MiaoMiao was a bit dumbfounded and had a bit of disbelief. She waited for Qin Yu to come back from the washroom and she reached over to grab Qin Yu and ask: “Yu Tou, the “Yu” in your name is not the “yu” from “Yu Tou” (taro)?”

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Qin Yu was a bit puzzled, “It’s not?”

“It isn’t. The Yu (芋) from Yu Tou (taro) is very simple. It has the radical for grass on top and on the bottom is the “Yu (于)” from therefore. The “Yu (煜)” in your name is so complicated!” MiaoMiao said and then pushed the dictionary over and pointing at the character in front of her. “Look, this “Yu (芋) is the one from Taro.”

Qin Yu scratched his head and said: “Oh, maybe I made a mistake.”

MiaoMiao felt that that was probably right. When they first met they were not yet four years old. Her little desk mate thinking that the Yu in his name was the same as the one in Yu Tou (Taro) would be quite normal.

MiaoMiao laughed and said: “I’m already used to calling you this. I don’t care which “Yu” it is, I will still call you Yu Tou (taro).” After seeing taro, she would always have an appetite. She can eat more rice and grow tall!

MiaoMiao’s height had rapidly started to increase after starting elementary school. Previously she would only grow a little each year, but from first grade to second grade, she had already grew quite a few centimeters.

Right now she was taller than Qin Yu by an entire centimeter.

Qin Yu had already noticed. Previously when he looked at MiaoMiao he had to look down just a bit. Right now their gazes were even. He was a bit nervous, he was worried if he did not grow taller, then he would be in trouble.

Previously he had asked his mother and she had said that according to their heights, he should eventually be taller than 180 cm (roughly 6 feet), but he was already almost seven and a half years old. If he did not grow as fast as MiaoMiao, if he is going to be 180 cms, then wouldn’t MiaoMiao be at least 200cm?!

The future giant, student Wen MiaoMiao was currently working hard on her homework. The homework given by the teacher was quite simple. Even though Fu Rou did not arrange many extracurricular and tutoring sessions for academics, MiaoMiao’s foundations were good. It was not often that she would run into questions she did not understand. Most of the time, it was because she was careless and did the question incorrectly.

MiaoMiao would occasionally observe the other girls around her. Her mother said that she was entering puberty rather early and the girls in her class may start puberty later. This might be because she eats too much.

MiaoMiao observed the girls in the class for a long time. She eventually noticed that it was true. Among the girls, she was definitely able to eat a lot. For each meal, she would eat nearly two bowls of rice. Her mother had even said that if she was born a few decades earlier, then there were many people who were unable to even eat their fill of rice during those decades. Or they would even starve to death when they were young.

MiaoMiao was not scared at all. Many people said that if you are able to eat, you can be happy. Even though her cheeks were plump, because she would constantly attend dance class, she won’t get fat!

After knowing that she wasa hitting puberty, MiaoMiao started to wear her little vest. It was the kind that did not have any padding and it was very small. MiaoMiao did not know what it was for, but she obediently listened to her mother and wore it.

Mommy had said that after starting puberty, her chest will start to protrude! But MiaoMiao waited for a long time, but it was still very flat. Why did it not protrude?

MiaoMiao was a bit puzzled and looked at the female teachers in the school. She also started to notice her family’s chests. She noticed that the figures of the teachers at the school were not the same. Some were big, some were small, and some did not appear to have anything at all.

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MiaoMiao frowned and thought about this for a long time. She thought that even though she started puberty early, maybe she’ll be small in the future so it was always flat.

Regardless, MiaoMiao continued to wear her little vest.

In the end, in third grade, there was just a little bit of protrusion. Now she showered on her own and she understood the changes in her body. She was self-conscious about her chest sticking out. The other girls at school were still completely flat. She did not feel comfortable sticking out, so she did not raise her head high and keep her chest out.

During class, she would sit upright and properly, but after class when her classmates could walk around, she would hunch down a little. She did not want people to notice her chest.

But really, … for girls who were just starting puberty, after putting on their clothes. They will still appear flat. Only she, herself would know of the changes.

MiaoMiao continued to do this and soon entered fourth grade. She felt that her progress in puberty was not bad. The other girls were still very flat, but she already had a bit of a chest. She was worried that other students would gaze at her with weird eyes. So whenever class ended, or it was physical education class, she would subconsciously start slouching to hide.

She could not imagine that in other people’s eyes, it was not noticeable at all.

When Fu Rou noticed that the posture of her BaoBei was not good recently, she arranged for some posture classes. MiaoMiao did not enjoy etiquette classes, she felt that she was restrained. She hated it. But posture and etiquette class were a little different, beauty-lover MiaoMiao agreed. But the first lesson that the teacher gave her was to stand up straight with her chest out.

MiaoMiao was a bit embarrassed: “Teacher, I don’t want to stand up straight, I’m a bit embarrassed…”

The teacher saw her blushing face and immediately understood.

The teacher was an experienced person and when she was in elementary school when she first started puberty, she was also self-conscious. She would worry about standing up straight and it felt like everyone would stare at her.

She smiled and said: “MiaoMiao take a look at the mirror.”

MiaoMiao did not understand the teacher’s reasoning, but she still followed the instructions. The teacher then said: “Stand up straight and look again.”

MiaoMiao followed the teacher’s instructions and in her surprise… it did not seem that big. It only seemed to portrude just a tiny bit? It was about the same as other girls?

How strange, when she lowers her head to look, she always felt much larger than other girls.

The teacher laughed and explained: “When you look down at yourself, the distance is really close. You are also very familiar with your body and you will feel like your chest is larger than it is. But when you look at other people, the distance is far and with clothes on top hiding it. It will look much smaller.”

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MiaoMiao quickly nodded her little head. “Okay, teacher!”

MiaoMiao suddenly had confidence again. She would sit up straight in class and in fact, there would be no students looking at her with weird gazes. This finally allowed her to relax.

After this matter was put to rest, she suddenly had a new worry.

Her little desk mate seemed to be growing a little slow?

MiaoMiao had sprouted up very quickly in the last few years. Now she was taller than Qin Yu by 3cm. Xiong Da and Xiong Er who were older than her by more than half a year was the same height as her. She quietly worried about her little desk mate and her two little nephews.

She did not feel that she was growing too tall. During the previous two years, when she lined up with the other girls in the class by height, she would slowly move further and further to the back. But now, in the class there were only three girls taller than her.

So she felt that her little desk mate and nephews were too short.

She heard that drinking milk would help you grow. So during Qin Yu’s May birthday, MiaoMiao bought twelve boxes of milk to give to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu would drink a box every morning and ended drinking it for four to five months. He had finally finished drinking it all but he was still growing slowly.

It was not only MiaoMiao, but Qin Yu was also starting to worry.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er were one grade higher than MiaoMiao. When MiaoMiao started fifth grade, Jiang FangFang had to start considering aa junior high.

The three sets of parents had a little meeting, they smartly discarded all the schools that only had okay environments.

They chose a private school. The teachers at this school had good qualifications, the environment was good, and the entire school was on a whole not bad. It also had both a junior high and a senior high.

Junior high is considered compulsory education and public schools do not require tuition, but private schools would depend on the situation. The private school Fu Rou and the three others had chosen had the best school environment in the city. All its resources were extremely good.

There was no state exam for elementary school, so to enter junior high, it only required the parents to be able to afford the tuition. It was very restrictive and each year there were not many students accepted each year.

But for senior high, they would need to take the GaoKao (University exams). Other than a portion of families who could get in by paying money, the school still had to consider the success rate of graduates. They would give students with good grades free tuition and this would allow the number of students to increase a little.

The school was located a little far and most would live in the dorms. The dormitories were also pretty good. There were two person rooms, four person rooms, six person rooms, and eight person rooms. The cost of each room would depend on the number of people. Each dorm would have its own aircon unit and its own bathroom.

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Fu Rou felt that with these conditions, MiaoMiao would not have a problem with it and immediately set it in stone.

After choosing the school, MiaoMiao, Qin Yu, Xiong Da and Xiong Er started to discuss this.

“From the pictures, it seems like the school is quite pretty. But we seem to need to live at school.” MiaoMiao said. She furrowed her brow in frustration. “Mommy said, in the future I can only return home once a week. I don’t know if food at school will be any good.”

As MiaoMiao spoke, she liked her lips. Food is a big problem.

“It should be tasty. My mom said that the school fees were on the more expensive side. It would be different from the elementary school we are at now.” Xiong Er said.

MiaoMiao looked at her two little nephews and said: “Then we will wait for you two to go there and try the food.”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er agreed.

When MiaoMiao first started sixth grade, she remembered this matter. She immediately asked Xiong Da and Xiong Er whether or not the school she will go to has good food, before she relaxed.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er were in a two person dorm room. Jiang FangFang had directly set them up to be arranged into the same room. This would be convenient for the two brothers to help each other.

“Little Aunt, I need to tell you. When we went to the dorms, we found out that all the rooms were the same size. It did not matter how many people lived in it. They were all the same size. The two people room is quite spacious. It is basically like a little home.” Xiong Da happily described the school’s environment.

MiaoMiao curiously asked. “Are you allowed to bring iPads and computers?”

MiaoMiao heard that if you lived in the dorms you could not bring them. She thought that after she finished her homework in the evenings, she would not be able to watch her cartoons anymore. That would be too boring!

“You can bring it, but it can only stay in the dorms. When you go to class, you can only sneakily bring a phone. You also cannot let the teacher find it.” Xiong Da replied.

Students nowadays would often use certain programs for their classes. The school would allow the students to bring these electronics as study tools.

MiaoMiao happily rubbed her hands. “Then next time take a picture for me to see. I want to see what the dorms are like.”

“Okay, we will be going back on Sunday. Otherwise we won’t make it in time for morning class. On Sunday we can have a video call. Qin Yu, you and little aunt can see it together.”

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Qin Yu quickly nodded his head.

On Sunday night, after Xiong Da and Xiong Er returned to school, they started up a video call to chat.

Qin Yu sat next to MiaoMiao and and then Xiong Da switched the camera to the one on the back. The two brothers stood at the entrance to their room and gave a little tour.

The room was quite spacious and was of course smaller than their rooms at home. But for a student dorm, it was already really good.

After opening the door to their room, on the left side there were two beds. On each side of the beds, there were two desks. The desks were as long as the bed. There were a lot of things on the desks. There were also drawers under the desk. On the right side was a rest area with a wardrobe. There was also a little coffee table and a few chairs around it. Against the wall was a large wardrobe. It was quite wide, you could put quite a few clothes inside.

Xiong Da would work the camera and Xiong Er would explain it.

After opening the transparent door to the balcony, it was the area for drying clothes and also the sink and a bathing area.

The bathing area was separated into a wet and dry area. It was quite convenient. The toilet was outside and this meant that any smells from the washroom would not affect the air inside the room.

MiaoMiao and Qin Yu exchanged a glance. They felt that the dorms were not bad. When they started school in the future, they would definitely choose the two person room.

“You said that the four person, six person, and eight person rooms are all this size?” MiaoMiao suddenly thought of this matter. “Four people would still be okay. But for six or eight people, this would be too small, right?”

“Yes, but I heard that our school’s dorms are quite large. Even just the eight person room, it would be the same size as three of another school’s four person rooms.”

MiaoMiao was shocked. “Does that mean that in other schools, for four people to live together, they would only have a third of the space you have?”

Xiong Er quickly nodded and said “Yes.”

MiaoMiao and Qin Yu exchanged glances and quickly decided. They would study junion and senior high at this school. Otherwise the dorms at other schools would be much too small!

Joey’s Corner:
Sometimes I feel like this author likes to give lessons about how things are okay. Its almost as though this story is meant for children. Like saying how people won’t really notice when you just start puberty. How common it is to feel self-conscious and stuff. But there are also other parts to this story that would not be appropriate for that audience at all.

What are your guys’ thoughts?

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