Ye Ming felt his clothes being lifted up and a sorrowful light flashed through his eyes. This again… he really couldn’t take it anymore!

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He furiously struggled. He thrust his knee against Qin Yi’s abdomen and in the the struggle he landed a blow on Qin Yi’s face, hitting him so hard his head was turned around.

Qin Yi paused then turned back expressionlessly. He forcibly suppressed Ye Ming’s struggle, pulled of his tie and bound his hands behind him, pressing him face down onto the ground! Ye Ming continued to struggle desperately, even if it was with his last breath, he didn’t want to allow this.

Qin Yi’s gaze was bloodthirsty. He looked down at Ye Ming’s side profile. You really want to run away from me? He lowered his head and said next to Ye Ming’s ear. “After you leave me where will you go? You want to go and find He ShaoChen? Do you know, he keeps asking around about you. He wants to steal you away from me.”

His voice was deeply chilly. “Maybe I should teach him a lesson. That way he won’t dare to think about you anymore, and you will also become more obedient.”

Ye Ming listened to Qin Yi’s cold voice and realized he might hurt He ShaoChen. Anguish flashed through his eyes. He had already fallen to such a state, he couldn’t drag He ShaoChen down with him.

Suddenly he laughed and said mockingly, “How can you be so stupid? He ShaoChen has always treated you like a good brother. If it wasn’t for me seducing him, why would he like me? But even I didn’t realize his feelings were so deep…”

“You two brothers were played by me, running around in circles. Unfortunately I’m not interested in him right now.” Ye Ming said coldly. “It’s been this many years and you still can’t let it go, it’s really unexpected.”

Qin Yi stared at him fixedly. The last string of sanity in his mind felt like it was about to break. “Shut up!”

Ye Ming didn’t listen at all. Instead he kept talking. “Except for fucking me, what else can you do? You only have this one ability, it looks to me like you can’t let go of me. What, you couldn’t have fallen in love with me right? Hahahahaha!”

Qin Yi’s gaze was red hot. “I told you to shut up!” He tightened his fist and raised it, the back of his hand was already blue with violence.

[Ding! Qin Yi’s blackening +5, right now the blackening value is 80.]

Ye Ming’s eyes betrayed a mocking expression. Then he closed his eyes as though he was preparing for the fist to land. But after waiting for a long time he didn’t feel the expected pain. Instead he felt the air around his skin cool.

Qin Yi slowly lowered his fist and gave a cold laugh. “I was almost tricked by you. You really want to be fucked by me? Want to be humiliated? Or do you think this way you can make me leave you?”

Ye Ming’s face was tightly pressed against the ground. He closed his eyes and his eyelashes trembled.

It was the familiar feeling of being torn open, as though all the world’s heartlessness was being split into two.

Why did you even come back…

He really… just wanted to see the person he loved once more. Even if it was just to look at him from afar, even if they didn’t have any relationship. But it must be that the fates strongly despised him, and wanted to punish him.

His heart should have died now. Qin Yi no longer cared about him, didn’t love him at all… he could easily and carelessly give him away. Now he was going to get married and have children. There was no more place for him by his side.

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His very existence was a mistake.

Qin Yi withdrew his touch slowly. He saw the person below him expose a pained expression, and he felt the thrill of revenge. He said slowly, “This time the ending will be decided by me.”

He embraced the semi-conscious Ye Ming and took him back to his room and threw him violently on the bed. Then he took out a pair of handcuffs and chained his right hand onto the head of the bed.

Ye Ming weakly moved his wrist, his eyes were deeply pained. His frail body coughed softly.

Qin Yi patted his face. Coldly he laughed. “Don’t worry, when I’ve gotten tired of playing with you, naturally I will let you go.”


When Ye Ming woke up he found he was back his own room but he didn’t hurry to open his eyes.

[Ye Ming: Did he say yesterday that when he got tired of me he would let me go?]

[888: Yes he did say that.]

[Ye Ming: Ai….]

[888: What?]

[Ye Ming: I’m afraid he won’t be able to wait until that day.]

[888: …..] He was insane if he tried to keep this conversation going with this jerk!

[Ye Ming: Someone like me with this beautiful appearance that can steal away someone’s soul, how can you get tired of it hahahaha.]

[888: …..] How can someone this shameless exist in the world?

Ye Ming carefully prepared his feelings and then slowly opened his eyes. He immediately saw a face close to his own. Right now Qin Yi was still holding him in his embrace. He immediately turned back his head in shame, not wanting his movements to disturb Qin Yi.

Qin Yi opened his eyes. His eyes were very bright. Clearly he had not slept.

Even though Ye Ming had been living with him for some time but every time after during the deed Qin Yi would leave. He had never slept with this person in his arms like this, because he felt this person didn’t deserve his tenderness or care.

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Only until Ye Ming said he wanted to leave, then he locked him here. He fully gave into his urges this time, and thought it was not bad either.

Qin Yi’s grasped Ye Ming’s chin and turned his head around. There was a smile on his lips. “Is this how you treat your benefactor?”

Ye Ming moved his handcuffed hand. The sound of metallic clanging sounded against the bed frame. He breathed in deeply. It seemed he wanted to say something but in the end he didn’t open his mouth. He only closed his eyes again.

He didn’t explain because he understood anything he said was uselessly.

Qin Yi could feel Ye Ming’s silent resistance but he didn’t care. He reached into the blankets and after a while Ye Ming couldn’t resist making a noise. His eyes slowly opened and wet eyes showed a painful expression. “You… stop it…”

Qin Yi lowered his head and lightly kissed Ye Ming’s pale, trembling lips. Mocking he laughed. “You don’t like it? Since I’ve paid for it, even if you don’t like it you just have to endure it.”

Ye Ming’s eyes were filled with anguish. He said brokenly, “Let me go… let me go…”

He didn’t want to continue this any longer.

Qin Yi smiled. But his smile was filled with violence. “That isn’t up to you. Who told  you to provoke me?”

Painful humiliation made Ye Ming’s face red. Any resistance would be met with a brutal retaliation. Not long after he didn’t have any strength left to resist, only his tears kept falling.

Only then did Qin Yi stop. Slowly he dressed himself and put on his tie. He lightly gazed at Ye Ming once and then turned to leave.


After that day Ye Ming didn’t leave the bed once. Qin Yi personally took care of him and didn’t seem to find it arduous. Every night he would wildly take him, as though he had endless energy. It didn’t take long for Ye Ming’s entire person to weaken considerably, even 888 said that he (YM) had gone too far.

This day Qin Yi once again personally brought food to feed Ye Ming. Ye Ming stared woodenly at the bowl and didn’t reach out to take the chopsticks.

Qin Yi stared at him coldly for a while and then got up. “I have a date tonight so I don’t have time to mess around with you. If you don’t want to eat then don’t.”

After speaking he slammed the door and left.

Ye Ming slowly raised his eyes and stared at the closed door.

[Ye Ming: He actually abandoned me to go on a date….]

[888: It’s because you’re too stubborn. Even eating a meal is like serving an ancestor. Qin Yi is already extremely patient.]

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[Ye Ming: Whose side are you on? Besides if I didn’t act like this it wouldn’t be logical.]

[888: This whole thing was set up by you, no one told you act this way.]

[Ye Ming: ……]

Ye Ming lay down like a corpse. His whole face was gray.

So hungry. Really want to eat.

Several hours passed.

Ye Ming continued to lie on the bed. Every now and then he would glance at the food on the table. As he was making a painful decision in his mind, he suddenly heard the sound of talking from outside.


Jiang LuYao carefully ate a meal with Qin Yi. From the beginning to end she had an serious expression like she was eating a meal with her boss. After all whoever paid was the boss. Qin Yi gave her 10 million dollars to persuade her to pretend to be engaged to him, apparently the reason was to resist the persistent suitors from outside.

This kind of scenario from a Mary Sue novel had fallen on Jiang LuYao’s head, she didn’t hesitate. For 10 million she agreed to the deal.

Her father’s small company recently was having financial troubles. Ten million dollars could take them out of danger. As for Qin Yi this male god, even if the relationship wasn’t real then at least she could satisfy her eyes, it was pretty good.

She wasn’t scared of losing out. On the contract their rights and obligations were written clearly not to mention Qin Yi had always behaved polite and gentlemanly towards her. In real life he was even better looking than on TV. Jiang LuYao felt that in the situation of her not being able to control herself and took advantage of Qin Yi, he probably wouldn’t hit her ba…..

Although Qin Yi and Jiang LuYao had gotten engaged, however in reality the two of them rarely saw each other. Even the marriage announcement was directly given to the media company to do. Of course there definitely wasn’t any rings or flowers,  both sides knew it was fake.

The date today already made Jiang LuYao very surprised. After the date Qin Yi even took her home, it really shocked her to no end. The whole way there her head was dizzy… could it really be that Qin Yi was interested in her? It was probably better not to have this kind of daydream right?

Just as Jiang LuYao’s mood was fluctuating wildly, Qin Yi expressed to her that now was the time for her to fulfill her obligation.

Jiang LuYao breathed a sigh of relief! So it was like this, this was normal. In order to help Qin Yi get rid of those annoying flies, she had pretend to be a loving couple with Qin Yi anytime he required it. But she had no physical responsibilities, that would be assault.

No wonder Qin Yi took her home! It was for work!

Jiang LuYao took Qin Yi’s ten million but she hadn’t been able to fulfill her end of her bargain even once. So she felt very uneasy about taking the money. So now she patted her chest and reassured Qin Yi that she would act well!

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After Qin Yi finished telling her what to do, he took Jiang LuYao up to the second floor. He gazed at a closed door and said in a clear voice to Jiang LuYao, “The marriage will take place in one month, is that okay?”

Jiang LuYao looked into Qin Yi’s handsome face and her cheeks went somewhat pink. “Oh, okay…”

Qin Yi then said, “After a few times when I have time, I’ll take you to Paris to design a custom wedding dress.”

Jiang LuYao: “En… en….”

Qin Yi smiled. “Other than okay and ‘en’, don’t you have anything else you want to say? If you have any thoughts you can tell me okay?”

Jiang LuYao, “…..” It’s not that I don’t want to say something else, but male god it’s too hard to get close to you. I can’t get into this act ahhhh! I’m already trying so hard that my face is sweating…

Qin Yi looked helpless. He said, “That’s fine. You don’t need to worry. I’ll take care of everything.”


Qin Yi said a few more words to Jiang LuYao and then took her home. Then he returned back to the room on the second floor.

There was no longer any trace of a smile on his face.  He resumed his serious and cold face, there was a complicated expression in his eyes.

Today he really was fucking childish, but he still did it….

What kind of result was he hoping for?

These days he was with Ye Ming everyday but he could only use violent means to obtain him. Ye Ming had steeled his heart and was set on leaving him. Why did Ye Ming suddenly make this decision? Clearly before he had been slowly becoming more obedient… was it really because he had decided to get married?

Why would Ye Ming care about him getting married? Unless he…. still cared about him?

This thought made Qin Yi want to laugh at himself. How could Ye Ming still care about him…. He didn’t love him at all, otherwise he wouldn’t have left him so heartlessly!

His childish actions were just to make fun of himself.

Qin Yi raised his hand and finally lightly pushed open the door.

As soon as he raised his head he looked straight into Ye Ming’s eyes. At that moment he didn’t know why but his heart jumped.

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