Ye Ming was silent for a long time. Then he finally said, “You shouldn’t have done this.”

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Ming Chong didn’t reply. His dark eyes stared unblinkingly at Ye Ming as though except for right here, there wasn’t anywhere else in the world he could go. For him, his return path had long ago been cut off.

Ye Ming walked under the awning of the apartment and folded up the umbrella. The rainwater slid down the umbrella. He shook it and then finally turned his head and said, “Come up ba.”

Ming Chong’s eyes brightened. It was as though this person without hope found a chance at rebirth, or someone in the desert who had found an oasis. Happily he grabbed his suitcase and followed Ye Ming up the stairs.

Once again he was standing in front of that door. Five years ago… he had left this place with despair and hate, and now five years later he had come back after giving up everything he had worked so hard to achieve.

However in his heart he didn’t have any hesitation. Because right now he was extremely clear about what he wanted.

It wasn’t power or wealth, it wasn’t political games or manipulation, it was only to be together with this person.

He had turned so many corners and bends, finally coming full circle to discover that what he had originally was the best and what he wanted the most… to find that, he never should have left in the first place.

Ye Ming placed the umbrella in the holder by the door, turned to Ming Chong and said, “You stay in the guest room.”

Ming Chong didn’t protest and immediately wheeled the suitcase towards the guest room. He was already very satisfied that Ye Ming was willing to take him in, so he couldn’t take a yard just because he was given an inch. He would use time to make Ye Ming accept him again.

Ye Ming saw Ming Chong’s appearance and sighed. However his heart was still soft so he couldn’t help saying, “You’re wet from the rain. Why don’t you go take a shower first otherwise you will get a cold.”

Ming Chong was overjoyed. After a while from the bathroom came the sound of running water.

Ye Ming sat in the living room until Ming Chong came out. He looked at the man in front of him with a conflicted expression in his eyes.

He was clear in his heart about the reason that Ming Chong came back, and also the risen he had given up on everything he had worked so hard to achieve.

He knew what Ming Chong wanted… originally he should have rejected him, but in the end he couldn’t bear to do it. Ming Chong had also anticipated this and knew that in the end Ye Ming still cared about him, so that’s why he had done this.

Only by completely cutting off his return path, could he walk forward.

Ye Ming originally should have tried to dissuade Ming Chong but the words which rose to his lips didn’t come out. In the end he only said gravely, “You are too impulsive.”

Ming Chong smiled. His dark eyes were filled with tenderness. He said, “It was the decision I made after thinking and reflecting carefully. It wasn’t a momentary impulse. You said we can’t go back, but I think we can.”

“Right now- can’t it be counted as going back?” Ming Chong asked seriously.

Ye Ming looked at him helplessly. “For this useless “go back to the past”, you left the Ming family? Don’t you understand what you’re giving up on? And also, they are your family….”

Ming Chong walked over on his long legs, then got down on one knee in front of Ye Ming. He raised his head. On his handsome face there was a faint smile. His thin lips were slightly raised at the corners. “I don’t have any family there. Only here.”

“There isn’t a single person I like in the Ming family. My birth father is a dissolute playboy. He has many women on the outside but at the same time he’s terrified of his wife, and so won’t let any of them have children. I’m just a fish that broke through his net, he dislikes me a lot.” Ming Chong said this extremely peacefully although the contents of his words was not at all peaceful. However he didn’t express any sadness. He continued, “When I went back he avoided me at all costs. His wife is always trying to think of schemes to get rid of me. Also there are her sisters and brothers, in order to combat me, they even hired assassins…. If it wasn’t the fact that Ming grandfather was dissatisfied with her, and wanted to use this opportunity to restrict her, then probably I wouldn’t have had a chance to make a name for myself. As for Ming Jin, she hates me to the bone even more.”

Ye Ming thought about the insults he had heard about Ming Chong when these people were speaking behind his back. Now hearing these words his heart felt heavy. Behind those light and matter-of-fact words, there was an abyss of helplessness and despair. Probably only Ming Chong truly understood it.

Ming Chong raised the corner of his lips. “That’s why I dislike all of them. If it wasn’t for Ming family’s wealth and power, and because back then I really wanted to be able to stand in front of you, then I definitely wouldn’t have come back.”

There wasn’t anything worth missing in that place.

Ye Ming held his hand. He said without hesitation, “Then don’t go back there.”

Ming Chong’s eyelashes trembled. His voice was low and carried laughter. “So, you are agreeing to let me stay, right?”

Ye Ming’s expression was awkward. He couldn’t speak the words of sending Ming Chong away but letting him stay was also… in the end he only coughed lightly and said, “I’m tired. You should rest early too.”

After speaking he got up and went to his room and shut the door.

Ming Chong felt the emptiness inside his hands. He saw the way Ye Ming had run away hurriedly and laughed lowly.


When Ye Ming woke up the next day, he smelt the aroma coming from the kitchen. When he went inside he saw that Ming Chong was preparing breakfast. He turned around and smiled at Ye Ming then said naturally, “You go and sit ba, it will be ready soon.”

Ye Ming sat at the table. It didn’t take long for Ming Chong to bring breakfast over. He smiled at him and said, “I thought about it and it doesn’t seem right to live and eat here for free, so I can only work to earn my keep.”

Ye Ming: …..

[Ye Ming: Xiao Ming has gotten addicted to pretending to gain pity….]

[888: Who told you to show that this method is very effective on you.]

[Ye Ming: Ai.]

[Ye Ming: But this is good too. It’s even more joyful then waking up naturally. Now I can wake up naturally and there’s someone to make all 3 meals for me. 360 degree service. What a perfect life. Right now I don’t have any other desires in life.]

[888: What about your sex life?]

[Ye Ming: That will be coming along shortly ^_^]

888 really wanted to beat up this trash.

Ming Chong really was as good as his word. He worked in order to repay his debt. Every day he pampered Ye Ming until he had nothing to say. He also didn’t give the slightest indication of crossing the line except… every day he would walk around in front of Ye Ming, sometimes without clothing on the top, revealing his lean and muscular body with its beautiful lines and abdominal muscles…. Every day Ye Ming would get excited and feel frustrated.

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Ye Ming was a homosexual, and in front of him was a tempting beauty that wanted to be eaten. Particularly this beauty was also someone he liked.

Finally one day he couldn’t control himself and pushed Ming Chong down.

The next day Ming Chong massaged Ye Ming’s waist on the bed and said apologetically, “I’m sorry. Yesterday you kept telling me not to stop… I thought you were enjoying yourself… next time I won’t go so hard.”

Ye Ming sighed. He turned his head and bit Ming Chong’s lips. He said heatedly, “That’s enough.”

Don’t remind me about how I went back on my words! You think I don’t want any face?

Ming Chong saw Ye Ming’s embarrassed face and his eyes smiled. He kissed back forcefully. Since he couldn’t say anything then he would just have to use his actions to show him how much he loved him.

After another bout of lovemaking, the two people embraced each other on the bed and both of them didn’t want to get up.

Ye Ming gazed into Mng Chong’s eyes. He said softly, “Do you remember what you said about me in the past? Back then I was really angry.”

Ming Chong felt extremely guilty. He clutched Ye Ming tightly. “I’m sorry. Back then I was jealous to the point of becoming crazy and my head was filled with nonsense. Just thinking about you possibly being with another person…”

Ye Ming saw how anxious he was thought it was a bit funny. He said, “I also said some things I shouldn’t have so we’re even. Although… what do you like about me?”

Ming Chong thought about it seriously for a while then asked, “Then what do you like about me?”

Ye Ming thought about it and felt that some things couldn’t be expressed. It was probably just that this person was in line with his heart, looking at him was comfortable, being together was joyful, it would be good to spend the rest of his life like this. He said, “No particular reason, it just feels right.”

Ming Chong smiled. His eyes held a strong and unshakeable emotion. “I’m the same.”

He tenderly and sincerely kissed Ye Ming’s lips. “Also I won’t ever be suspicious of you again. I will believe you. In these five years I’ve finally understood that… a sense of security isn’t something I can obtain with status, and it also isn’t something that someone else can give me. Only I can give it to myself.”

Once I had nothing but you loved me so much. But when I had power and money, you went further and further away from me.

This time I will trust in you. That way we definitely won’t be separated again.

Ye Ming was startled but then he smiled. “I also won’t hide anything or lie to you again.”

Because love shouldn’t have anything hidden.

He originally thought that they had gone through so much and that there wasn’t any more possibility of a future together… but if the experiences could make them more honest and loyal to each other, then perhaps it wasn’t a bad thing.

Also he didn’t want to act against his true desires. If he didn’t try, then how would he know if he would be successful?

Ye Ming wrapped his arms around Ming Chong’s neck and gazed into his eyes. He said, “I love you.”

Ming Chong didn’t speak. He only kissed him heavily.

I know you love me.

If you didn’t love me, how could you wait for me, forgive me and take me back again….

[Ding! Ming Chong’s blackening -4, the current blackening value is 1.]

After that day, Ye Ming and Ming Chong can be considered to have gotten back together. The two people returned to the past, to the days when they lovingly treated each other.

Ye Ming had rested for a long time. However as a man who was responsible, since he had made up his mind to spend the rest of his life properly with Ming Chong, he needed to make some plans. He couldn’t continue to idle his days away. He planned to restart to do business. He contacted some old friends and expressed to them his desire to enter into a partnership. Wang Heng was very enthusiastic.

However because Ye Ming didn’t want Ming Chong to feel uncomfortable, so he didn’t want to cooperate with Wang Heng.

This day Ye Ming was in the house and Wang Heng called him again. After hesitating, Ye Ming picked up the phone.

Wang Heng said: “XuanWen, why is only me that you won’t work with? You know that I don’t have any other intentions, I just want to make up for some things I did before… also I’m a business person, wanting to work with you is because I believe in your ability. We can treat business like business, you don’t need to overthink it.”

Ye Ming paused. He said, “It’s just like you said. Since it’s just business I can do it with anyone, why does it have to be with you? I’ve gotten back together with Ming Chong so in the future if there isn’t anything else, please don’t call again.:

Wang Heng went quiet and didn’t say anything for a long time. “He treated you like that and you still….”

Ye Ming said, “That’s in the past. I thought about it and I still can’t let him go. I love him, do you understand?”

Wang Heng finally didn’t say anything. After a while he said, “I understand.”

Ye Ming hanged up the phone and sighed softly. When he turned around he saw Ming Chong coming out of the bathroom with a towel. As he walked he dried his hair and asked casually, “Who was calling?”

Ye Ming paused for a second. He said, “It was Wang Heng. He wants to work together.”

Ming Chong paused then smiled. He said, “You don’t need to worry about me. If you want to work with him then you should work together.” He blinked and his expression was very relaxed. It appeared as though he had really thought things through. “Also I trust you.”

Ye Ming looked moved. Actually just before he had hesitated. He was thinking about whether or not he should tell Ming Chong about Wang Heng’s call. After all he had rejected him already and if he told Ming Chong it would only make him uncomfortable… but in the end he still said it. Because he thought that in love there shouldn’t be anything hidden. He als needed to trust Ming Chong more.

Ming Chong didn’t disappoint him.

Ming Chong walked over and grasped Ye Ming’s waist. He said with a smile, “Of course business is business but if he tries anything else, I will definitely beat him up until even his mother doesn’t recognize him. I’ll protect you!”

Ye Ming couldn’t help laughing. His expression was very tender and filled with love. He said, “I’m very happy you’re willing to protect me but it’s not necessary. I already rejected it and he won’t call again.”

Ming Chong felt this was unexpected but quickly he understood why Ye Ming would reject Wang Heng. He felt deeply moved and love flowed through his heart.

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Actually this person had always been very considerate…

It was only that before he didn’t realize and only blamed him for not being dedicated enough.

Ming Chong couldn’t help but become excited. He put Ye Ming onto the sofa and holding the side of his face, kissed him deeply. Ye Ming’s fingers were in Ming Chong’s hair and with one hand pulled Ming Chong’s clothes away.


Ye Ming originally had a lot of contacts. And before when he had sold his company he ended up with some funds, so after re-establishing a new business it didn’t take him long to become busy again.

Ming Chong also didn’t find any other work. The previous young master Ming was very satisfied to work for Ye Ming. His whole appearance was of a dedicated and responsible young wife. Occasionally when someone he knew ran into him they would feel awkward, but Ming Chong didn’t mind what others thought at all.

In his eyes and heart he only had Ye Ming. His heart was peaceful so he didn’t care about others or his status.

The time went by quickly. In the blink of an eye half a year passed. Every day these two people were stuck together and their relationship was extremely stable. They had already begun discussing when they should go overseas and get married and have a holiday at the same time.

[888: It’s been 7 months and twelve days, there’s still 1 blackening value left. Looks like you can’t complete this mission. If you really can’t then you can forcibly leave, it will just be counted as a mission failure.]

[Ye Ming: Who says I can’t complete it? It’s only 1 blackening value~]

[888 said coldly: Only 1 blackening value but it’s been more than 10 times the time you spent before and you still haven’t eliminated it.]

[Ye Ming: ….]

[Ye Ming: I can feel your disparagement. I really need to stand up and speak to preserve my honor!]

[888: You can’t complete it?]

[Ye Ming: It’s not that. It’s only that I don’t really want to use this method.]

[888: Oh? You’ve always been the type where the end justifies the means but there’s still a method you don’t want to use?]

[Ye Ming: Big brother, am I this kind of person in your eyes? You really break my heart….]

[888: If necessary I can provide you with a few more cuts.]

[Ye Ming: QAQ]

[888: If you can’t complete it then let’s force quit ba. Don’t forget you still have quite a few more worlds of blackening to eliminate. If you get trapped in this world, the situation will worsen in the other worlds and even your missions there will get affected.]

[Ye Ming: I already said there is a way…. It’s not that I don’t really want to use it…]

[Ye Ming: Do you think that right now Ming Chong 100% believes that I love him?]

[888: Clearly he’s expressed that he does.]

[Ye Ming: That’s right. The key to eliminating he blackening is my love for him. So according to logic right now he shouldn’t have any blackening. But there’s still 1 point left, so that means that there is something still at stake.]

[Ye MIng: I’m afraid that even he hasn’t realized it, but in his heart he still has fear and anxiety towards the future. Even if right now our relationship is very good but because of the previous misunderstandings and problems… no one can have 100% certainty and assurance that we will definitely walk to the end together. The things that can change throughout the course of a lifetime is too many. He wants to preserve what we have now but who can promise him that the future will definitely be the same? Who can promise him that I will always love him?]

[888: According to logic, nothing can stay the same forever. So don’t even talk about “love” this fickle thing.]

[Ye Ming: You’re wrong. There is a type of love that will never change.]

[888: Oh?]

[Ye Ming: This kind of love will not change with the passage of time. It will forever remain and never disappear. He won’t ever need to worry about that one day I won’t love him anymore… my love will always be frozen in the moment of it being the most deep and most beautiful.]

[888: Then why don’t you give it to him?]

[Ye Ming: Because it would be very cruel to him and he probably doesn’t want it.]

888 couldn’t understand the nonsense thinking of humans. This so-called “love” didn’t have any concrete data, but since Ye Ming wanted to dwell on the matter then 888 couldn’t be bothered stopping him. Anyway he had already explained to Ye Ming the consequences of staying here, so the rest would be up to Ye Ming to decide.

Because the days were too peaceful so 888 didn’t appear often.


Another month passed. Ye Ming and Ming Chong went to another city to buy some products. The city skyline was very beautiful. The two people completed their business and decided to stay a few days to holiday.

In that place there was a local night market. The delicacies there were famous throughout the country so the two people went to take a look.

Since it was food, Ye Ming didn’t mind trying more kinds.

At midnight the two people went for a walk along the river. The sky was full of stars and there was really a beautiful and peaceful feeling.

888 appeared to destroy the peace.

[888: Right now there’s some people heading towards you. According to my investigations, Ming Jin’s mother wants to eliminate Ming Chong at all costs. Only if Ming Chong dies, then there is a chance that the Ming family will turn around and try to protect Ming Jin again.

[888: There’s a lot of people. Right now the chances of you living is not high. However on the right side an empty store has a door with metal bars. If you run towards there, there might be a chance.]

[Ye Ming: If both people run away it’s very difficult. However if one person stays behind to distract, and the other person runs away the chance is much higher ^_^]

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[Ye Ming: It looks like my mission is about to be completed.]

Ye Ming stood next to the river side. He turned around. The dark of his pupil reflected the starry night sky. He raised the corner of his lips and said, “If time could stop right now, how good it would be.”

Ming Chong turned his body and lightly embraced Ye Ming. His eyes were warm and tender. “Yes.”

This kind of peaceful and beautiful moment, holding the person he loved, if he could just continue this way forever how good it would be.

Ming Chong lowered his eyes. In his chest his love overflowed. Who would have thought that in five years they could still stand here like this, embracing together. The heavens had taken pity on him, and given him a chance to obtain the person he loved once again.

He lowered his head. He wanted to kiss this person but suddenly saw more than then people holding knives speeding towards him. His expression changed. He grabbed Ye Ming and turned to run.

{T/N: “Dao”, a broad term for knives/swords. Most likely not your average kitchen knife, most likely a long knife or a butchers knife.}

Ye Ming heard the sound behind him. He turned his head and his face also changed. These people were obviously after them!

Ming Chong ran desperately. They only had two people and they didn’t have any weapons. They couldn’t defeat these people through brute force. These people were definitely related to Ming Jin. They definitely wanted to kill them!

Ming Chong had left the Ming family. He had rejected all of Ming grandfather’s pleas and steadfastly committed to leaving. It was only because he wanted to pass the time peacefully with Ye Ming. In order to not disturb the peace, he didn’t have too many bodyguards following him. And then as the time went on and nothing happened…. todays trip was decided last minute and they were in another city. He didn’t expect any danger at all!

The people behind were gaining on them. Ming Chong’s heart tightened. Despair appeared in his eyes. These people wanted him. If he had to then he would tell Ye Ming to leave on his own. As long as he stayed then these people wouldn’t continue to chase Ye Ming.

Ye Ming’s eyes flashed. He looked towards the right and said suddenly, “Over there!”

After saying that he dragged Ming Chong to the left. There was a half open door with metal bars there. Ming Chong pushed it open quickly and ran inside. As soon as he did so suddenly he felt Ye Ming’s hand disappear as Ye Ming suddenly pushed him off.

The next moment he saw something that he would never forget.

Ye Ming closed the door in his face. Then he heard the sound of the lock being fastened. Separated by the metal grates, Ye Ming looked at him. His eyes were as starry as the night sky, his lips raised and he said, “Run.”

After that he turned his head and ran back towards those people.

Ming Chong crazily beat at the door trying to open it but it was a dead lock. It couldn’t be opened at all. His vision swam and his hands were bruised and broken but it was no use to use force! It couldn’t be opened!

Those people had already arrived. They didn’t hesitate to cut Ye Ming down with their blades.

Just like this, fresh blood splattered across Ming Chong’s face.

It was hot and slid down his red eyes. They were so red they almost bled. Everything in front of him seemed like it was happening in slow motion….

These peoples words were like echoes, as though they were coming from far away..

They said: Don’t let him get away! Go in from the back, hurry!

Ye Ming heard their words. Ignoring his own injuries he was cut a few more times but he find a wild strength he never had before and rushed forward and snatched one person’s knife. He stabbed that person’s arm!

These people never expected that the elegant looking Ye Ming who was wearing a suit and a shirt could be this aggressive. They had to separate in order to deal with him. The other group went around to back to find a way to kill Ming Chong.

Ye Ming didn’t care about his injuries and didn’t care about the people surrounding him. He knew he couldn’t let these people get away! He couldn’t let them find Ming Chong. He had to give Ming Chong time to escape!

Ming Chong stared unblinkingly at everything happening in front of him. His brain didn’t feel as though it was functioning. A lot of time seemed to have passed by but actually it was only a short while. Ming Chong suddenly turned around and start looking for a way out. He couldn’t leave Ye Ming there by himself. He couldn’t leave leave Ye Ming there!

He couldn’t….

He had hurry up and get out!

In the loney and silent night, there was the terrible sounds of knives cutting into bone, followed by screams and curses.

Those people never thought that Ye Ming could have this much power on his own. He actually managed to drag them back, and even cut some people terribly. Those people were filled with killing intent. They didn’t care about Ming Chong anymore, and started to attack Ye Ming. They would kill him first then worry about the other guy!

Ming Chong picked up a chair. He violently swung it against a window and escaped out of the abandoned store. He ran around a corner and finally came to where Ye Ming was.

He saw someone just about to cut Ye Ming. Like a wild beast he rushed over and punched that guy straight in the face and snatched away his knife.

Ye Ming fell to the ground. His entire body was covered with fresh blood. But he still reached out a hand and grabbed someone by the foot, preventing him from attacking Ming Chong. Because of his help, in the end the last remaining people were dealt with by Ming Chong.

Everything returned to silence.

Ming Chong’s hand nervelessly relaxed. The knife landed with a loud noise on the ground. He knelt down and gently picked up Ye Ming and embraced him. Using his hand he wiped away the blood from Ye Ming’s face and checked his breathing.

Who told you to do this… who told you to do this…

The person they want to kill is me!

Blood flowed into Ye Ming’s eyes. The image was extremely terrible but Ye Ming still smiled. He said to Ming Chong, “This time, it’s time for me to protect you….”

Ming Chong’s eyes went red.

Ye Ming looked longingly at the person in front of him. With great difficulty he lifted his hand as though he wanted to touch Ming Chong’s face, but he have enough energy… his consciousness was floating slowly away. His spirit was leaving this place. Vaguely he understood that if he didn’t look now he wouldn’t be able to see this person anymore.

He wanted to touch him again… he didn’t want to close his eyes.

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Ming Chong held Ye Ming’s hand. He pressed it against his face. The pain in his dark eyes was enough to cover the Earth.

I finally know, how much you love me.

You love me more than your own life, just like the way I love you.

[Ding! Ming Chong’s blackening -1, the current blackening value is 0.]

By the time the police got there they saw a group of people groaning on the ground. Only the two people in the very center stood out, because they were extremely quiet.

The handsome young man held a man in his arms covered with blood. It was an extremely lonely sight. The heavy night covered their bodies, like a suffocating and dead grave, and it made one feel they couldn’t go close.

But because it was their job the policeman hurried over. “This mister, can you move aside? The ambulance is here.”

Ming Chong slowly raised his head. His eyes were extremely empty. Inside it was a lonely blankness. He tightened his arms and held the person more tightly. He said in a hoarse voice, “There’s no need.”

The doctor who came over only needed to look once and knew. The person in Ming Chong’s arms was already dead for a long time. When he saw this scene his heart was extremely pained so he didn’t rush over to snatch the person away. Since this person didn’t want to let go, then he would let them stay together for a while longer.

Ming Chong lowered his head and stared intently at the man in his arms. His tears mingled with blood and flowed down his face.

The person who should be dead, is me ah….


A month later, Ming Jin was discovered violently killed in her cell.

Three months later, Ming Chong returned with great fanfare to the Ming family. In the Ming mansion everyone came to welcome him. Suddenly a woman with mess loose hair rushed down from upstairs. She tried to slap Ming Chong and yelled madly, “You still dare to come back?! How could you come back?! It was you wasn’t it! You killed my daughter! You bastard, go and die!!!”

Ming Chong lightly pulled and stopped this woman. He lowered his head and his phoenix eyes were cold like blades. Next to her ear she heard an icy voice say, “Yes it was me that killed her. So right now can you understand my pain?”

The woman heard these words and began to become crazy. She screamed and yelled even louder. “Did you hear him? He admitted he killed her! Quickly arrest this murderer! He killed my daughter!”

But no on paid any attention to her. Everyone stood to one side as though they didn’t hear a thing.

In these few months, Ming Chong let everyone see just how cruel and ruthless he could be. Everyone who had crossed him was now dead. Ming Jin was only one of these people.

His ruthless methods had evoked resistance from Ming grandfather but this time, even Ming grandfather couldn’t stop him.

No one could prevent him from getting revenge.

Ming Chong looked at this woman’s crazed appearance. There was a light smile on his lips that made people’s hearts feel cold. He said slowly, “Madame looks like she’s not mentally well, why don’t you send her back to her room to rest.”

Originally I wanted to kill you but that’s letting you off too lightly. You need to experience for yourself the pain that I’m going through.

As soon as he spoke people immediately came forward to drag that woman away. Very quickly her screams and curses faded and then couldn’t be heard again.

Ming Chong stayed at the Ming family for one night then left again.


Ming Chong returned to the home he shared with Ye Ming.

Everyone at home was exactly the same as before. Only that person was gone so everything seemed more lonely.

Every day Ming Chong personally cleaned this place. He placed everything back carefully to their original place. When he brushed his teeth he looked at the other toothbrush sitting there that no one was using. When drinking water he looked at the cup placed on one side that no one was drinking from….

Ming Chong stayed in that place and couldn’t bear to leave. This place still held Ye Ming’s presence. Everywhere were the traces that Ye Ming had left behind. He could only use these things to sustain his life.

In the evening he lay sideways on the bed and gazed at the empty pillow. If he kept looking then it was like Ye Ming was was still here, smiling back at him with a warm and gentle expression filled with love.

Telling him, I love you.

Pain again welled up like a flood in his heart.

You love me ah…

Ming Chong suddenly spoke. “You said we can’t go back, it’s true…”

For everything that happened in this world, there were consequences.

Ever since I returned to the Ming family, ever since I touched that dirty mess that is the Ming family, then there was no one to retreat unscathed. I thought I could give up everything and return to your side. I could make up for mistakes and return to the past.

But it was only a lie and a pretense of my own making. I dragged you down with me, and finally we really can’t ever go back.

If I had known this was going to be the result, then I would rather not have known how much you cared about me.

I would rather, I didn’t have any desires.

Ming Chong slowly closed his eyes.

If only I could have listened to your words earlier, how good would it have been. If only I could hear you.. how good it would be…

I know that you want me to go on living.

But I’m already tired of living in a world that doesn’t have you. What should I do?

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