“MiaoMiao understands.”

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When the airplane reached their destination, MiaoMiao and her brother’s family all went to the hot spring resort’s hotel.

When Wen FanChu was contacting Wen FuChen about preparing the plane, Jiang FangFang was searching for hotels. She had finally decided on this five-star resort hotel that was styled very luxuriously.

They had booked a presidential suite with two bedrooms. The master bedroom would be for the husband and wife, while the second bedroom would be given to the three children. When MiaoMiao reached the hotel, she curiously looked around the hotel lobby. She had listened to her mother’s words and obediently followed her big brother and sister in law, trying to give them as little trouble as possible.

After getting the room card and reaching their hotel room, MiaoMiao frustratedly looked at the washroom. Its too high. According to her height, after going to the toilet, she would not be able to wash her friends.

MiaoMiao tugged at Xiong Da’s sleeve in embarassment, “Xiong Da, how will we wash our hands here? There doesn’t appear to be any little stools for us to use.”

Xiong Da hadn’t noticed initially, but after hearing what MiaoMIao said, he also started to feel concerned.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er had always lived in the same room together. The two brothers were twins and got along well. Although they often got jealous of each other with matters pertaining to their little aunt, they spent their daily lives together and what they used was the same as MiaoMiao; custom sinks and toilets for children, to instill a sense of independence.

But here, the conditions would not allow for it.

Xiong Da thought for a bit, and said: “I’ll go ask Mom.”

After Xiong Da brought Jiang FangFang over to take a look, she tidied and rearranged the area next to the bathtub and told them to turn on the bathtub faucet to wash their hands. But the height of the toilet was still a problem. Finally Jiang FangFang bought two little stools for them to use. One she put in front of the toilet and the other she put next to the bed.

Jiang FangFang also replaced the bedding on the beds. She did not want them to use the bedding provided by the hotel, as it might not be clean.

After finishing her personal issues, MiaoMiao stepped onto the small stool and hopped onto the bend. She felt it was soft, but it was still not as comfortable as her little bed and it was not as pretty as her little bed.

Jiang FangFang saw that the three children already climbed unto the bed and helplessly said, “Before you get onto the bed, make sure you guys remove your shoes.”

MiaoMiao quickly took off her shoes and sat on the bed, before lifting her head up to look at Jiang FangFang: “Sister-in-law, what are we going to eat for lunch?”

“Because we suddenly decided to come here, lunch will be at the hotel’s all you can eat buffet.” Jiang FangFang thought for a bit and said: “After lunch, I will see if there is anything good to eat nearby, so that for dinner we will have a big meal.”

When MiaoMiao heard “a big meal”, she couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, “will there be fried chicken legs?”

“I don’t know yet.”

Because they were going to go soak in the hot springs in the afternoon, they had to first go to buy swimsuits. Wen FanChe and Jiang FangFang went to a nearby swimsuit store to choose.

MiaoMiao liked cute little skirts, so she stood in the girls’ swimsuit area for a long time carefully choosing before she selected a pink split piece swimsuit.

She looked at Jiang FangFang who was holding a swimsuit in front of the mirror and posing, she immediately ran over next to her and began to copy her sister-in-law. Putting the swimsuit next to her and comparing.

Wen FanChu was very quick at choosing his swimsuit and also quickly chose a pair of swimsuits for Xiong Da and Xiong Er. He knew that his wife liked to show off her good looks, so when he saw her in front of the mirror he was not surprised at all. When he saw MiaoMiao standing at her side and copying Jiang FangFang, he couldn’t help but laugh. He suddenly had a thought.

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He only had a pair of stinky brats at home, if he had a daughter as cute as MiaoMIao… … It seems like it wouldn’t be a bad idea.

MiaoMiao looked for a long time, before she finally ran to Xiong Da and Xiong Er and placed the swimsuit in front of her, “Xiong Da, Xiong Er, is this swimsuit pretty?”

Xiong Da and Xiong Er quickly nodded their heads. “It’s pretty, It’s pretty. Whatever little aunt wears will be pretty.”

MiaoMiao’s heart filled with joy. She quickly ran over to her brother, “Big brother, is this swimsuit pretty?”

“Its pretty, if MiaoMiao wears it, it will definitely be very cute.” Wen FanChu took the swimsuit she held in her hand, “Then we will buy this one for MiaoMiao.”

“Okay.” MiaoMiao quickly nodded her little head.

After buying the swimsuits, Jiang FangFang washed them first and then hung them up to dry.

MiaoMiao’s heart was looking forward to the fried chicken legs she could have at dinner. But she did not have to be so hopeful, because at lunch, there were also fried chicken legs.

The all you can eat buffet inside the hotel had a large variety of food, but because MiaoMiao was short, she could not see them all. Jiang FangFang could only carry her and bring her around. After seeing what she wanted, she would let Wen FanChu take some and bring it back to the table. The three children were all carried like this and the table was quickly filled with dishes, including MiaoMiao’s favourite fried chicken legs.

The fried chicken legs smelled very good, after MiaoMiao washed her hands, she grabbed a fried chicken leg, dipped it into ketchup and started eating.

She ate until her little mouth was covered in grease. After finishing two fried chicken legs, she also took a small bowl of wontons.

TL Note: A bowl of wontons in soup. Wontons are a type of dumpling generally served in soup. They have thinner skins than potstickers/fried dumplings so they are not as suitable for panfrying.

The wontons were freshly made and the bowl was very small. Each bowl only had three wontons so that customers could try a variety of foods. MiaoMiao wanted to try other foods, so she gave one wonton each to Xiong Da and Xiong Er and then looked for other foods.

“Little Aunt, this tofu is delicous.” Xiong Er gave some of the MaPo tofu he was eating to MiaoMiao.

TL Note: MaPo Tofu: A spicy tofu dish with some minced meat.

MiaoMiao believed it and used her chopsticks to pick up a small piece of tofu into her spoon and immediately put it into her mouth.

At first she only tasted the smooth and tenderness of the tofu, but then the spiciness suddenly spread in her mouth. MiaoMiao’s eyes started tearing up and she could not help but let a teardrop fall. Her face was completed red, “It’s hot, very hot. [1]”

Before today, MiaoMiao had never tasted any spicy foods. Fu Rou worried that if MiaoMiao ate too much spicy food she would suffer from excess internal heat [2]. Especially for children, excessive internal heat could easily cause their throats to become irritated and then leading to a fever. So Fu Rou was very reluctant to let MiaoMiao try spicy foods, she even limited the amount of fried foods that MiaoMiao can eat.

Having suddenly eaten a piece of MaPo tofu, she did not know that this was MaLa [3], she only knew it was hot, but this “hot” was a little strange.

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“Its not hot.” Xiong Er confusedly sat there. He did not even need to blow on it to cool it down before eating it. So how did his little aunt be scalded by it to the point she was crying?

“This is not hot, it is spicy.” Wen FanChu quickly gave a beverage for MiaoMiao to drink.

It is currently winter, so the beverages were all room temperature and were not iced. MiaoMiao drank a few mouthfuls of orange juice before she slowly recovered. She aggrievedly used a napkin to wipe away her tears, “Xiong Er, this is really strange, it does not taste good.”

Xiong Er was annoyed and said: “I did not know that little aunt could not eat spicy. I am sorry. How about you try this meat? There are no bones, you can eat it directly.”


[1] “Hot” in this case is how warm/hot the food is, it is not related to the spiciness of the dish. 

[2] Excessive Internal Heat. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, people believe that certain foods have different yin/yang properties and what you eat will affect the yin/yang of your body. So foods that are spicy, deep-fried, etc. are known to be “hot” foods. If you eat too much “hot” foods it can cause dry mouth, sore throat, as well as acne. 

[3] MaLa (麻辣). This is a type of spiciness that is characterized by having both a spicy taste and also causes your mouth to feel numb. It is commonly made from Sichuan peppercorn and chili peppers. It is most commonly found in Sichuan cuisine. 


Joey’s Corner:
I got some feedback to try and put the TL notes at the bottom. Let me know if any of the footnote links are broken though >.> I’m really new at this.

I feel that for pictures though, I would prefer them to be within the text. If you would prefer the pictures to also be footnoted at the end, just let me know.

Also let me know if there is anything unclear or should be explained further, I don’t mind going back and editing the previous chapters to add more clarification. Sometimes I don’t realize that some things need to be explained since I grew up with a mix of Chinese and Western cultures, I get easily confused when something is not as widely known/expected.

The second dish recommended by Xiong Er was sweet and sour pork ribs. Wen FanChu children would like to eat this, so he had taken a lot. Jiang FangFang also picked out all the pieces that had bones for the adults to eat while leaving all the pieces that were all meat for the children. This way it would be more convenient for the children to eat.

TL Note: Sweet and Sour pork

MiaoMiao used the chopsticks to bring a piece of meet into her mouth. This time it really was delicious, sweet and also slightly sour. She couldn’t help but eat a few more bites.

Xiong Da saw that his little aunt enjoyed the dish that his little brother suggested. So he selected his favourite steamed egg custard and pushed it towards MiaoMiao. “Little Aunt, this is also good. You should try it.”

TL Note: Steamed Egg Custard: This is also one of my favourite dishes. Its a really great comfort food and really easy to make. Its generally just eggs, some water, a dash of soy sauce, and maybe some minced meat to add a bit of texture. Its also got this awesome jiggle too.

MiaoMiao used a spoon to scoop some up to eat, “You’re right, this is good too.”

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Xiong Da glanced at his brother triumphantly.

Xiong Er: “… …” Hmph! Big brother is always fighting with me over little aunt! This scoundrel!

After MiaoMiao ate a lot, her little belly was bulging.

After waking up from their afternoon nap, their swimsuits were already mostly dry. MiaoMiao changed into her cute swimsuit in the bathroom, before walking out and posing in front of the mirror.

The little child had plenty of baby fat, so her little body was super cute after putting on the swimsuit.

Her skin was white and tender, after putting on the pink split piece swim suit, the bottom piece was a layered skirt, and her little belly that stuck out was all round. She also had a pair of flip-flops on her feet.

Xiong Da and Xiong Er were boys, so they only had to wear swim trunks. After the two little boys changed into their swim trunks, they were also white and tender and looked super adorable.

The two boys stood, one to the left and one to the right of MiaoMiao. The three children all started to pose together in front of the mirror.

“Little Aunt, your swimsuit is very cute.” Xiong Er was a little jealous: “When we were selecting swimsuits, Dad just directly selected two for us. When we refused, Dad showed us the other swim trunks and they all looked about the same. But girl swim suits are different, there are so many different colours and they all look very different.”

Xiong Da nodded in agreement, “Why are girls’ swimsuits so pretty, while boys’ swimsuits are so simple?” Is this world discriminating against boys?

MiaoMiao seriously thought for a little bit and said: “Is it because girls usually like to look pretty?”

Xiong Er furrowed his brows, “But boys also like to too.”

“Then… in the future, I’ll lend my swimsuit for you to wear?” MiaoMiao looked at Xiong Er.

Xiong Er looked at MiaoMiao’s pink swimsuit and felt a little moved and agreed.

Xiong Da looked at his brother with some slight envy. Before he decided to change his thinking. After all he was the big brother, since his little brother already decided he wants to wear it, he should not fight over it. He should first see how it looks after his brother puts it on.

Xiong Da never would have thought, that after ten years, he would feel grateful for not competing over this.

The hotel did not have any bathrobes for children, so the three kids wore adult bathrobes with the sleeves rolled up, and used the belt to fold tie up the bottom half of the robe to prevent it from dragging on the floor.

There was a hot spring on the first floor of the hotel, after Wen FanChu swiped his card, he brought the three kids inside and took off the bathrobes.

Xiong Er looked at MiaoMiao slightly doubtfully, “Little Aunt, why don’t I see Ultraman?”

MiaoMiao had already long forgotten this matter. When she heard Xiong Er bring it up, she looked slightly guiltily away. “Maybe… Ultraman is on break today?”

Xiong Er understandably nodded his head and slightly disappointedly said: “Then today we can only soak in the hot springs then.”

There were quite a few hot spring pools, with slightly different colours. On the side there were several wooden plaques that could not be moved, that introduced the what had been added to the hot springs, as well as their health benefits.

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There were not that many people, after all starting on the seventh day of the new year, a lot of people had already started to go back to work. So the number of tourists had dropped drastically.

MiaoMiao wanted to enter the hot spring that contained rose petals, on the side of the hot spring there were steps. According to the three children’s heights, they could only sit on the second step of the stairs.

Wen FanChu reminded: “You guys can only sit at the top, you guys cannot come down.”

MiaoMiao obediently sat on the steps, and felt the temperature of the hot spring. After she sniffed really hard, she could only smell a very faint scent. It seemed like… that this is about the same as taking a bath?

MiaoMiao was a bit disappointed, but it was the first time she had taken a bath with so many people. Looking at Xiong Da and Xiong Er sitting next to her, she put her little hand in the water and splashed water towards them… …

Xiong Da and Xiong Er, who was suddenly attacked froze for a moment. Then they reacted and they immediately began to splash back. The three children had a great time playing.

Wen FanChu, Jiang FangFang: “… …” The three of them should go swimming together in the summer.

Because they had come down to soak in the hot springs, so no one had brought their cellphones or iPads. They could not soak in the hot springs for too long, so when they reached their rooms, Wen FanChu and Jiang FangFang discovered that their cellphones had been blown up with missed phone calls.

Wen FuChen, Fu Rou, as well as Grandpa and Grandma had been crazily trying to call them. The family group chat was also filled up with new messages.

Wen FanChu was puzzled, so he gave Fu Rou a call.

Once Fu Rou picked up, she immediately said: “FanChu, are you guys okay? Did anything happen?”

“We are fine, we just got to the hotel. What happened?” Wen FanChu confusedly asked.

“If there’s nothing then its good. The flight you guys had planned to take had an accident. The plane lost contact and until now they still haven’t been able to contact it.” Fu Rou’s voice was trembling. “Your uncle said that you guys took his private plane and changed the destination. I couldn’t help but worry so I kept calling your phone. It’s good that you guys are okay.”

When Wen FanChu heard this, and thought that him, his wife, as well as his sons and younger sister almost took that flight, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

The Author has something to say: [ Little Theater]
10 Years Later:
Xiong Er: Brother, I want to take Little Aunt out to play, you should not follow.
Xiong Da (Throws out those photos from his black history) : Hmm? What did you say?
Xiong Er: Nothing, you should bring Little Aunt out to play QAQ

Joey’s Corner
Hahahaha. When Xiong Er said he’ll put on MiaoMiao’s swimsuit, I just burst out laughing. I was also super certain that his parents would definitely have taken photos and save them for the future. 

I get the feeling that since the children are such adorable little foodies, we’re all going to be hungry whenever they get to go eat. Oh well… Even if I can’t get to eat the food, I can at least satisfy myself by looking at delicious pictures.

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