“Not every time will be a health problem. MiaoMiao click it to open and see.”

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MiaoMiao clicked on “Big Brother”, and the interface showed many words that she didn’t recognize. She furrowed her brow in distress, “Sister System, what does it say?”

System helplessly said, “You guys are about to go on the plane, but the plane will have a problem during the flight. If MiaoMiao doesn’t stop it, you will all die.”

“Die… … That means I will never be able to see Mommy and Daddy again?” MiaoMiao fearfully asked, her calves were trembling.

“Yes. If your parents know about this news, they will definitely be very hurt.” System continued to say: “MiaoMiao, you need to quickly think of a plan. We must change the flight we take”

MiaoMiao distressedly furrowed her brows and thought for a while. Soon she looked towards Xiong Da and Xiong Er and said: “Xiong Da, Xiong Er, lets change a vacation spot okay? I… … I want to soak in hot springs.”

The original plan for the next few days was to go to a foreign country for vacation and there were no hot springs over there. MiaoMiao actually doesn’t know what a hot spring is, but she has heard Fu Rou mention it before.

Xiong Da curiously looked at MiaoMiao, “Little Aunt, what is a hot spring?”

“It seems to be a place you can take a bath in.” MiaoMiao thought about it for a bit, then she added: “My Mommy said, soaking in hot springs is very comfortable and in good hot springs, it can even make people prettier.”

MiaoMiao didn’t think that that reason would be motivating for the two nephews, after all they were boys. So MiaoMiao decided to make something up: “I heard that at the entrance to the hot springs will be guarded by Ultraman.”

TL Note: Ultraman is basically a superhero.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er’s eyes immediately brightened. Xiong Er happily said: “Will there really be Ultraman?”

MiaoMiao seriously nodded her little head. She did not look like she was lying at all.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er were moved. Xiong Da opened his mouth first anad said: “Since there will be Ultraman, then let’s go? Or we can ask our parents to first go to the hot springs and then go to our original destination.”

Xiong Er quickly nodded his head.

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The three little kids quickly ran over to Wen FanChu and Jiang FangFang. MiaoMiao lifted her little head, tugged her big brother’s pants and said: “Big Brother, can we change our vacation destination? MiaoMiao wants to go soak in hot springs.”

“Why do you suddenly want to go soak in the hot springs?” Wen FanChu was confused, does a little kid even know what a hot spring is?

“MiaoMiao just wants to go.” MiaoMiao was slightly embarrassed. If it was her parents, then she would have wilfully asked for it. But this was her big brother and due to the age difference, MiaoMiao did not talk to her big brother very much. She usually preferred to play with her two little nephews.

Xiong Da quickly followed up: “Daddy, I also want to soak in the hot springs. Let’s change the destination.”

Xiong Er also hugged Jiang FangFang, “Mommy, little aunt said that the hot springs will have Ultraman, so can we go? Can we go? After going to the hot springs, going to our original destination is still an option.”

Wen FanChu hesitated for a moment. After all they were bringing three children, they had originally planned to travel slowly, so the itinerary for the next few days was actually very relaxed and not tight at all. It would not a problem at all, if they first went to soak in the hot springs before going to the other destinations.

He squatted down and gently rubbed MiaoMiao’s head and said: “No matter where we go on vacation, it will still be about the same. So let’s follow what MiaoMiao says. But we can’t change our visas right now, so we should still go to our original location and see if there are any hot springs.”

In his opinion, the entrance to the hot springs will not have any Ultramans. It might be that MiaoMiao wants to soak in the hot springs, so she had said it to persuade Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

In fact, this was true.

“MiaoMiao, if it is like this then you will still take your current flight and an accident will still happen. You have to think of a way to change the plane.” Sister System gently reminded.

MiaoMiao’s eyes turned and hurriedly said: “How about we take Daddy’s private plane. Daddy said that his private plane has lots of good food. We can find a place that definitely has hot springs. Please, big brother?”

MiaoMiao has never sat in her father’s private plane, but she had heard about it before and had always wanted to take it.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er had travelled by plane before, but they were all direct flights, so there was no need to use private planes. Once they heard about this they were immediately excited.

Wen FanChu hesitated a little, but when his little sister acted spoiled he could not bear to refuse.

Jiang FangFang was already using her phone to look up information and said: “Husband, the place we are going to is a small city in a foreign country. There are hot springs but looking at the reviews they are not very good. At the hot springs it is important to pay attention to their sanitation practices. We should change the location.”

“Okay then, I’ll give Uncle a call, but this will inconvenience him… … He’s already so busy with work but he still has to help us arrange this.” Wen FanChu originally wanted to say that it was troublesome for Wen FanChu to think about these matters while he is sick, but since they didn’t want to let MiaoMiao know, he quickly changed his words.

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While Wen FanChu called Wen FuChen, MiaoMiao asked the System: “Sister System, if we take Daddy’s private plane then will we be okay?”

“Yes, the time is different and the route is also different.” The System said.

“That’s good, then there won’t be anyone who will die.” MiaoMiao sighed in relief.

The System fell silent. She didn’t tell MiaoMiao that there were many people on an airplane. MiaoMiao and her family wouldn’t be on the plane, but the other people would still board it. The accident will still occur.

Her powers are limited, and her host was still a child. There is no way for them to stop the plane from taking flight, they could not change the fates of the other people. Since it was like this, there is no need to let the host know.

There is no need to frighten the child.

After boarding her father’s private plane, MiaoMiao asked the pretty flight attendant for snacks. She, Xiong Da, and Xiong Er all tried various snacks and drinks on the plane. They ate very happily until their little bellies were bulging.

MiaoMiao looked at the white clouds outside the plane. Looking at the clouds in the sky is very different from looking at the clouds on the ground. Looking at the sky is really pretty!

MiaoMiao opened her dark round eyes really wide and looked curiously outside. After she took out her iPad and took a few photos and prepared to post them in the group. But she normally uses the iPad to watch cartoons, and now that she wanted to post things in the group, she wasn’t quite sure how to do it.

She opened the family group chat and felt frustrated, how can she send photos?

“Xiong Da, Xiong Er, how do you send photos?”

“Little Aunt, you can’t send photos on the airplane. You have to wait until we get to the hotel and have WiFi before you can send them.” Xiong Da explained.

“Oh, so its like this.” MiaoMiao put away the iPad, “Sitting on a plane is quite boring, I can’t even talk to Mommy.”

“We can do homework then.” Xiong Da took out his homework from his backpack.

Xiong Er followed his big brother’s actions.

MiaoMiao proudly said: “I already finished my winter vacation homework!”

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“So quickly?” Xiong Da and Xiong Er were surprised, and immediately admiringly looked at MiaoMiao, “Little Aunt is so amazing.”

Because MiaoMiao was praised, her heart was filled with joy. From her own backpack she took out her Chinese textbook. “I’ll read a book, you guys can do your homework.”

“Okay, if we have problems with our English homework than we’ll ask Little Aunt.” Xiong Da said and took out his English homework.

The two little nephews seriously worked on their homework and MiaoMiao seriously read some extracurricular books.

TL Note: I wasn’t sure how to explain “课外书”. These books are basically non school related books, ie. books you read for fun, in MiaoMiao’s case I would assume they would be children’s picture books.

She actually cannot recognize many of the characters, but she already has learned how to read pinyin.

TL Note: For young children who are learning to read, their books will often have both the characters as well as pinyin (how the characters are pronounced) on top of the characters. Pinyin uses the alphabet characters to describe a set of standard sounds that are used to to show the pronunciation of Chinese characters. This way even if the kid doesn’t recognize a character as long as they can read pinyin and they can then sound out the character and infer what the character means as a result.

MiaoMiao’s mathematics is not good, but her Chinese and English was always considered one of the best in her kindergarten class. The kindergarten she studies in is a private one. The content they normally study during class is the same as the special extracurricular classes that other parent’s would sign their kids up for and pay several hundred dollars per class. This of course meant that there were very expensive tuition fees which costs tens of thousands per month. It would be impossible for children from ordinary families to attend such a kindergarten.

But due to this, the children who came out of these kindergartens, as long as they were not born stupid, they would already start out much better than the other children.

When other children in grade one of elementary school speak long sentences, they would often get the subject, verbs, and predicates all mixed up. They would often end up inverting the order. On the other hand, MiaoMiao, Xiong Da, and Xiong Er can already speak sentences fluently.

MiaoMiao kept reading and worked hard to remember the characters. She used to think that because she could already recognize some simple characters, she was already really awesome. After all, within the class, the other children were about the same as her and a lot of children could not even recognize as many characters. But the last two times she opened the system interface described by Sister System there were many words she didn’t recognize. QAQ

TL Note: The Author really put the emoji (QAQ) in the story.

MiaoMiao doesn’t want to be illiterate, MiaoMiao will study hard!

“MiaoMiao, you can already read pinyin? Then Sister System will help you add pinyin to the system interface, okay? That way it’ll be convenient for MiaoMiao to read.” Sister System’s gentle voice sounded.

“Okay.” MiaoMiao happily said, “Then MiaoMiao will know what is written on the interface.”

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The system interface popped open in front of her. On each character, they had the corresponding pinyin written above it.

MiaoMiao pretended to stretch and clicked on “Daddy.” The system interface immediately switched out the information.

She carefully looked at it and silently read: “Daddy, Wen FuChen, age 35, Wealth 100, Charm 70, Health 70, Luck 98… … Current Situation: early lung cancer surgery completed, currently under observation. Total intimacy value 100, 0 used, 100 available for use.”

MiaoMiao furrowed her brows, and asked in her heart: “Sister System, what does this mean?”

System: “… …” Looks like just using pinyin isn’t enough. The host is still too young and cannot understand the data.

The system could only explain to MiaoMiao: “Wealth represents the person’s earning power. Your father’s Wealth value is 100, this means that the company has had no business problems recently. The Charm value represents how attractive they are to the opposite sex. This point is still too early for MiaoMiao, but to explain it simply. If the Charm value is high, then it means a lot of girls will like MiaoMiao’s Dad, which might interfere with the relationship between your Mom and Dad.”

When MiaoMiao heard this, she was suddenly nervous, “Does this mean that MiaoMiao’s parents might start fighting?”

“They might not just fight.” If the rivals were smart, they might even be able to instigate a divorce.

The system did not say the latter half and only said: “MiaoMiao is still young, you cannot prevent this. When the data shows any abnormality, Sister System will let you know. When that time comes, as long as you tell your Mom to be more careful it’ll be enough. After that it is the health value, which represents your current health situation. Before your father went to the hospital, because of early stage lung cancer, his health value was only 50. Now that he is recuperating it has risen to 70. 80 and above is the sub-optimal health range for the average person.”

MiaoMiao did not understand what “sub-optimal health” meant, but once she heard that it was for the average person, she was able to guess that 80 was the standard for normal people.

“The Luck value represents the person’s everyday luck. As long as this value is not too low, then it will not be a problem. If it is less than 60, then there might be some unlucky things happening, such as losing money. If it is less than 40, then when you go out you might encounter accidents, such as car crashes, and you might even die. You might end up encountering many freak accidents.”

MiaoMiao’s little face expressed understanding, then she pretended to stretch and clicked on each family member’s data one by one. After ensuring that every family member was well, she breathed a sigh in relief.

“Finally, relating to the Intimacy value, it is what I have told you before. If can be used to increase the Wealth, Charm, Health, and Luck values, but each person’s Intimacy values are limited. The maximum value is 100 and can only be applied to these four categories. The values will also not necessarily be stable, they can also suddenly drop. So MiaoMiao needs to be frugal with the Intimacy values. Unless there is an emergency, then MiaoMiao should try to solve the problem without using the Intimacy values.”


Joey’s Corner:
Huzzah! We made it to Chapter 5. I hope you are enjoying the story as much as I am. MiaoMiao is so adorable. Sometimes I feel bad for the System needing to think of how to simplify it down to explain to MiaoMiao. I do try to simplify the explanations, but some of the way things can be explained in Chinese just does not translate to English. So some of the explanations I feel might still be too difficult for a child to understand in English, but it is in fact more simple in Chinese.

Do let me know if you see any typos or grammar mistakes, I will go back to fix them. I also read the comments. Thank you for reading!

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