The three children sprawled on the table and looked at the photos for a while. After a while they simple started to watch cartoons.

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Xiong Da and Xiong Er sat on the right and left sides of MiaoMiao. When Xiong Da and MiaoMiao started discussing the cartoon’s storyline, Xiong Er wasn’t happy about being left out and said: “Little Aunt, You are really pretty today.”

“I look good everyday.” MiaoMiao turned her head towards Xiong Er.

“Yes yes, my Little Aunt looks good every day.” Xiong Er quickly flattered.

Because MiaoMiao was praised, she suddenly gave a really bright smile. She stood on the chair and showed off her skirt and said: “This is the skirt Mommy bought for me. I really like it.”

Xiong Da looked at MiaoMiao’s clothes, scratched his head and enviously said: “It is really pretty. If I was a girl, I would want to wear little dresses too.”

“You should tell big brother and sister in law. They will definitely buy it for you.”

Xiong Da: “… …” Something seems to be wrong, but at the same time it seems right?

MiaoMiao just wanted to sit down, but she saw her little pink socks. She thought about the question that she had always hidden inside her heart and asked: “Xiong Da, Xiong Er, when you guys do math problems do you need to count your fingers and toes?”

“No, we don’t need to. We stopped counting them a year ago.” Xiong Er didn’t understand why their little aunt would ask something like this, but he still answered honestly.

When MiaoMiao heard this her heart was suddenly a little anxious, “You didn’t need to count your fingers and toes for math questions for a year already? Really?”

“Can’t every little kid do this?” Xiong Da confusedly said.

MiaoMiao sat down and felt a bit flustered. Xiong Da and Xiong Er are four years old this year. Then last year they were only three years old. Compared to the now three and a half year old her, they were younger than her by half a year. But at that time they could already do math problems without counting their fingers and toes?

Is she…. is she too dumb?

Realizing this point, MiaoMiao nervously asked the system in her heart, “Sister System, how old were you when you didn’t need to count your fingers and toes to do math problems?”

“I was able to do them the moment I was born.” After all, she was just data and never had any fingers or toes.

MiaoMiao was suddenly very scared and burst into tears with a loud “WAAAH!”

The sudden sound of crying attracted all of the adults attention. When everyone looked over, they only saw Xiong Da and Xiong Er looking at MiaoMiao in a panic and sitting in the middle was MiaoMiao who had cried until her face had turned red.

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“What happened?” Fu Rou quickly went over and picked up MiaoMiao, “BaoBei what happened? Why are you crying? Mommy is here.”

“Waaaah…. Sniffle Sniffle, Mommy… …” MiaoMiao threw herself into Fu Rou’s arms.

Wen FanChu walked towards Xiong Da and Xiong Er, “Did you guys bully your little aunt?”

“We… We didn’t.” Xiong Da was a little dazed.

“Little Aunt suddenly started crying.” Xiong Er was also a bit confused.

Wen FanChu’s wife Jiang FangFang came over and asked, “MiaoMiao, why are you crying? Did ChaoYu and ChaoPei bully you?”

ChaoYu and ChaoPei are the full names of Xiong Da and Xiong Er. MiaoMiao thought that their names were difficult to pronounce, so she usually called them by their nicknames.

The two children looked at MiaoMiao at a loss. They wondered if they had said something wrong.

MiaoMiao wiped her tears and chokingly said: “MiaoMiao… MiaoMiao is very dumb, when MiaoMiao does math problems… … MiaoMiao still needs to count her fingers and toes. Xiong Da and Xiong Er… … Were able to do them without counting a year ago.”

Fu Rou: “… … Many boys are good at math, so it is normal for them to be better at math than MiaoMiao, so don’t cry anymore.”

Jiang FangFang also laughingly said: “Yes, girls are normally better at Chinese and English. Your Chinese and English is better than both of them.”

“Really?” MiaoMiao looked towards Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

Xiong Da could only honestly say: “We… When the teacher asks questions during English, we aren’t able to answer.” Sigh, in front of their little aunt this is so embarrassing.

“Then… in the future I’ll teach you guys English, and you’ll teach me math okay?” MiaoMiao looked at her two little nephews expectantly.

“Okay.” Xiong Er quickly agreed. “Then lets start today.”

When they were watching cartoons, his big brother kept talking to his little aunt and they didn’t give him any attention. If they were studying together, then they wouldn’t be able to ignore him.

Fu Rou helped MiaoMiao wipe her face clean and flicked the tip of her nose, “Such a crybaby, we almost thought your two little nephews were bullying you!”

MiaoMiao embarrassedly poked her fingers together and understood her mistake, “MiaoMiao won’t do this in the future.”

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Fu Rou put MiaoMiao back onto the chair and said: “The practice questions you left with grandma and grandpa are still there, the three of you can go study together.”

So Xiong Da and Xiong Er started teaching MiaoMiao how to do math problems without counting her fingers and toes.

Previously Sister System had actually explained it to MiaoMiao before, but MiaoMiao did not understand at all. Now that Xiong Da and Xiong Er directly used the practice questions as examples to show MiaoMiao, MiaoMiao finally understood.

After eating their Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner, MiaoMiao, Xong Da, and Xiong Er started playing together. Fu Rou pretended that she will go order more food but went to the hospital to find Wen FuChen.

MiaoMiao didn’t notice, as she was teaching her two nephews English. When Xiong Da and Xiong Er discovered their little aunt could say the English names of more than twenty different food flashcards, they immediately started worshipping her.”

“Little aunt you’re so amazing! Watermelon… … Watermelon is so long, I can’t remember it at all!” Xiong Da admiringly looked at MiaoMiao.

MiaoMiao immediately lifted her little chin and stuck out her chest and happily said: “My class’s English teacher is always praising me.”

Xiong Er happily rubbed his hands, “Little Aunt, in the future can you always teach us? When the teacher gives us exercises, big brother and I don’t know how to do them.”

Xiong Da’s face immediately turned red, “It’s you who doesn’t know how to do them, why do you need to drag me in too?”

“Big brother, you also don’t know how to do them. We are always criticized together.” Xiong Er innocently said.

Xiong Da: “… …” Today he really lost a lot of face in front of his little aunt!

MiaoMiao quickly agreed. In the future she will always be able to find her little nephews to play and immediately said: “Okay, in the future lets always do our homework together and score full marks on the exams in the kindergarten. We will show all the other kids how amazing we are and let the teacher praise us!”

“Okay okay!”

At this moment, Fu Rou had just gotten to the hospital ward and saw her husband lying on the bed. She quickly took out the dishes from the insulated container, “I brought you some light dishes.”

“Thanks, did MiaoMiao notice?” Wen FuChen asked.

“She was playing with her two nephews very happily. Even if she saw me leave, she wouldn’t have known I was coming to see you.” Fu Rou opened the insulated containers one by one. Then she took out a pair of chopsticks and gave it to Wen Fu Chen, “How was today?”

“It was about the same as yesterday. The doctor said I will still need to be in the hospital for roughly 10 days. He is still the same as usual, warning me that I can no longer smoke in the future.”

Fu Rou nodded and noticed that nursing assistant wasn’t there and questioningly asked: “Where is the aide?”

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“I let her go home to have her new year’s eve dinner. After all I am fine.” Wen FuChen ate a few bites of the food. Although they were just leftovers, they still had the familiar taste of home. Thinking that he still had to spend the new year all alone in the hospital in order to not worry his daughter. He regretted smoking so often in the past.

After he finished eating, he asked: “Did you discuss with FanChu about taking MiaoMiao out to play?”

“Yes, I’ve already talked to them about it, but MiaoMiao still doesn’t know. She will probably be very happy. Whenever she did her homework during the past few days, she kept saying she was bored. If she can follow them to go on vacation, at least she’ll have other children of similar ages with her.”

Wen FuChen felt relieved.

That night, they originally would have stayed up to welcome in the new year. But because MiaoMiao is still young and can’t stay up late, she would naturally get sleepy at about 9 PM. By the time Fu Rou rushed back from the hospital, MiaoMiao had aalready fallen asleep.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er were lying on the left and right sides of MiaoMiao, the three children slept peacefully on the bed.

It wasn’t until MiaoMiao’s grandparents couldn’t stay up any longer, before everybody took their children back upstairs.

Fu Rou carried MiaoMiao back to her princess room. Her actions were light as she helped MiaoMiao change into her pyjamas and covered her with the blanket, before she switched off the light and went out.

… …

MiaoMiao found out she was going to go out on vacation was on the fifth day of the new year. Knowing that she was about to go out to play and that she was even going to go abroad, MiaoMiao happily rubbed her hands in excitement and asked Fu Rou: “Mommy, where are we going?”

“You are going with your big brother, your sister in law, and your nephews. Mommy won’t be going.” Fu Rou laughingly said as she helped her pack her clothes.

“Why isn’t mommy going?” MiaoMiao’s excitement suddenly dissipated, she sadly looked at her mother, “Mommy doesn’t want to go out to play with MiaoMiao?”

“Mommy still has things to do. Be obedient, MiaoMiao. When you go out to play, you cannot make trouble for your big brother and sister in law, okay?”

MiaoMiao wanted to say, if Mommy doesn’t go, then she won’t go either. But in the next second, she heard Sister System’s voice: “MiaoMiao, don’t blame your mother. Your mom just wants the best for you. Your mom will go to the hospital to help take care of your father. If MiaoMiao is at home, then your mom will worry that MiaoMiao will find out and then she won’t go. Can you really let your father be all alone at the hospital?”

Once MiaoMiao heard this, she immediately understood and agreed, “MiaoMiao knows, MiaoMiao will obediently listen to big brother’s and sister in law’s words.”

Fu Rou immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She had already put some of the clothes that MiaoMiao will wear in the suitcase. Then she opened the the closet and asked: “What does MiaoMiao want to wear on vacation?”

“MiaoMiao wants to wear pretty dresses. Xiong Da and Xiong Er said that the red dress that MiaoMiao wore last time was really pretty.” MiaoMiao expectantly looked at her mother.

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Fu Rou helped her pack the red Hanfu and said: “I’ve put the red one inside. There is also a blue one that you can bring too. Do you have anything else you want to wear?”

MiaoMiao seriously thought for a while and said: “As long as they are dresses then it will be good.”

In MiaoMiao’s head, she believes that wearing dresses is the prettiest. She liked all kinds of dresses, especially dresses that had skirts made from tulle.

TL Note: I believe these are ballerina style skirts. The direct translation was poofy gauze skirts.

But it is currently winter, if she were to wear those ballerina style dresses then she would definitely freeze. Other than those dresses, MiaoMiao felt the other dresses were all about the same.

Fu Rou thought about the fact that they would be away for five days and four nights. So she packed six sets of clothes as well as two sets of pyjamas. Then she used a compression bag to vacuum pack a down jacket. She also prepared three pairs of shoes that could be matched with the clothes.

Children’s clothes did not take up much space, so despite having so many things, it still did not fill up an entire suitcase. Fu Rou then put her little toothbrush inside and said: “Remember to brush your teeth every night, okay? If you don’t brush your teeth, then you aren’t allowed to sleep.”

“I know.” MiaoMiao obediently replied.

On the seventh day of the new year, MiaoMiao woke up really early. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, Fu Rou helped her put on a set of cute clothes.

MiaoMiao wore a velvet blouse and a wool pullover sweater on top. She also wore a pair of thick stockings and a short skirt. She had a pair of shoes that had velvet details and her hair was pulled into two little buns. She looked very cute.

Fu Rou helped her take a few pictures and sent them to Wen FuChen. Then she told MiaoMiao, “Make sure you are obedient. Remember to ask your big brother and sister in law to help you take a few extra pictures to post in the family group chat. Your dad will be able to see them at work. It’ll be the same as seeing MiaoMiao. Okay?”

MiaoMiao quickly nodded her head and said, “Okay.”

Wen FanChu and Jiang FangFang brought their two sons over and picked up MiaoMiao to go to the airport.

This is the first time MiaoMiao left this city and it was also the first time she would go take a plane. When she entered the airport, she opened big round eyes and looked curiously at her surroundings.

Her big brother and sister in law were getting ready to go pick up their boarding passes. At this time, Sister System’s voice sounded in her head. “MiaoMiao, look at the system’s interface.”

The system interface popped open in front of MiaoMiao. On the list of all the family members, the names of her big brother, sister in law, elder nephew, and second nephew had all turned red.

MiaoMiao immediately got anxious. “Sister System, Big Brother, Sister in Law, Xiong Da, and Xiong Er are all like Daddy. Are they sick? Do I need to ask them to go to the hospital to do a physical examination?

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