Qin Yi’s footsteps paused.

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That pair of eyes contained an emotion that Qin Yi had never seen before. The naked suffering and anguish was completely exposed. It was so real as though… as though Ye Ming still loved him….

Qin Yi stared at Ye Ming. He saw the blood that was caused him biting his lip, saw his silent tortured expression…. It was as though he could imagine how much effort his person had used, just then when he was alone in the room, to not make a sound..

The despair and suffering in those eyes was as deep as an ocean.

This was probably the look that Qin Yi wanted to see…

He felt as though some extreme wish inside his heart had finally become reality…

But, how was this possible?

[Ding! Qin Yi’s blackening -10, right now the value is 70.]

Qin Yi closed his eyes and walked over. With his thumb he lightly rubbed Ye Ming’s lips. Do you want to lie to me again? But I can’t help but admit that your acting is really top-class… if you are willing to lie to me your whole life, then I probably couldn’t bear to hurt you.

Qin Yi’s mouth twitched. He said, “You–” then he heard Ye Ming speak.

Ye Ming lightly raised his head and met his eyes. The anguish in his eyes slowly disappeared like the wind blowing apart the clouds. As though he had only just imagined it.

He smiled and said, “Don’t worry. I’ve already thought it through.”

Qin Yi’s heart sank. “What have you thought through?”

Ye Ming said in a calm voice. “Before I wronged you. I owe you money so I shouldn’t have tried to run away. If you want to get married or want to be with someone, then it’s none of my business. Don’t worry I won’t make a fuss anymore.”

Qin Yi’s body was frozen on the spot. The warmth that had only just risen in his heart was destroyed once more, only leaving an icy wasteland.

He released the fist that he was holding by his side. That’s right, just then it was all just his imagination. Probably his desire was too strong, so that’s why he developed this kind of unrealistic fantasy.

What he was seeing before his eyes now was the reality.

This was the only answer he could obtain.

Seeing Ye Ming so obedient he should be happy. However suddenly Qin Yi lost the will to exact revenge. He didn’t feel any happiness, instead he only felt very tired.

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Qin Yi gazed at the untouched cold bowls of food on the table and then turned around and left.

Not long after a servant brought up freshly prepared new bowls of food.

This time Ye Ming didn’t fuss but instead silently ate, his behaviour was very obedient.

This evening Qin Yi stayed very late in the study. It wasn’t until Ye Ming had already fallen asleep that he slowly returned back to his own room.

He gathered Ye Ming into his arms. The person in his arms had become a lot skinnier, his bones were practically showing. He was so fragile that he looked as though just touching him would break him.

He had reclaimed him, revenged himself upon him, but was he happy? In reality he wasn’t happy. He tortured this person but wasn’t he also torturing himself?

He couldn’t let go, he couldn’t find freedom.

Ye Ming slept restlessly. He woke up slowly and then stared stupidly at Qin Yi. He didn’t have the past expression of humiliated resistance, instead he only paused and then lay obediently in Qin Yi’s arms and kept sleeping.

Qin Yi looked at the youth’s compliant behaviour and his heartbeat slowed. His eyes had a complicated and hard to express emotion. But he didn’t do anything in the end. He just held him and passed the night without rest.


Ye Ming’s behaviour really become much more obedient. He was extremely compliant, so compliant that Qin Yi’s desire to force him disappeared. Because he didn’t need to force him. No matter how he treated him he didn’t seem to care.

Finally one day Qin Yi released his handcuff.

Ye Ming looked somewhat surprised at Qin Yi in the eyes.

Qin Yi looked at him too and said, “if you want to run away I won’t let you lightly. Do you understand?”

Ye Ming said swiftly, “I understand.”

Qin Yi nodded his head and threw the handcuff into the draw, not paying any more attention to Ye Ming.

Ye Ming was really very obedient. He didn’t show any signs of wanting to run away. It was as though he had completely accepted the reality. Qin Yi took him out a few times and so the people around him began to know that Qin Yi had an obedient lover.

Ye Ming portrayed the role of an underground lover perfectly. He didn’t ask anything about Qin Yi’s affairs and had no jealousy and made no fuss.

After a month, there came the day when Qin Yi had to go overseas on a business trip and left Ye Ming at home by himself.

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He sat in the room by himself for a while and then with a complicated expression opened the draw to look at the money Qin Yi had given him. The money sat there silently. After some time Ye Ming reluctantly closed the draw.

He didn’t touch a single bill of that money. He wore his pajamas and with a expressionless face walked out under the eyes of the bodyguards into the garden. These couple of days he often took walks at night. The bodyguards were used to it and didn’t think much of it.

Ye Ming walked to the corner to the garden, then climbed over the wall and disappeared speedily into the night.


Ye Ming didn’t have any money or even any documents. In the end he came to an old and run down motel. The motel just happened to be looking for workers. Ye Ming expressed an interest and he didn’t care about the salary, as long as he had a place to eat and sleep it was enough.

This kind of improper motel also didn’t really care about Ye Ming’s past. Greedily they accepted him to stay.

This way Ye Ming at least found a place to stay.

He lived in a very old and dilapidated room. It wasn’t much better than the old apartment he had rented. Every day the work was hard. He also didn’t eat or drink well. This time he didn’t need to act, it really was very pitiful.

[Ye Ming: I’ve already been here a week and Qin Yi hasn’t found me yet?!]

[888: …. Are you really so eager to go to your death?]

[Ye Ming: Of course not. Right now the timing is just right. It’s time for the big reveal, to let him know the “truth”!]

[888 laughed coldly: Oh? What truth is this?]

[Ye Ming: If you lend me 500 experience points then I’ll tell you.]

[888: Don’t you think you’ve dragged me down enough and now you still have face to borrow my experience points? He he.]

[Ye Ming: It’s not like I won’t return them…..]

[888: Don’t even think about it.]

There was a few minutes of silence then Ye Ming’s changed his face to a serious look.

[Ye Ming: Okay. I’ll tell you the truth.]

[888: Go for it.]

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[Ye Ming: I need to purchase a “Cancer Baby”, to let this body develop cancer. You see, I’ve got an incurable disease, about to die! That’s why back then I had no choice but to leave him! I didn’t want to distress him but I’m the real victim here ah!]

[888: …………………….]

[888: So that’s your retarded plan?!!!!!]

Ye Ming rubbed his ear and then remembered that his system came from his inside his head. He put down his arms and said seriously, “How is this plan retarded? It’s a classic! Do you know why classics are called classics! Because they’re very effective! I’m willing to bet as soon as Qin Yi knows, it will immediately reduce his blackening! Once a person dies the fire will be put out, all hate will disappear. Besides he still has feelings towards me.]

[888 laughed coldly: Really? In my opinion it would be a good thing if he doesn’t send you downstairs himself. Don’t forget you just lied to him again.]

[Ye Ming: Just believe me this once!]

[888: Believe you?]

[Ye Ming: …..]

[Ye Ming: Brother Eight! Lord Eight! Dad! O(∩_∩)O~]

[888: …….]

[Ye Ming: I’ll sign an IOU with you! You only need to lend me 500 experience points and I can finish the mission! Don’t only will it save your system evaluation, you can also receive the system’s 10,000 experience points reward! This is a great profit!]

[Ye Ming: It’s just 500 experience points. You won’t lose out! How could there be a better investment! And as soon as my experience points get unfrozen I will repay you doubly! Even a high profit loan came give you such a high rate of interest! If you don’t lend it to me then the mission is dead for sure! Just think, just 500 experience points in exchange for a beautiful result and also at the same time you’ll be saving me! What have you got to hesitate about?!]

[Ye Ming: Also if you don’t lend it to me, then you’ll be the evil person who watches me die ah! QAQ]

[888: …..]

[Ye Ming: Just consider it okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ]

8888: I really want to step on your face………


A black car stopped in front of the door of a dilapidated motel. The people passing by all looked over curiously. Why would someone who would drive such a luxury car live in a place like this?

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Qin Yi looked through the black glass towards the motel.

Just then he had received the information that Ye Ming was hiding here. These days Ye Ming hadn’t taken a step out of the motel, didn’t use his mobile and hadn’t gone on the internet. He lived a completely shut in life, all to get away from him.

He had trusted him again and just like that he had betrayed him once more. The supposed obedience… it was just an act he was doing as he prepared to run away, in order to fool Qin Yi.

Everything was fake.

Just like three years ago.

Qin Yi’s eyes were cold as ice. He pushed open the car door. This black leather shoes stepped onto the motel’s dirty floor. Step by step he walked into the place where Ye Ming was living.

The room didn’t have a lock. He pushed lightly and the door opened.

The person in the room heard the sound and turned around. His expression became shocked, he stared at him with a complicated expression.

Qin Yi smiled. He slowly walked towards Ye Ming and stood in front of him. Unexpectedly his voice was very low and soft. “You didn’t expect that I would find you?”

Ye Ming tightly pressed his lips together. But he didn’t try to run away again. In the moment that Qin Yi first appeared, he knew that he had nowhere left to run.

Qin Yi’s hands pressed down on Ye Ming’s shoulders, feeling the slight shudder running through him. His eyes were very dark and his voice was mocking. His smile didn’t rise to his eyes. “Are you scared? Because you know you tricked me again, so you’re scared?”

No, he wasn’t scared.

He was only sad. Finally we have walked past the point of no return.

Ye Ming lightly raised his eyes. He looked at Qin Yi. A range of emotions passed through his eyes: tenderness, love, a reluctance to part smile…

Qin Yi saw the smile in his eyes and the blood rushed to his head! How could this person still smile? How could he be so sure he wouldn’t do anything to him?!

With one hand Qin Yi pushed Ye Ming onto the ground! He bent over, lowered his head and stared into his eyes. “It’s too late to be scared now.”

Ye Ming’s brows tightened with pain. He opened his mouth as though he wanted to smile but he couldn’t speak. A wave of pain rose inside him, he began coughing violently, his throat was filled with the taste of blood.

But he didn’t want Qin Yi to discover it. So he used his hand to cover his mouth. But even so he began to cough more and more violently.

Qin Yi gave him a scornful look. He grabbed Ye Ming’s weak wrist and slowly with force pulled it away. He said coldly, “How much longer are you going to pretend–”

The next moment his eyes fell on the bloodstain on Ye Ming’s hand and his pupils dilated.

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