An hour later, Ye Ming was standing downstairs in front of a five-star hotel.

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【Ye Ming: Excellent, how very direct of him. He actually went straight to booking a hotel room for our appointment. Does this mean he’s planning on doing shameful things with me? Shy.jpg】



【888: …】

【Ye Ming: This won’t do, I’m getting a little too excited…】 

Ye Ming went inside the elevator, pressed on the button for his floor, then checked his phone. He walked up to the door plated with the room number Shen Ye had given him, then knocked on it.


No response came from inside. He hesitated for a moment. Seeing that the door had been left unlocked, he finally gritted his teeth, then pushed the door open and walked in. The suite had thick, plush carpeting, and almost no sounds were made when he walked over it.

Ye Ming went through the entryway, then saw Shen Ye sitting there at his living room bar, holding onto a glass of red wine, gently swirling it around. The muted, dim lighting illuminated his face, slightly softening his sharp features, while there was an obscure, gloomy look in his dark eyes.

He turned to Ye Ming and smiled, “You’ve arrived. Right on time.”


Ye Ming’s lips were pressed together tightly, fury brewing in his eyes. He’d figured that Shen Ye might try something, but him making a move on Zhou Jiaping was beyond his expectations. They’d already broken up, yet Shen Ye still wouldn’t even let his ex-boyfriend off!

Because he’d come all the way here in a fit of ill temper, Ye Ming’s voice came out a little cold, “I’m here. Does that mean you can put and end to all of this now.”

Shen Ye looked at him, a smile flickering on his face. He suddenly put down his wine glass, then got up and walked towards Ye Ming, peering down into his eyes. There was a lilt to his voice, the dulcet tones soothing like a cello, “Since you care this much about him, why break up with him?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tf Zlcu bcis ujnf tlw j mega gfrqbcrf, “Pa’r cbcf bo sbeg yerlcfrr.” 

Vtfc Tf kjrc’a boofcvfv. Pcrafjv, tf ijeutfv jcv rjlv, “Pa vbfrc’a wjaafg lo sbe vbc’a kjca ab rjs… P’w j wjc bo ws kbgv. P qgbwlrfv cba ab wjxf atlcur vloolmeia obg tlw jr ibcu jr sbe kfgf kliilcu ab mbwf tfgf.”

Ye Ming stood frozen to the spot. He’d originally thought that Shen Ye would take advantage of this opportunity to threaten him, but he was unexpectedly being so forthright instead. Did he not actually want him all that much then? And… perhaps what had caught his attention was how similar he looked when compared to his previous self. Maybe he’d thought too much…

“Okay.” Ye Ming’s expression finally eased a little, and he announced, “Then, I’ll be leaving now.”

Shen Ye softly sighed, “You’re already here, so why don’t you stay for a while before you leave?” 

Ye Ming declared, “There’s nothing for us to talk about.”

“Is that so…” Shen Ye lowered his gaze, appearing to be contemplating something. He then focused his gaze on Ye Ming’s back, and finally began commenting at a leisurely pace, “I think there are still many good topics for us to discuss. Your family is in County N, City X. Your father can’t work because of his disability. Your mother works to earn money and support the entire family by herself. You also have two younger siblings who are still in school… no wonder you’re so anxious to find a job while still working part-time over there concomitantly. I understand just how difficult things are for you. In fact, you can improve the conditions in your home without working hard at all. Why don’t you consider it? Oftentimes, making a hasty decision doesn’t necessarily mean it’s correct.”

Ye Ming abruptly flipped around, a furious glint in his eyes, “You’re. Investigating. Me?”

The corners of Shen Ye’s lips turned up, “I just want to help you.” 

Bullsh*t! Ye Ming very nearly let these two words slip out. His eyes were colored with outrage and disappointment. He’d genuinely believed that Shen Ye was going to let him go. It turned out this was what he really had planned for him… Zhou Jiaping wasn’t his goal at all. His family was the true final chip Shen Ye had in mind to threaten him with!

He wanted to make him understand just how easily he could invade his life and destroy everything… because, for Tao Xu, his family had long been dangling off a precarious edge, and wouldn’t be able to bear the brunt of even a single blow.


He’d been reborn inside Tao Xu’s body, and was living on in his stead. How could he allow his family to get hurt because of him? How would he be able to keep his conscience clean, then?!

Ye Ming felt a pang of sorrow. The face of the man in front of him had taken on a forbidding look, the ghost of a smile hanging on his lips. He was actually capable of doing something like this with such levity, making it impossible for him to refuse… Ye Ming’s chest heaved, and he raised a hand to hit Shen Ye in the face! 

But, in the next moment, his wrist was firmly grasped by Shen Ye, followed by him being spun around, his back hitting the wall as Shen Ye forced him against it! Shen Ye’s tall body towered over him, a vaguely dangerous look in his eyes as he sternly berated him, “Is this how you repay someone’s goodwill? Don’t challenge my patience.”

He was merely a plaything for him to pass the time with. He was willing to make some allowances for him when he was in a good mood, but Shen Ye would never allow him to display this kind of insolence. He needed to have a clear understanding of his own identity!

Ye Ming’s face paled with anger.

Shen Ye lowered his head, moving close to his ear, his deep voice somber, “It seems as though you haven’t quite figured out the situation yet. I am willing to help you. With me, you’ll be able to live a good life, and the problems in your family will all disappear… but, even if you’re unwilling, I presume you must not want your life to become even worse, right?” 

As Ye Ming listened to Shen Ye’s words, his heart was flooded with hopeless grief and indignation in an instant.

When he’d come back to life, his only obsessions were his revenge and staying away from Shen Ye… staying away from the person he loved the most and had hurt the most deeply, planning on having nothing to do with him anymore. That way, whether he was successful or died again, it would have nothing to do with Shen Ye… they should’ve never met each other or fallen in love. And he didn’t want to make the same mistakes again this time around.

But fate had other plans, entangling them together once more…

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How ridiculous, ah. His current self was unable to go against Shen Ye, and had no opportunity to approach Shen Dayao. As for taking his revenge? He couldn’t even protect the people around him! 

Ye Ming shut his eyes, concealing his look of agony. He could feel Shen Ye’s breaths on his neck, his aggressive energy enveloping him. There was no doubt— he wanted him.

“You really… want to ‘help’ me?” Ye Ming finally spoke, a self-deprecating smile at the corners of his lips.

Shen Ye stared at Ye Ming’s lips, looking at this face close within reach. Inside his heart, a covetous desire had been stirred up into a frenzy. It was like… having that person again. And this time, there was no way ‘he’ could escape from him ever again!

“I don’t kid around,” Shen Ye proclaimed. 

Ye Ming’s gaze was dyed with something complex and profound. He was silent for a long time. Suddenly, he smiled, “I agree.”

When Shen Ye heard these words, the corners of his mouth tugged upwards.

Ye Ming then added, “But, I don’t like empty promises. If you want me to go with you, you have to at least bring out some incentives first. Besides, didn’t you say you wanted to help me…” His expression was unflustered as he clearly dictated each and every term, “Then, settle Zhou Jiaping’s issues, pay me a sum of money, and lastly… I want to work at your company headquarters. Can you promise me these things?”

Shen Ye couldn’t help but laugh. The furious young man who’d practically seemed ready to kill him just now had turned calm and rational in the blink of an eye, negotiating terms with him to maximize his own interests, level-headed beyond his imagination… if he hadn’t been so certain that Ye Ming’s previous reaction hadn’t been faked, he would’ve thought that this was a game of cat and mouse. 

This person always managed to give him such pleasant surprises.

But, even if it really was something contrived, what of it? He liked practical people who were obedient and sensible. As long as he knew his limits, he didn’t mind fulfilling some of his small requests.


“You’re not asking for too much. I can promise you these things,” Shen Ye smirked.

Ye Ming subtly clenched his fists. If he was doomed to be unable to rid himself of Shen Ye closing in on him step by step, then he might as well just focus on getting as much out of it as he possibly could. With money, he could help improve Tao Xu’s family situation, and Zhou Jiaping wouldn’t be dragged into this mess anymore. And finally… if he went to their headquarters, he might even be able to meet Shen Dayao. 

He only needed to sacrifice his body and some dignity in order to obtain all of these things. It didn’t seem to be that much of a loss for him anyway.

Cold hatred flashed in Ye Ming’s eyes. He lifted his gaze, “Then I’ll be leaving first today.”

But Shen Ye didn’t loosen his grip, leaning closer to Ye Ming instead, his lips almost touching Ye Ming’s, a teasing gleam in his eyes, “I agreed to all of your requests, so I’ll charge you a deposit first. That won’t be a problem for you ba?”

Ye Ming’s composure finally showed signs of cracking. His jaw had tightened, and his body was stiff, but in the end, he still spat out a single word, “Okay.” 

Shen Ye’s fingers brushed across Ye Ming’s cheek, eventually resting on his neck. He gently shifted the collar of his shirt. The fair-skinned young man had a delicate, slender neck, his veins just faintly visible underneath his almost translucent skin. Shen Ye heavily pressed down on Ye Ming’s shoulder with one hand, suddenly bowing his head to kiss Ye Ming on the neck.

His gaze was filled with obsession and longing!

Ye Ming’s gaze was a little empty, and he stared at the ceiling blankly.

He hadn’t expected for them to end up together again within such a short period of time, but this time… he had become a mere substitute for himself. After going round and round in circles, he’d still ended up returning to this person’s side.



He could perceive that Shen Ye’s actions weren’t particularly gentle, but he didn’t mind in the slightest… he was also aware that Shen Ye didn’t love him. Perhaps he was just unable to let go, and didn’t feel reconciled, so he’d thought of keeping someone around for fun. This was merely a whim of his.

But, that was fine. Besides Shen Ye’s love, he could bear anything else. 

Shen Ye trailed kisses along Ye Ming’s neck, lightly moving up to his chin, before finally landing one right on Ye Ming’s lips. He gazed at the young man’s face with greed, his yearning and loathing violently intertwining inside his heart like overgrown weeds. The affection he’d kept restrained for ten years had brazenly broken through its shackles, seemingly bursting forth from within.


This was a young Han Xu, a Han Xu that had yet to betray him. He wanted to chain him to his side, so that he could only belong to him, and him alone.

Shen Ye gently wiped away the tears at the corners of Ye Ming’s eyes, letting out a deep chuckle, “Be sure to take your check with you. Report to the company tomorrow.”

After that, he stood up, and put his clothes back on in a leisurely manner. He buttoned up his shirt before finally putting his tie back on, then said congenially, “You can rest for a while before you leave.”


Then, he directly left the hotel.

Ye Ming shifted a little, frowning as he felt some discomfort in his body. However, he had no intention of resting here at all. No matter… he could endure all of this for his irreconcilable hatred.

Ye Ming hobbled away from the hotel. One thing he did was cash in his check, then send the money back home. Next, he took out his phone and stared at Zhou Jiaping’s name on his contact list, hesitating for a long while…

Ultimately, Ye Ming still put his phone away and didn’t make that call. In fact, he’d actually wanted to ask about Zhou Jiaping’s recent situation. He was incredibly worried, but if he made that call, then wouldn’t it make Zhou Jiaping misunderstand? It was better to let him feel as though he didn’t care about him at all, ba… since Shen Ye had already promised him, then he’d definitely take care of everything. Zhou Jiaping would be fine. 

It was time for them to end things, anyway.

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Ye Ming returned to his dorm room and collapsed into bed, exhausted. Even now, there was still some pain and discomfort in that area. Shen Ye had acted like a wild beast, virtually crushing and devouring him whole. That memory had left a deep impression on him.

Soon, he hazily fell asleep.


It was the second alarm that woke Ye Ming up.

He groggily tapped on his cell phone, turning off the alarm, about to go right back to sleep. But today, as if possessed, his phone alarm kept going off no matter how many times he tried pressing on it, persistently and stubbornly ringing on, as though it wouldn’t give up until it’d woken him up!

With a ‘pa’, Ye Ming threw his cell phone out of bed, but it rang on…

This was really too f*cking high-quality! 

Ye Ming opened his eyes, looking like a dead fish as he slowly came to his senses.

【Ye Ming: Did you tamper with my phone?!!】


【888: Just so it could wake you up.】

【Ye Ming: That’s too cruel and too ruthless! Don’t you know how hard I worked yesterday? You won’t even let me sleep in! How inhumane is that? QAQ.】 

【888: I think you know that it’s time for you to report to the company. As a conscientious system, of course I should perfectly assist you in completing your tasks. You ought to be thanking me. Otherwise, you’d be collapsing your character settings.】

【Ye Ming: …ke, I, I can say I’m sick ma…】

【888: Taking a sick leave on the first day of work isn’t the correct attitude to have.】

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

【888: Now that you’re awake, go to work, ba. Jiayou, young one. Don’t forget there’s still 100 points left in his blackening value!】 

【Tf Zlcu: …】

Tf Zlcu qlmxfv eq tlr qtbcf. Ktf jijgw mibmx tjv jigfjvs rabqqfv ys larfio. Lf klqfv jkjs tlr ylaafg afjgr, kjrtfv tlr ojmf, atfc rfa boo ab kbgx.

Lf kfca ab atf jvvgfrr Vtfc Tf tjv ulnfc tlw, jgglnlcu ja atf fcagjcmf ab atf Tejcmtfcu Xgbeq, gjlrlcu tlr tfjv ab ujhf ja atf wjuclolmfca yelivlcu.

【Ye Ming: My clever younger brother is pretty amazing. Back when I left, the company wasn’t nearly as big as this. Now, even the company headquarters building has been remodeled.】 

【888: He’s more outstanding than you.】

【Ye Ming: …】Hmph, would his family’s system die if he didn’t make fun of him?!

Filled with grief and indignation, Ye Ming entered the building.

Although Shen Ye had asked him to come in today, he hadn’t told him much of anything else. If it’d been the original Tao Xu, he definitely would’ve felt nervous and uneasy. But, for Ye Ming, not at all. He went right up to the front desk, and calmly introduced himself, “My name is Tao Xu, I’m here for work.” 

The female receptionist had already been notified. Hearing his name, she smiled sweetly, “Tao Xu, is it? Hello. You can just go directly to the Human Resources department on the 18th floor.”

Ye Ming nodded, then took the elevator up. Although he wasn’t dressed very professionally, his outfit causing the smartly-dressed staff members with their leather shoes, along with the glamorous female employees dressed to the nines to raise an eyebrow, since Ye Ming was so good-looking, only a few people expressed their contempt, while most of them were only a little curious.

They hadn’t heard anything about headquarters recruiting new people this year ah? Moreover, even if they were hiring new recruits, they usually promoted excellent employees from their subsidiaries. How could someone who was clearly fresh out of college step foot into their headquarters? Could he be some higher-up’s relative, then?

Ye Ming walked through the building as though no one else was around. Although great changes had occurred, and without even mentioning the location-change, there were a whole bunch of new faces, he’d also worked in headquarters back then. As their superior, he hadn’t cared about the gazes of the masses at all. 


Since Shen Ye was determined to keep him by his side, he was going to make the most of it to achieve his goals. Working here wouldn’t actually be too terrible a thing. He could come into contact with many things and find an opportunity to retaliate against Shen Dayao. If he hadn’t been trying to stay far away from Shen Ye… he probably would’ve taken the initiative to make his way back here on his own ba.


A wry smile touched the corners of Ye Ming’s lips.

He walked out of the elevator, then went forward about a dozen meters. Finally, he’d arrived at the office for the Human Resources department, and softly knocked on the door. 

Not long after, a voice came from inside, “Come in.”

Ye Ming pushed the door open, and entered. After the initial shock, he immediately regained his composure without giving anything away.

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Two people were sitting inside the room. There was a middle-aged man in his forties who Ye Ming didn’t recognize, but sitting across from him was another man in his early thirties, one of Ye Ming’s old acquaintances.

After he’d died, Guan Yuyang had unexpectedly stayed in Yuancheng instead of leaving. 

When Guan Yuyang saw Ye Ming push the door open and walk in, his eyes widened in surprise, and he stared right at him. The moment Ye Ming had walked in, he’d practically almost seen Han Xu himself.

Guan Yuyang used to be one of Han Xu’s subordinates, and was pretty good friends with him. Later… Han Xu had attempted to murder Shen Ye before running away. At that time, he’d thought about leaving, because everyone knew that he had a good relationship with Han Xu, so suspicion might inevitably fall on him if he stayed even though he had no idea Han Xu would do such a thing.

But, he’d ended up not leaving. Shen Dayao seemed to have no intention of involving anyone else in this incident. Quite a few other people like Guan Yuyang who’d also been close to Han Xu hadn’t been implicated either. After some hesitation, he ultimately stayed in the end. Without him even realizing it, ten years had passed by in the blink of an eye.

By now, some people had left, while others still remained. 

Although he wasn’t someone in a particularly important position, he still had his seniority after all, and now was also the head of his department. He’d heard about Shen Ye personally arranging for a newcomer to join his department. He’d been rather curious, but who knew… it’d be a person this similar to Han Xu.

Within moments, Guan Yuyang had considered multiple possibilities, but still couldn’t understand Shen Ye’s intentions.

Ye Ming didn’t look at Guan Yuyang, as if he was merely a stranger he didn’t know at all. He walked up to the middle-aged man and greeted him, “Hello, Director Liu. I’m Tao Xu, here for work.”

Director Liu gave Ye Ming a once-over, then said cheerily, “You’re here, Xiao Tao. En, I heard you’re studying Computer Science, so you can head over to the Information Technology department for your internship. This is Director Guan. You’ll be working in his department in the future.” 

Ye Ming then turned to Guan Yuyang, parroting, “Hello, Director Guan, I’ll be under your care.”

Guan Yuyang was a little distracted, and mindlessly nodded. It felt as though a younger Han Xu was talking to him, but in the past… he was the one who’d been taken under Han Xu’s wing. He really felt a bit off-kilter now.

Director Liu then added, “Your internship will last three months. Make sure you perform well. Being able to directly enter our headquarters isn’t an easy thing to accomplish nowadays ah.”

Ye Ming nodded, “Yes, I’ll be working hard.” 

Director Liu didn’t feel the need to say much else. He chuckled, and announced, “Director Guan, I’ll be handing him over to you, then.”

Guan Yuyang finally regained his senses, and responded, “Will do.”


Then, he brought Ye Ming along with him.

He couldn’t help turning his head to look at the young man next to him. It really was much too similar… whether in appearance or temperament, both were just like Han Xu. 

Guan Yuyang still couldn’t believe what had happened back then. He didn’t think that Han Xu would make a move against Shen Ye. After all, everyone knew that although they weren’t biological brothers, their relationship was better than that of actual brothers. However, the truth was Shen Ye actually had been grievously injured, nearly entering the gates of death… later on, everyone had said that Han Xu had hidden himself so deeply that no one had seen through him.

Why did Shen Ye want to keep a person this similar to Han Xu inside the company? Was he still unable to let go of his big brother? That incident had probably hurt him very deeply ba…

Guan Yuyang sighed. Forget it. It was none of his business. Since Shen Ye had handed this person over to him, all he had to do was take care of his own business properly.

Moreover, the similarity between Ye Ming and Han Xu made him want to take better care of him. 

Guan Yuyang brought Ye Ming into the office, and happily introduced him to everyone, “This is Tao Xu. He’ll be one of your colleagues from now on.”

Everyone welcomed him, looking at Ye Ming curiously.

Guan Yuyang smiled at Ye Ming, and added, “If there’s anything you don’t understand, you can ask any of your seniors for help. Outside of that, if there’s something none of you can figure out, then you can also directly come and find me. My office is the innermost one.”

Ye Ming replied, “I understand. Thank you, Director Guan.” 

Guan Yuyang told him you’re welcome, then left. He still had business to attend to, and couldn’t accompany Ye Ming the entire time.

Ye Ming wasn’t actually a college student fresh out of school anyway. He was already rich in experience in terms of working in a large company. As a newcomer, of course he had to do a bit more, but as long as he was diligent and pleasant to others, it wouldn’t be difficult at all for him to integrate himself here.


The day passed by quickly. There were a fair amount of things to do in the IT department, but Ye Ming had mostly only been assigned to repair computers and printers for others. He was busy running around all day without taking a single break. 

By the time he got off work, Ye Ming was about to collapse from exhaustion. More importantly, he hadn’t even caught sight of Shen Ye’s figure all day!

【Ye Ming: Ai, it’s tough being the new person ah. I’m responsible for all the hard, tiring, and dirty work. When will my suffering end, yingyingying… 】

【Ye Ming: Why hasn’t my obedient baby brother come to find me yet, where’s the promised nepotism, let them realize who my backer is and let’s see who dares to order me around then yingyingying…】

【Ye Ming: They need to take a good look at who exactly it is that’s keeping me!】 

【888 finally couldn’t listen on any longer: Can’t you be a bit more positive?】

【Ye Ming: How am I not being positive? Is what we have not true love? If it’s true love, then don’t be afraid of what others think QAQ.】

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【888: …】No, you shouldn’t insult true love like that.

Ye Ming lamented his situation, but would still try and do a good job. After all, such a good opportunity like this couldn’t be wasted. Although the work was a bit tiring, it wasn’t without its benefits. After running to and fro throughout the various departments, he’d now become familiar with the general layout on each floor, so it’d be more convenient for him to take action at any time. 

After a week of this, Ye Ming had properly integrated himself into his department. The IT department basically consisted of older men. They all became more familiar with each other after having dinner and drinking together a few times.

Guan Yuyang didn’t take the initiative to approach Ye Ming, but couldn’t help but silently pay some more attention to him. The more he watched him, the more he felt that he was just like a younger version of Han Xu…

One afternoon, Ye Ming stayed in the office to work overtime. A young lady in the Finance department had found that her computer wouldn’t turn on. After fiddling around with it for a while, she still wasn’t able to get it to work, so it was sent over to him. He was prepared to take the afternoon to repair it.

Only, after working on it for a while, he also couldn’t figure out the cause. 

Guan Yuyang had just eaten, and was walking back to his office with a cup of coffee in hand. When he passed by Ye Ming, he noticed the distressed look on his face, his footsteps pausing for a bit, before he walked on over.

“What’s the matter?” Guan Yuyang asked.

Ye Ming was a little distracted, so this sudden sound startled him. When he looked up and saw Guan Yuyang, his eyes crinkled into a smile, “Nothing much. The computer isn’t working, so I’m taking a look at it.”

Guan Yuyang put down his coffee, then offered, “Would you like for me to take a look at it too?” 


Shen Ye had just finished a meeting. It was almost one o’clock by the time he came out. He was preparing to go back to his office, when he suddenly thought of Ye Ming.

Ye Ming had started coming to work about a week ago, but because he’d been so busy, he hadn’t paid him any attention at all.

Although this person looked a lot like Han Xu, and could always arouse his interest, in the end… he wasn’t Han Xu, after all. He was nothing more than a bit of amusement for him to relieve some of his boredom. Naturally, he wouldn’t spend too much of his energy on him. 

However, since he’d suddenly thought of him, Shen Ye had decided to go and take a look.

It just so happened to be exactly noontime. He wasn’t sure if Ye Ming would actually be there. Shen Ye was just thinking this a little absent-mindedly, when almost coincidentally, he saw Ye Ming sitting over there as soon as he entered the room.

Guan Yuyang was bent over, helping him check on the computer. This action made it seem as though he’d been enveloped inside his arms. The two of them were very close to each other, with gentle smiles on their faces, while they seemed to have some kind of tacit understanding between them each time they exchanged looks.

Shen Ye’s gaze slightly darkened, and he abruptly stopped in place. 

He’d arranged for Ye Ming to join Guan Yuyang’s Department, mainly in consideration of what Ye Ming’s major was in. And secondly… he’d thought that Guan Yuyang would be happy to take care of Ye Ming. He’d been worried that a young man like Ye Ming would be taken advantage of here.

Although it was just an inconsequential pastime for him, as long as the person followed him obediently, he absolutely wouldn’t let him suffer. It wasn’t like he wouldn’t even be able to take care of a single person.


But… seeing Guan Yuyang fulfilling his duties so conscientiously, Shen Ye had inexplicably become somewhat unhappy.

And yet, he couldn’t identify a reason for this unhappiness. 

Ye Ming removed the motherboard and replaced it, and the computer was fixed, as expected. He gave Guan Yuyang a grateful smile, “Thank you.”

Guan Yuyang picked his coffee back up again, and said kindly, “It’s just a small matter. Go and eat first, then finish the rest of your work in the afternoon. It’s not that urgent—” As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw Shen Ye walking up to him. He was startled, and said, “President Shen, why are you here?”

Shen Ye looked at him indifferently, then glanced at Ye Ming, “I’ll arrange for someone to come here and take a look.”

Guan Yuyang was a little surprised. Although he’d long known that Ye Ming had been brought in by Shen Ye, he’d actually come by to see him in person. It seemed that their relationship wasn’t too simple ah… but, he didn’t dare to ask any questions about it, and only said, “Oh, Xiao Tao is pretty good and rather hard-working.” 

Although Guan Yuyang couldn’t really interfere with Ye Ming’s affairs, he could still say a few good things on his behalf. In the end, he still couldn’t figure out what exactly Shen Ye’s intentions were, and was worried Shen Ye might do something unfavorable to Ye Ming. After all, Han Xu had completely offended the Shen family at that time. There was no way Shen Ye didn’t hate him. It wouldn’t be good if he vented his anger on him instead.

Shen Ye glanced over him, and immediately understood what was on Guan Yuyang’s mind. It seemed that he wasn’t the only person who still remembered Han Xu even to this day.

Shen Ye suddenly regretted placing Ye Ming by Guan Yuyang’s side. His expression was slightly cold as he turned to Ye Ming and asked, “Haven’t you eaten yet? I haven’t eaten either. Come with me ba.”

At this time, the other employees in the department were filing back one after another since they’d just finished eating. They were stunned silly when they heard Shen Ye invite Ye Ming to eat with him so intimately. Where exactly had Ye Ming come from?! President Shen had actually taken the initiative to invite him for a meal?! 

All of them had ordered him around before. He wouldn’t go and complain about them to Shen Ye ba?

If they’d known that Ye Ming had such a sturdy backer, they would’ve been much more friendly to him before ma! Endless regrets and worries flooded everyone’s hearts.

There was an ugly expression on Ye Ming’s face now. His nails pierced his palms, and fury flashed across his eyes.

What was Shen Ye trying to do, did he want everyone to learn of their relationship? 

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