Ye Ming’s face went white and he involuntarily took a step back. He looked at the person in front of him as though he was a stranger.

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The scene from that day came back to him. Now it was Ming Chong saying these words to him. I was just playing with you… that’s right, these probably were the words that Ming Chong really wanted to say to him. How could he be so easily forgiven, so easily let off. Back then his actions really must have hurt him deeply.

It was only his own unrequited wish that they could start over again.

And the nightmare events of today were only what he had brought down upon himself.

Ming Chong took a step forward and pressed closer to Ye Ming. He lowered his head, smiling. “Did  you really think that I am still the foolish idiot from back then that can be tricked by a few flowery words from you?”

Ye Ming’s eyes were extremely pained. He said lowly, “I never thought that way about you.”

Ming Chong’s hand lightly touched his neck. His voice was extremely soft, cold and heartless. “Never?”

Back then who was the one who said cruelly to me: Who do you think you are? What right do you have to meddle in my business?

We were together for so long. Didn’t you have even the most basic respect and loyalty towards me? All those emotional speeches you made, all those nights entwined together lovingly… in the end all those things were just “playing with you”.

I will let you know what it means to be burnt to death after playing with fire!

Ye Ming closed his eyes. Although he had really never thought this way about Ming Chong, but back then was his feelings really so sincere? Probably it wasn’t… he had made a mistake first so the fact that Ming Chong hated him, probably was logical.

Since Ming Chong hated him so much then what was the point of saying there? To make him hate him more?

Ye Ming opened his eyes and looked at Ming Chong. His expression returned to normal. He said slowly, “I’m sorry to disrupt you.”

After he spoke he turned around and left.

Ming Chong didn’t stop Ye Ming. He only watched Ye Ming’ back moving away from him, and didn’t move.

That cold back was not any different to five years ago. This guy’s specialty was that he could tell you he loved you one minute, and the next minute he could turn around and leave without hesitation.

To him, love was just a toy that could be easily picked up and put down without using any effort.

But if it was real love then how could it be so heartless? How could you let go so easily?

As for him, it look him a long time…. to finally understand this.

To finally understand that this person didn’t love him.

Ming Chong lowered his eyes coldly. It is a pity that I will never again became that person that you can control so easily.


Ye Ming didn’t return back to the press release venue but just called his secretary to take care of it. If he went it would only provide the journalists with more fodder to use. He had no interest in talking to those people after this kind of ugly event.

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Anyway no matter if he went or not, the next day everyone would understand what had happened.

Ye Ming busied himself for a day and then went home and lay down tiredly on the bed, unmoving.

[888: Is that all you’re going to do?]

[Ye Ming: Yes ah. It was important to seize the immediate opportunity to apologize and admit my mistake, but now I can take it easy and wait for his attack. If I keep clinging onto him, then he would get more annoyed with me. But if I don’t pay any attention him, then he would turn around and find me. Anyway in the end he can’t let go of me.]

[888: You seem like you know him well.]

[Ye Ming: It’s not hard to guess ma~]

[888: You already clearly expressed you were playing with him and he still can’t let you go. What’s he trying to achieve?]

[Ye Ming: Actually right now he’s probably not trying to achieve anything. It’s just that men are fickle. What they can’t get is always what they want the most.]

[888: It seems your very familiar with that, are you describing yourself he he.]

[Ye Ming: …….]

The next day Ye Ming slept until 3PM in the afternoon. When he looked he found his phone had nearly been exploded with missing calls both from unfamiliar and familiar numbers. It was clear that the events of yesterday had spread far and wide, and everyone wanted to hear gossip.

Ye Ming thought for a while and only returned President Liao’s call.

It just connected when President Liao’s hearty voice came through the line. “XuanWen ah, what the hell happened yesterday? Did Ming Chong really abandon the deal?”

Ye Ming’s voice was dispirited. “What’s the matter?”

President Liao heard that Ye Ming didn’t deny it, so that meant it was true. Then thinking about the news he had received today, he said, “This kind of important matter, you didn’t confirm it before holding a press release? Have you gone stupid? Don’t you know what the people outside are saying about you? You’ve really become a laughing stock this time!”

“Early this morning journalists directly ran to interview Ming Chong. Do you know what he said? He said that you went to look for him but he didn’t think much of your project, so he completely denied that he ever agreed to any deal with you. He said he didn’t know anything about the press release yesterday.”

President Liao said this much and then took a deep breath. He still had words in his heart that he didn’t say but even if he didn’t say it, Ye Ming still knew what it was.

Ming Chong not only denied any responsibility but he completely cut off Ye Ming’s escape path. Now that he had straight out said he didn’t think the project was any good, then who would touch that mess? One they couldn’t earn money and the other they would offend Ming Chong. It was really a bad deal.

Ye Ming also thought of this and his face was very ugly. He didn’t think that Ming Chong would go to this extent and he took a deep breath. “I’ve been buried.”

Although President Liao was good friends with Ye Ming but in this kind of matter he couldn’t help. He said a few comforting words and then hanged up the phone.

[Ye Ming: I’m about to become bankrupt. Big brother, maybe you can lend me a few million to use?]

[888: Are you serious?]

[Ye Ming: No, I’m just joking ^_^]

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888 laughed coldly.

Ming Chong’s words were like piling ice upon snow. Ye Ming’s company was plunged into a downward spiral.

Every day he would put on a pained face and go out to toil, and at night he would lie on his bed and watch TV dramas. He only slept four or five hours every day and made himself develop black eye bags. People that didn’t know would naturally assume that he was so anxious he couldn’t even sleep, and his entire body became very frail looking.

Ye Ming sighed: “Where you fell down is where you should lie down and rest for a while.”

{T/N: YM is bastardizing the idiom which says “Where you fell down is where you should get up again” lol.}

888 couldn’t help but admire him for this. This trash wasn’t good at much but his psychological tolerance was very high. No matter the situation he could still find humor in it.

Ye Ming smiled and said. “Actually don’t believe the surface appearance that my family’s Xiao Ming is cold, but I can see the love that still persists in his heart. Right now he’s set on getting revenge on me, it won’t be too long before he comes back to find me.”

888 sent him a “he he”.


Ye Ming’s life recently was not easy. He had begged every single person he could think of, every method of drinking together and sending gifts had been used, but no one wanted to touch this messy business. This day he had finally managed to make an appointment with the bank’s branch Manager Zhang. Manager Zhang and him were old school friends, so he really couldn’t avoid him and finally agreed to meet him.

Ye Ming arrived early at the private room at the restaurant and waited for Manager Zhang. Manager Zhang was on time and came quickly.

He came in and smiled, saying, “It’s rare that President Lin would invite me to eat, I’m so honored.”

Ye Ming stood up in a warm and friendly manner and invited Manager Zhang to sit down. “That’s not true. Clearly it’s you that’s busy. It’s not easy to invite you.”

Manager Zhang sighed and said with a frown, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t want to come out but I’m really too busy. The day before yesterday my boss came to audit me, in the branch there’s still some debts that haven’t been repaid. I was also yelled at a lot, right now it’s not easy to be a manager.”

Ye Ming’s expression changed. He hadn’t even spoken but Manager Zhang had already sealed his words.

Manager Zhang patted his leg and smiled. “It doesn’t matter. Right now it’s a school friend’s gathering. We shouldn’t talk about unhappy things like work, don’t you think? Let’s not talk about it okay?”

Ye Ming’s smile was forced. “En. Come and drink.”

Manager Zhang’s meaning was very clear. Ye Ming knew that there would be no chance today again.

He didn’t want to give up so easily but every time he tried to change the subject he would be blocked off. In the end he wasn’t able to achieve anything. If he forced the subject then it would be really breaking off relations with Manager Zhang.

After getting slightly tipsy, Ye Ming went outside to get some air.

Today he had drunk a bit too much. His stomach felt a bit uncomfortable and used icy cold water to wash his face. On the way back he ran into Ming Chong in the corridor. Ming Chong had just come out from another private room, he was clearly also eating here.

Ye Ming’s face froze. But he pretended he didn’t see anything, he turned around and was about to walk away when Ming Chong grabbed his wrist and violently pinned him against the wall! Ming Chong mouth formed a smile that didn’t reach his eyes and he said coldly, “Do you really not want to see me so much? After all we are still old friends. When meeting shouldn’t you make some kind of greeting?”

Ye Ming tightened his lips. No, it’s because I thought you don’t want to see me so I didn’t want to annoy you.

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Ming Chong saw that Ye Ming didn’t make a noise and the anger in his heart began to rise. These days he had closely investigated all of Ye Ming’s movements. Actually today he knew that Ye Ming was coming here so he laid here in wait for him.

He had been waiting this whole time for Ye Ming to come find him but Ye Ming never came.

Actually if Ye Ming could just be honest with him and not use fake emotions to try and fool him, then would he be so angry with him?

This person really tore at his bottom line.

But the worst thing was that every moment he couldn’t help thinking about him and desiring him. These years he had painstakingly suppressed his feelings and climbed all the way to the top. But what was it for? Was it to obtain the power and money of the Ming family? Was it for those so-called relatives? Of course not.

A voice from the deepest part of Ming Chong’s heart told him that the reason was to become strong one day, so strong that he could control and possess this person, and make him never be able to abandon him again!

It was so that one day he could have his revenge on his person, to make him regret playing with his feelings!

Ming Chong glanced at Ye Ming’s lips. He lowered his head and smelt the faint smell of alcohol on Ye Ming’s lips. The image in front of his eyes was too seductive and tempting so he kissed him.

Ye Ming didn’t think that Ming Chong would suddenly kiss him. He reached out to push Ming Chong aside but he was forcefully pinned down by him so he couldn’t move. Anger rose up in his eyes and he turned his head aside and said, “What are you trying to do?”

You clearly hate me, what’s the point of doing these things?

Ming Chong didn’t mind. He laughed lightly and his beautiful phoenix eyes carrie with it a mocking expression. His lips quirked up and said, “Trying to kiss you, can’t you tell?”

Ye Ming’s chest rose shallowly. He forced himself to remain calm and said coldly, “I asked you what you’re trying to do. Right now we don’t have this kind of intimate relationship. This kind of behaviour isn’t appropriate.”

Ming Chong’s eyes were mocking. “Are you angry? It’s just a kiss.  And when you came back to find me to roll on the bed, we also didn’t have this kind of intimate relationship ah….”

“Or are you trying to say it’s okay for you to do it to me but it’s not okay for me to do it to you? Such as you can tell me you were just playing me, but if I play you once then you get unhappy? So it turns out you also don’t like being treated by people like this.”

Ye Ming’s eyes were deep with pain. He took a deep breath. “I know you blame me, but you have already gotten your revenge haven’t you?”

Ming Chong laughed coldly. Gotten his revenge? No! It was vastly not enough. You don’t even know what love is, do you think it’s so easy to just resolve things? I will let you know what the result is of you messing with me.

Ming Chong grasped Ye Ming’s chin and breathed next to his ear. His voice was low and deep. “If you really want me to get my revenge then you should be my lover and let me play with you, that’s only fair, don’t you agree?”

Ye Ming closed his eyes. His heart very suffocated. Ming Chong didn’t used to be like this….

After some time his lips moved. “I think there is no meaning to this kind of revenge.”

Ming Chong’s eyes were very cold. Because you never really cared about me that’s why  you can let go so easily and speak so heartlessly. The perpetrator can always forget about things easier than the victim.

He lightly slowly released his hold. His eyes were very deep. “Don’t worry, I won’t force you.”

Ye Ming thought he had really given up. He politely nodded his head and walked past him.

When he returned to the private room, Manager Zhang had already left and helped him pay the bill. He laughed bitterly and called a taxi to take him home.

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Very quickly things took a turn for even worse.

Ming Chong began to actively suppress him. If his actions before can be said to be that of a passive bystander, then now he was really showing his hand. Although the Ming family weren’t locals however their connections weren’t few. Many people wanted to give them face and gain favor from them, so he only needed to wave his hands lightly and Ye Ming’s company would battered by a storm.

Ye Ming hadn’t left the company for many days. Right now he had to make preparations for the worst. He could announce bankruptcy and sell off everything but if he did that then all these years of working hard would be for nothing.

And he also didn’t want to take that step.

In the evening he went downstairs with a heavy face and saw a black car sitting outside. The window slowly rolled down and revealed Ming Chong’s handsome face.

Ye Ming stood some distance away and stared at Ming Chong. He knew that Ming Chong had meddled behind the scenes, he didn’t expect that his actions back then would make Ming Chong angry to this extent. Even though five years had passed he still wanted to get revenge against him.

Ye Ming suppressed the bitterness in his heart and slowly walked over. He said in a heavy voice, “What is it that you want?”

Ming Chong’s lips raised. In the darkness his phoenix eyes were very deep, full of dangerous beauty. He said, “I already told you what I want before.”

Ye Ming mocking smiled. “You want me to be your lover? You did all these things just for that? Based on your current status, you can sleep with whomever you want. It doesn’t have to be me.”

Ming Chong said lightly, “I guess I still have some interest.”

Interest? Interest in revenge most likely. Ye Ming thinned his lips and his voice was cold. “Such a pity but I don’t want to accompany you to play this game.”

Ming Chong saw Ye Ming turn around and he laughed. “You don’t even want to hear my terms? What if I say I am willing to invest in your company?”

Ye Ming’s footsteps slowed and he turned around with surprise.

Ming Chong gazed at him deeply. “I can invest in your company, and I only want 30% of the profits. The condition is that you are my lover for one year. President Lin you are a business person so you should know that right now except for from me, you won’t be able to get a better deal from anyone else. All you need to do is give out something you don’t even care about, and you can save your company. Why don’t you think about it.”

Give out something he doesn’t care about? In your eyes are my emotions so cheap?

But Ye Ming couldn’t speak any words of retort. Because of his previous actions, he couldn’t blame Ming Chong for not believing in him. Also…. these terms are pretty good. He only needed to have sex with Ming Chong for one year and he could win back his company. Was there a better deal than this?

Except why did he not feel any joy in his heart, and only sadness?

Ming Chong seemed to expect that Ye Ming would agree. His eyes held laughter. “My terms are only effective for tonight. President Lin you should consider quickly.”

Ye Ming and Ming Chong clearly were not far apart from each other, but in that moment he felt as though there was a thousand mountains and ten thousand rivers in between them. It was probably because no matter what he said this person would not believe he was speaking the truth.

But even if that was the case he couldn’t reject his terms. Not only for the company but also…. for a delusion that he didn’t dare to speak out loud.

Ye Ming finally moved his feet. He slowly walked back. He coldly and calmly opened the passenger seat of the car and sat inside. He turned around and looked at Ming Chong with a complicated expression. He said lowly, “Okay. I agree to your conditions.”

[Ye Ming: I told you Xiao MIng would help me ma, see how effective he is ^_^]

[888: ………]

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