Ming Chong saw the shock in Ye Ming’s eyes and slowly raised the corner of his lips. You probably never imagined that the person whom you only wanted to play and whom you thought wasn’t worthy of you, would now be standing at a place that you can only look up to.

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The hate and resentment in his heart rose again however his expression was very calm. “Yes, is there a problem?”

Ye Ming didn’t know what to say. Perhaps he was too shocked so for the time being he couldn’t make a sound.

Ming Chong looked askance at the hand that Ye Ming was holding onto him. He smiled faintly. “If President Lin doesn’t have anything more to say then I have to go. After all, people are waiting.”

Ye Ming started and then with a complicated expression let go. Right now it wasn’t the time to bother Ming Chong.

Ming Chong nodded at him and then expressionlessly walked past him.

Ye Ming stared at his disappearing back with a slightly lost expression. After awhile he also turned around and went down the stairs.

The large reception hall was even more crowded than before. The host spoke in a passionate voice, introducing everyone to Ming Chong. Ming Chong stood on the stage, his handsome appearance and sharp demeanor made him the centre of attention. His aura was extremely elegant and powerful.

All the business people were whispering to each other. This was the legendary young master of the Ming family. If they were snakes that crawled upon the earth, then Ming Chong was a dragon in the heavens. According to the rumors this young master Ming was no buddha, otherwise according to his identity how could he eat up all those people from the Ming family and not even spit out any bones, cementing his status and position.

Those wealthy women and socialites eyes were all lit up. They didn’t think that young master Ming was so good looking. Although he was an illegitimate child, but who dared to look down on him? If they couldn’t get married to him nothing could be better.

Ye Ming silently stood inside the crowd. He held a wine glass and was quiet.

President Liao walked around and then came back to Ye Ming. He smiled, “What’s wrong? Your face looks troubled.”

Ye Ming forced himself to smile but didn’t speak.

President Liao also didn’t mind. He glanced at Ming Chong and then sighed. “This is that young master Ming. Later let’s go and make his acquaintance and get a bit familiar. In the future we will definitely need his cooperation.”

Ye Ming coughed. “Not today. I still have some things to do so I won’t go with you.”

President Liao was taken aback. “What kind of things?”

Ye Ming paused. “Some personal things. I’ll be going first.”

President Liao sighed but didn’t keep Ye Ming. He watched as Ye Ming walked away and felt worried for him. President Lin was always like this. Even at an important event like this, did he just come here to walk around casually?

Ye Ming of course didn’t really leave. He only went outside and sat in his car.

He sat for a few hours until the reception finally finished. He saw everyone gradually leaving and finally saw Ming Chong come outside. Ye Ming pushed open the door and walked out and looked at him seriously. “Can we talk alone?”

Ming Chong had actually noticed Ye Ming leaving earlier. He originally thought Ye Ming didn’t have the courage to face him and he didn’t expect that he was waiting for him outside. He was surprised and raised his eyebrow.

Ye Ming looked at Ming Chong nervously. He knew his actions were over the line but these few years he had never been able to give up on Ming Chong. These five years he had had no news of him, he even thought maybe he had an accident and died, every time he thought about it he was filled with regret. Now they met again after so long, how could he let the opportunity slip away?

His voice was low and tender. It carried a lot of emotions and was very moving. “I was always worried about you.”

Ming Chong originally didn’t want to speak to Ye Ming. He and this person had long stopped having any relationship. Although he still hated and resented him, he only blamed himself for being blind back then, and mistook his fake actions for true love. He couldn’t blame anyone else.

But he never thought this person would be shameless to this extent. Even to this day he could still casually say something like this as though nothing had happened.

Ming Chong’s eyes were very cold. He exposed a faint smile. “Sure.”

Ye Ming didn’t notice. He was extremely happy that Ming Chong had consented to speak to him. He said joyfully, “Where do you want to go? I’ll drive the car and send you.”

Ming Chong said, “It’s getting late. I’ll trouble President Lin to send me back to the hotel.”

Ye Ming said, “Okay.”

Ming Chong was planning to stay in G city for some time so he had booked G City’s best five star hotel’s presidential suite. He invited Ye Ming inside and poured him a glass of water. He smiled and said, “What does President Lin want to say? You can talk now.”

There was no outsiders here. Ye Ming wore his feelings on his face and his eyes were filled with apologies. “I… I just wanted to apologize to you.”

Ming Chong’s black pupils were icy. Apologize? Now you realize you need to apologize to me? If he was still the stupid young kid from back them, would this person still apologize to him like this?

Probably… he wouldn’t even bother looking at him in the eyes ba.

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[Ding! Ming Chong’s blackening value +10, the current blackening value is 80.]

It’s only a pity that I’m not stupid person who would believe everything you say any longer and would give his entire heart to you. These five years of fighting endless battles have already led Ming Chong to harden his heart. He smiled faintly. “It turns out that President Lin wanted to find me just to say this?”

Ye Ming nodded his head. These words had been inside his heart for many years. Right now he finally said them and as though he had taken a weight off his shoulders.

Ming Chong continued to smile at him. He raised his lips and said, “It doesn’t matter. Back then we had a clear relationship. It was only me that didn’t understand so I can’t blame you.”

Although Ming Chong expressed he had long come to terms with it but when Ye Ming heard this reply, he didn’t feel the least bit happy. He hurried to explain, “That’s not what I was trying to say. You weren’t wrong. It was me that was wrong. Actually I…”

Ming Chong hurried to interrupt him. He said in a cold voice. “I want to rest now. President Lin, you can go back now.”

He already expended his effort to control himself. Right now this person and him had no relationship. He had made up his mind not to waste any more of his time and emotions on this unworthy person. If Ye Ming continued to cling onto him, then he wouldn’t let him off lightly.

Ye Ming saw Ming Chong’s cold expression. Suddenly he felt keenly that if he he left like this today then afterwards there would be no more opportunity to go back. But was he satisfied with leaving like this?

He waited for him for so long so he could tell him the words in his heart, and make up for the wrongs of yesteryear.

Ye Ming suddenly took a step forward and gazed into Ming Chong’s eyes. He lowered his voice and said gently, “Actually these few years I’ve always been thinking about you. I’m sorry but… can you give me one more chance?”

Ming Chong lowered his eyes and looked at the man in front of him. He had once loved this tender and gentle face. When this person used his heart to look at you, he would make you feel that he loved and cared about you.

But really… it was all fake. He was good at making you feel loved, but actually he was a trash-like playboy, heartless and cruel.

Ye Ming said, “….I love you.”

These three words finally made the anger in Ming Chong’s heart burst through its confines. How dare this person say these three words?! Right now he thought he was useful so he shamelessly said he loved him? Did this person even know what love was?!

Ming Chong suddenly pressed Ye Ming’s shoulder against the wall. His other hand began to feel his body and he said in a mocking tone, “You love me?”

Ye Ming didn’t reply. He only reached out his hand and ran it through Ming Chong’s hair. He raised his head and kissed him. The person he was kissing was initially frozen but very quickly the atmosphere became heated and he began to violently kiss him back.

As the kiss went on the two people both became excited.

Ming Chong directly threw Ye Ming onto the bed. His knee pressed down next to his body and he looked into his eyes. He saw in a low voice, “You want me?”

Ye Ming breathed in and out shallowly. His eyes were filled with emotions.

This vision made Ming Chong’s logic snap. This person still wanted him and even said he loved him…. even if he knew it was fake, he couldn’t help but move his heart and he couldn’t control his urge to want to possess him!

He wanted to completely dominate this person and see him crying and begging beneath him! He wanted to make sure this mouth couldn’t say those cruel things anymore, make him never dare to abandon him again!

He didn’t care anymore? He didn’t mind anymore?

How could it be true!


Ye Ming was done until he nearly died and in the end his back and waist so sore that he could barely move. He couldn’t compare to a young person’s energy.

Ming Chong lowered his head and kissed Ye Ming’s neck and then bit his already swollen lips. He couldn’t tear his eyes from the red and impassioned face, that beautiful and gentle face was now showing a different kind of emotion. The kind of emotion that only appeared after being satisfied on the bed.

Do you really like being f****ed by me? Otherwise back then why would you have kept me by your side for so long?

And what was the reason now? You want to place me in your palm and play with me again, and also use me to achieve your goals?

Ming Chong laughed coldly. Since you sent yourself to my door, then why don’t I accompany you to play for awhile? But this time, let’s see who is playing who in the end.

Ye Ming reached out and wrapped his hands around the back of Ming Chong’s neck. His voice was hoarse, “How have you been living these few years? Can you tell me? Back then I was really worried for a long time, I couldn’t find you and I was scared you had an accident….”

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Ming Chong smiled expressionlessly. “Really?”

Ye Ming said, “Yes. I always regretted the words I said to you that day….”

Ming Chong embraced Ye Ming from behind. This way Ye Ming couldn’t see his cold expression. He made his voice gentle and said, “Back then I was really very angry. I wanted to leave this place behind and go somewhere else.”

“Who knew that I would meet my birth father and as for what happened after… you probably heard about it already ba?”

Ye Ming nodded his head. “They told me some things. But I want to hear you say it personally. Luckily nothing happened to you….”

Ming Chong smiled. He bit Ye Ming’s ear. “I’m sorry to make you worry. I thought you didn’t care about me where I went, otherwise I would definitely have contacted you.”

Ye Ming felt more and more guilty He thought for a while and said seriously. “I’m sorry… can we start over, what do you think?”

Ming Chong smiled and said, “Okay.”

Ye Ming’s heart was filled with joy. He never expected that Ming Chong would forgive his actions back then. This time he would definitely treat this relationship preciously, and not disappoint Ming Chong again.

The next day in the morning Ye Ming was woken up by a phone call. He moved and remembered that last night he had done it with Ming Chong and that right now they were sleeping together. He could still barely believe it.

Ming Chong’s hand was on his waist. Ye Ming lightly pushed away his hand and went into the bathroom to pick up the call.

As soon as the phone was connected, he heard his secretary’s voice. “President Lin, can you come to company right now? The bank’s funds still hasn’t arrived. The current projects have already been put on hold.”

Ye Ming’s face grew serious. He said, “What’s the current situation?”

He spoke with the secretary for a while then hanged up the phone. His expression was heavy and when he came out from the bathroom he saw Ming Chong standing at the door smiling radiantly at him.

Ye Ming forced a smile. “You woke up?”

Ming Chong came over and wrapped his hand around his waist. He said in a low voice against his ear, “I woke up as soon as you did. What’s the matter, is there something on your mind?”

Ye Ming’s head flashed with the words he had spoken about with President Liao. Right now might not be a bad time to discuss with Ming Chong. But if it was like this, wouldn’t Ming Chong mistake his motivation? After all what he did back then was too excessive. Right now his sudden change in attitude would undoubtedly led others to overthink.

He smiled and said, “It’s nothing. Just some company matters.”

Ming Chong’s eyes flashed. Actually even if Ye Ming didn’t say he was very clear. From the day he planned to return, he had already investigated everything about Ye Ming’s current situation. It was probably because… in some way he was still unwilling to get go of this person.

What he didn’t expect at all was that Ye Ming would proactively try to get back together with him. As for his motivation it couldn’t be more clear.

Ye Ming kissed Ming Chong, got dressed and then left.


[888: I originally thought Ming Chong had completely cut you off. Who knew that he couldn’t even keep it up for one night and was already tricked by you into bed.]

[Ye Ming: Why do you look so disappointed…..]

[888: I just thought that who hasn’t met a despicable scum in their youth? But they then should let go, it’s not a big deal. I thought he was different from Qin Yi but who knew he was just another useless person.]

[Ye Ming: …..]

Ye Ming coughed. Actually judging by Ming Chong’s original attitude when they met, he was actually a bit worried. But now it was clear that Ming Chong hadn’t been able to let go of him. And Ming Chong’s struggles these five years were perhaps for the very purpose of being able to come back and get his revenge on him.

Actually he thought this young person was pretty good.

But Ye Ming also didn’t let down his guard. Because Ming Chong’s blackening value only rose when he saw him. This was completely the opposite of the attitude he expressed on the surface. It looked like he had learnt to hide his true emotions.

Ye Ming returned to the company. Everyone’s faces were very grave.

Now that the construction work had stopped then the people had previously purchased might want to a refund based on the situation. If the matter became big and they couldn’t handle it, then there was a chance of being prosecuted by the authorities.

Seeing this situation the bank also didn’t want to lend him any more money.

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The secretary said to Ye Ming, “President Lin what should we do now?”

Ye Ming spat out two words. “Delay it.”

The secretary looked pained. They couldn’t keep delaying forever. If the funding didn’t arrive then the company looked as though it really couldn’t get passed this trial. Right now who would want to invest in them?

Ye Ming busied himself at the company for the entire day and only just managed to pacify those people asking for their money. His mood was very bad. Just as he was preparing to go home, Ming Chong sent him a text message and asked him out to eat.

Seeing Ming Chong’s message made Ye Ming’s spirits lift slightly. He washed his face and went out to meet Ming Chong.

Ming Chong had made a reservation at a famous, local specialty restaurant. Ye Ming walked inside and saw Ming Chong sitting by the window, showing a handsome profile. He seemed to sense him and turned around and smiled faintly at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming’s eyes showed a longing and complicated expression.

Five years ago they had also come here to eat often. This was Ye Ming’s favourite restaurant. Even the seat was the exact same one.

Ye Ming paused and then walked over and sat opposite Ming Chong. He said slowly, “Sorry that I’m late.”

Ye Ming smiled. “You’re not late, I just arrived too.”

After a moment the waiter came with the dishes. Ming Chong helped Ye Ming open his chopsticks and said, “I don’t know if your tastes have changed in these years.”

Ye Ming’s expression was extremely moved.

Ming Chong gazed at him deeply. In his deep-set eyes was an expression that couldn’t be completely understood. “Actually I also haven’t been able to forget about you in these years.”

Ye Ming thought of that fight they had back then again and felt very guilty. “It’s my fault…”

Ming Chong placed his finger on his lip and lightly sighed. His voice was low. “It’s okay. Right now haven’t we made up? So you don’t need to be feel troubled. Whatever you need just tell me, right now I might be able to help you.”

Ye Ming didn’t think that Ming Chong would bring up this topic on his own. But he really didn’t want to let his matter affect their fragile new relationship. He smiled, “Everything is okay. I don’t need any help.”

Ming Chong sighed and said. “Actually your business is not a secret. You don’t need to hide it in front of me. Or is it that you don’t trust me?”

Ye Ming hurried to say, “Of course it’s not like that.”

Ming Chong’s eyes carried a hint of laughter. “So, let me help you okay?”

Wasn’t this the entire purpose of you coming back to find me? I’ll just directly expose it for you, and avoid the long and boring drawn out fake games and emotions.

Ye Ming looked at Ming Chong for a while then finally said, “I am really grateful that you want to help but you don’t need to force yourself. The matter is like this….”

He was a business person. He didn’t want to deliberately give up on a hard to come by opportunity like this. Since Ming Chong wanted to help, it was also good for him. But he didn’t want to trick Ming Chong so he described his current situation very clearly and honestly and let Ming Chong make the final decision.

Ming Chong heard Ye Ming’s explanation and thought for a while. Finally he smiled. “I think that if we worked together, there is still a good opportunity. After all the location is very good, and there is still a lot of potential for growth.”

Ye Ming was really happy. This meal made him very satisfied!

He not only won back his old lover but even managed to solve a big problem. When they parted Ye Ming was very reluctant, he held Ming Chong and kissed him repeatedly before finally inviting him emotionally, “You can come home and live.”

Ming Chong’s gaze darkened. Come home? No, that has never been my home. I was only one of many playthings you took back home with you. After I left I also was no different from them.

He laughed lowly. “Not right now. I’ll think about it in a few days.”

Ye Ming bid Ming Chong goodbye and returned home on his own. All the happiness was gone from his face.

[888: Today your rewards are not small. But you don’t look very happy.]

[Ye Ming sighed deeply and said: Big brother, if you deeply loved another person but that person only wanted to play you, betray you and then abandon you heartlessly, would you really just casually and easily accept his apologies and proactively volunteer to help him?]

[888: I would not only not forgive him but I would crush him under my foot to express my hate.]

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[Ye Ming: QAQ]

[888: Why are you crying?]

[Ye Ming: Because my family’s Xiao Ming probably also thinks this way….]

888 couldn’t help laughing. He used some effort to finally stifle it and then said seriously.

[888: That’s okay. Be good, there’s no rush, let’s take things slowly.]


The better Ming Chong treated him then the worse Ye Ming’s premonition became. Although his acting was good, the blackening value didn’t lie. But he still pretended to happily cooperate with Ming Chong.

In order to advertise the funding provided by the Ming family, after obtaining Ming Chong’s consent, Ye Ming held a PR event to sign the contract. This event became known by everyone and a lot of people came. Other than journalists there were also a few familiar faces.

President Liao found Ye Ming before the ceremony and said in an admiring tone, “XuanWen ah, I didn’t expect that you would really be able to get young master Ming. I thought you had given up.”

Ye Ming’s face was filled with smiles. But because he didn’t want to let other people know about him and Ming Chong’s relationship he could only say, “It was luck, just luck.”

Other people also came to congratulate him. “President Lin, to be able to cooperate with the Ming family is an extremely hard to come by opportunity. When are you going to invite us out to celebrate together?”

Ye Ming immediately agreed, “I definitely will.”

He then talked to a few more well-wishers and finally it was almost time for the contract signing ceremony. However Ming Chong still hadn’t come.

Ye Ming felt a little bit anxious and couldn’t help calling Ming Chong’s phone. He called a few times but no one picked up.

It didn’t take long for the contract signing time to come. However Ming Chong’s shadow still couldn’t be seen. Outside the journalists were already whispering to each other and many people’s expressions started to change.

In this kind of important invent, Ming Chong wouldn’t stand him up right? Then XuanWen would really lose a lot of face.

President Liao was familiar with Ye Ming. He came over worried. “What’s going on?”

Ye Ming’s face was extremely ugly. He also didn’t know what was happening. Last night everything between them was fine. But why didn’t Ming Chong come?

President Liao said in a worried tone, “It couldn’t be that he’s reneging right….?”

Ye Ming said with determination. “It can’t be!”

How could Ming Chong lie to him? There must be a reason he didn’t come. Could it have been he was in an accident? Just like five years ago, just suddenly vanished…. Ye Ming couldn’t bear it any longer. He clenched his teeth and said, “I’m going to go find him.”

After speaking he went out from the back entrance of the hotel.

As Ye Ming drove he kept calling Ming Chong. But still no one picked up. He felt more and more panicked. The first place he went to was Ming CHong’s hotel but he didn’t hold much hope of finding him there.

Ye Ming hurried up the stairs and knocked the door. Just as he expected no one answered. He was just about to turn around and leave when unexpectedly…. the door suddenly opened.

Ming Chong stood there wearing pajamas. His demeanor was very lazy as though he had just gotten out of bed. He smiled at Ye Ming, “Are you looking for me?”

Ye Ming’s expression was frozen. His entire body felt as though it couldn’t move.

Just now he was worried and frightened. He imagined that Ming Chong had gotten into an accident like a car crash and his heart was panicked. But it turned out… he was just asleep? Had he forgotten today was an important day?! Even though he hadn’t spoke a single word, his heart had already fallen down into his shoes and his whole body felt cold.

Ye Ming tightly clutched the phone in his hand and he said slowly, “I called you. Why didn’t you pick up?”

Ming Chong said casually, “It was on silent so I didn’t hear it.”

Ye Ming suddenly realized something. His eyes were pained. He clenched his teeth and said, “Today… why didn’t you come?

Ming Chong looked at Ye Ming for a while and suddenly smiled. His thin lips stretched wide and his eyes were extremely heartless. “President Lin, I was just playing with you, did you really think I was being serious?”

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