Ming Chong’s fist which was by his side tightened. He really wanted to beg this person to stay but when he opened his mouth he found out he couldn’t make any sound.

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For some things, too late was too late.

No matter what he said now, there wasn’t any meaning.

Ye Ming sighed gently. “Originally I didn’t want to say all this to you. But I still came here and spoke to you. It’s because I hope you can understand that sometimes letting go is the best choice… this way, we can both live a little bit easier.

Ming Chong’s expression was pained. He finally said, “But I can’t lose you….”

Ye Ming smiled and shook his head. “In this world there isn’t anyone that can’t lose another person. There will always be one day when you will get used to it. Besides, in the last five years when I wasn’t by your side, didn’t you live well?

After he spoke he stood up and walked to Ming Chong. He took his hand and placed the key gently in his palm.

Ming Chong gazed at Ye Ming’s face which was close to his. He felt Ye Ming’s fingers holding his hand. He really wanted to grab hold of him. But he didn’t get a chance before Ye Ming already let go. He spoke, lightly like a feather, “Now I have returned what is yours to you.”

Then he turned around and left.

Ming Chong tightly grasped the key in his hand. He stood there like a statue for a long time.

Ye Ming had already left long ago. In the empty room there was only him left. The teapot on the table was already cold. Ming Chong lowered his eyes then slowly walked over to clean the table then sat down in the living room.

It wasn’t as though he didn’t understand Ye Ming’s logic. In this world maybe there wasn’t anyone who couldn’t live without another person, but living… and being alive were two different matters.

In this five years, it wasn’t as though he hadn’t tried to forget, it wasn’t as though he hadn’t tried to let go…. but he couldn’t do it.

If he lost this person, even if the gains were more, it was meaningless. Only this person… could give him feelings of joy and satisfaction in his heart. In the days when he was alone, he only subsisted only on the memories and unwillingness to accept what had happened, using it to pass each evening.

If he could he was willing to give up everything he now possessed to exchange back for what he had in the past, but Ye Ming most likely wouldn’t agree.

Ye Ming was always like this… when he loved you, he would give you all his love but when he didn’t, then there was nothing.

There were always things in this world that were at cross purposes with one another. When you didn’t want something it was always by your side, but once you realized you wanted it, then it would vanish without a trace.

Ming Chong held the key and closed his eyes.

If back then I didn’t leave, if I had trusted you a little bit more, if I hadn’t said those words… how good it would be.


Ye Ming returned to his own home. He still thought sleeping in his own home was the most comfortable.

Right now since he didn’t have to worry about the company anymore and so Ye Ming’s days were very free. Wang Heng knew that Ming Chong had let him go and was very relieved, and also offered to partner with him on a business deal with very beneficial terms, but Ye Ming rejected it. He said he wasn’t in the mood.

The truth he told to 888.

[Ye Ming: It was so hard for me to get rid of that mess, who still wants to partner to do business. I probably don’t have much longer in this world anyway.]

[888: Young man you seem pretty confident ma. But I have to remind you, you spoke so forcefully that Ming Chong doesn’t seem like he has the courage to come back to look for you. But he still has 10 points of blackening left.]

[Ye Ming: Don’t worry, soon Ming Chong will be in an advantageous position. Someone will appear to help push him along~]

[888: ……]

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In this period of time Ming Chong really didn’t appear in front of Ye Ming and appeared to have given up. The days of sleeping in to whenever he liked passed quickly, and one day Ye Ming went out to eat by himself and heard 888’s notification.

[888: The helpful person you’ve been waiting for is here.]

[Ye Ming: Which one is it?]

[888: Ming Chong’s half-sister from the same father and different mother, Ming Jin. Back then in order to stay with you Ming Chong pushed aside all his responsibilities and didn’t even attend Grandfather Ming’s birthday. This caused a lot of gossip from everyone. Right now those people from the Ming family who don’t like Ming Chong have found out about your existence and Ming Jin has decided to come meet you personally.]

[Ye Ming: Seems like this Ming family isn’t completely useless.]

[888: Of course not, it’s only that Ming Chong is more ruthless than them all.]

[Ye Ming: Hurry up and come then, the catalyst for our love~!]

[888: So, you’ve completely made up your mind to pull down Ming Chong’s back leg?]

[Ye Ming: How is this pulling on his back leg? I’m giving him an opportunity to save the damsel in distress, should he be so grateful to the point of crying? ^_^]

[888: …..]

Ye Ming smelt the cool fragrance of a perfume. He turned around and saw a person sit down opposite him.

It was a extremely beautiful woman.

Her black hair was rolled up casually and her features were pale as white jade. Her aura was elegant and traditional. She had narrow and long phoenix eyes. Even Ye Ming, who was a homosexual that had seen countless beauties, felt distracted.

Ming Jin looked over Ye Ming. The man was handsome and graceful with a high nose and thin lips. His eyes were very deep, and he looked like very elegant. It was for this person that Ming Chong had used all types of despicable and ruthless methods, even to the point of using the family’s power, in order to imprison him.

When she found out her ruthless and cruel half-brother had actually cared about a person this much, she couldn’t describe how surprised she was.

Because of her curiosity, she wanted to meet him in person at least once.

Although this beauty had appeared unexpectedly, however Ye Ming always had a sophisticated and calm temperament. He only smiled and said, “Hello, may I ask who you are?”

Ming Jin’s lips smiled. Her beautiful gaze moved over him. “Ming Jin.”

Ye Ming’s face changed. His pupils dilated momentarily but then quickly became normal again. He said in a gentlemanly manner, “So it’s young lady Ming.”

They both didn’t ask how the other person knew them. Clever people never needed to mince their words.

Even if Ye Ming didn’t do much investigation he would still have known that Ming Chong had a half-sister called Ming Jin, and that their relationship wasn’t good. As for why Ming Jin knew about him, she obviously had done investigation and thought that he could be used. Her motives for coming likely weren’t kind.

Looking at her today, Ming Jin and Ming Chong really some facial similarities, especially their exquisite eyes.

Ye Ming said smilingly, as though he was talking to an old friend, “What does Ms Ming want to eat?”

Ming Jin shook her head. Her phoenix eyes smiled. “I already ate.”

Ye Ming’s eyes moved and then he said, “Then may I ask what Ms Ming would like from me?”

Ming Jin gazed deeply at Ye Ming. She said in a meaningful manner, “I heard that lately my brother has done some things to put Mr Lin in an awkward situation. These things were too much. When I heard it I felt very sad… today I came to apologize on his behalf, and I also want to give you some compensation.”

Ye Ming’s eyes became sharper but he thinned his lips and didn’t say anything.

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Originally Ming Jin was the only heir of the Ming family. But now an illegitimate child had stolen everything from her. She hated Ming Chong so much she wished he could die, so how was it possible for her to put on an older sister appearance and come to apologize to him? Instead she was hinting to him, seeing if he was interested in joining hands with her to take down Ming Chong.

If he accepted her so-called “compensation” then it would be equivalent of getting on her boat, and working on her behalf against Ming Chong. If he didn’t accept it then he was telling her that he didn’t want to participate in such a thing.

Although Ming Chong had done horrible things to him, but Ye Ming had never thought about really hurting him. So how could he work together with Ming Jin to betray him?

Ye Ming didn’t even consider it. He directly said, “Thank you for your offer Ms Ming, however Ming Chong has already apologized to me so it’s not necessary.”

Ming Jin looked at him with regret and sighed. “Mr Lin, won’t you reconsider again?”

Ye Ming’s eyes carried faint laughter. He changed the subject. “Won’t Ms Ming order a few things? Since we met, it must be fate. It’s not a bad idea to be friends.”

“It seems as though Mr. Lin you’ve already made up your mind. It’s too bad. Ming Chong treated you thusly and you still don’t mind. It seems you still like him ba?” Ming Jin sighed. She looked disappointed.

Ye Ming smiled faintly. “Ms. Ming misunderstands. We already don’t have any more relationship.”

“I’m busy so I won’t bother Mr. Lin any longer.” Ming Jin stood up gracefully and her eyes smiled at Ye Ming. After she finished speaking she turned around to leave. Just as she was about to exit the venue, she turned around one more time to look at Ye Ming. There was pity in her beautiful eyes.

Ye Ming saw Ming Jin’s last glance at him. Clearly such a gentle and beautiful woman, however somehow she gave him the feeling of danger.

[Ye Ming: Is she preparing to do something?]

[888: You got it. Her people are already here.]

[Ye Ming: Ai, what a ruthless beauty. One disagreement and she attacks.]

[888: That’s right. Do you want to stand up and fight for your love? I can trade a short-term “martial art master” buff for you. As a friend I won’t take interest.]

[Ye Ming: No need… I’m weak, so I’d better wait for someone to come protect me QAQ]

[888: ……] How come this trash wasn’t dead yet? How come the men of this era didn’t have any manly qualities???

Ye Ming paid his bill and left. In the afternoon he saw a few friends and passed some time. He deliberately waited until late to go home.

He parked his car in the underground car park and opened the door. As soon as he did, someone used a cloth to cover his mouth! He struggled furiously for a few moments but the chloroform on the cloth made him quickly fall unconscious. His entire body went soft and then he was dragged by someone into a nondescript black car parked on the side.


Ming Chong didn’t expect to suddenly receive Ming Jin’s call. Ming Jin had always disliked him and wished he would leave the Ming family. Unless she had no choice, she would never speak a word to him in private.

Ming Chong didn’t mind. If he thought about it from her perspective, nobody would like the illegitimate child who stole one’s position… so probably out of a faint sense of conscience, no matter how cruel Ming Jin was, Ming Chong still paid mind to that faint blood relation and never acted to really destroy her.

Thus Ming Chong couldn’t immediately think of the reason why Ming Jin would suddenly call him today. He answered the call and said coldly, “What do you want?”

Ming Jin laughed lightly. “I’m your sister aren’t I? Isn’t it a bit impolite to use this kind of tone when talking to me?”

Ming Chong’s voice still had zero temperature. “What do you want from me?”

Ming Jin was silent for a moment  and then laughed helplessly. “You’re so boring, can’t even take a joke… fine, let’s talk business. I’ve prepared a present for you.”

A bad premonition arose in Ming CHong’s heart. He said seriously, “What kind of present?”

Ming Jin laughed. “A present you’ll definitely like. But it took me a lot of effort to get, so I can’t give it to you for free. How about… you use the 20% share you have to exchange, what do you think?”

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This request was absolutely crazy! The 20% share of Ming family was an incredibly large fortune, it was something that Ming Chong obtained only with extreme effort, it was his foundation in the Ming family. Now Ming Jin was asking for it so casually, absolutely insane.

But the more insane the request, the more turbulence arose in Ming Chong’s heart. What did Ming Jin hold in her hands to make such a request from him?!

He didn’t reject it straight away. Instead he said in a cold and calm way, “That depends on what you’ve prepared for me.”

Ming Jin said, “What a moment. Don’t hang up the phone. I’ll send the photo over to you.”

Ming Chong clutched the phone tightly. Very quickly he received a photo. In the front Ye Ming’s hands had been bound behind his back and he appeared to be unconscious. Ming Chong’s face changed drastically. The thing he was the most afraid of had come true!

He immediately used a different phone to call the people he had arranged to follow and protect Ye Ming but found that he couldn’t reach them at all!

Ming Chong breathed in deeply. He didn’t hesitate at all. He picked up the phone and said to Ming Jin, “I agree to your terms. Please don’t hurt him.”

It was Ming Jin’s turn to be surprised. She originally had prepared to have a lengthy negotiation with Ming Chong, she had not even considered the possibility that Ming Chong would agree immediately. But- Ming Chong didn’t even hesitate! He had given up practically everything he had, just because he didn’t want her to hurt this person.

She had completely underestimated Ye Ming’s importance to Ming Chong.

Ming Jin couldn’t help laughing. “Don’t worry, as long as you keep your end of the bargain I will take good care of him and return him to you.”

Ming Chong hanged up the phone. He quickly prepared all the materials. He didn’t believe Ming Jin’s promise at all, so he needed to prepare for the worst.


Ye Ming woke up groggily. His head hurt and he found that he was lying on a cold floor. His hands were bound and immovable, and in front of him were sitting several large men playing cards, smoking and swearing.

Ye Ming didn’t make any sound. He pretended he was still unconscious and silently listened to what they were saying.

One of the men received a call and then smiled immediately. “Miss has taken care of everything. Ming Chong has agreed to give up all the shares he owns for this man. It’s really unexpected. That bastard is actually the type that likes to play with mens bottoms hahahaha.”

The other people also couldn’t believe it. They said all sorts of dirty things about Ming Chong and also included Ye Ming in their jeers.

“That bastard really agreed to all of Miss’ conditions. So should we return to this person to him?”

“We need to return but… don’t forget about how much Miss hates that bastard. Miss’ cousin had some illegal enterprises and was caught by Ye Ming, and he event sent him to jail, and cut off Miss’ right and left hands {T/N: Not literally, as in the cousin was a big aid to Ming Jin so by sending him to jail, destroyed her support}. So this young Miss wants to give that bastard a lesson. Who told him to offend Miss before. Just an illegitimate child, doesn’t he know his position?”

“Then what should we do?”

“Once we receive the shares, we should break this guy’s hands and feet then return him to that bastard, and make him cry hahaha.”

“Since he made an opponent out of Miss, then this time we can’t let him off lightly.”

“Good idea! Good idea!”

[Ye Ming: I never thought that the beauty was so poisonous.]

[888: Yes, do you regret it? I told you fight back.]

[Ye Ming: No, I believe in my family’s Xiao Ming. He’s been fighting with that beauty for five years and never lost. How can he not be clear about her methods? He will definitely come to save me!]

[888: …….]

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Ye Ming woke up. It was uncomfortable lying in one position so he finally couldn’t control himself and moved a little bit. The people guarding him immediately discovered it!

The big guy walked over and looked down at him. “Are you awake? When did you wake up?”

Ye Ming looked at them coldly. “Just now.”

The big guy looked somewhat surprised. “You don’t look surprised at all. Seems like you know who kidnapped you?”

Ye Ming said, “Ms Ming just came by this afternoon to meet me. And I rejected her offer. The answer is not hard to guess.”

The big man patted his face and said with a smile, “Don’t worry. Ming Chong has agreed to Miss’ conditions. I will definitely ensure you stay alive, we won’t do anything to you.”

Ye Ming thought about the things they had said before and his heart was cold. His hands were bound tightly and there wasn’t any use in struggling. Thinking about his current predicament, his face couldn’t help but go pale.

The big guy noticed it and said with a smile. “You look scared?”

Ye Ming looked away. “I’ve been kidnapped, who wouldn’t be scared?”

The big guy thought this was right. He wasn’t suspicious of Ye Ming hearing their previous conversation. He went back and continued drinking and playing cards, however didn’t say anything like before.

They were waiting for Ming Jin’s call before making their move.

Thus two hours passed. These people got impatient. According to common sense, the transaction should have already gone through, how come there wasn’t any news?

One of them said lowly, “Boss, why doesn’t Miss call us? What’s happening over there?”

The big guy said, “There shouldn’t be any problem…”

The other guy asked, “How about you call them and ask?”

The big guy thought for a few moments then looked sideways at Ye Ming. He stood up and said, “I’ll go outside and make a phone call to ask.”

He got up and prepared to go outside to call. Since Ye Ming had woken up it was better not to say those things in front of him.

This was an out of the way warehouse. There wasn’t any windows. There was only one rolling door. As soon as the big guy opened it someone stuck a gun to his head. He screamed loudly and following that a powerful body attacked him and rushed inside.

The man’s beautiful face had a cold aura. His phoenix eyes were narrowed and immediately saw Ye Ming. He saw he was unharmed and the panic in his eyes dissipated slightly.

Ye Ming didn’t think things would change so fast and that Ming Chong would suddenly appear! The scene immediately became very chaotic. However unfortunately he couldn’t do anything, he could only sit still and panic.

Ming Chong didn’t come alone. Behind him other people entered quickly. But at the same time as the big guy hit the ground, the other people in the warehouse realized something was wrong and immediately pulled out their guns. In an instant bullets went flying!

The people that Ming Chong brought clearly had an advantage. Their opponents fell down one by one. They also realized they couldn’t keep it up and one of them turned around to look at Ye Ming!

Ye Ming’s face changed. He couldn’t let himself be used as leverage against Ming Chong! He quickly rolled around on the floor and distanced himself from that person. That person didn’t think Ye Ming would run away. He wasn’t able to grab onto him immediately, and the next moment he was hit by a bullet, screamed and fell down.

The warehouse finally became quiet.

Ming Chong’s leg turned and he flew to Ye Ming’s side. He grabbed him into his embrace and undid his bindings. His black hair fell in front of his face and his black pupils were filled with worry and guilt. He said in a hoarse voice, “Thank god nothing happened to you….”

This happened to you because of me.

Ye Ming finally let out a sigh of relief. He looked at Ming Chong was a complicated expression. His lips moved and he was just about to say something when Ming Chong suddenly pitched forward into his arms.

Ye Ming froze for a moment. Then he reached out his hand and found that his fingers were full of blood! His face immediately changed.

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