Ye Ming’s expression slightly changed, and he didn’t speak.

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Instead, Zhou Jiaping reacted first, and gave Shen Ye a curious look. Shen Ye’s demeanor, attitude, and clothing unmistakably distinguished him as a successful member of society, with a maturity and steadiness that differed from college students like themselves who’d just stepped foot into society. However, what surprised him most was, how did Tao Xu become acquainted with such a person?



Shen Ye looked nothing like someone who belonged to the same world as them.

Ye Ming clenched his hands, then came to his senses as well. Shen Ye had probably only paid a bit more attention to him because of his appearance, but had no idea who he was. Now, they were nothing more than mere strangers who had met once before… so there was no need for him to be so flustered. He nodded slightly, then said, “Hello.” 

Shen Ye gazed at Ye Ming’s face. He wasn’t an especially impulsive person. But, he had to admit that every time Ye Ming appeared in front of him, he’d easily grab all of his attention, causing him to act out of control.


However, he found that Ye Ming’s reaction was somewhat beyond his expectations. He looked unruffled, and was behaving neither humbly nor arrogantly. There was no sign of panic on his face from running into him, nor was he overtly treating him any differently because of that incident last time. It was as if he really was just a casual acquaintance passing by. This kind of bearing was very rare in a college student who’d yet to graduate.

This made it easy for others to forget his age when interacting with him. It was as though this youthful body housed a more mature soul.

“Is this your boyfriend?” Shen Ye asked Ye Ming cheerily, the corners of his lips slightly raised, as he gave Zhou Jiaping a meaningful look.


Ye Ming hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded.

How wonderful ah. Shen Ye looked at Zhou Jiaping with a nearly indiscernible smile on his lips, but the depths of his eyes were filled with pain. Back then, before Han Xu had revealed his true colors, they’d also gotten along very well like this…

They’d dine together and chat, discussing all kinds of trivial matters. As long as they were together, he’d feel satisfied, as though this world was filled with warmth.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

But later on, recalling these things left him with nothing but pain and hatred. 

Vtfc Tf rcjqqfv bea bo la, jcv gjlrfv tlr tjcv ab mtfmx atf alwf, yfobgf rjslcu klat j rwlif, “P kbc’a vlrgeqa sbeg wfji jcs ibcufg. P’ii yf ajxlcu ws ifjnf olgra.”

Ktfc, tf ifoa klat tlr yju, aegclcu jgbecv jr lo cbatlcu tjv tjqqfcfv.

Vtfc Tf kjixfv bea bo atf gfrajegjca, jcv kfca jii atf kjs ab atf ecvfgugbecv qjgxlcu iba. Llr olcufg ajqqfv jujlcra atf raffglcu ktffi, jcv joafg j ibcu alwf… j mbwqifz ibbx bo tfrlajalbc regojmfv lc tlr fsfr.

Although he’d acted nonchalant as he’d left, trying his best to conceal the true feelings inside his heart, when Ye Ming had admitted that Zhou Jiaping was his boyfriend, suddenly, an odd sense of jealousy had sprouted within him. 

He wanted to take that person for himself!

This wasn’t love, nor was it affection, but rather, a pure desire for possession. Ye Ming was too similar to Han Xu, much too similar… so similar that even though he was just a fake, he still wanted to keep him under his control.

Whether he loved or hated that person, he couldn’t tolerate him being with someone else.

This was the first time in ten years after Han Xu had left… that such thoughts about another person had been elicited in Shen Ye. 


Watching as Shen Ye left, Ye Ming let out a small sigh of relief. Although he clearly understood that they had nothing to do with each other now, he still felt a little dejected in his heart.


Zhou Jiaping also let out a sigh of relief. Shen Ye had only appeared for less than a minute, and had said no more than three sentences, but the oppressive sense of pressure he exuded had actually reduced him to silence. He hadn’t been able to utter a single word. He probably wouldn’t have even been this nervous in front of a teacher.

Zhou Jiaping frowned, and asked Ye Ming, “Who is he?” 

Ye Ming paused, then said lightly, “I met him once while working in the hotel, just briefly.”

Zhou Jiaping didn’t think too much about it, and didn’t suspect that Ye Ming might be lying to him at all. In his heart, this explanation also made the most sense to him. Otherwise, Tao Xu would’ve never gotten the chance to meet with someone like that. He no longer paid any attention to this small interlude, and said to Ye Ming with a smile, “Let’s go out this weekend ba. We can ride a bike over, then stay at a farmhouse for a night before coming back. I’ve already booked an appointment for us!”

He felt that Ye Ming must’ve been too tired from working and looking for a job at the same time. He wanted to do everything possible to make him feel more relaxed and happy.

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Ye Ming gave a soft sigh. He paused for a moment, then raised his head, earnestly looking into Zhou Jiaping’s eyes, before finally saying, “Actually, there was something I wanted to tell you today.” 

Zhou Jiaping said with a smile, “What is it?”

Ye Ming said word by word, “Let’s break up ba.”

With a pa, the spoon in Zhou Jiaping’s hand fell onto the table. He looked at Ye Ming incredulously. Why? Obviously, they’d been doing just fine. Why had he suddenly mentioned them breaking up?

“You, you’re kidding ba?” Zhou Jiaping’s face had turned pale, and he gave him a hurt look. 

Ye Ming felt guilty, but he didn’t want to waste Zhou Jiaping’s time. With a calm expression, he repeated himself once again, clearly enunciating each word, “I’m not kidding. I asked you out today just to have a talk with you about this matter.”

Zhou Jiaping stared at him. After a long while, he gritted his teeth, and said, “I want a reason.”

Ye Ming hesitated for a moment, then said, “I don’t think we’re right for each other…”

Zhou Jiaping abruptly interrupted him angrily, “I won’t accept such a shoddy excuse!” 

Because his voice was a bit loud, the people at the tables near them all looked over, whispering and murmuring.

Ye Ming’s brow was slightly furrowed. Although he truly felt apologetic towards Zhou Jiaping, his decision wouldn’t change. He slowly said, “With relationships, you get together when there’s compatibility, and separate once there’s not. Take your time to think things over.”

At that, Ye Ming stood up.

But, how could Zhou Jiaping just let Ye Ming leave like that. He grabbed his wrist, his eyes a little red, “Xiao Xu, don’t you like me anymore?” 

Ye Ming looked into his eyes. He opened his mouth, then finally said, “Yes, I don’t like you anymore.”

Ye Ming forcefully shook off Zhou Jiaping’s hand, then turned around and left. He didn’t turn back to see the young man’s sad appearance. He knew that his actions were very cruel. He was always hurting others, so… don’t like me anymore.


Just like Shen Ye, it’d be best if you didn’t like me anymore… I’m not worthy of your affections.

Ye Ming walked up to the checkout counter, and was just about to pay the bill, when the cashier glanced at him, then said with a smile, “You’re from Table 12, right. A Mr. Shen has already paid for the bill.” 

Ye Ming’s hand that’d been reaching for his wallet momentarily paused. He nodded, then left.

【888: I feel like Zhou Jiaping won’t give up so easily.】

【Ye Ming: Of course. Supposing we use his favorability value as an analogy, he should probably have at least 80 points for Tao Xu. How could he casually agree to a breakup, ne~】

【888: You do appear to be doing this rather perfunctorily, as if you don’t care at all.】 

【Ye Ming: Young people ma, they’ll learn their lesson after suffering a bit. He’s not important. What’s important is my family’s Shen Ye. Did he pay attention to me again today? Xixixi.】

【888: You could say that ba.】

【Ye Ming: Ah~ I’m counting on him for my blissful life~】

【888: …】 

Today, he’d basically finished up everything that needed to be done. Ye Ming went back to his dorm room and had a great nap. Then, he got up in the afternoon to continue working in the hotel.

Inside the hotel, Ye Ming was bustling about, carrying dishes while sighing.

【Ye Ming: It’s already been two days. Why hasn’t Shen Ye made a move yet? It’s too unscientific ah. This is a trap I carefully prepared for him. Based on his favorability and blackening values for me, how can he act so indifferent after seeing someone this similar?! Shouldn’t he be experiencing tempestuous waves of emotion???】



【888: Perhaps the heavens find you displeasing to the eye, then?】

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【Ye Ming: …】 

Ye Ming was busy until 9:00 in the evening. Then, he changed into his clothes, walking out from the hotel exhausted. But, he hadn’t taken more than a few steps, when he saw an inconspicuous black car slowly drive up to his side.


Ye Ming immediately became very excited on the inside, but pasted on an expression of utter surprise.

When the car window rolled down, Shen Ye’s handsome profile was revealed, appearing especially sharp in the dim light of night. He turned his head slightly, gazing at him with a profound look in his dark eyes, before he faintly smiled, “Get in the car. I’ll take you back.”

Ye Ming’s gaze darkened, but he didn’t move. Instead, he watched him warily. “No need, thank you.”


Even if their previous encounter had really been a coincidence, it was absolutely impossible for it to be a coincidence this time. Shen Ye wouldn’t put in all of this effort for a waiter he’d only met once. Could he have discovered something? Had he figured out his identity? Impossible… he hadn’t exposed any flaws at all.

Shen Ye looked at Ye Ming’s standoffish and vigilant expression, and chuckled softly, “Don’t worry, I’m just taking you home. If I wanted to do something to you, I wouldn’t need to go through all of this trouble. Besides… I basically helped you out last time, right?”

Shen Ye’s expression looked natural and casual. After saying this, he waited patiently for Ye Ming’s reply.

Ye Ming stared at him for a long time. Finally, he opened the door and sat inside. 

He could’ve refused Shen Ye, but he understood him very well. There had to be a purpose behind Shen Ye doing so. Rather than risk passively waiting for the unknown, he might as well face it calmly, and see what exactly Shen Ye had in mind.

Ye Ming sat shotgun, and only told him his school address, before falling completely silent. He looked outside into the night. Neon lights were flickering everywhere. What an opulent and extravagant city.

The car finally came to a gradual stop in front of his school gates. Shen Ye turned to look at Ye Ming.

The moonlight cast a soft glow on Ye Ming’s fair skin, his eyelashes casting a faint shadow underneath his eyes. His pale pink lips arced beautifully, his handsome face… exactly like the one in his memories, time instantly rewinding to his blissful past… 

Back when that person had yet to fire that single shot at him.

The strong emotions in Shen Ye’s eyes intermingled with his hatred. Finally, his gaze fell on Ye Ming’s slightly youthful and attractive features, with only darkness and deep-seated possessiveness remaining.

He’d thought about it for an entire two days, analyzing his innermost desires. Finally, the conclusion he arrived at was— he wanted him.

After a decade, he’d finally been reduced to such a state, becoming attracted to a substitute. 

It was probably because he’d never met anyone as similar to that person as Ye Ming before…

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Deceiving himself like this, he became unable to extricate himself.


C oiffalcu, rfio-vfqgfmjalcu rwlif aeuufv ja atf mbgcfgr bo Vtfc Tf’r wbeat, jcv rboa ijeutafg rqliifv ogbw tlr ilqr. Llvlcu ecvfg tlr ecrkfgnlcu uelrf bo ufcaif agjcdelilas, tf ibbxfv ja Tf Zlcu jcv rjlv, “P tjnfc’a lcagbvemfv wsrfio ab sbe sfa. Zs cjwf lr Vtfc Tf. Ktlr lr ws yerlcfrr mjgv.”

Shen Ye held his black business card in his slender fingers, smiling as he handed it over to Ye Ming. His textured business card had a simple design, merely inscripted with his name and telephone number. Shen Ye rarely gave other people his business card, and this was the very first time he’d given a business card printed with his private telephone number to a poor student without a high-status to boot. 

Ye Ming accepted it, glancing over it indifferently. En, his phone number had changed. Besides that, he had no particular feelings about it.

Shen Ye saw Ye Ming’s calm expression, and subtly leaned forward, slightly shifting closer to Ye Ming. The top button on his shirt had been left undone. He was wearing a sports coat and wasn’t dressed too formally, giving him an unruly touch, faintly exuding an aura of maturity.

He said with a faint smile, “I heard you’ve recently been looking for jobs everywhere. I think our company has a suitable position for you. Moreover, it’s not easy for young people like you to buy a house and settle down if you want to stay in this city… I would love to help you out. Or, if you have any ideas, you can tell me what you think, either way is fine with me. By the way… my company is called the Yuancheng group. You’ve probably heard of it before.”

His voice was pitched low. An ambiguous atmosphere pervaded the inside of the cramped car, and Shen Ye’s invasive gaze made his intentions clear. 

Ye Ming abruptly erupted with fury!

What ‘job’, what ‘buy a house and settle down’… what ‘help out’, it was all a load of crap! Shen Ye was offering to keep him! He actually wanted to keep him!

Ye Ming’s chest heaved. He lowered his gaze, trying his best to suppress his anger, acting as though he hadn’t quite understood the meaning behind his words, “Mr. Shen, why are you being this enthusiastic?”

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Shen Ye chuckled, his gloomy gaze landing on Ye Ming’s face. His thin lips slightly parted, and his clear, low-pitched voice echoed inside the car, “Are you willing to come with me?” 

Ye Ming gripped the business card so tightly his hand turned white. This was so unbelievably ludicrous, he practically wanted to laugh up at the sky!

Shen Ye wanted to keep him! Was there anything more preposterous than this? He’d never dreamed that he’d actually end up in such sad state of affairs after his rebirth. The person he’d once loved so deeply was now using such a condescending tone to offer to keep him.

So, do you actually love me or not?

If you still love me, then how could you be willing to keep a person who looks this similar to me around. Don’t you think that’s disgusting? And if you don’t love me… why do you want to keep me, a poor student who has nothing to do with you, right now? 

Ye Ming raised his head. He took the business card, then slowly tore it to pieces in front of Shen Ye, looking at him with an aloof gaze, “Apologies, Mr. Shen. I don’t think I’ll be needing your help.”

There was a cold look hidden in the depths of Shen Ye’s gaze, but his tone was still mild, as though he was unruffled, “Is it because you have a boyfriend?”

Ye Ming finally smiled. He glanced at Shen Ye, an endless amount of helplessness and sadness flickering through his eyes, not without a degree of desolate self-mockery. He clearly enunciated, “Even if it weren’t for him, I still wouldn’t agree.”

After that, he didn’t bother giving Shen Ye a second glance, before pushing open the door and getting off. 

Ten years ago, he’d irrevocably broken off his relationship with the Shen family, and had even hurt the person he’d loved the most without any hesitation because of it. How could he possibly return to Shen Ye’s side now as a substitute?

That would be much too ridiculous!


Shen Ye didn’t stop him, nor did he say anything. He only retracted his gaze calmly, as if Ye Ming’s behavior had been within his expectations. He lowered his gaze, and looked at the shredded business card in his car. The corners of his lips turned up, but his gaze was dark.

What a pity. But, he’d absolutely obtain the person that he wanted. 

Back then, he hadn’t been able to obtain that person’s love, the only thing he’d ever wanted but could never acquire… and now, ten years later, could he not even get his hands on a fake?



Ye Ming returned to his dorm room, and rolled around the top of his bed excitedly. But, the mattress frame was too hard, causing his bones to ache, so he could only stop. 

【Ye Ming: Ahhhhhaoaoaoaoao, Shen Ye is finally interested in me! It’s been really tough. I’m looking forward to it with so much excitement, my heart’s about to leap out of my chest QAQ.】


【Ye Ming: It’s a pity I can’t directly accept his deal. Never fear, just continue to chase after me and coerce me!】

【888: Get out.】 

Ye Ming was incredibly excited. He knew that he would soon reach the pinnacle of life. No matter how crazy willing he was, Ye Ming still couldn’t collapse his character settings. At any rate, it was impossible for him to willingly become Shen Ye’s nondescript lover. That would besmirch his dignity! He still had to perform his part well for this play!

When Ye Ming got up the next day, he noticed that his phone had received a text message from an unfamiliar number. The content was concise: If you change your mind, you can contact me at any time.

Ye Ming could guess whose number this was even with his toes. He didn’t even need 888 to check it for him at all, but he still decided to give Shen Ye the cold shoulder for a while. Presumably, Shen Ye would soon make a move anyway.

Shen Ye wasn’t the type of person who’d make his decisions arbitrarily. Since he’d spoken to him, it meant that he’d already considered everything seriously, and wouldn’t give up so easily. 

Ye Ming continued to lead a busy and fulfilling life, wondering exactly how Shen Ye planned on dealing with him. Would he start with his work or his studies?

He’d heard that the developing Yuancheng group had been wildly expanding in recent years. Shen Ye’s methods should be much more sophisticated than before ah, and he probably wouldn’t act soft-hearted. Zezeze, he really was looking forward to it…

Only, after a few days in a row, everything was still as peaceful as ever.

Apart from that text message, Shen Ye never sent him anything else. Conversely, Zhou Jiaping had never stopped sending him messages. 

Zhou Jiaping had probably been struck too hard by Ye Ming’s request for them to break up. After moping for two days, he’d finally begun to send an endless flow of messages to Ye Ming again. He’d gone to the dormitories several times looking for Ye Ming, but in vain. Ye Ming was obviously avoiding him, and wouldn’t answer the phone. Zhou Jiaping felt extremely helpless. He could only text Ye Ming, trying to ask him out for another meeting. He still couldn’t really understand why Ye Ming wanted to break up with him.

Ye Ming, however, had broken up with him wholeheartedly. Of course he wouldn’t agree to Zhou Jiaping’s request. It wasn’t a good thing to keep him hanging like that. It was best to be more cold and decisive when breaking up with someone else, making a clean break. After all, short-term pain trumped long-term pain, ma.

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Ye Ming returned to his dorm room late one night after working all day. When he took a look at his phone, he raised an eyebrow with some surprise.

He had basically gotten used to his phone being bombarded daily by Zhou Jiaping’s text messages. Now, he felt a little out of sorts, suddenly having a phone bereft of any text messages. But… this was a bit out of the ordinary, ah. How could Zhou Jiaping give up so suddenly? Could it be…? 

【888: You should be able to hear from Shen Ye very soon.】

【Ye Ming whispered: Did Shen Ye warn Zhou Jiaping or something?】

【888: No, he’s just diverting Zhou Jiaping away from minding his relationship problems for the time being. After all, he’s too busy with his own personal affairs right now.】

【Ye Ming: What did he do…】 

【888: Zhou Jiaping’s father was dismissed from his company, while some issues cropped up in his own internship. Normally, it wouldn’t be anything serious, something that could easily be dealt with, but now the company is intent on demanding compensation from him, greatly impacting him.】

【Ye Ming: …】

【A distressed Ye Ming lamented: How awful. It would appear as though I’m the only one who can come to my beloved ex-boyfriend’s rescue!】

【Ye Ming: Just come at me! Don’t hurt the innocent!】 


Ye Ming woke up. After many days, he was finally receiving a call from Shen Ye once again.

His phone rang with a call from that unfamiliar phone number for a very long time, but no one answered up to the point the call ended. The other side didn’t continue calling either. After a few minutes, a message arrived with a ding.

Ye Ming picked up his cell phone and looked at it. The message said: Have you changed your mind yet? 

Ye Ming finally responded to this text message: Don’t come looking for me again. I won’t be agreeing.

Shen Ye’s reply came very quickly: I just helped you again. Why don’t you consider it once more? You won’t suffer if you come with me.

Ye Ming took a long time to respond this time: What did you help me with?

Shen Ye replied: I helped you get rid of your ex-boyfriend. 

Ye Ming looked at this message, his expression dramatically shifting. He rapidly called him back, an anxious look appearing in his eyes. Fortunately, Shen Ye soon picked up, and Ye Ming impatiently asked, “What did you do?!”

No wonder Zhou Jiaping had suddenly fallen silent. He’d assumed that he’d thought things through… and he’d actually neglected to consider something like this!


The caller on the other side was quiet for a while, before Shen Ye’s deep laughter was immediately transmitted through: “I only temporarily left him with no time to disturb you. Shouldn’t you be thanking me?”

Ye Ming was furious beyond words. Who wanted his help for something like this! This was clearly a threat, demonstrating how he’d go after the people around him. Today, it was Zhou Jiaping. Would he directly threaten him the next time, then?! Or would he threaten his family members? 

But what made the seething Ye Ming feel the most guilty for was Zhou Jiaping being dragged down because of him…

“I don’t need you to be such a busybody,” Ye Ming’s voice had chilled, and he was unable to suppress the anger inside his heart.

Shen Ye paused. Ye Ming’s concern for Zhou Jiaping had slightly exceeded his expectations. He’d investigated everything about Ye Ming and had a good understanding of his family situation, his academics, and his relationships. Although he hadn’t quite understood why he’d suggested breaking up out of the blue, this… was more congruent with the results of his investigation. Ye Ming evidently cared about Zhou Jiaping very much.

He was simultaneously happy and unhappy. He was happy he could use this to make Ye Ming submit to him. What made him unhappy was how much Ye Ming liked Zhou Jiaping. 

Shen Ye’s voice also became a little colder: “It’s not impossible.”

Ye Ming said frigidly: “Then, back off immediately.”

Shen Ye chuckled, his tone ripe with meaning, snaking through the receiver of his phone, virtually capable of striking right at a person’s heart no matter the distance, carrying an oppressive scent of danger. It was like a wild beast tearing off its disguise at last, gradually revealing its ferocious fangs.

He said: “Although it’s just a small matter, it’ll feel more sincere if we talk face to face. What do you think?” 

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