Ye Ming stared blankly at the ring on his finger. The moment the blackening value became zero, he heard another system prompt.

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[Ding! The target Qin Yi’s blackening has been eliminated. The world’s mission is completed. Host, please leave within 10 days.]

[Ye Ming: How come it’s not 3 days again?]

[888: The main system has probably made some adjustments and decided to give you some more time to stabilize the target’s situation to avoid him blackening again after you leave.]

[Ye Ming: How considerate ^_^]

888 was unusually silent and didn’t reply to Ye Ming. He also didn’t really understand what the main system was thinking. In the past the main system would never do something superfluous like this. In many aspects its treatment of Ye Ming had already exceeded the norm, but this really was very excessive…. Ye Ming probably wasn’t able to really comprehend this. And even if he did he probably wouldn’t be grateful.

In actuality, 888 had no idea why the main system had sent him to accompany Ye Ming to do this kind of melodramatic mission. Previously he hadn’t minded but right now he suddenly felt very curious as to what its motivation was.

Compared to the large reward the main system had promised him, the experience points that Ye Ming gained for the main system by completing this kind of pointless and low-grade love missions must be much lower. This was in effect a losing exchange.

But the main system would never trade at a loss.

Ye Ming lowered his eyes. He slowly picked up the other ring and gently placed it on Qin Yi’s hand.

Qin Yi’s eyes were extremely moved. He and Ye Ming’s ten fingers were woven together and the two rings touched each other, as though the two of them were connected.

Qin Yi stood up, lightly embraced Ye Ming and then lowered his head to kiss his lips.

My lover. If I’m destined not to able to keep you from the grim reaper’s grasp then at least I can still give all my love to you, so that you won’t feel lonely.

Even death won’t be able to separate us.


On the second day, Qin Yi began to busy himself preparing for the wedding. He completely threw aside all of the company’s matters and just stayed in the hospital with Ye Ming. Ye Ming didn’t stop him because he knew that what Qin Yi needed was not his protests.

Both of them knew in their hearts that their time together was limited. Qin Yi only wanted to spend what time they had left together with him.

Qin Yi’s secretary became extremely busy. He carried a notebook and recorded all of Qin Yi’s instructions and then went to make the purchases with top speed. In the afternoon, Ye Ming’s hospital room was covered with different types of wedding invitations and wedding candy and the like, it completely looked like a wedding shop.

Qin Yi very carefully placed each wedding invitation on the table in rows and then smiling at Ye Ming asked, “Which one do you think looks the best? These are all the newest designs. They’re very popular this year.”

Ye Ming nodded. “They look very good.”

Qin Yi flipped through some more. “But this one is also very good. It’s a Chinese style. You’ll definitely like it.”

Ye Ming opened it and looked at it carefully. His couldn’t make up his mind. “They all look good. Let me think about it.”

Thus Qin Yi held Ye Ming on his lap on the couch and the two people discussed together and finally picked out a few styles. Qin Yi said, “I’ll leave the decision to you.”

Ye Ming also felt he had been blinded by too much choice but he still carefully looked through them again. “I think this one is not bad. If we print our names together it will be stacked together in a heart shape.”

Qin Yi’s eyes were bright. He said happily, “Okay, let’s pick this one ba!”

They had finished picking the invitations and started choosing wedding candy, the two of them were happy and busy.

The neighbouring Auntie Zhao came visiting and heard that they were getting married. She was very excited and immediately joined as a helpful general, she was full of warm hearted feelings.

The news soon spread far and wide in the hospital. Soon everyone knew that Ye Ming and Qin Yi were getting married. They all knew that Ye Ming had been sick for some time so they were very happy to hear this good news and were filled with blessings and looked forward to drinking their wedding wine.

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Qin Yi was grateful to everyone. Receiving their blessings made him very happy.

In this few years no matter how big the company got and how much money he earned, none of it made him as happy as these few simple words of blessing.

He busied himself for two days and had already planned most of the details of the wedding. After that the designer Qin Yi had specially invited from overseas came personally to the hospital to measure them up in order to make custom wedding suits.

Ye Ming’s body was too weak. He needed Qin Yi to help him with everything. But even so, he was still very enthusiastic about the wedding.

He had once made a mistake and pretended to betray him and leave. He pretended not to love his person… but the only result was the make the two of them more pained. So this time he didn’t suppress his feelings any longer, and only thought about how to make Qin Yi happier with the time he had left.

And what made Qin Yi happy was also what made him happiest.

They were busy for the entire time and afterwards was very tired. But when Ye Ming went to sleep he did so with a joyful smile.

Qin Yi held Ye Ming and closed his eyes. In the time he had left he wanted to give Ye Ming a beautiful wedding. He was really very, very happy… but why the despair at the bottom of his heart still rise up?

It was probably because… all this happiness was too short-lived.


After a few days the designer sent over the completed suits and helped Ye Ming change into it to try it on. The fit of the custom suit was extremely good, and helped disguise some of the deficiencies of Ye Ming’s sick body. Wearing it he looked revived again.

Qin Yi also changed into his suit. Standing next to Ye Ming he looked handsome and elegant.

The designer looked pleased. Excitedly he directed his assistant to help Ye Ming put on some light makeup and then took some photos of them together before leaving.

Ye Ming really liked this suit. He said to Qin Yi, “It’s true that people need to dress up. Wearing this, I feel like I’ve become more handsome.”

Qin Yi smiled gently. “You’re already very handsome. Otherwise how can you stand beside the good looking me?”

Ye Ming rolled his eyes. “You’re very confident, coughcoughcough…” He had only half finished the sentence before he began coughing. He hurried to cover his mouth with his hand.

It took him a while to stop. Qin Yi took the napkin from him and saw the blood marks on it and his eyes went dark.

He always pretended as though he didn’t care but… how could he not care?

He was pained to the point of utter despair, he couldn’t hold on for much longer. But he didn’t want Ye Ming to see that he was sad, he didn’t want Ye Ming to get worried.

Ye Ming suddenly clutched Qin Yi’s hand and said, “Ah Yi.”

Qin Yi raised his eyes blankly.

Ye Ming smiled and said, “Back then the doctor said I couldn’t live past half a year but I lived for three years, so I think I’m lucky.”

“When I was overseas I thought about you every day. I wanted to know news about you and whether you were living well…. In the beginning it was hard to get news of you. But luckily you were really showy and afterwards no matter if I was looking at the news, TV or on the internet, I could always find news about you. Seeing that you were doing better and better made me really happy.”

“I was just looking at you from far away. I wanted to come back but I was scared too. I was scared that you hated me and I was also scared that I’d die suddenly.”

Qin Yi’s heart throbbed with deep pain.

Ye Ming held his waist and pressed close to him, listening to his heart beat. He said softly, “In the end I couldn’t control myself and came back… back then I only wanted to see you from afar before I died. At least that would be the real you… and not an image on the computer screen or TV…”

“I felt like I wasn’t worthy of you and didn’t want to appear in front you. But actually you didn’t blame me and you still love me… how lucky am I, to have met you in my lifetime. The fact that I can live until now, until this day, I’m already very satisfied and very, very happy.”

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Qin Yi closed his eyes. He felt like his throat had constricted and he couldn’t make a sound.


[888: What’s the matter with you? In one more day you have to leave.]

[Ye Ming: There’s still one more day, what’s the rush~]

[888: I have to remind you, when you leave this time it will really be death. You can never return to this world. So these kind of superfluous things you don’t need to to them, just prepare to leave properly that’s the important thing.]

[Ye Ming: How are these superfluous things? Isn’t my wedding not something very important?]

[888: Haven’t you acted enough?]

[Ye Ming: Not even a little bit~~]

888 didn’t reply to Ye Ming. Although Ye Ming was usually full of this kind of nonsense, for some reason his mood felt heavy. Probably it was because of seeing this kind of being parted by death situation. He had a feeling that Ye Ming wasn’t really happy and at ease. So he didn’t have the heart to stop him.

However this wasn’t something he was supposed to do.

This day Ye Ming quietly waited for Qin Yi to finish his phone call to the wedding florist. Then he smiled at him and said, “I heard that you even prepared the marriage home. Take me there to see it.”

Qin Yi hesitated. Right now it wasn’t suitable for Ye Ming to leave the hospital. But this was Ye Ming’s wish, so he didn’t want to reject it. So he took the treatment team along with them and set off with Ye Ming.

The house he had chosen was in the city center, however it wasn’t big. It was a 100+m2 commercial apartment. For the great Qin Yi it would appear somewhat frugal.

But Ye Ming understood his thoughts.

Back then when they were still together they would dream about their future together. Back then Ye Ming didn’t want any luxurious mansion, he only wanted the two of them to be together. So he said he didn’t like houses that were too big, it would feel empty and lifeless. A smaller house would seem warmer and more cozy.

All of these small details were carefully remembered by Qin Yi. He didn’t forget a single bit.

Qin Yi pushed Ye Ming to see this three bedroom apartment and smilingly said, “This one is our bedroom. These other two bedrooms are for the children.”

Ye Ming looked and his face was filled with anticipation. He looked carefully and said, “This one we can put blue wallpaper with white clouds. This one we should make pink and cute. We can adopt a boy and a girl, then our family will be complete.”

Qin Yi’s eyes were filled with warm laughter. He said emotionally, “That’s good. Also we should adopt a cat and a dog. Other people will be envious of us to death.”

Ye Ming laughed happily. “Then let them be envious.”

Afterwards Qin Yi pushed Ye Ming into the bedroom. The bedroom was wide and spacious and there was window which let in a lot of light. Ye Ming was very pleased with it. “On the weekend I can sit here to read, what do you think?”

Qin Yi smiled. “Of course. You read your book and I will look at you.”

The corner of Ye Ming’s lips lifted. He said, “Before your mouth wasn’t so sweet. You’ve improved these couple of years. You’d better not have been practicing with someone else.”

Qin Yi exposed a wronged expression. “I thought about you every day, how did I have time to practice with someone else?”

Ye Ming laughed loudly. He looked around the bedroom and then suddenly pushed Qin Yi away. He said, “Go outside for a bit. Half an hour…. no, come back in one hour. I want to stay here by myself for a while. You aren’t allowed to peek at me.”

Qin Yi was a bit hesitant. He was worried about leaving Ye Ming by himself in here.

Ye Ming glared at him. “It’s only a little while, what could happen? Anyway won’t you be standing guard outside?”

Qin Yi saw that Ye Ming was becoming angry. He figured that if he waited outside nothing would happen, so he helplessly turned around and left.

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Ye Ming closed the door behind him, confirming that Qin Yi couldn’t come back. Then he went back into the bedroom and then with some difficulty, crawled onto the bed and lay down.

[888: Can’t you have some aim in life? In this short time, you still want to lie around?]

[Ye Ming: I just want to die a little bit more beautifully, that’s all. Do you think I look like a sleeping beauty?]

[888: …..] It’s ugly to death okay?!

Ye Ming took out a letter from his clothes that he’d secretly written before. He placed it on the bedside table. Afterwards he put both of his hands on his chest and arranged his body into an extremely peaceful position.

[Ye Ming: Done! We can leave now!]

[888: …..]


Qin Yi waited anxiously outside the door. Every minute that passed he would raise his wrist and look at his watch.

One hour had just past when Qin Yi immediately pushed open the door and went back into the bedroom.

He raised his eyes and saw the youth lying peacefully on the bed as though he was sleeping. In that moment, extreme panic and dread swallowed Qin Yi. He suddenly understood something but also at the same time he didn’t want to believe it. He didn’t want to believe such a cruel reality. He didn’t want to believe that… Ye Ming would just leave him like this.

Some time passed before Qin Yi’s feet finally moved. Every step seemed to take all the strength he had in his body.

As though he was crossing a mountain of knives or a sea of fire, he walked until he stood by the bed. He lowered his head and saw the youth lying on the bed as though he was peacefully sleeping. He wanted to reach out to touch him but he didn’t dare, he was too frightened… if he shattered the peaceful image, then even his last hope would be destroyed. He didn’t think he would be able to take losing him once again.

Qin Yi stood there frozen like that for some time, until he saw the letter sitting on the bedside table.

In that moment, his eyes suddenly went red.

Three years ago, Ye Ming suddenly left, leaving him a letter.

Three years later, Ye Ming also only left him a letter.

Qin Yi clenched his teeth. He used all the courage he had in his lifetime and finally slowly picked up the letter and opened it.

Clear and delicate handwriting appeared in front of his eyes.

“Ah Yi, when you see this letter, I’ve probably already gone.

I’m very sorry…. that once again I have to selfishly leave first. But I know you love me, so I have one more selfish last request.

I want you to live well. I want you to take my part and live it for me too. I hope that in the days to come, you can take my place to look at the scenery that I’ve never seen before, and take my place to fulfill the dreams I haven’t fulfilled.

I won’t tell you not to be sad, because I know that that will only make you more sad. But I know you definitely can’t bear for me to be sad, so can you agree to my request? You definitely need to live on happily.

I will always be by your side, watching you. If you aren’t living well, I’ll definitely know about it.

I will wait for you to come and find me, but you shouldn’t rush. You can come slowly and I hope that on that day, you will have decades of interesting stories to tell me.

-With my love, Fang Xiao.”

Qin Yi closed his eyes. “Pa da”, his tears fell down onto the paper.


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One day, ten years later, Qin Yi drove the children to school as usual before returning to the company for work.

In these couple of years the company had become bigger and bigger, and he had become busier and busier. However Qin Yi thought that being busy was not a bad thing. As long as someone was busy, they didn’t have much time to think about other things.

Meetings, document signing, seeing clients, one after another non-stop. He was busy until night time. At this time the children sent him a text message. “Father, we’ve already arrived home and will be going to sleep first. Don’t work too hard.”

Qin Yi replied with, “Good.”

Then he stared at the mobile phone blankly for some time. The mobile phone background was a photo. The backdrop was a hospital garden. At that time the designer had finished the custom suits and brought them over for them to try on, and helped them take a few photos.

Qin Yi picked one that he liked best to make his phone background. He had used it for ten years.

Although the wedding never eventuated, however at least he still had this photo.

I promised you before that I would adopt two children. I would pretend that you were still by my side, and live your portion for you… I would help you make  your dreams come true.

Qin Yi looked and looked, and his eyes were filled with soft and tender warmth as though through his photo he could once again see that person.

That person was also standing there, smiling brilliantly back at him.

Qin Yi raised his hand and reached out into the air as though he could touch that person. As though their rings could touch each others again.

His mouth moved and he said in a low voice, “I’ve done all the things I’ve promised you. Can you see?”

“You’re so lazy. You just left those things to me to do by myself… don’t you know how tired I’ve been?”

“Afterwards when we see each other again, how are you going to make it up to me?”

Qin Yi talked to himself for some time. He looked somewhat exhausted and covered his eyes with his hand and lay back against the couch.

Don’t you know how much I miss you?

Are you really…. by my side, watching me?

The author says: [A friendly reminder]

{T/N: Somewhat spoilerish so I’ll put a big gap here}






In this story every world’s gong is the correct gong. There’s no system and in the last reality world, all the gong come together to become one person. It’s a little bit different to my last book ha~ because I don’t want to write two sequential books exactly the same O(∩_∩)O~ otherwise it won’t be interesting~

888 is not the gong. 888 is not the gong. 888 is not the gong. I’m saying it seriously three times, please don’t stand in the wrong place my dears~

Now I’ll give the microphone to Mr. 888, he has something to day.

888: But I’m also not a shou, please don’t carelessly match me with others

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