Li ZeChen threw Ye Ming to the ground and looked at him condescendingly. After a long while, he spoke through gritted teeth: “Why didn’t you refute her, are you really admitting to having given her offence!”

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In his heart, he understood Ye Ming’s temper very well, how was it possible for him to have offended a harem woman? He was definitely framed by that Concubine Liang, but he would rather kneel than explain himself!


Ye Ming prostrated himself on the floor, then slowly pushed himself back upright to kneel stiffly in front of Li ZeChen. He said calmly: “Yes, this minister is but the Emperor’s male pet. To kneel before the imperial concubine was only proper, and I have given her offence. What the imperial concubine said was true.”


Note: 臣 (Chén) – First person pronoun used by ministers or officials.


Li ZeShen stared at the submissive man in front of him, feeling as if the blood in his veins had turned to ice.


This was what he had threatened Ye Ming with, but the knife of threat had turned around to cut himself bloody instead.


Ye Ming wasn’t done yet, he respectfully pressed his head to the floor and said: “Your Majesty, please decree the punishment.”


Punishment? Li ZeChen suddenly laughed humourlessly.


You are right, I turned you into my male pet, I forced you into this situation, but you still don’t understand….. or you’re only acting as if you don’t. I just wanted you to know, that all you need to do is nod your head, and this whole situation could have been easily resolved.


I am your monarch….. why are you so quick to obey in all else, except for this one thing?


Are my feelings for you so repugnant to you?


Li ZeChen suddenly felt very powerless. He had used all sorts of methods, from coaxing to coercion, to get this person to trust him, love him, depend on him, all in vain.


He had thought that after rising to become the Emperor, he could sweep away all obstacles between them. Instead…. the harder he tried, the further away he was from his goal.


Li ZeChen abruptly turned and left, slamming the door behind him!




The eunuch waiting outside the door saw the storm brewing in Li ZeChen’s eyes, and asked cautiously: “Where does His Majesty wish to go now?”


Li ZeChen clenched and loosened his fists, his gaze dark. He answered in a low voice: “To Concubine Liang’s palace.”




Concubine Liang had left after Li ZeChen had dragged Ye Ming back inside in a fit of rage.


Right now, she was sitting in her own palace, restless with unease. What occurred today had been completely out of her expectations. Does Li ZeChen care about that person, or not?


If he cares, why didn’t he stop her? If he doesn’t care, why was he so opposed to seeing that person kneel?


Concubine Liang had a bad feeling about this, it was possible that she had made a big mistake today. Although Li ZeChen’s expression did not betray his thoughts, she worried that he may find her distasteful. She sorely regretted her brash arrogance today.


Mired in anxiety, she suddenly heard the eunuch announce the arrival of the Emperor.


The tea cup in her trembling hands was almost upended. This was the first time Li ZeChen has paid a visit to her palace! She got up in a panic to meet him, but Li ZeChen entered before she could do so. Concubine Liang immediately dropped into a deep curtsy: “This concubine greets His Majesty.”


Li ZeChen studied the woman in front of him. She was indeed a stunning beauty. Carefully arranged on her knees, her trembling body was a sight fit to evoke pity.


Faced with this, a soft-hearted man would be reluctant to pursue the matter with her over such a trivial issue. But Li ZeChen had never been the soft-hearted sort.


Beauty was nothing more than a mask for a woman’s inner ugliness. Li ZeChen grew up in the palace, he had long grown accustomed to the palace’s inner intrigues and dirty affairs. What he tired of the most were these ugly, unscrupulous women. Since you have voluntarily entered the palace to achieve your desires, you should pay the price for it.


Zhen has given you glory for your family and a noble status for yourself, but you dared to make a move against zhen’s beloved! You are overestimating yourself!


Note: 朕 (Zhèn) – First person pronoun used by monarchs.

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Li ZeChen did not permit Concubine Liang to rise, and left her kneeling as he leisurely drank his tea. Only until the tea in the pot has cooled and the woman in front of him looked ready to faint, did he slowly lower the cup in his hands.


Concubine Liang clenched her teeth to keep from screaming. She wasn’t stupid, Li ZeChen’s affection for that male pet was now clear to her. She could only blame herself! Feelings of bitter regret and envy swirled in her heart. How was she to know that Li ZeChen cared this much for the male pet! He didn’t even hesitate to personally come to Ye Ming’s aid.


Li ZeChen gazed at Concubine Liang coldly: “Since beloved concubine seems to be rather busy these days, it’s best if you stay here for some peace and quiet, and copy Lessons for Women a hundred times.”


Note: 女戒 – Lessons for Women is a work by the Han dynasty female intellectual Ban Zhao. It outlines the four virtues a woman must abide by, proper virtue, proper speech, proper countenance, and proper conduct.


Having said this, he got up and left.


Concubine Liang wept and tried to plead for reconsideration, but was pulled back by two unfamiliar elderly maids, who told her coldly: “His Majesty has forbidden the concubine from leaving the palace, and instructed these servants to re-educate the concubine on the rules of the palace. Restrain yourself, you are an embarrassment.”


Note: 嬷嬷 (Mā mā) – elderly female maid, sometimes a wet nurse as well. Usually a higher ranking female maid in the Palace that has some power and is in charge of enforcing the regulations of the Palace.


Concubine Liang watched helplessly as Li ZeChen left. She hasn’t even done anything to Ye Ming yet, but ended up being punished this way. It really was too humiliating. Now, not only was she forbidden from stepping out of the palace, she has to re-learn its rules. She ground her teeth viciously, hate and fury churning in her heart.




Ye Ming was seated in his room, having watched the whole scene play out.


[Ye Ming: Tsk tsk tsk, how petty. Cruelly tormenting a beauty just for something this trivial.]


[888: He’s taking revenge on your behalf, aren’t you even a little bit grateful?]


[Ye Ming: I am very grateful ah! But I’m different from him, I’ve always had a soft spot for the ladies, women should be treated gently. All of her actions are caused by our love (YM and LZC), so there’s no need to be so harsh on her.]


888 sneered, and couldn’t be bothered with him anymore.


Ye Ming enjoyed a leisurely break, but his latest move seemed to have really hurt Li ZeChen’s feelings. Days passed without Li ZeChen showing himself.


Ye Ming remained in the empty room. With the sudden absence of the emperor who used to try to feed him every day and work hard on him every night, it didn’t take long for boredom to set in.


[Ye Ming: Big brother, you there? You there? You there?]


After awhile, 888 finally deigned to appear.


[888: What do you want?]


[Ye Ming: You’ve been ignoring me recently, aren’t you afraid something could have happened to me? Wronged.jpg]


[888: I’m always concerned about your wellbeing, you are extremely safe right now, there’s no sign of danger at all. Concubine Liang has been taught a lesson, the other concubines dare not seek trouble with you. Li ZeChen’s not even coming over, what do you think could happen to you?]


[Ye Ming: I doubt Concubine Liang will forget this anytime soon, she suffered quite a huge loss and hates me to the bone. She’ll definitely find a way to cause trouble for me! You can’t abandon me ah!]


[888: I’ve been monitoring her, I’ll let you know if anything happens.]


[Ye Ming: ……Oh, I see.]


[888: Anything else? If not, I’ll be leaving then]


[Ye Ming: …..Can’t you stay and chat with me for a bit? I’m so bored! Entertainment in ancient times is scarce, I’m turning moldy.]


[888: Sorry, the system is not obligated to accompany the host for a chat.]


[Ye Ming: …….]


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After this, no matter how Ye Ming cajoled, 888 ignored him. He now regretted running his mouth off in the past, leading 888 to disdain chatting with him.


After a while.


[Ye Ming: I used to think that father air-cond and mother WiFi gave me life, but now I know I was wrong.]


[Ye Ming: The one who granted me life was the Great Lord Eight, your kindness shines on my life, your brilliance inspires awe, you are the bright light of the moon that guides me in the dark… Please let me follow in your great lead ba!]


[888: ……What is wrong with you???]


[Ye Ming: Play a game with me! QAQ]


888: F*ck.

Worn down by Ye Ming’s perseverance and shameless flattery, 888 reluctantly agreed to play a game with him. But Ye Ming was a scum who only knew how to talk big and drag others down by playing dead, so that 888 came very close to flipping him off entirely.

After passing some time in this way, 888 finally reported some movement from Concubine Liang. It heaved a great sigh of relief, it was finally able to get rid of this cumbersome baggage!

It has been suffering ridicule from the other systems because of this sorry excuse for a host!

Of course, much later in the future…. when 888 suddenly discovered that Ye Ming had first class gaming skills, it angrily refused to turn on the pain shield for him. But that’s a story for another day.

Concubine Liang slaved to finish copying Lessons for Women and had to sit through being lectured by the two elderly maids, before finally being permitted to leave the palace. She didn’t dare seek Ye Ming out to cause trouble again, but her restless heart couldn’t endure having being forced to swallow such a bitter pill. After much deliberation, she set off for the Empress Dowager’s palace and told a highly embellished story of the Emperor’s favourite male pet.

If the Empress Dowager is the one to strike, that male pet would definitely not escape!

The Empress Dowager had never been particularly concerned about this son of hers, and had never shown him much care. But hearing of the excessive favouritism for the male pet with no regard for the protocols of rank, to the point of neglecting the other concubines, agitated her.

This is a serious matter concerning the succession of their lineage! If this was permitted to continue, who knows what troubles it will stir. She finally issued a summons for Ye Ming.

Ye Ming observed all this with a sly smile.

If no one took any action, Li ZeChen would continue to avoid seeing him, how could he (YM) allow this? There’s no other way for him to lure Li ZeChen out!

And so, when the elderly maids from the Empress Dowager’s palace came to summon him, he did not put up any resistance.

The Empress Dowager was a middle aged woman, her looks were not extraordinary, and she was not of noble birth. If it wasn’t for her having given birth to a son, she would have been buried with the previous Emperor’s death. She wasn’t particularly intelligent either, and so was easily swayed by Concubine Liang’s goading.

Note: 陪葬 (Péizàng) – The ancient China practise of burying gifts, food, servants, wives, etc with the dead ruler, as property to accompany the ruler in death. Servants (and sometimes wives) were put to death before being entombed together.

She eyed Ye Ming with a frown filled with scorn: “So, you’re the Emperor’s new male pet?”

Ye Ming respected her as Li ZeChen’s mother, and as the Empress Dowager, naturally this would be of concern to her. But he could not help feeling humiliated by the blunt question.

Ye Ming’s silence convinced her further of the truth of Concubine Liang’s words, this male pet must be heavily favored by the Emperor to display such unseemly arrogance. Her voice rose harshly: “Ai-jia is asking you a question!”

Note: 哀家 (Āi jiā) – The first person pronoun used for empresses whose emperor has passed away. In short, they refer to themselves as ‘this widow/this mourner’.

Even though Ye Ming has accepted the role of a male pet, he could only do so in Li ZeChen’s presence. He would never be willing to openly acknowledge this identity in public. Better to die in this courtyard, then suffer a lingering death under the public’s scornful gaze.

Note: 凌迟 (Língchí) – the slow process, the lingering death, or slow slicing, and also known as death by a thousand cuts, was a form of torture and execution used in China from roughly 900 CE until it was banned in 1905.

He lifted his head reluctantly and said, “No.”

It was beyond the Empress Dowager’s expectations for Ye Ming to deny this! Shockingly, this person had obviously climbed into the dragon’s bed, but had the audacity to refuse the title of a male pet, he must have been spoiled rotten by the Emperor! Sudden fury rose in her: “As a male pet, you should know your own duties, don’t you know how important a son is to His Majesty? It’s fine if you relieve the Emperor’s boredom every now and then, how dare you try to monopolise His Majesty, do you understand your wrongs?”

Note: 龙床 (Lóng chuáng) – dragon bed, aka the emperor’s bed. During the days of Imperial China, the Emperor of China usually used the dragon as a symbol of his imperial strength and power.

Ye Ming gazed at the furious Empress Dowager and calmly replied: “I did no wrong.”

Note: Ye Ming used the normal “I” as in “Wǒ” instead of “Chén” aka “this minister” that he usually uses around Li ZeChen.

He had never wanted to stay here, much less attempted to monopolise the Emperor, but these people will never believe him.

The Empress Dowager was enraged beyond belief by his words, this insignificant male pet is really crazy! Hopping mad, she finally gave a furious order: “Drag him out, give him 30 beatings with the stave, let this arrogant fool learn the rules of the palace!”

Note: 大板 (Dà bǎn) – The victim is usually held/tied face down to a long wooden stool, and the behind will be beaten by large wooden staves. Injuries can be crippling and cause death if the punishment is prolonged. If you want to know more, google 打板子.

As Ye Ming was dragged out, the corners of his mouth curled up in a self deprecating smile.

His words were carefully chosen. There were no lies, but the Empress Dowager would definitely think that he was deliberately provoking her, and would not permit his presence to continue confusing the Emperor.

Since he couldn’t commit suicide, if the Empress Dowager were to kill him, all the better. He shouldn’t be blamed for this, right?

How could the Empress Dowager possibly tolerate his existence, it was only a matter of time.

Ye Ming was pressed down onto a stool, he closed his eyes and waited for the board to strike his body…. suddenly, screams sounded from his side! He blinked and looked up to see a sword stabbed through the shoulder of the execution eunuch who had been standing next to him. The eunuch fell, and the board hit the ground with a muffled clatter.

Everyone was stunned silly by the scene, their heads turned to look in the door’s direction, and suddenly plastered themselves to the ground!

Expression dark and cold as a knife, Li ZeChen strode in!

During the period of his absence, he could not bring himself to face Ye Ming, and hence did not pay him (YM) a visit, but he still paid attention to the news delivered to him of Ye Ming’s wellbeing. Upon receiving the news that Ye Ming had been summoned by the Empress Dowager, he was ready to come snatch him away to spare him (YM) further embarrassment.

But he understood his mother well, she would not dare strike against one of his own, and hence he had not hurried over. Who would have thought he would arrive to a scene of Ye Ming being held down in the yard in preparation for a punishment. Stricken with fear of not being in time to prevent it, he struck the guard with his sword and flung him away!

Li ZeChen hurried over to Ye Ming and lifted him up to lean into his arms. He asked anxiously: “Are you hurt?”

Ye Ming didn’t think that Li ZeChen would show up so suddenly. Being held in Li ZeChen’s arms in public view, he was too ashamed for words.

Li ZeChen’s emotions had been in chaos from anxiety. After calming down a bit, he realised that Ye Ming was not injured, and was relieved. He swept a cool gaze over the people around them. Seeing this, everyone flattened themselves to the ground and shivered. Even the eunuch who had been stabbed didn’t make so much as a whimper!

The Empress Dowager had not expected this, her expression fell when she came out: “Your Majesty, what is the meaning of this?”

Li ZeChen was livid with rage, but in actual fact, apart from when facing Ye Ming, he had always been able to conceal his emotions, and had never revealed his weaknesses to others. Towards his mother in public, he maintained a respectful front, and said slowly: “Your son has heard that mother brought one of my people here, so I came over to have a look. How has he offended you?”


儿臣 (Er chén) – first person pronoun employed by a male sovereign when speaking to an empress mother, queen mother, empress dowager, queen dowager. Er as in child/son, chén is the same as the address that Ye Ming uses to refer to himself as “this minister/this official”.

您 (Nín) – LZC addresses the dowager with a polite “you”.

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The Empress Dowager looked at the blood spattered on the ground, and thought that, for the sake of this person, Li ZeChen acted in violence in her palace. It wasn’t that she couldn’t bear the sight of blood, but it was clear that this person was his raw nerve that she absolutely could not touch. How could a mere male pet explain this? Regret rose in her like bile.

But at the same time, her worries grew. After Li ZeChen ascended to the throne, he has never visited the harem, he doesn’t even have a single child, how can his addiction to this male pet bode well? She swallowed her pride and said bitterly: “Ai-jia has nothing to say about Your Majesty’s favour for him, but what about the other concubines? You have to visit them sometimes, it is the responsibility of the Emperor to ensure an heir for the continuation of the lineage.”

The words stirred Li ZeChen’s impatience, but he replied faintly: “Understood, if there’s nothing else, your son will take his leave.”

The Empress Dowager glared at him furiously, but did not dare detain him. She could only watch as Li ZeChen took Ye Ming away, before turning around with a sinking expression: “Summon Concubine Liang over!”

It seems that she had been used as someone else’s borrowed knife today!

Li ZeChen gripped Ye Ming’s wrist tightly as he brought him back. His chest was heaving as he closed the door and threw Ye Ming onto the bed!

Is this person so eager to court death? Why would you go to the Empress’s palace, don’t you know how heavy the consequences could have been, don’t you know that a round of beating from the board could have left you crippled, if not dead?

During this period, Li ZeChen had done some thinking. It’s not that he hasn’t tried his best to convince this person to accept him, but he (YM) was amenable to neither coaxing nor coercion, and all his efforts had led to this person to hate him even more.

He didn’t want to face Ye Ming’s hostile gaze, and had painfully suppressed his impulse to visit. At most, he waited till Ye Ming was asleep before sneaking a few furtive looks at him.

He had even contemplated letting go of Ye Ming, but…. when he envisioned this person living his life without him (LZC), smiling gently at another woman, going to bed with another woman, revealing all that was good and beautiful about him to other people, whilst he himself (LZC) can no longer reach out to touch him…. jealousy and resentment would rear its head like a viper ready to strike, its coils wrapped around his heart.

Let him go?

Not possible…. He would rather drag this person down to the abyss with him, than let him go.

A world without you is nothing but an endlessly cold and silent void to me, at least you are here by my side. We will never be separated, we will live and die together, alright?

[Ding! Li ZeChen’s blackening value +10, current blackening value is 70]

Ye Ming watched the play of emotions on Li ZeChen’s face, and saw the gleam of madness surfacing from the depths of those pitch black eyes. He felt as if he was being enveloped in something dark and terrifying, and tried to shrink back, but was caught by the shoulder by Li ZeChen and pressed down onto the bed.

Li ZeChen’s voice was hoarse, “Have you been thinking of zhen?”

Ye Ming pressed his lips tightly together. Has he thought of this person? Maybe, if hating him could be considered as thinking about him.

Li ZeChen laughed softly, “Zhen thinks of you everyday, over and over again, but still zhen can’t let you go.”

Li ZeChen gazed lovingly at the person in front of him, they had only been apart for but a few days, but he was already in an infatuated frenzy, how was it possible for him to let go? Even if you can’t love me, you still belong to me at least.

Even if what I have is but an illusion that could shatter at a touch, it is still better than nothing.

He swept his fingers under Ye Ming’s chin, lowered his head and kissed him.


Ye Ming finally fainted, when he woke, he found himself in a familiar room. He was back in Feng Yang palace.

He turned his head a little, and found himself held within Li ZeChen’s arms.

Li ZeChen was still asleep, his handsome face calm, his jawline sharp. Even while his eyes were closed, he looked forbidding and commanded respect. Ye Ming rarely got to see Li ZeChen’s sleeping face, and was somewhat dazed.

Something inexplicable flickered in his eyes.

As a stream of memories rushed to the surface, Ye Ming suddenly recalled the time when Li ZeChen was still an unfavoured prince, the Crown Prince would often invite him along to drink. One day, the Crown Prince and Third Princess was playing in the garden, and Third Princess’s hydrangea fell into the lake. It had been winter then, but the Crown Prince had ordered Li ZeChen to retrieve the hydrangea for Third Princess, and Li ZeChen had jumped into the lake without hesitation.

He (YM) had stood by and watched the thin figure submerged in the icy water, and had felt strangely distressed.

Both were princes, but because of their different birth statuses, there will always be a world of difference between them.

From then on, Ye Ming grew to dislike the Crown Prince’s overbearing attitude, and began paying more attention to Li ZeChen from time to time. Occasionally, the Crown Prince would have a mind to bully him (LZC), and Ye Ming would take it upon himself to approach the Crown Prince and engage him in conversation. The Crown Prince enjoyed his (YM) company, as long as he stepped forth, the Crown Prince would highly likely forget about bullying Li ZeChen.

More than ten years has passed.

The skinny child has grown into a cold, ruthless man.

Li ZeYuan had been stripped of his title and ousted from the palace, Li ZeChen had risen to take the Emperor’s place, and he (YM) had been happy for him. No one would dare offer Li ZeChen insolence anymore, and Ye Ming believed he would be an even better Emperor.

But it had never occurred to him that Li ZeChen would desire him.

Did he really hold no feelings for this person? No… but the feelings he held were not of that between men and women, he had merely wished for the best for Li ZeChen. Over a decade ago, he had hoped that he (LZC) could live well and not suffer any grievances, a decade later he hoped that he (LZC) would be a good Emperor, as a paragon of the world.

As for marrying me, this choice would not benefit either of us.

Because we have led completely different lives.

Instead, you tie yourself to the people you should not entangle with….

Ye Ming reached out a hand to gently touch Li ZeChen’s face, but was seized in a fierce grip. Li ZeChen’s eyes opened, his dark pupils chillingly sharp as a raptor’s. After a moment, the piercing look dissipated to be replaced with tenderness, his voice was hoarse from sleep: “You’re awake.”

Ye Ming lowered his gaze to conceal the sorrow in his eyes, and answered coldly: “Yes.”

Li ZeChen did not mind Ye Ming’s cold indifference, he does not expect this person to treat him the way he used to, probably because he (LZC) himself was no longer deserving of sympathy. It could be that Ye Ming treated him kindly back then out of pity, he likely treated everyone else much the same way.

And his own foolishness led him to think that he (LZC) was different, that Ye Ming’s actions hinted at a deeper interest…. when in fact, he was no different from everyone else in Ye Ming’s eyes.

But now, he finally had the means to monopolise this gentleness.

Li ZeChen looked fixedly at Ye Ming, and suddenly said: “Could you give zhen a kiss?”

Ye Ming’s eyes widened, he didn’t expect Li ZeChen to make such a request. Being forced to submit was humiliating enough. It was impossible for him to kiss Li ZeChen! He couldn’t bring himself to do such a thing.

Li ZeChen smiled a little: “You are now zhen’s person, but how is it that you have never tried to please zhen?”

Ye Ming turned his face away, he had never had any intentions of pleasing the other from the very beginning. Just then, he felt a tickle on his ear. Li ZeChen had shifted closer and huffed out a sigh, then he laughed mockingly: “If you can’t do it, zhen might just request for Lady Zuo, let her take your place to please zhen instead.”

Li ZeChen smiled serenely at him, waiting for him to make his choice.

Ye Ming closed his eyes, after a while, he slowly raised his head and gently pressed his lips against Li ZeChen’s. He remained still for a moment, before quickly pulling away. Just this short moment was enough to make his face heat up, to think that he actually made such a shameless move!

Li ZeChen felt the soft, cool lips sliding over his own, like the faint brushing of feathers over his heart. He closed his eyes to savour the sensation.

You don’t know how much I’ve longed for you to take the initiative.

Why is it necessary for me to have to twist your arm for such a small thing. I would never actually harm the people you hold dear, but you still fall for my threats because you won’t take any chances with their safety….

And he himself (LZC) is like a thirsting man at an oasis, delighting in the stolen sweetness, while at the same time being jealous of all those people in your heart, becoming completely irrational.

Even knowing that this was poison, it was still sweet to him.

Li ZeChen did not want Ye Ming to see the sorrow in his eyes, it was a long while before he opened them again. His emotions were no longer discernible from his gaze. This is fine… at least you’re still by my side, what else can I wish for? People shouldn’t be too greedy.

[Ding! Li ZeChen’s blackening value -20, current blackening value 50]

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Ye Ming watched as Li ZeChen got up and left the bed. A flurry of maids immediately flocked over to attend to him.

Ye Ming ate his breakfast expressionlessly, without asking why Li ZeChen has allowed his return to Feng Yang palace. It was as if it mattered not where he was housed or what treatment he received from others.

Li ZeChen sighed, kissed Ye Ming again, before leaving for the imperial court.

[Ye Ming: Ah, I’m finally back at my presidential suite, the cold war is over, so happy!!!]

[888: …….]

[Ye Ming: Many thanks to Concubine Liang, many thanks to the Empress Dowager, my deepest gratitude for these selfless and dedicated women for their devotion in finally letting His Majesty figure things out!]

Since that day, Li ZeChen was back to treating Ye Ming with his previous gentleness, no longer putting up a cold and aloof front. Since nothing he did was able to change his mind, what use was there in doing so?

Even if you refuse to be my Empress, living without standing or prestige, I can still keep and indulge you forever.


Feng Yang palace was much quieter on the inside, the other women were not permitted past the main doors, even the Empress Dowager was barred from entering. It was much safer here, where Li ZeChen has ensured that no more accidents were allowed to happen.

These quiet and uneventful days passed quickly.

[Ye Ming: Ah, it’s so boring. No doubt it’s more comfortable living here, but there’s not even a single catfight around, it’s too well shielded, oh the loneliness!]

[888: Weren’t you the one who plotted to dominate the harem and ended up here?]

[Ye Ming: Yes……]

[888: Then don’t do it.]

[Ye Ming: Uh….. although it’s very comfortable living here, I’m getting bored of this place. I think it’s time for His Majesty to take me outside for a breath of fresh air.]

[888: He’ll let you out???]

[Ye Ming: But of course! Big brother, in this, you’re lacking a bit. He just doesn’t allow me to leave his side, but he has never said that he will keep me locked up in the palace forever. As a 24/7 husband, if I want to go out, wouldn’t he rush to accompany me? Compared to the likes of Bao Si and Daji, they can’t even hold a candle to me, hahahahaha!]

Note: 褒姒 (bāo sì) and 妲己 (dájǐ) – 2 famous femme fatales blamed for the downfall of kingdoms.

Bao Si was one of the concubines of the ancient Chinese sovereign King You of Zhou. She was considered one of the most beautiful Chinese women ever. In order to please her, King You abused the trust of his nobles by repeatedly lighting the summoning beacons to summon the vassal’s armies to amuse Bao Si. After several times of this, when there was a genuine attack, none came to answer his call.

Daji was the favorite consort of King Zhou of Shang, the last king of the Shang dynasty in ancient China. She is portrayed as a malevolent fox spirit in legends as well as novels. She is considered a classic example of how a beauty causes the downfall of a dynasty in Chinese culture.

[888: …….] I have faith in your wickedness.

Of course, Ye Ming would not be so overt as to say Husband, take me out for a walk. He began to mope, his expression sullen, and would stay for long hours in the study room to practice writing.

Li ZeChen thought of various ways to coax Ye Ming, willing to even pluck the moon from the skies for him, but Ye Ming remained despondent. One day, he came back to find Ye Ming standing at the desk with a brush in hand, his side profile radiating melancholy.

Depressed at the sight, Li ZeChen walked over and hugged him from behind. He asked softly: “What did you do today?”

Ye Ming casually pushed away the piece of rice paper in front of him, answering faintly: “Nothing.”

Li ZeChen’s sharp eyes caught sight of the beautiful lines of Ye Ming’s elegant and powerful calligraphy strokes on the rice paper. A few lines of poetry were written on it, the words conveying a deep longing for the vast outside world, but was trapped and unable to leave. He immediately realized that Ye Ming wanted to go outside.

He (YM) has been kept in the palace for so long, how could he not be bored? This was an oversight of his (LZC).

Li ZeChen’s eyes flickered as he remained silent. The next day, he did not leave in the morning as usual. Instead, he laid out a set of outdoor garments for Ye Ming, saying: “Zhen will be going out hunting today. Wen Qing, you will accompany zhen.”

Ye Ming’s expression finally showed some changes, eyeing him doubtfully. Li ZeChen meant to bring him out of the palace? Didn’t he mean to cage him (YM) here?

A trace of helplessness flitted pass Li ZeChen’s eyes. If you had wanted to go out, you could have just told zhen…. did you really think zhen would keep you locked up in the palace for life, without permitting a single step outside? How could zhen bear to treat you that way.

If you would be zhen’s Empress, zhen could even let you rule the world with zhen…. but you are unwilling.

Ye Ming’s eyes lit up at the thought of finally being able to leave the confines of the palace, but then he recalled that he would be with Li ZeChen. To be seen by others by the Emperor’s side, would that not make all his efforts at concealment be in vain? He dimmed in an instant, his voice cold: “This minister cannot go.”

Li ZeChen understood Ye Ming’s concerns, he allowed a servant to bring a hat to Ye Ming and fastened it on. It had a wide brim with a thick veil attached, which completely concealed the face. Then he ignored Ye Ming’s struggles of resistance, and brought him out!

Ye Ming and Li ZeChen were seated in a carriage, their hands tightly clasped. Even under the cover of the hat, Ye Ming still felt uncomfortable. Any glance sent his way made him tense up for fear that he would be recognized, it was nerve wracking.

He had wanted to leave the palace, but not like this with Li ZeChen. How would the people view him? They would definitely know that he is Li ZeChen’s male pet…..

Thinking of this, his eyes turned red with humiliation and anger. It would have been best to have continued staying in the palace, it’s not like he could escape from Li ZeChen’s clutches, what difference does it make whether or not he was permitted to go outside.

The floor of the horse drawn carriage was covered with thick tiger skin rugs, which were extremely soft, and made the ride much smoother, but a few bumps were inevitable. Jarred by a particularly rough jolt, Ye Ming fell against Li ZeChen’s body. Before he could move away, Li ZeChen circled his shoulders in his arms, and held on tightly to his hand.

Li ZeChen remained silent, and held on to him all the way through the ride. His chest was strong and firm, his palms hot, and Ye Ming couldn’t help the warm flush from rising in his face.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally reached the hunting grounds. Surrounded on all sides by the scions of other families, the imperial bodyguards and the imperial soldiers, Ye Ming was nervous and tense, too afraid to utter a single word lest he be recognized.

Li ZeChen noticed Ye Ming’s unease and dispelled the crowd, telling them to begin first. He turned to Ye Ming with a smile: “Come with zhen?”

Ye Ming shook his head. All he wanted was to keep his distance from Li ZeChen, how would he be willing to go with him.

Li ZeChen sighed inwardly and did not force the issue, he turned and mounted his horse. Since Ye Ming wanted to be left alone, he will grant his wish. After all, the purpose of today’s activity was to bring him outside for a respite.

He sat tall and straight, both legs nudged once at the horse’s flanks, and very soon his figure disappeared into the distance.

Ye Ming watched Li ZeChen leave and finally breathed out a sigh of relief. He began to make his way towards the edge of the crowd for a more secluded spot, unwilling to be surrounded by so many people.

[Ye Ming: There are quite a lot of familiar faces here today.]

[888: Indeed.]

[Ye Ming: Speaking of which, is my brother-in-law here today?]

[888: Who’s your brother-in-law?]

[Ye Ming: Zuo Yu ah! Even though I’m not bound to them by marriage, he’s still considered my brother-in-law ^__^]

[888: …….]

[888: Turn left, 200 meters.]

Zuo Yu was currently serving in the Imperial army, and so happened to be accompanying the Emperor on a hunt today, but the Emperor unexpectedly brought someone with him, a man. The man was wearing a wide brimmed hat with a thick veil concealing his face, but based on his posture alone, one could expect the person to be beautiful….. seeing the intimacy between him and the Emperor, he could only be the Emperor’s male pet.


Zuo Yu has always looked down on such men who relied on looks to win the favour of others, but he couldn’t help feeling that the figure seemed familiar, and snuck a few more looks over.

It wasn’t long before the Emperor left to join the hunt, the man stayed back by himself. He seemed unwilling to be in a crowded area, and turned to seek solace in a corner not far from where Zuo Yu was standing.

The man stood quietly, not noticing Zuo Yu’s presence. Although not a word had left his lips from the very beginning, he gave off a melancholy air, full of sorrow and bitterness, attracting sidelong glances from the others. A strong breeze suddenly lifted the edges of his veil, before it drifted back down.

Although it was for but a moment, just a brief glimpse offered of the handsome face before it was hidden again…… Zuo Yu’s expression suddenly twisted!

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