Two days later it was time for the school physical and Qin Yu’s frustrations came to a head.

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MiaoMiao was holding her physical report. The report would state her height and it was already 157 cm. Then she looked at Qin Yu’s, 154 cm.

MiaoMiao breathed a sigh of relief. At least this year Yu Tou and her had grown about the same amount and the three centimeter difference between them had stayed the same.

But Qin Yu chose this moment to speak: “MiaoMiao, I might not be able to grow tall. My mom said that I can probably be 180 cm, but I feel like I’ll only reach 170 cm.”

“Your parents are both tall. There is still hope.” MiaoMiao immediately comforted him.

Qin Yu sighed. “Hopefully.”

He already worked out everyday at home, why can’t he grow any taller?

When school first started, it was still a bit hot. MiaoMiao bought some ice cream from the school convenience store. She ate as she walked towards the classrooms. About halfway there she felt that her stomach didn’t feel very well. It did not hurt a lot, but it was uncomfortable. She frowned a little and rubbed her stomach. She did not know what was wrong.

She did not think of it but threw away the empty ice cream cup and wooden spoon in to the garbage and went with Qin Yu to their classes.

However the pain in her stomach came up again and again. MiaoMiao considered going home after school and telling her mother to bring her to the doctor cause she had an upset stomach. There was physical education class in the afternoon. Since she was not feeling well, she did not play skip rope with the other girls and stayed inside with Qin Yu to do homework.

About halfway through her homework, MiaoMiao felt her stomach hurt even more. She frowned and said: “I’m going to the washroom.”

“Okay.” Qin Yu nooded his head.

MiaoMiao originally thought that maybe all she needed to do was a number two. But after she entered the washroom and took of her pants…


MiaoMiao almost fainted. She thought of something and her eyes filled with tears. She rubbed them roughly and put her pants back on before she ran back to the classroom.

Qin Yu was the only one in the classroom. She cried as she ran towards the table and said: “Yu Tou, I think I’m sick. My stomach hurts a lot. It’s bleeding. Do you think it’s terminal? Will I die?”

Sister System: “…” It’s not. Calm down!

Qin Yu anxiously stood up, threw down his pencil and got ready to pull her out of the classroom. “We’ll go to the infirmary and get a note. We will go to see the doctor!”

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Sister System did not know how to bring it up. She thought for a second, but she still said: “MiaoMiao, you are not sick. It’s not a terminal illness.”

“…? Sister System, I’m bleeding. My stomach hurts a lot. I’m obviously sick!” MiaoMiao shouted silently.

“It’s not. It’s that week. It’s normal.”

That week?

They had learned about their bodies and puberty during school. But MiaoMiao just so happened to be sick that day. So she rested at home for a few days. Afterwards she did not pay attention since they won’t be tested on it.

MiaoMiao immediately felt embarrassed and saw that Qin Yu had already dragged her along for quite a distance. She immediately said: “Yu Tou, I made a mistake. I’m not sick. We don’t have to go to the infirmary!”

Qin Yu’s steps did not falter. “Your stomach is already bleeding. How are you not sick? Don’t be scared MiaoMiao, you will definitely be cured.”

“It’s not, it’s not. It is… umm… That week.” MiaoMiao blushed.

“What week?” Qin Yu did not understand.

“… Menstruel week.” MiaoMiao quietly said. Her voice was whisper quiet. Her little face had turned completely red.

She should have talked about this to Sister System instead. It’s so awkward now. Yu Tou is a boy! QAQ

When Qin Yu heard this, he finally stopped walking and turned to look at her. Seeing her cute little face completely red. He suddenly thought about the content they had learned during class. His ears also turned a little red.

Then he said: “Then… what can we do? Do you just let the blood flow? Won’t that be bad? Don’t people say if you will die if you lose too much blood?”

When MiaoMiao heard this she felt scared. “I don’t know… I wasn’t here for that class. You didn’t listen?”

“I paid attention when they talked about the boys.” Qin Yu awkwardly rubbed his nose. “When the teacher talked about the girls, I was too embarrassed, so I didn’t pay attention.”

If he had known earlier, he would have paid attention.

Qin Yu thought for a moment and felt that it would not be good to ask the other students. It would be bad to turn it into a big matter. They should find their class teacher.

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So the two of them went to their teacher.

Teacher Li found out that it was MiaoMiao’s first period and did not know anything and was a bit flustered. She quickly gave her a pad and told her how to use it. Then she called her parents to ask them to pick up their child early.

MiaoMiao did not dare to look at Qin Yu. After getting into the car and getting home. Fu Rou found out that she had cramps and asked: “Did you eat something cold?”

MiaoMiao nodded. “I ate some ice cream today. After eating it, my stomach started to hurt.”

Then Fu Rou said: “BaoBei, go and change your pants. Mommy will brew some tea for you.”

MiaoMiao obediently went to her room and changed her pants in the bathroom. Fu Rou had brewed some blood tea for her. It contained brown sugar, red dates, ginger, longan, and wolfberry. It was suitable for girls who had a “cold” body and did not have enough blood.

After it was brewed, MiaoMiao could only taste brown sugar and a little bit of ginger. The taste of brown sugar was rich and sweet. Even though there was a bit of ginger, it was not strong. She could still accept it. So she immediately finished it.

The longan and red dates were left behind, and MiaoMiao picked them out to eat.

She did not know how long it took, but she felt that her stomach no longer hurt as much.

She looked at Fu Rou with puppy eyes and said “Mommy, will it always be like this in the future?”

Fu Rou tenderly rubbed her head. “You’re still young, for the first few years it might not be stable. But after you grow up, this will happen once a month.

When MiaoMiao heard this, she immediately felt terror. “I’ll bleed every month? Will I bleed out and die?”

“…” Fu Rou: “No, aren’t I doing fine? You will also be okay.”

MiaoMiao could not help but sigh: “We girls are amazing. If it was a boy that had to bleed every month, who knows what would happen.”

Fu Rou: “…” You have a point.

After Qin Yu finished school, he deliberated for a long time. He did not know if he should ask MiaoMiao how she was doing.

As a friend, he should be concerned. But they had grown up now and understood the differences between boys and girls. For such a private matter, if he were to ask about it, it might not be good.

Qin Yu thought about it for a long time. During his evening classes at home, the teacher noticed that his heart was not there and warned him a few times.

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When class was finally over, Qin Yu prepared to send a message to MiaoMiao.

He opened the iPad and sent a voice message: “MiaoMiao, is your stomach still hurting?”

When MiaoMiao heard his voice message, her face turned a little pink. She sent a voice message back: “It doesn’t hurt anymore. It’s not bad.”

Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief and then changed topics to avoid the awkwardness.

The next day, when MiaoMiao headed to school. Fu Rou prepared her a thermos. Inside was the blood tea. She told her to drink it in the morning when she was thirsty.

When she got to school, Qin Yu was curious about MiaoMiao’s thermos. He could not help but ask: “MiaoMiao, what is this?”

“Tea, when I drank it after going home, my stomach stopped hurting.” MiaoMiao answered: “It tastes like brown sugar. I think it’s pretty good.”

When Qin Yu heard that it was tea, he originally wanted to try it. But when he heard MiaoMiao say it helped her stomach stop hurting, he thought there was some medicine in it. So if he drank it, and MiaoMiao had less, maybe her stomach will start hurting again. So he could only drink his milk.

The language teacher passed out the essays from a few days ago to everyone.

MiaoMiao saw her essay. The points for essays in elementary school were not very much. language portion was out of 100 marks and the essay was only 30 marks.

MiaoMiao got 28 marks this time.

MiaoMiao’s Chinese language skills were always good. After the language exams started to include an essay component, every time she wrote an essay, her marks would normally be around 28 – 30. 28 was the lowest she had gotten so far.

The language teacher took advantage that self-study for Chinese class was early to start talking about their essays. First he discussed how they should approach essays and then he let everyone take a look at their essays.

After she finished speaking, she tacked on a sentence saying, “During the essay this time, the teacher noticed something. Someone plagiarized their essay.”

When the teacher’s voice fell, the students were all surprised.

The language teacher continued: “Normally when I let you read sample essays, I wanted you guys to see how you can score higher. I did not want you guys to plagiarize these essays. Every time you guys submit an essay, I would point out all the good points. You can memorize your own essays, but you cannot memorize other peoples. If this was on the high school entrance exam or the gaokao. If the teacher who was marking notices, then it would be an automatic zero.”

“Even though the chances of the teacher seeing an essay and remembering it is pretty low, it is not impossible. As for who is the plagiarizing student, the teacher will not say their name. They know who they are. I did not give them marks.”

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The girl sitting in the corner had turned completely red. Even though the teacher did not say her name, she still felt ashamed. When the essays were first passed out, she was curious why she did not have a mark. She had even wondered about this with her desk mate, questioning why the teacher did not mark it. Right now, her desk mate definitely knew.

Her desk mate… had a big mouth!

Doesn’t this mean everyone will find out?

As a result, that afternoon, it spread among the entire class.

Ye Lu was just talking about it to MiaoMiao: “The person the teacher was talking about, was Zhang WenShu. Her desk mate said that her essay was not marked. The teacher did not get her any marks. [1]

When MiaoMiao heard this, she was immediately curious. “Isn’t Zhang WenShu the Language representative?”

“Yes, her Chinese Language marks have always been very good. The good essays the teacher read out loud previous were always yours and Zhang WenShu’s. I did not think that she would use other people’s sentences in her own essays. I heard that she didn’t even change a word.”

MiaoMiao was surprised. “Isn’t memorizing essays very difficult? Why not write it herself?”

“Maybe she won’t get as high of a mark.” Ye Lu said.

“What are you guys saying!” Zhang WenShu just so happened to overhear. Her face was completely red as she looked towards Ye Lu and MiaoMiao. Seeing the two of them looking at her, and thinking that they knew that she had plagiarized, she immediately felt ashamed.

She angrily said: “I just used a few sentences from their essay. How can it be that serious. The essays that had perfect marks are all distributed asa sample essays. Isn’t it meant for people to memorize and use? We’re allowed to use ancient poems and idioms.”

Ye Lu couldn’t help but refute. “When people quote ancient poems and idioms, they use quotation marks. Only a sentence or two of these poems and sayings are quoted. You used quite a few in a row!”

Zhang WenShu clenched her fists. She had really used quite a few sentences. She could not rebut Ye Lu. So she looked at MiaoMiao. “Don’t think I don’t know. Your essays are also memorized!”

Hmph, with the time limit of the exam. How can Wen MiaoMiao write such good essays every time?

She had tried this before. When she wrote the essays herself. Each time she would get less than 25 marks. But if she memorized an essay’s sentences, then she would get at least 27 or 28 marks.

Wen MiaoMiao must have memorized it too! It’s just that the essays she memorized are the ones the teacher hadn’t seen before, so she always managed to get lucky.

[1] Zhang WenShu (张文书), a very fitting name. WenShu (文书) can mean document or secretary.

Joey’s Corner: We’re having another cheating scandal again? I hope this will be the last one. Qin Yu’s and MiaoMiao’s reaction was hilarious for her first period though. But man. I can’t imagine having your first period in elementary school. It’s such a pain. The tea? soup that MiaoMiao was given was quite interesting. I have seen it a few times in webnovels but I have never tried it myself. Maybe next time I’ll try making some myself? Do any of you have good remedies for cramps? I just try to avoid cold foods.

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