Until the day of the Sports Festival. The Saturday, the sports field was suddenly very noisy.

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Because there were not very many events in the sports festival, and only students higher than the fifth grade would have long distance races. The sports festival would be held at the school.

Saturday morning was when MiaoMiao’s 50-metre sprint was happening. Today, MiaoMiao was wearing a set of athletic clothes. Before the race, she warmed up on the side. It appeared as though she was ready to bring a trophy home.

But when she participated in the race, she got 6th place in the 50-metre sprint. Only the top three people would get a price.

MiaoMiao was very disappointed, she twirled her index fingers and poked them together as she watched people go up to get their medal. She was very jealous.

She also wants a medal! QAQ

MiaoMiao’s little medal soon arrived. After she rested from the 50-metre sprint, it was time for the skipping rope competition.

She had starting skipping rope since kindergarten and even after Qin Yu lost weight, she would still take the time to skip rope.

Most of the first graders were still very slow at skipping rope, but MiaoMiao could jump quickly on her tiptoes. She easily took first place in the single jump rope competition and won a small gold medal.

With the little gold medal hanging on her chest, MiaoMiao stood on the podium for photos. Her smile was extremely bright. When she goes home today, she will definitely ask for a reward! She will probably have fried chicken!

Qin Yu also got first place in the skipping rope competition and the two little friends both wore their gold medals and chatted happily.

After Xiong Da and Xiong Er finished their competitions, they also came over.

They had participated in the high jump and the long jump. They had both won a small silver medal. The four children wore their medals proudly with a silly expression on their face while they waited for the next event.

“Little Aunt! I need to tell you. Children’s Day is really fun at school. The teacher will arrange many games and activities. We are free to go to any classroom and participate in any games. Depending on our result in the game, we will get a prize. There are pencils, erasers, and even modeling clay.”

The prizes the school were giving out were not expensive, but they were all fun things.

When MiaoMiao heard this, she started to look forward to Children’s Day. That day just so happened to be a Monday and she had heard that there were no classes on Children’s Day. In the morning everyone would play games and then go home to rest in the afternoon.

If they don’t want to play games, they can also not go to school in the morning.

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“What kind of games are there?” MiaoMiao curiously asked.

“Games like moving marbles with chopsticks and blowing out candles. They are all simple. Everyone can get a prize.”

MiaoMiao did not lack any money to buy toys like these, but she still felt that the atmosphere and liveliness must be very fun. So after today, she looked forward to it a lot.

On the morning of Children’s Day, every child who came to school each received a card.

The card recorded different games in the different classes.

It was easy to find the different grades and classes. The elementary building had six floors and each floor had eight classes.

MiaoMiao was in first grade and class one and the game in their classroom was moving marbles.

In one minute they had to pick up and move as many marbles as they could with chopsticks. The kids that were able to pick up the most, would get modeling clay and the kids that were only able to move a few would get erasers.

MiaoMiao and Qin Yu went together. It was two people in a group and every time Qin Yu played, he would always quietly let MiaoMiao win. This time was the same, he pretended to be bad at picking up the marbles with chopsticks. After picking them up, they would fall and he easily lost.

MiaoMiao held the modeling clay and felt that it was strange. “Yu Tou, this is so weird. I heard that its really soft and you can make lots of different shapes!”

“Okay, lets play with it after lunch?”


The two people then went to blow out candles and even played duck duck goose. There was even a balloon blowing competition, as well as a three legged race.

They played all sorts of games and won many little prizes.

MiaoMiao got two sets of modeling clay, three pencils, an eraser, and a set of rulers.

After they ate lunch and had their afternoon nap, Qin Yu, Xiong Da, and Xiong Er came to find MiaoMIao.

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The four children compiled their spoils. There was a total of five sets of modelling clay. There were quite a variety of colors but there was very little of each quantity. The children simply squished clay with a similar color together and then started to make all sorts of things.

MiaoMiao made a flat disk and then she pinched up the sides to turn it into a little bowl. Then she kneaded some white clay into long thin strips and place it into the bowl and said: “I made a bowl of noodles.”

“Little Aunt is amazing!” Xiong Da praised. Then he placed the dumpling he made in front and said. “This is my dumpling. Its very big. Its bigger than your bowl of noodles!”

MiaoMiao looked and it was indeed bigger.

Qin Yu made a weird egg tart and Xiong Da made a rice bowl.

Everything the children made was related to food. They immediately started to make other types of food too and the four foodies had a great time.

They played until it was five o’clock and it was time to clean up. MiaoMiao then used her iPad to take a picture and share it to her friends circle. Since the modelling clay came in small packages, it was not easy to store them after they mixed it together. They would only put two into a little box.

That night after MiaoMiao had her bath, Fu Rou came over to talk to her: “MiaoMiao, you’ve grown up. You’re a little lady now. You need to remember to be careful at school. Always wear shorts underneath your skirt and when it is hot, bring a little fan and a powerbank to school. When you are hanging out with boys, make sure to keep a certain distance from them. Especially with the kids in higher grades. If there is a male teacher who asks you to go to his office, you need to be on guard. It is best to bring another student with you. Make sure that the office has a few female teachers before you go in, okay?”

MiaoMiao looked at her mother in confusion. She did not understand why her mother said this, but she nodded her little head and said. “Okay, MiaoMiao understands.”

Fu Rou still felt a little nervous when she saw her cute baby’s silly face.

She always felt that this generation’s children was different from her generation.

When she was young, technology was not this developed. When she was in elementary school, no matter how good their family conditions were, at most they had a large brick mobile phone. It was completely different from the cellphones of today with their screens where they can look at whatever they want?

TL Note: Brick Mobile Phones. These were all before my time.

Most children were still relatively pure and there is no sex education in elementary school. It only started in junior high.

But recently she had seen quite a few things recently and she learned that there were elementary schools actually began teaching this information. After all, it is now the age of technology and there were boys who would start watching indescribable videos from a very young age.

She had just learned about something that made her feel sick.

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TL Note: Trigger Warning? At least a somewhat disturbing content warning. I would recommend skipping the next few paragraphs until the next TL Note.

On an app, she saw someone had shared something. It was a small community group and someone had taken a few photos and posted it online. A young boy would keep urinating in front of people’s houses and would make the ground in front of other people’s houses very dirty. Once he even left a note and it said that he did it. He asked the owner of the house to find him and even to wear some stockings, saying he wanted to sleep with the owner…

From the handwriting, it was clearly an elementary school student.

Kids these days were so scary. They matured so early, her precious baby needs to be more careful at school.

There was also the incident of the male teacher or the male principal assaulting a female student. Situations like these made the parents worry.

TL Note: Everything after this is fine.

After MiaoMiao’s mother left, she asked Sister System. “Sister System, why do I need to be careful of boys? I don’t need to be careful of girls?”

“That is because MiaoMiao is a girl, so you need to be careful of boys.” Sister System did not elaborate further and only said: “Your mom’s worry is justified, but MiaoMiao does not need to worry. There is me.”

MiaoMiao nodded her head and felt that she really did not need to be afraid. After all, she never went anywhere alone. There was always Qin Yu or Ye Lu with her.

She is so smart!

After a few hot months, MiaoMiao successfully entered second grade.

Even though it was bit hot when grade two started, it was still cooler than July and August.

In October, MiaoMiao felt that her body was a bit uncomfortable. Her chest was a bit swollen and painful. She asked her mother and went with her mother to the doctor to confirm that she was about to hit puberty.

Fu Rou prepared a little vest for her and asked her to wear it under her clothes. MiaoMiao did not quite understand why she had to wear a little vest. This vest was also a little different from the ones she had worn before.

Fu Rou had also repeatedly reminded her that this was a girl’s business and she could not speak about it to Qin Yu. Since he is a boy, if there were other girl’s business things, she could not talk about it to Qin Yu.

MiaoMiao felt a little frustrated. She was used to speaking to Qin Yu about everything. No matter if it was something big or something small. But now that she can’t tell Qin Yu about it, she can only only talk to Ye Lu.

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Why can’t Qin Yu be a girl? If he was a girl, then she can talk to him!

Half a month later, MiaoMiao was looking up words in the dictionary she noticed the spelling of Yu Tou (Taro).

She felt puzzled and Qin Yu just so happened to be in the washroom. She asked Ye Lu, “Ye Lu, come here. Is there something wrong with my dictionary?”

Ye Lu came over and looked and said: “Nothing is wrong.”

“The Yu in Yu Tou (taro) is not the same as Qin Yu’s Yu?” MiaoMiao said as she picked up Qin Yu’s notebook and pointing to his name.

“No, Qin Yu’s Yu is very difficult to write. It is not the same Yu from Yu Tou (Taro).”

MiaoMiao: “… ???” So for the past four years, I’ve been writing it wrong this whole time?

The Author has something to say: Generally a girl hits puberty at around 8 – 11 years old, but there is no absolute rule.

Take myself as an example, starting from second grade, I felt some chest pain. I forgot if it in the first semester or in the second semester, but according to my age, I was around 7 – 8 years old. I had not yet reached eight years old. I had gone to the hospital to check and everything was normal.

My cousin is still in elementary school right now and she started puberty in second grade. Since this happened more recently, I can remember it quite clearly. She also got a physical checkup and everything is normal.

I forgot how old I was when I started to wear the little vest but the vest could still be worn even if you had not developed yet. So I wore one with no padding that would just cover my chest.

As for the chest pain, it was a sort of growing pains. Kids in puberty would often feel their legs hurt because they are growing. Similarly, not all girls would have this sort of pain.

I remember it took a very long time from the beginning of the chest pain to when it started to actually grow. So if a girl does not have growing pains when she is developing, she might not realize she is developing and her body has actually started to develop for half a year to a year.


Joey’s Corner:
I don’t really understand this author. I feel like this story should be happy and innocent and then wham, bam, a quite unexpected part just shows up. Removing it would not have affected this chapter in any way. Why did the author even feel the need to include something like that?
Also I do find it weird that MiaoMiao is developing so early. I had heard/read studies that show that kids are starting puberty earlier these days but even with the Author’s anecdotes and explanation, I still feel that it is a bit odd. I’m not sure how the other chapters will go though.

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