help support them in the future, right?”

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“I don’t know.” MiaoMiao was also puzzled.

From what Ye Lu had said, it seemed that her family had money too. They could treat Ye Lu well, but her parents do not want to.

Ye Lu was a little disappointed as she said: “Since my parents like boys so much, and want a boy to support them when they’re old. Since they already had my big brother, why did they have me?”

MiaoMiao was a little puzzled before she carefully thought and said: “Maybe they wanted another son?”

“Maybe, but I think that girls are not worse than boys though.” Ye Lu bit her lips and said: “Our class has many girls with good marks. MiaoMiao, you are one of them. My brother is really naughty. When he’s in class, he does not listen. His marks are really bad.”

For rich families, even if their children did not get good grades in normal classes, it was still okay. But for normal families, academic results were very important. Especially for families that did not have the means to arrange a job for the child or if they did not have the money to invest in the child starting their own business. Getting good grades means the child will have a good foundation and have a stepping stone to getting a good job in the future.

Ye Lu continued: “Last semester, my brother ended up getting my parents called to the school. He had taken the lead into disturbing others in class. Last semester, there was a new Chinese teacher and she could not control them. There were quite a few boys who did not pay attention to the teacher at all. This ended up affecting other student’s too. In the end, him and the other boys all had their parents called. My grades are better than my brother’s by a lot. Why do my parents not like me?”

“Does gender really matter? I think that after I grow up, I will not be worse than my big brother.”

MiaoMiao nodded her head. “You will definitely be better than your brother. As long as you work hard. Make your parents regret it!”

When Ye Lu heard this, she nodded her little head firmly. She looked at MiaoMiao seriously, and said: “Okay, I will study hard. In the future, I will be admitted to a good university, and then I will make a lot of money!”

For a while, Miaomiao found that Ye Lu studied a lot harder.

During the previous exam, Ye Lu’s grades were not bad, although first grade of primary school was relatively simple, and everyone would generally have high scores. There were additional questions in Chinese and mathematics, which could show differences in ability.

Ye Lu’s grades have always been in the top five in her class, and she, like normal children, would find it easy to get distracted in class. For the next while, Ye Lu will concentrate in classes. For children in first grade, not getting distracted in class was really quite difficult.

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The school sports festival will start soon. The games will be held on Saturdays and Sundays, and the first graders will also join in. In fact, there were games last semester, but the first graders had only just started and did not need to participate.

The female events included: rope skipping, long jump, high jump, 50-meter sprint, 100-meter sprint.

Among them, rope skipping was further divided into single-leg jumping, two-legged jumping and a team double dutch event. The double dutch event requires two classmates to swing the rope, and ten classmates will line up to jump. In total there would be twelve girls.

There are not many girls in MiaoMiao’s class. During the physical education class, everyone can move freely after the radio gymnastics. There was a simple exam at the end of last semester and MiaoMiao’s athletic abilities were average. It was not outstanding, but it was not bad either.

She thought about it for a while, before she finally signed up for rope skipping. Previously she used to accompany Qin Yu to skip rope at Little Star Kindergarten, and the two of them were quite familiar with rope skipping.

In addition to this event, Miaomiao also signed up for the 50-meter sprint.

Qin Yu also signed up for rope skipping and 100 meters.

Miaomiao is very afraid of double dutch. With two people swinging the rope, she was too scared to jump. The rope was also really thick. She was scared of it hitting her. She was a child that was very afraid of pain.

So when it was time for practice, she selfishly took the rope and prepared to swing it. Because she cooperated well with the other girl who was swinging the rope, the teacher signed them both up to be in charge of swinging the rope.


Joey’s Corner:
Sorry for the long absence. I had some issues at school and had to stop for a while because I just could not bring myself to do any work after all the problems. When things cleared up, this project had already been picked up by someone else and I did not think it would be necessary to have two people working on the same project.

I am back now. Though I’m not sure if I should continue this project. Should I translate Chapters 37 – 46 too? Or should I finish off Chapter 37 and skip to chapter 47? What do you guys think?

Thank you to Daniel and neko for the support! I’m sorry for disappearing for so long.

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