Prime Minister Qi waited outside. He didn’t know why the Emperor had called him into the Imperial Palace so late at night. After some time he heard the eunuch call him inside. He schooled his face properly and walked in with a respectful pose.

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Ye Ming heard the sound of footsteps. He thought about the fact that just beyond a thin paper screen, his father was standing there. Fear filled his face. He reached out and clutched Li ZeChen’s wrist, frantically shaking his head. He pressed his lips tightly together.

Rather than letting his father see him appear in this manner in the Palace, then he would prefer that he thought he was already dead!

Li ZeChen tenderly caressed Ye Ming’s face and then kissed his lips. In a low voice beside his ear that only the two of them could hear, he said, “Weren’t you missing your loved ones? Zhen will let you see them, how about that? Maybe that way you will get better quickly.”

Ye Ming didn’t dare make a sound. He could only use his eyes to beg Li ZeChen.

I beg you, don’t do this… I’ll listen to you. I’ll listen to everything you say…

Li ZeChen saw Ye Ming’s frightened expression and his eyes were dark. He suppressed the feelings in his heart. One more time he pulled Ye Ming’s hand away, turned around and walked away.

Ye Ming saw Li ZeChen’s figure walking away. Thinking about the scene that would happen after he felt as though his whole world was on the verge of collapse. He was so terrified he couldn’t think. He could only use his hand to cover his mouth and dare not make a single noise.

Li ZeChen walked out from behind the screen behind the desk. When Prime Minister Qi saw Li ZeChen he began to kneel down respectfully but before he could do so, Li ZeChen hurried to help him up. He said politely, “Teacher, you don’t need to make any address. Hurry and sit down.”

Prime Minister Qi sat to one side. He had a very good impression of Li ZeChen.

Back in the last when Li ZeChen wasn’t yet the Crown Prince, he was also already very obedient and understanding. Among all the royal sons and daughters, he was dedicated and hardworking but didn’t like to call attention to himself. He was young but he had a mature and introverted personality. Prime Minister Qi thought he looked a bit pitiful, and took care of him a little.

Afterwards Li ZeChen and Li ZeYuan began to fight over the throne. Old, traditional ministers such as Prime Minister Qi actually didn’t support Li ZeChen. They thought that the Crown Prince was rightful heir and so in that time he had ordered his son not to get too close to Li ZeChen and stay away from court politics.

It’s only that he never expected that in the end Li ZeYuan would raise a rebellion and that the hidden and low-key Li ZeChen would finally become the Emperor.

At that time Prime Minister Qi thought that Li ZeChen would hold a grudge against him in his heart. After all during his fight for power, Prime Minister Qi had not been on his side. He had made preparations for the worst… but he never thought that after ascending the throne, Li ZeChen not only didn’t settle the score with him, but actually treated him just as respectfully as before. In private he would always call him “Teacher” and pay him respects like a student. He didn’t show any arrogance at all.

Even with Prime Minister Qi’s strict and traditional personality, he couldn’t find any faults with Li ZeChen and so he admired him very much. He could only say that he was a very humble and capable Emperor. No matter in what respect Li ZeYuan could not compare with him. So slowly Prime Minister Qi put down his bias and became loyal towards Li ZeChen.

These days because his oldest son was comatose, his heart had been occupied with anxiety. However in front of the Emperor he didn’t show anything and only said, “His Majesty called this minister today, is there something I can do?”

Li ZeChen smiled slightly. “It’s nothing important. It’s only regarding these reports. Zhen can’t make up my mind, so that’s why I called Teacher in to discuss. Sorry to trouble Teacher.”

Prime Minister Qi said sincerely, “Working for his Majesty is this minister’s job.”

Li ZeChen took out a few imperial reports and courteously began to discuss with Prime Minister Qi. Afterwards he would directly make the orders. After some time it already became very late.

Prime Minister Qi saw that Li ZeChen was still working so late into the night and couldn’t help saying, “Your Majesty needs to take care of your body. Don’t over-tire yourself.”

Li ZeChen nodded his head. “Teacher is right. Zhen will take care.” He paused and then his eyes showed a worried expression. He hesitated and then said lowly, “Zhen heard that… Wen Qing has been unconscious for a long time. Can you tell me the situation right now?”

Prime MInister Qi sighed. His face and voice carried a tired and depressed attitude. “He still hasn’t woken up yet.”

Ye Ming was just sitting on the chair behind the screen. When he heard his father’s familiar voice, his eyes couldn’t help getting wet. Thinking him unconscious this whole time, his father must be worried to death…. But how could he let his father discover him here?

His loved one was so close to him, but they couldn’t meet.

Li ZeChen seemed very worried. He said, “Zhen will send the imperial doctor to take a look. If there is anything that zhen can help with, Teacher don’t be polite. All the medicine and resources in the Palace are at your disposal.”

Prime Minister Qi was very touched. He didn’t think that Li ZeChen would remember their old relationship with so much gratitude. He said respectfully. “Thank you your Majesty.”

Li ZeChen said sincerely, “Zhen and Wen Qing have been friends for a long time. If anything were to happen to him, zhen would be extremely worried. I will do all that I can.”

Prime Minister Qi thought that the Emperor was really very generous. He was very grateful.

Li ZeChen asked a few more things about Prime Minister’s Qi’s family then respectfully sent him away. After he saw Prime Minister Qi following the eunuch away, he came back.

Li ZeChen walked behind the screen. His expression had long returned back to coldness. Those dark eyes looked at Ye Ming. He exposed a smile and said, “Did you hear everything?”

Ye Ming’s red eyes stared at him. Of course he had.

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He heard his father and mother being worried about him and the current situation in his family… he had also heard how this person (LZC) speaking all of those lies!

Li ZeChen saw the wronged expression in Ye Ming’s eyes and laughed. He walked over and lightly embraced him in his arms and said gently. “Are you angry again? Could it be that you blame zhen for not letting you meet with your father? If you want to meet then zhen can call the Prime Minister back. He shouldn’t have gone far.”

When Ye Ming heard this his body froze. Just then he was only thinking about anger, he had almost forgotten Li ZeChen’s actions this day was all just to threaten him! If he continued to oppose him, then who knows what Li ZeChen would do?

He said in a trembling voice, “This minister… This minister doesn’t…. Thank you your Majesty for your concern….”

Li ZeChen laughed lightly. He said, “If you don’t want to meet in the short term that’s fine. However you need to eat properly, otherwise – next time zhen can only ask Prime Minister to personally persuade you. I’m sure you will listen to him, right?”

Ye Ming shook his head.  He was terrified that if he responded too slowly, Li ZeChen might change his mind.

Li ZeChen was very satisfied. He picked up Ye Ming and took him back to the Xuan He Courtyard. He told the palace maids to bring foods that were soft and could be digested easily. He then patiently began to feed Ye Ming to eat.

Ye Ming felt bullied and didn’t have any appetite but then thinking about the consequences of not eating, and what would happen to his parents in Li ZeChen became angry, he could only force himself to eat slowly through his disgust. He no longer dared to seek death.

He had to live. If he died Li ZeChen wouldn’t let his family go!

Li ZeChen fed him half a bowl and saw that although Ye Ming didn’t eat much he was at least able to hold it down without vomiting, so he sighed with relief.

The imperial doctor had told him that Ye Ming wasn’t sick. His so-called “psychological illness” was only that he didn’t have a will to live. If he wanted to live, no matter if he was forced… as long as he could live that was good.

Although he had told Ye Ming before that if he didn’t want to be the Empress then he would make him a “dead person”, however he really didn’t have the heart to do such a thing. He could only hope that if Ye Ming one day changed his mind, then he could still marry him openly and make him Empress. That’s why he didn’t want to cut off his return path, and let “Qi MingYan” die.

It was only a shame that… Ye Ming probably couldn’t understand his feelings.

His overwhelming love, to this person, was only humiliation and degradation. Li ZeChen wasn’t scared of the whole would ridiculing him but this person always placed a larger importance on his reputation than on Li ZeChen. Probably he thought reputation was the most important thing in the world.

When Li ZeChen thought of this, a sorrowful feeling flashed through him. He placed down the bowl, stood up and left.

Ye Ming finished half a bowl then lay down on the bed. As usual he looked dispirited and depressed.

[Ye Ming: I’m so hungry….]

[888: It was you that asked me to make you vomit everything you ate. This is the road you chose yourself, even if you have to do it on your knees you have to go to the end. No matter how cruel you have to continue.]

[Ye Ming: Fulloftears.jpg, I don’t want to eat congee anymore. I want to eat steamed hairy crabs, fried crayfish… if that’s not okay then at least hotpot. Three pounds of lamb and beef….]

[888: He he he….]

[Ye Ming: Big brother, maybe you can help me secretly give me small stove. I saw there’s all sorts of things in the system shop and it’s all very cheap. I don’t need to eat any kind of high-level outer-space food, I just want a plain and simple seafood platter okay QAQ]

[888: Can you please have a bit of backbone?]

[Ye Ming: Wuwuwu]

[888: It’s not possible. Anyway if you want to obtain non-essential food, then I need to take 10x the experience points. Are you willing to sell it to me?]

[Ye Ming: …..]

[888: You don’t want? Then don’t worry about it, I will give you free steamed cornbread, you don’t need to thank me.]

[Ye Ming: QAQ]

After eating four days of steamed cornbread, Ye Ming’s heart was like ash and he cried bitter tears.


After that day Ye Ming indeed stopped seeking death. He seemed to have accepted his fate. Every day he would attentively eat any food that was brought to him. Although he still didn’t have a large appetite however he slowly recovered his spirits.

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Li ZeChen saw that Ye Ming was getting better and felt relieved. However although every day he held this person, he could only fear his fear and submission, every day the pressure in his heart increased.

Even at court, all the ministers could feel the Emperor’s repressed mood.

This day Li ZeChen finished court and his heart felt very gloomy. So he decided to walk around the Imperial Gardens. He ran into Concubine Liang as well as some other concubines coming this way.

As for what kind of motives these women had, Li ZeChen was very clear. They wanted to leave an impression of themselves in him so as to increase the chance of him favoring them. But when Li ZeChen saw these glamorous and charming women, he only thought they were annoying. In his heart he only thought of Ye Ming.

As the Emperor, no matter if it was a man or a woman, they were willing to seduce him. The people that wanted to climb onto his bed was countless. Only that person… was different from the others.

Li ZeChen’s mood wasn’t good. He didn’t wait for them to get closer and just turned around and left, leaving only his retreating back for those women.

Ye Ming was sitting inside his own courtyard. He was pretending to be sorrowful and anguished. Luckily he had a very good appearance. Even if he sat here like this, he didn’t look as though he was putting on an act, but actually looked quite pitiful.

He saw Li ZeChen had come back and immediately stood up to greet Li ZeChen.

Li ZeChen walked over and reached out and picked out a strand of Ye Ming’s hair. He rubbed it between his fingers. Right now he was finally able to touch this person whenever he wanted.

No matter how he treated him, Ye Ming wouldn’t protest. He would only submit obediently.

However his heart still felt very empty. That empty place not only hadn’t been filled but became more and more lonely. It as like an abyss that had sucked in his entire being and there was no hope of escape.

Li ZeChen didn’t say anything but held Ye Ming and returned to the room. Very easily he took off his clothing.

Ye Ming knew what was about to happen. He didn’t do anything to resist. He closed his eyes and let Li ZeChen do as he wished. The only thing he did was furrow his brow slightly to show that he probably wasn’t enjoying what was happening.

Li ZeChen kissed his soft lips and in his eyes was a strong emotion, but Ye Ming didn’t see it at all.

He once again took this person and saw him make involuntary sounds and expose an expression that was both painful and joyous, and afterwards he held him tenderly in his arms.

If this is the only way that I can hold you, then let it be this way ba….

I finally know that even if I’m the Emperor and have conquered the entire world, there are still things that I cannot obtain. But even if that’s the case,  you are the still the only person that I want.

[Ding! Li ZeChen’s blackening -10, the current blackening value is 60.]


The peaceful days always passed very quickly. Because Ye Ming didn’t make any fuss, so his life with Li ZeChen can be considered harmonious. A few more days passed and  then one day as Ye Ming was basking in the sun listlessly, he heard 888’s notification that someone had come.

[888: Concubine Liang and a few other concubines are coming this way. 100% they are here to make trouble for you.]

[Ye Ming: The fact that they took this long to come is already unexpected. It’s clear that they don’t have much favor or status in the Palace, so their power isn’t enough… probably right now it’s only because they feel they really can’t endure any longer and finally came.]

[888: He he, you seem very understanding of their way of thinking.]

[Ye Ming: Of course! Our hearts are aligned! Let me tell you, right before this I took a crash course refresher on harem intrigues!]

[888: You studied harem intrigues???]

[Ye Ming: Yes, I’m very professional ba. Praiseme.jpg.]

[888: ……..]

[Ye Ming: Our aim is to – dominate the harem!]

[888: …. I think it’s completely unnecessary to spend so much effort pretending to be white lotus. You can directly tell Li ZeChen you want to dominate the harem. Li ZeChen’s blackening will disappear in under a minute and immediately fulfill your wish. What would be the point of harem intrigues then? Coldlaugh.jpg]

[Ye Ming: ……]

[Ye Ming: If when I left I didn’t tell him that I didn’t like him and that I was about to marry the woman I loved, then I would definitely use this method. So that’s why you shouldn’t randomly say stuff. Deep sigh.]

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[888: ….]

I knew you were a directionless trash!

Concubine Liang and the others had already been in the harem for over half a year. However the Emperor had always been busy sorting out political matters, and was very hardworking and didn’t seek entertainment. He had never favored any of them. They all desired deeply to obtain the Emperoir’s attention. If they could give birth to a Prince that would been even better. Who knew that once they entered the Palace they would barely be able to even see the Emperor’s face?

Alright…. If everyone was the same that was one thing. They could only hope that one day the Emperor would notice them. But they never thought that that one day the Emperor would suddenly change his nature, he created a resplendant Palace to house his love!

The bevy of Concubines were so jealous their eyes were red. They used all their resources to find out who was in the Feng Yang Palace. What kind of fox demon would make the not interested in women Emperor suddenly move his heart! It was a shame that the security around the Feng Yang Palace was air-tight, even a fly couldn’t get out. So in all this time they couldn’t even figure out if the person inside was a man or a woman.

However not a long time passed before they heard that the person inside the Feng Yang Palace had lost favor. They had moved out to this out of the way Xuan He Courtyard.

Xuan He Courtyard wasn’t big. As people went in and out, naturally the news could come out. It turns out that the person who had cast a spell over the Emperor was actually a man! Just thinking about the fact that they couldn’t even see the Emperor’s face but that this man could let the Emperor spend every night with him, they couldn’t suppress the jealousy in their hearts.

They really wanted to see what this fox demon looked like!

Concubine Liang brought two low-level concubines with her and came here with a lot of fanfare.

The eunuchs and palace maids in Ye Ming’s courtyard saw that they didn’t come with good intentions and tried to stop them. However Concubine Liang had more people and barged in regardless.

When Concubine Liang came into the courtyard she immediately saw a man standing underneath a tree. He heard the noise and turned around, showing a elegant and refined face that was as bright as the moon. She froze for a second.

Originally she thought he would be a sexy and devilish looking man, but she didn’t think he would be this type of gentle and jade-like young master. He didn’t even have half of the appearance of a male pet. He looked more like a young master from a scholarly family.

Although Ye Ming’s appearance made her feel taken aback, however quickly the jealousy and hate in her heart got the upper hand.

Ye Ming was also very surprised. He didn’t think that these people would just coming barging in here. Just thinking that these were Li ZeChen’s concubines, he felt very awkward and uncomfortable. He wanted to go inside and not see them, but he hadn’t had a chance to do anything before he heard the woman opposite him say, “A mere male pet like you, how can you see me and not kneel!”

Ye Ming’s face changed. He was so angry his hands shook.

He wasn’t angry at these women. He was more angry at Li ZeChen. If it wasn’t for Li ZeChen how could he have been reduced to this state. Being a male pet, ridiculed and bullied by women!

In his whole life he had only knelt to his teachers and superiors, how could he kneel to a harem woman!

Ye Ming thinned his lips. He turned around and wanted to leave but he was stopped by two eunuchs.

Concubine Liang laughed coldly. She walked forward. This was the person who had mesmerized the Emperor? If the Emperor still favored him that was one thing, but right now he had been put in this place, so it was clear he wasn’t anyone important. The Emperor was probably only playing  with him. And anyone who was given the title of a male pet obviously came from origins that were not seemly.

As for her she came from a wealthy and illustrious family. Her position was high, how could she be scared of a mere male pet? The Emperor always did things in a measured manner so it was unlikely he would reprimand her over a mere plaything!

“What kind of method did you use to mesmerize the Emperor?” Concubine Liang’s voice was very cold. “Don’t think that just because you have the Emperor’s favor that that makes you somebody! The Emperor is only interested in you because you’re new. Did you really think you had flown up to a high branch and turned into a phoenix? Just look at yourself!”

When had Ye Ming ever been degraded in such a manner? He was so angry his face went white. However as a man he didn’t want to fight with a woman. He couldn’t argue with a woman so he only made a cold grunt.


The moment Concubine Liang came to the Xuan He Courtyard, Li ZeChen already had gotten word. He immediately put down what he was doing and rushed over. When he arrived he saw Ye Ming trapped inside the courtyard. His face was very humilated, it was clear that Concubine Liang had said something ugly.

Li ZeChen’s eyes went cold. His gaze when he looked at Concubine Liang had a killing intent. Previously he had tolerated her too much, she actually dared to come to make trouble for Ye Ming! He was just about to go forward to stop her when he saw Ye Ming give him a cold and distant look. His footsteps stopped.

Even if Ye Ming didn’t say a word however Li ZeChen understood his thoughts.

The person Ye Ming blamed the most was not Concubine Liang but himself… it was because of him that he was trapped in this place. He completely didn’t want his help and completely didn’t look even the slightest bit happy to see him…. Ye Ming hated him!

Li ZeChen’s heart went cold. The words he wanted to say were lodged inside his throat.

Painful feelings erupted inside his heart. His hands clenched together tightly. Do you hate me this much… do you not care about me even a little bit…?

Li ZeChen’s appearance made Concubine Liang extremely shocked. She thought that perhaps she had underestimated Ye Ming’s position in his heart. In her shock she knelt down and wanted to immediately apologize. But what was unexpected that the Li ZeChen who just before had looked very angry had suddenly calmed down. He didn’t say anything and didn’t show any intention of wanting to stop her…. What was going on?

Just as Concubine Liang’s head was swimming in fear and confusion, Li ZeChen suddenly turned to her and said slowly, “Beloved concubine, please rise.”

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Concubine Liang froze. Very quickly she felt she understood! Just as she thought, Li ZeChen didn’t place much importance on this male pet. Otherwise how could he have no reaction? It looked like he still valued her more. The Emperor was always wise. Even if he favored a male pet, but he definitely wouldn’t damage her honor for him. After she was his proper concubine.

Concubine Liang felt she understood everyone’s positions. Also it was a rare opportunity to meet Li ZeChen. She showed a smile to curry favor and said in a girlish voice, “Why did his Majesty come here?”

Li ZeChen’s eyes were unreadable. He said, “I just happened to be passing by. Beloved concubine, why did you come here?”

Concubine Liang said, “This concubine heard that his Majesty often comes here recently so I was curious about my new sister that lives here. I wanted to make a friend, but who knew…” She showed a bullied expression. “That he was actually a young man, and he… was very disrespectful to this concubine, and even refused to make the proper address…”

Li ZeChen laughed coldly inside his heart. “Oh, so it turns out he offended beloved concubine…”

Concubine Liang saw Li ZeChen’s deep and fathomless eyes. For some reason her entire body went cold. Although Li ZeChen’s tone was still measured however she felt strangely terrified. She stammered, “Ye- yes….”

Li ZeChen then asked, “Then how does beloved concubine want to punish him?”

How did Concubine Liang dare to punish anyone in front of Li ZeChen? Her legs already felt weak. However since he had already taken the topic in this direction, if she ran away now then she wouldn’t be able to hold up her head in the harem in the future. Everyone would laugh at her and say even a male pet had climbed on top of her head. So she forced herself to say, “He is someone that his Majesty likes. How does this concubine dare to inconvenience him? As long as he kneels down and apologizes to this concubine, it will be enough.”

You dare to make Ye Ming kneel! You!?

Li ZeChen’s eyes went dark. His hands were behind his back and his gaze was cold. He wasn’t someone that was chivalrous and cherished women. He had already made up his mind that in the future he would definitely let this woman know what she could and couldn’t do. However right now was not the time.

He turned and looked at Ye Ming. He said slowly, “Did you hear?”

Although Li ZeChen said this however looking at Ye Ming now, he couldn’t help but allow a sliver of hope to rise into his eyes.

Just like a person who had gone down a path of no return however still had not given up finding an exit path.

Ye Ming definitely wouldn’t agree to kneel to this woman right? You can ask zhen! Zhen definitely wouldn’t let anyone humiliate you. Zhen will protect you, you can be as spoiled and as irreverent as  you like! You can be as demanding and as presumptuous as you like! No one will dare to blame you!

Even if you hate me, but as long as you open your mouth to ask me, I will still do anything you ask. No matter what you do, I will always be on your side.

Otherwise… you will have to lower your head to a person that is beneath you. This kind of easy choice, what will you do?

Ye Ming raised his head and directly looked at Li ZeChen in the eyes.

Do you want me to beg you? You want me rely on you like a woman? Be like a woman and beg a man for his favor and his pity? No… if I can only avoid kneeling by relying on a man’s infatuation, then I would rather just kneel.

What I’m kneeling to isn’t her, but my own integrity.

Although I am living in the harem, but my heart is still outside in the wide world. I definitely won’t beg you.

Ye Ming slowly retracted his gaze. He quietly stood there, all clothed in white. He looked like an immortal that was above petty things. He turned around to face Concubine Liang and with his hands tightly clenched, he very slowly began to kneel down.

Li ZeChen saw Ye Ming’s movement. This action ignited an explosion of anger and disappointment inside him and took away all his logic!

Is opening your mouth to ask something of me something that is so difficult for you?!

Seeing Ye Ming’s knees almost touch the ground, Li ZeChen suddenly yelled, “That’s enough!”

Concubine Liang jumped with fright. Everything was fine she didn’t understand why Li ZeChen had suddenly gotten so angry. She immediately sank to her knees in fear.

Li ZeChen completely didn’t care. He walked over and grabbed Ye Ming’s arm and dragged him inside the room. There was a “peng” and the door slammed shut!

Ye Ming’s arms was clenched tightly by Li ZeChen. Li ZeChen used excess force and his face was so pained it went white. However his gaze was by contrast very calm, as though he already completely didn’t care about anything.

Li ZeChen saw Ye Ming’s eyes and his eyes were full of violence… clearly you only needed to open your mouth to say “no”! Then I would have helped you!

But you weren’t willing, isn’t that right!

You hate me this much, isn’t that right!

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