Ye Ming flipped Ming Chong over and discovered there was a bullet wound in his stomach. It was hidden by his dark clothes and because it had been too chaotic before, he hadn’t discovered it.

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In this moment his mind went blank. He could only think that he definitely couldn’t let Ming Chong die! He didn’t care about his weak body and grabbing Ming Chong’s arm, picked him up and said sternly, “Ming Chong has been injured. Don’t worry about those people, hurry up and send him to the hospital.”

Ming Chong’s subordinates immediately came over and took care of things, they took Ming Chong from Ye Ming and they got in the car and sped towards the hospital.

Ye Ming’s whole body was dirty. He didn’t even wash his face and just stood anxiously outside the operating theatre.

[Ye Ming: Based on Xiao Ming’s protagonists’ halo, he should be okay right…?]

[888: What? Are you regretting it? Feeling guilty?]

[Ye Ming: ….] Probably yes, a little bit….

[Ye Ming: But, in the end he should be okay right?]

[888 said in an irritated manner: He won’t die.]

Ye Ming felt reassured. 888’s words were more reliable than a doctor’s. If he said he wouldn’t die then he definitely wouldn’t…. and on the off chance that he really would, then even if Ye Ming had to make a sacrifice he would beg 888 to save him…

Ming Chong’s subordinates said respectfully to Ye Ming, “Mr. Lin, do you want to go and rest first? We will arrange someone to get a room for you.]

Ye Ming shook his head gravely. “I’ll just wait here.”

The subordinate saw Ye Ming’s mood and didn’t try to persuade him anymore. He just brought a blanket over.


Ming Chong’s entire body was dizzy. He felt as though he had woken up from a bad dream. In the dream he had been too late… when he came all he saw was a pool of blood and Ye Ming was lying in the middle of it, his eyes were staring at him and he said accusingly: It’s all because of you, all of this has nothing to do with me.

He looked into those bloody eyes and had been shocked into wakefulness. He struggled then got up and said in a hoarse voice, “XuanWen? Where is he?”

At this time he felt a warm hand holding his. He heard a tender and gentle voice say next to his ear, “I’m right here.”

Ming Chong’s gaze wavered. He turned his hard and stared dumbly at Ye Ming’s face.

He finally remembered. He had already saved Ye Ming. He hadn’t been late… when he realized this, all the energy in his body suddenly left. Ming Chong’s body fell back nervelessly. He didn’t pay attention to the pain from the wounds of his body and asked, “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”

Ye Ming’s gaze was complicated. Ever since the surgery he had set up vigil here.

He saw Ming Chong’s pale appearance and remembered how he had risked his life to save him. He thought about the words he had overheard… for him, Ming Chong had unhesitatingly agreed to Ming Jin’s requests, and even placed himself in danger to save him personally.

And even just now, when he had woken up… his first thought was about Ye Ming.

Didn’t he think about how much he would lose if he acted this way… even his own life?

Ye Ming lowered his gaze. He said, “I’m fine. They didn’t do anything to me.”

Ming Chong sighed in relief. In his eyes there was still an anxious appearance. “That’s good…”

No one knew how frightened he was in that moment. He never thought that Ming Jin would successfully kidnap Ye Ming.

Ming Jin wasn’t a trustworthy person. She hated him excruciatingly. It was highly likely that in order to revenge herself on him, that she would do something crazy. That’s why he had used the share transaction to distract Ming Jin, and meanwhile search desperately for Ye Ming….

Ye Ming sighed. “You should worry about yourself more.”

The doctor said that if the bullet had been just slightly to the side then this person wouldn’t be able to be saved.

Just thinking that Ming Chong might have died for him, made Ye Ming’s heart fill with deep pressure. Clearly I hurt you before, rejected you, why would you still do this much for me? Are you stupid?

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By contrast, Ming Chong’s eyes rose. He couldn’t help saying, “You’re concerned about me, right…?”

Ye Ming was startled. Then he nodded his head. Although they had broken up, it wasn’t wrong to admit fear and concern for him. Ming Chong had desperately tried to save him, that he should be concerned about him return wasn’t unusual.

Ming Chong’s eyes held lingering emotion. He suddenly said emotionally, “I’m very happy.”

Ye Ming said hesitatingly, “Ming Chong…”

Ming Chong gazed at him and said slowly. “Don’t worry, I won’t make any unreasonable requests of you. After going through so much, the fact that you are still willing to be concerned about me already makes me very satisfied. Also you were only in danger originally because of me. It’s only right that I should save you. You don’t need to feel any responsibility.”

Ye Ming thinned his lips. “You almost died. No one should die because of another person.”

Ming Chong’s dark pupils held an indescribable emotion brewing. He said, “I know that Ming Jin saw you before. She knows that you’re my weak spot, she definitely would have tried to entice you with a good bargain in order to make you turn against me. But you rejected it, right? So that’s why she chose to act against you. Originally you didn’t need to suffer such danger, and instead could obtain a great reward. But you chose not to….”

He was still a little bit weak and his voice wasn’t loud, but it was very clear. He said one sentence, then rested before the next one.

Ye Ming was silent for some time. Then he said, “Although we had some unhappy moments, but I don’t have any reason to help her against you.”

Ming Chong suddenly coughed. His throat moved and a painful expression made his face white.

Ye Ming exposed a anxious expression. “Don’t talk anymore.”

Although his entire body was in pain however Ming Chong’s eyes were still smiling. “It’s nothing.”

Actually I’m really, really very happy ah…

Using your superior intellect, how could you not have known what you were rejecting? How could you not have known that you were putting yourself in danger? But you still chose me without hesitation?

Although we are no longer lovers, however you are still so gentle.

I know… that actually you still care about me.

[Ding! Ming Chong’s blackening -5, right now the blackening value is 5.]

Ming Chong turned his palm over and clutched Ye Ming’s hand back. He said with a smile, “Sorry to trouble you to remain by my side for a little while longer. This time I have thoroughly offended Ming Jin. Right now if you go out you might be in danger.”

Ye Ming looked at Ming Chong’s eyes. In those eyes there was no longer any insane or crazy expression, there was only deep longing.

Right now he was being serious, he didn’t have any other intentions.

He wouldn’t force him anymore.

Ye Ming nodded. He smiled and said, “Okay.”

If you want to walk forward, although I can’t help you with much, at least I won’t hold you back.


Once Ming Chong was out of danger he left the hospital. He took Ye Ming and returned to Ming family’s home in W City. They went to Ming Chong’s own villa. There he had top-level security and it was very safe.

Because of his injuries, it wasn’t convenient for Ming Chong to leave the house. But from his house he could still control everything.

Ming Jin was unsuccessful in using Ye Ming’s kidnapping to blackmail Ming Chong, but instead exposed a weak point for him to use. She had been punished heavily by Grandfather Ming. At the same time Ming Chong sent out the evidence of her crimes to the police and the investigation had made things very difficult for her. Even the Ming family probably couldn’t save her.

Ming Chong had beaten down Ming Jin, but he wasn’t completely a victor because he had a fatal weakness and that was the Ye Ming who had been used by Ming Jin.

Ming Grandfather and all the people of the Ming family wouldn’t acknowledge someone who was obsessed with another man as the heir of the family. If he was just playing it would be fine, but Ming Chong was serious. In regards to matters regarding Ye Ming his actions were highly illogical, which made his status and position in the family very precarious. Between him and Ming Jin, it can be said that they were both heavily injured with no victors.

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This was all seen by Ye Ming.

Today Ming Chong saw another set of visitors. It was not until they left that he showed his weak side.

In front of other people he always appeared strong and haughty. This was his foundation in the Ming family. Everyone wanted to cleave to the strong. If he showed that he was weak, then there would be countless people who would come to attack him while he was down.

So he had to pretend to be strong. It was very tiring.

Ye Ming suddenly felt very sad for him. He didn’t know how Ming Chong had survived in the last few years. In the five years they had been apart, their knowledge of each other was zero.

Ye Ming couldn’t help walking over and asking, “If you don’t feel comfortable then don’t force yourself. You haven’t fully recovered yet.”

Ming Chong’s face was pale. There was sweat on his forehead. Probably he was in pain however he still smiled at Ye Ming. “If you kiss me and then maybe I won’t feel tired anymore.”

This young and handsome man was using this kind of pure gaze to look at him. Although he looked as though he was joking however his eyes were very serious. It landed deep in Ye Ming’s heart and made it race.

Back then how did he fall in love with this man? Probably it was subconsciously like this….

There wasn’t too many reasons.

Ye Ming turned his head. “I’m going to go rest first.”

He was scared that he kept looking then he wouldn’t be able to control himself from kissing Ming Chong. That man’s seductive ability was a cheat.

A disappointed expression appeared in Ming Chong’s eyes and they darkened however he didn’t say anything. He just watched Ye Ming leave. Then he stood up with difficulty and prepared to return to his own room. However he didn’t take more than a few steps before he fell down to the ground!

Although Ye Ming was preparing to leave however he still noticed Ming Chong’s movements. He heard a sound and his head reacted quickly. He sped back and grabbed Ming Chong, helping him up. He said, “Don’t you know how to ask someone for help-”

He didn’t get to finish his sentence because the next moment hot lips sealed his mouth.

Ming Chong held Ye Ming’s neck and kissed his lips. His dark eyes were filled with deep affection.

Ye Ming originally wanted to throw him off but at the last minute he couldn’t.

Also… Ming Chong was currently injured. If he threw him off what if he injured him more?

That kiss was warm and lingering. There wasn’t any signs of force. In reality all Ye Ming needed to do was raise his head slightly and they would separate. However for the first time he hesitated… in the moment that he had made the harsh decision to break up, didn’t he have some sort of pain and regret in his heart?

He did…. only his logic superseded his emotions. He knew this relationship was full of baggage and wounds, and it was impossible for it to come to a successful ending. So that’s why he had helplessly chosen to give up.

But that didn’t mean he didn’t love this person at all.

After a few seconds, Ye Ming slowly pushed Ming Chong aside. His face had an unnatural blush but he said coldly, “You really have all the moves.”

Ming Chong said in a bullied tone, “It wasn’t intentional. I really didn’t stand properly.”

Ye Ming said, “You-”

He knew Ming Chong wasn’t lying. In these days Ming Chong had never intentionally shown him a weak side in order to gain his pity. He had always been polite and restrained… this time it probably really was an accident. However he still felt a little bit embarrassed because before he had so determinedly spoken of breaking up, however now his actions weren’t so clear cut and there seemed like there was room for movement.

Ming Chong saw Ye Ming was feeling uncomfortable and very intelligently didn’t pursue this matter and make it awkward for him. Instead he said peacefully, “Can you send me back to my room?”

Wordlessly Ye Ming helped Ming Chong back to his room.

This time Ming Chong didn’t do anything to make Ye Ming stay with him. He only looked at him quietly however the longing in his gaze made Ye Ming’s heart feel stuffy, as though his action of leaving him was very cruel.

Ye Ming hesitated however in the end he still turned around and left. He went back to his own room and touched his lips. The feeling of that soft touch still had not completely dissipated.

[888: Just now you did it deliberately ba.]

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[Ye Ming: What did I do deliberately~~]

[888: You deliberately showed a hestiating expression to him. Don’t think I don’t know. I can detect your heartbeat and hormone secretion levels. You were extremely calm. You definitely didn’t get distracted in the slightest.]

[Ye Ming: …..] He couldn’t talk with this kind of system any longer, get lost!

[888: So why are you doing this?]

[Ye Ming: It’s because you don’t understand that man. Although men always want the one thing they can’t have, but you can’t make them completely despair. You need to let him experience a little bit of hope and sweetness. That way he will chase you desperately. I don’t need to do anything except give him a few hints then Xiao Ming won’t give up. After all I can’t let him really let go….]

[888: Coldface.jpg]

[Ye Ming: Also, just then he was really very tempting and seductive. If you say my heart completely didn’t move at all, then you’ve wronged me! ^_^]

[888: ….]

Ye Ming recalled Ming Chong’s expression from before. Ming family really had great genes. If nothing else, just that face could help you eat two more bowls of rice. So he really did like him quite a bit.


Since the day he had stolen a kiss from Ye Ming and Ye Ming hadn’t put up a strong resistance, Ming Chong started to like the sensation of getting close to Ye Ming when he wasn’t expecting it.

Also Ming Chong discovered that showing his weakness to gain pity was very effective. Every time Ye Ming looked as though he was about to get angry, he would show a pained expression and Ye Ming would be worried about his injuries so wouldn’t blame him… really this person was just as gentle as before. He was the kind where the soft method worked much better than he hard method.

Since he found the correct direction, Ming Chong didn’t want to give up any opportunities to get to close to Ye Ming. If he could get his wife back, then his self-respect didn’t exist. The bottom line of a man could be countlessly refreshed.

This day Ming Chong finished a busy day of work. Ye Ming walked past the living room and brought him a cup of water. Ming Chong immediately grabbed Ye Ming’s hand and pulled him into his arms. Ye Ming was scared of agitating Ming Chong’s injuries and only grabbed onto the sofa. He gazed accusingly at Ming Chong. “That’s enough.”

Ming Chong held Ye Ming’s neck and kissed upwards. The other hand lightly reached into his clothes. His voice was deep and at the same time had a charming quality. “It’s not enough.”

Ye Ming was teased until he felt his interest rise. He was a man who had a normal psychology and body, and it wasn’t as though he didn’t have any feelings towards Ming Chong. If things continued this way he might not be able to control himself so in the end he forcefully pushed Ming Chong aside and thinned his lips saying, “Didn’t you forget that we’ve already broken up?”

Ming Chong looked down and showed a sad expression.

Ye Ming was helpless in the face of this, but he knew he couldn’t continue like this. If they continued behaving in such an ambiguous manner towards each other, then it wasn’t good for either of them.

He said slowly, “We can’t go back.”

Ming Chong’s face went white.

He originally thought that using this period of time he could win Ye Ming’s heart back, however…. wasn’t there any chance at all?

Clearly they had been getting along well with each other, just like in the past… why couldn’t they go back?

Ye Ming probably knew his words were somewhat cruel but sometimes it was better to be cruel up front then the drag things out for a long time. He said, “It’s almost time for me to leave. Ming Jin can’t do anything now and right now no one is  your opponent in the Ming family. If I leave no one will do anything to me.”

Ming Chong’s lips twitched. He had always prayed that this day would come later but it still came. It was impossible to avoid. He saw Ye Ming’s cold eyes and his heart was filled with so much pain it was as though blood was being drawn from his heart. He said in a dispirited voice, “You can leave at any time.”

Ye Ming sighed. He looked at him deeply. “I know.”

Ming Chong forced himself to smile but his expression was dark.

Ye Ming saw his expression and felt sad. He said in a more gentle voice, “I know right now you still think that I’m very important and you don’t want me to leave, but time will heal everything. Right now you have many things that you didn’t have before. Slowly you will discover that this relationship isn’t as important as you think it is.”

At least, far less important than everything you now possess.

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I don’t want to see you give up everything because of me. I don’t want you your love to face such immense pressure. That would really make it hard to bear for me.

The corners of Ming Chong’s lips moved as he forced himself to smile. He said, “You’re always so rational.”

Ye Ming hesitated for a moment but in the end he didn’t say much more. He only said, “Then I’ll be going.”

Originally he didn’t bring many things so when he left it was also very simple.

Clearly he should have felt relieved however instead there was a voice in his heart which kept repeating: Don’t go, stay, actually you still care about this person.

But there was also another voice which said: Let go, don’t try again. Do you really think you can withstand another torturous round of misunderstanding? Why do you want to let reality destroy the romantic fantasy. It’s better to just leave things in this moment.

Ye Ming’s steps were very heavy. When he reached the front door he suddenly heard Ming Chong calling him. He couldn’t help turning around.

He saw Ming Chong sitting there. His eyes were filled with previously unseen seriousness. He said each word slowly. “You said we can’t go back… but I think in this world there is nothing definite which can’t be changed.”

Although everything you said is right, however there is only one part that I don’t acknowledge.

Clearly you haven’t completely let go of me.

Ye Ming didn’t make any reply. He turned around and left.


Ye Ming travelled back to G City that day.

[888: What are you doing? Clearly you could have reconciled, there wasn’t anything wrong with the timing.]

[Ye Ming: That’s true. But Xiao Ming would definitely think that the moment wasn’t perfect enough. He’s so good at strategy and planning. Next time he will definitely use a method that I won’t be able to reject.]

[888: …….]

[Ye Ming: This time when Xiao Ming comes back I’ll forgive him. After all I still like him ma ^_^]

[888: He he.]

Go ahead and continue being a scum. Anyone who falls in love with you, it’s their misfortune.

Ye Ming stayed at home these days. When he didn’t have anything to do he watched the news.

These days Ming family’s news was everywhere. Not only in the business section, but also the entertainment section and even the legal section. Ming Jin had been convicted of several serious crimes. The young lady Ming was very likely to get a long sentence.

It should be that Ming Chong should now be able to rise unimpeded in the Ming family, but news about him was very rare. It seemed as though he was deliberately trying to not appear in public.

A little over a month later when everything had quietened down, Ye Ming saw a piece of news that was both expected and completely unexpected: Ming family’s illegitimate child Ming Chong had, for various personal reasons, left the Ming family.

In the years he had been in the Ming family he had completely turned everything upside down, but in the end he had chosen to leave, leaving everything behind.

He came suddenly, but left quietly.

Although Ye Ming was worried however he controlled himself and didn’t make any enquiries. He needed to harden his heart and cut everything off cleanly.

The season changed to autumn. This day it was raining when Ye Ming came back home.

He unexpectedly saw Ming Chong standing in front of his door. He wore a large coat and had a scarf around his neck. Next to his foot was a rolling suitcase. The wind splattered his body with rainwater and he looked quite pitiful, like a traveller who didn’t have a place to call home. He saw Ye Ming came home and his eyes lit up. He smiled and said, “You’re finally back.”

Ye Ming held the umbrella and stood rooted to the spot, unmoving. His eyes were surprised and complicated with emotion.

Ming Chong saw that Ye Ming didn’t speak and made a pitiful face. He gazed hopefully at Ye Ming and his expression was just like many years ago. His voice was gentle as he said, “Right now I don’t have anywhere to go. Please, can you take me in?”

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