Mother Qin was as good as her word. She didn’t trouble Ye Ming again, and even had someone visit him on her behalf once. Ye Ming knew that for her this was already making the greatest effort she could.

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Ye Ming’s life became very peaceful. Every day his only job was to relax and accept treatment.

[Ye Ming: This life is kind of wonderful. Except because of the illness I can’t drink, drink and play as I like. I’m sitting on top of a gold mountain but I can only spend my time at the hospital. It’s really pitiful.]

[888: Really? You eat and then sleep, sleep and then eat, and you’re not satisfied? Do you want me to remove the pain barrier so you can really experience the pain and despair of late-stage cancer?]

[Ye Ming: …]

[888: Do you have any more opinions you want to express? If so say it quickly, otherwise I’m busy.]

[Ye Ming: What have you been busy with lately….] Recently feels like he is being ignored.

[888: Nothing to do with you, the entire team is black.]

[Ye Ming: ???]

{T/N: “Entire team is black”, is an online multiplayer gaming term indicating that you are playing on a team with people that you know and work well with. Particularly if you’re playing against a team that has been randomly matched up, it indicates you have an unfair advantage. Often used in the context of DOTA, LoL etc. I think it means 888 is playing games but not 100%.}

Ye Ming called 888 again but 888 really didn’t reply. But luckily he had an easygoing personality. Even if 888 didn’t accompany him, he could still play and chat with other patients.

Also Headmaster Liu from the orphanage and He ShaoChen often came to see him so he wasn’t bored at all!

On this day He ShaoChen came again. After the incident at the restaurant, He ShaoChen hadn’t said anything that would make Ye Ming uncomfortable again. It was as though he had completely put aside his feelings, and treated him as a normal friend.

Ye Ming knew that He ShaoChen was doing this out of regard for him and he was grateful. No matter what happened, He ShaoChen had helped him a lot.

Because of long-term chemotherapy, Ye Ming’s hair had completely fallen out. He wore a hat to cover it. His body was also a little swollen and the appearance wasn’t good. Only his pair of eyes were as bright and clear as ever, as though they had never been for a moment plagued by illness.

He ShaoChen’s feelings actually weren’t optimistic but he didn’t want to make Ye Ming unhappy so he said, “You look a little better. When you have a chance, we should go out to eat.”

Ye Ming smiled and nodded.

He ShaoChen told of the events going on outside. He smiled and said, “That’s right, last time I met Xiao Huang {T/N: young master Huang} again. He was really terrified and kept asking about your condition from everyone. He was really scared Qin Yi and I would take revenge against him.

Thinking about young master Huang, Ye Ming smiled helplessly. “He’s also being bullied.”

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He ShaoChen said, “It’s not like that at all. He callously insulted you in front of all those people. If it was me I’d definitely beat him up to teach him a lesson. Otherwise it might happen again.”

Ye Ming was worried that he would really bring trouble to young master Huang and hurried to say, “No, don’t. I’m sure he has already learnt his lesson.”

He ShaoChen sighed. “You’re really too soft-hearted.”

Ye Ming didn’t admit it. He smiled and said, “Really? It’s only I don’t want to bother people if they don’t bother me. You need to look at the big picture, and not worry about the small details. Otherwise it will be too tiring.”

He ShaoChen looked deeply at Ye Ming, gazing into his clear and generous expression.

When this person ran into trouble, he would always face it bravely like this. Even if life wasn’t fair to him he could always maintain his heart and see the bright side of things. Back then this was probably the reason he had fallen for him ba….

He ShaoChen smiled. “Since you’ve spoken then of course I have to obey. I won’t make trouble for him.”

The two people smiled at each other.

At this time Qin Yi came back. He immediately saw He ShaoChen sitting there and smiling. His face immediately and even his breath became short. This fellow used his title of ‘friend’ to come here two out of three days. And Qin Yi couldn’t even say a harsh word against him or else be labelled as small-hearted and be lectured by Ye Ming…

Qin Yi put down his bag on the couch and with a fake smile, looked at Ye Ming. “I  heard you went overseas to negotiate a deal. How come you’re back so quickly?”

He ShaoChen raised his eyebrow. “I just came back.”

Qin Yi then asked, “Don’t you have anything else to do now that you’re back? If you’re so free maybe you should get a boyfriend, instead of always running here to find someone else’s.”

He ShaoChen laughed dryly. “It can’t be helped. I’m worried that you’re not treating Fang Xiao well so I came to take a look. Then when you guys break up, maybe I’ll have a boyfriend.” In actuality He ShaoChen didn’t have any expectation of Ye Ming. Really, in this kind of situation really nobody had the energy to get jealous. He just liked making a bit of trouble for Qin Yi.

And this kind of casual talk… would probably make everyone relax a little bit ba…

Ye Ming rubbed his head. It wasn’t the first time for this kind of exchange. These two couldn’t meet without mocking each other.

How could Qin Yi let him win? “Then I’ll wait and watch to see you die alone of old age.”

He ShoaChen, “I think that’s you.”

Ye Ming sighed and exposed a helpless expression. Although they were arguing but even they probably didn’t know that the atmosphere between them was getting better. There was a faint feeling reminiscent of the time before when the three of them used to hang out together.

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In his lifetime he was able to see everyone together properly again. He didn’t have much more regrets.

He ShaoChen sat for a little while longer then conscious of not disrupting Qin Yi and Ye Ming’s alone time, got up and said goodbye.

Ye Ming was too weak but Qin Yi sent him to the door.

When Qin Yi came back he said, “It’s not that I don’t want him to come but the frequency is too much. It’s disrupting your treatment.”

Ye Ming’s most effective method to deal with this vinegar pot is to not bother making excuses and just stop him talking, so he turned his head and directly kissed him.

Qin Yi immediately stopped talking and embraced Ye Ming to kiss him back.

Right now Ye Ming’s body was weak and the two of them couldn’t be too intimate. The most they could do was hug and kiss each other. But even like this Qin Yi was extremely happy.

After eating dinner, Qin Yi pushed Ye Ming’s wheelchair outside to take a walk.

However Ye Ming suddenly began to cough violently. Fresh blood spurted out and he didn’t seem able to stop. Slowly he began to feel like it was hard to breath. His consciousness faded and everything went black.

His body probably couldn’t hold on much longer…

At that time Qin Yi held Ye Ming and frantically ran towards the emergency ward. Although this time they were able to revive him however all the doctors shook their head. Even if they didn’t say anything Qin Yi already understood.

He lowered his head and touched Ye Ming’s pale face, and his eyes were filled with uncontrollable agony and sorrow.

What can he do so that he wouldn’t….

When Ye Ming woke up it was already the third day. He turned his head and saw Qin Yi slouched against his bed. He hadn’t even changed his clothes and it was evident how many days of vigil he had kept.

He felt very guilty. He reached out and touched Qin Yi. Qin Yi woke up quickly and raised his head and his face was filled with sorrow and vulnerability.

Ye Ming forced himself to smile and said, “I’m okay. Hurry up and go take a shower and come to sleep on the bed.”

Qin Yi said hoarsely, “Okay.”

After a while Qin Yi changed his clothes and lay down beside Ye Ming. He reached out and embraced Ye Ming but he was too scared to use any effort.

Ye Ming felt very sad. He wasn’t sad because of his illness but because Qin Yi was sad. The person who died didn’t know anything after, but the person who was left behind would have to carry a heavier burden.

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At this time he experienced again the despair and hopelessness from that time. It was this kind of hopelessness that led him to make the decision from that time.

If I had known that coming back would cause you such pain then probably…. I wouldn’t have come back.

If I had known this was the result, then I would have rather we had never met and loved each other.

If we never loved each other then we would not know the bitterness of parting.


Ye Ming’s deterioration happened very fast.

One day he looked into the mirror and saw that the person staring back at him looking like a corpse. It scared him and he couldn’t help calling for 888.

{T/N: Original said he looked like “half a ghost” but I didn’t want to use that since “looked like a ghost” means looking terrified in English, but author is trying to say he looks really terrible like he’s half dead.}

[Ye Ming: If I go out like this in the middle of the night, I don’t even need to wear makeup and I can act in a horror movie. What happened to my beauty?]

[888: What does someone who’s about to die need with beauty?]

Ye Ming couldn’t bear to look in the mirror anymore. He was really impressed that Qin Yi was able to look at him every day and even kiss him. He didn’t seem to care at all. Ye Ming opened the system shop and and looked at the reviews from other people.

[Ye Ming: Look, that host 4***’s anonymous review. He gave a five star review to the improved and enhanced version “Cancer Baby 2.0”. Even though he’s about to die, his peerless image wasn’t affected at all. Every angle he is a beautiful ill person. His evaluation is very high!]

[888 said coldly: Please take note that the “Cancer Baby basic version” that you exchanged for 500 experience point’s only guarantee is that the illness won’t get better and you will definitely die. You still want to look good? What you pay for is what you get. If you give a bad review then you’re a trash purchaser.]

[Ye Ming: I never said I was going to leave a bad review. What I’m trying to say is back then if you’d just lent me some more points, then I could have also purchased the enhanced edition and been a beautiful sick person, hehehe….]

[888: You borrowed money from me, even the basic version is a favor to you and you still dare to be picky?]

[Ye Ming: wuwuwu….]

[888: Also what do you need to be so good looking for? By my judgement even if you looked like a pig, Qin Yi would still love you. He’s got no taste like that. Cold.laughter.jpg]

[Ye Ming: I just want to give my Qin Yi a good memory before I die okay… and also I don’t agree with your statement at all! My YiYi has the best taste! The person he loves is the best person in the whole world!]

[888: ….]

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This face is too thick.

Ye Ming really stopped looking in the mirror. When Qin Yi realized it he felt very saddened. He knew that Ye Ming must feel very sorrowful when looking at himself in the mirror.

After a few days, one evening Qin Yi took Ye Ming out for a walk. When they came back to the hospital room, Ye Ming opened his eyes wide in surprise.

In just a short half an hour the entire room had been completely redecorated.

{T/N: I say room but I now realize it’s more like a suite…..}

The table in the living room was covered with checkered tablecloth and on top of it was a silver candlestick. The candle was lit and the whole room was filled with warm yellow candlelight. There was a warm and stylish photo frame hanging on the wall.  Although the decorations were simple but the room completely had lost its coldness and became a romantic dining scene.

Qin Yi pushed the wheelchair and picked up Ye Ming and helped him sit down at the table. Then he went into the inside room and emerged holding a large bouquet of roses.

Ye Ming stared at him and his dark eyes became watery.

Qin Yi knelt down on one knee in front of Ye Ming. He raised his head and sowed his handsome and clearly defined face, his dark eyes were filled with tenderness. He said, “This is what I prepared that year on Qixi, but unfortunately you didn’t get to see it.”

{T/N: Qixi or Tanabata or Star Festival, for those who forgot from the first chapter. It’s basically like the Chinese valentines day, it’s the one day of the year the mythological cowherd and the weaver girl get to meet on the bridge of the milky way.}

He took out a ring box and opened it. Inside there were two rings.

He had once thought he would never be able to give out this pair of rings… but at long last the person he had been waiting for had come back.

Qin Yi looked into Ye Ming’s eyes. “I promised you that I would give you a family. We will be together forever, adopt a few children, and become good fathers… now I want to make those promises come true.”

“I love you. Let’s get married.”

Ye Ming blinked and his tears started flowing down.

Qin Yi lightly grasped his hand and slowly placed the ring onto it. He lowered his head and kissed Ye Ming’s fingers. His eyes were bright and star-like, filled with unchanging promises.

Although it is a little late, however finally you have come back to me.

I was scared there wouldn’t be enough time so in the time that we have left, I want to give everything you want to you. I want to give you a family and a place you can belong. Thank you for giving me this opportunity, so I can have no more regrets.

[Ding! Qin Yi’s blackening -2, the current blackening value is 0.]

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