He ShaoChen had returned from overseas not long ago. These people kept calling him and nagging him that they wanted to give him a good home-coming party so he had no choice but to come here.

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It was only after he arrived that he realized Qin Yi was also here. He didn’t really like the black atmosphere around that guy so he went out to get some air. Who knew after he came back he would see Fang Xiao!

When had Fang Xiao come back? And when had he met up with Qin Yi? He ShaoChen’s head was full of questions but he knew that this wasn’t the appropriate moment to ask them. So he only smiled and said, “How come you didn’t tell me you came back?”

Ye Ming had hastily recovered himself. Back that time he was worried that once he left the world then this body would become a liability. So within the three days he was frantic to leave the country. So he asked the He ShaoChen who had always had an unrequited crush on him to help him. He didn’t realize Qin Yi already knew about this, but since this was the case then he would just go along with it.

He was still in Qin Yi’s arms but he seemed to forgotten to struggle. His face was very agitated. He lowered his eyes and whispered, “I’m sorry…”

Qin Yi’s palm pressed against the back of Ye Ming’s head. He pressed him against his chest and raised his head to look at He ShaoChen. He smiled but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “You’re very concerned about him?”

He ShaoChen narrowed his eyes. Just then he had been too shocked when he had seen Ye Ming and had acted thoughtlessly. But now he had calmed down and realized the situation was not right. Qin Yi’s expression was not right, he seemed to have misunderstood something between him and Ye Ming… or perhaps he was still carrying a grudge about Ye Ming leaving all those years ago.

At this time the crowd also felt like the atmosphere was strange. Who was this Fang Xiao? Not only had he made Qin Yi reveal a “mortal heart” but even He ShaoChen knew him.

{T/N: “Mortal heart”. I made a direct translation rather than using the meaning, because I think the Chinese is quite poignant. Think of a lofty immortal who seems above base things, but one day he reveals he has human desires too. This is his “mortal heart”.}

Everyone present knew that once upon a time He ShaoChen and Qin Yi were like the best of brothers. But three years ago for some unknown reason the two of them had cut off contact with each other. Even if wasn’t becoming enemies, then it was at the very least becoming strangers.

Now look at the two’s antagonistic attitude! It looked exactly as though they were fighting in jealousy over some person but… this wasn’t possible right?!

The fire of gossip had risen up in everyone’s eyes, so hot that Ye Ming felt his body was burning up.

Ye Ming’s state appeared even more humiliated. His body trembled slightly and his lips were extremely pale. But he didn’t move. If at this moment he angered Qin Yi then it would make the situation even more ugly.

He ShaoChen noticed Ye Ming’s expression and felt pained for him. He desperately wanted to snatch him over but after considering Ye Ming’s situation he didn’t do anything impulsive. If they really started fighting, it wouldn’t affect Qin Yi or him much but Ye Ming was a different story. So he calmed himself and sat down on one side as if nothing had happened. He said, “It was just a casual question.”

Qin Yi raised his eyebrow. He said disbelievingly, “Is that so?”

He ShaoChen smiled lightly. “Since you don’t believe it, then why did you ask?”

Qin Yi’s expression became icy cold, it was like a knife slicing He ShaoChen’s body. After some time he gave a deep and low laugh. “No I believe you. This kind of plaything, someone like you shouldn’t be interested in it.”

He ShaoChen’s expression changed slightly. Judging by Qin Yi’s attitude, he obviously hated Ye Ming to core due to his departure. Thoughts flashed through his minds. Although he felt bad for Ye Ming, however…. if Qin Yi continued this way, then would he finally have a chance?

Back then Ye Ming had continually rejected him because of Qin Yi. But what if Qin Yi didn’t love him anymore?

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Thinking of this, He ShaoChen didn’t say anything more. He gave off an indifferent attitude as though he wasn’t willing to continue to talk with Qin Yi. Since he was clear on Qin Yi’s attitude then he just needed to wait for an opportunity to talk to Ye Ming. Right now if there was fuss then everyone would look bad.

He ShaoChen clearly expressed he wasn’t willing to fight with Qin Yi so Qin Yi of course didn’t pursue him. He only laughed coldly and didn’t look at him again.

The eating popcorn crowd were very displeased. They had already taken off their pants, was this it!? They had no choice but to disperse, each seeking their own good times. Most people stopped paying attention to Ye Ming.

{T/N: “I already took my pants off, is that it?!” Or variations of it is a popular Chinese netspeak for when you’ve been highly anticipating something such as a big confrontation or conflict, but in the end everything was resolved in an anti-climatic manner. They don’t literally have their pants down, although in this crowd who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯}

However there was a few extra curious young masters that crowded next to Qin Yi.

Young master Zhang smiled at Qin Yi and said, “Brother Yi, is this your boyfriend?”

Qin Yi glanced at him and smiled mockingly. “How could he be my boyfriend? Would you bring your boyfriend here?”

Young master Zhang nodded his head. That’s what he thought too! However today Qin Yi hadn’t been playing his cards logically and He ShaoChen also seemed like he knew Ye Ming, so he thought he would just make sure.

{T/N: “Hadn’t been playing his cards logically”, metaphor for not behaving in the way people expect or in the way logic dictates,}

Young master Huang’s hair was messy. In his arms was a beautiful young man. However as beautiful as the young man was, compared to Ye Ming he felt like he was missing a certain charm and he felt dissatisfied. So after hearing Qin Yi say this he said, “Brother Yi, since they’re all playthings, why don’t we switch?”

After hearing Ye Ming’s face flushed red with anger. He glared at him, the fire almost blazing out from him.

Young master Huang said “Aiyo!” and then in an an exaggerated manner to Qin Yi, “He looks like he as a temper! It doesn’t seem like he was bought. Brother Yi, did you some other method to obtain him?”

Qin Yi lowered his head to look at Ye Ming. Then he smiled faintly at Young master Huang. “You’re mistaken. He’s just acting. Something you can just buy easily, why do  you need to use any other method?”

Young master Huang’s heart was itchy. Eagerly he pushed away the beautiful youth in his arms and said to Qin Yi, “Brother Yi, then should we switch?”

Qin Yi paused as though he was considering this proposal. He then said, “Why don’t you ask him. If he’s willing to, then I don’t have any objections.”

After hearing this Ye Ming couldn’t help feeling shocked, saddened and deeply hurt. His hands balled into fists. It was as though he didn’t want to believe that Qin Yi would agree to send him to be someone else’s plaything.

Qin Yi saw the sight of something breaking inside in Ye Ming’s gaze. His voice carried a dark and evil tone as he laughed, speaking into Ye Ming’s ear, “What? Are you worried he doesn’t have enough money?”

Young master Huang patted his chest and said to Ye Ming. “Are you looking down on me? I’m always generous to my lovers. How much money do you want? As long as you name it, I promise it won’t be a problem.”

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Ye Ming didn’t look at young master Huang at all. His gaze was fixed on Qin Yi’s body. His gaze was filled with deep hurt and sorrow he couldn’t hide. Suddenly he violently pushed away Qin Yi and stood up.

This time Qin Yi didn’t stop him. Mockingly he looked at Ye Ming who looked as though he was approaching the limit of his desperation. He raised his eyebrow. “You don’t want?”

Ye Ming gazed at Qin Yi. The person in front of him… was a stranger. Every time he thought that this person couldn’t be any more cold or feelingless, he would lower the bar again, making Ye Ming feel like he had no idea how heartless he could be.

It was his fault. It was him that shouldn’t have held onto hope, feeding himself such bitter fruit.

Ye Ming gave a bitter laugh then left without looking back.

Young master Huang didn’t think that Ye Ming would just leave like that. After he saw Ye Ming walk out the door, he got up to follow him but at this time Qin Yi suddenly said, “Sit down.”

Young master Huang paused and then gazed suspiciously at Qin Yi.

Qin Yi’s eyes lowered slightly. He said calmly, “Since he doesn’t want to, then forget about it.”

Young master Huang knew that once Qin Yi said this then there wouldn’t be any more chance today. But he didn’t want to give up and said fearlessly, “Then when Brother Yi is tired of him, then can you pass him to me to play? I really like him.”

Qin Yi smiled but his gaze was very cold. “Sure.”


Ye Ming exited the private room. However without someone to take him out he couldn’t leave by himself so he could only lock himself in the bathroom. Qin Yi definitely knew he couldn’t run away, that’s why he had let him leave.

[888: There’s no one around, so you can drop the act.]

[Ye Ming: You think I can’t extricate myself from the act? The next act is just about to start, the best is still to come.]

[888: He he. Your attitude is pretty good considering Qin Yi was willing to give you to someone else.]

[Ye Ming: He just has a poisonous mouth and wants to anger me to death. That kind of vinegar pot, even if someone else looks at me he won’t be able to stand it, do you think he can really give me to someone else? If he was really so generous then he wouldn’t have gotten angry with He ShaoChen today.”

[Ye Ming: That’s right, in the future can you help me keep an eye on He ShaoChen. He’s very crucial. This time I said it so my love don’t forget okay ^_^]

[888: ……]

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[888: He ShaoChen is coming.]

[Ye Ming: I just knew he would definitely follow me! Let me prepare my emotions properly then I’ll go out to see him.]

Ye Ming stayed in the bathroom for some time before coming out. When he came out his eyes were red and bloodshot. Even though is expression had a forced calm, it couldn’t hide the turbulence inside.

As soon as he walked outside he saw the He ShaoChen who was standing there. His footsteps slowed and he stared at him.

He ShaoChen stood a few steps away, gazing at the  youth in front of him.

It had been three whole years since he had last seen this person. Back then when he had met Ye Ming he was already Qin Yi’s boyfriend. However even though he didn’t have the intention, he still moved his heart… as Qin Yi’s best friend, of course he couldn’t steal his brother’s lover so he could only hide his feelings in his heart.

It was only when Qin Yi’s parents tried to come between them and Qin Yi and Ye Ming’s relationship entered dangerous territory, that he first confessed his feelings to Ye Ming. He knew his actions were unscrupulous but he couldn’t control himself. Actually he didn’t necessarily want to pull the two of them apart… he only wanted Ye Ming to know his feelings, wanted to give himself a chance.

However Ye Ming rejected him.

Even in that kind of terrible situation, Ye Ming still chose Qin Yi. He couldn’t be moved even the slightest. It was also at that time that He ShaoChen finally became clear how strong and constant Ye Ming’s feelings towards Qin Yi was, it couldn’t be shaken by any temptation.

It was the kind of love that no one else could get between. He really envied Qin Yi.

After that chaotic time, Qin Yi left broke off with the Qin family and the two of them left the city together.

He ShaoChen thought he would never see them again. He thought his unrequited love most likely would never see the light of day again.

So he would never have expected that one day Ye Ming would voluntarily come to find him.

He ShaoChen still remembered that evening when Ye Ming suddenly appeared in front of him, asking him to help him go overseas. He ShaoChen didn’t know what had happened between them that would make Ye Ming make this kind of decision… he only held onto his revived hope to ask Ye Ming once more if he could give him a chance. Since he had already decided to leave Qin Yi, why doesn’t he try with He ShaoChen?

But Ye Ming rejected him again. He refused to give a reason, only begging him to help him leave.

Although He ShaoChen couldn’t bear to let him leave, in the end he still agreed. Because this was Ye Ming’s wish and it was the one and only time Ye Ming had ever asked him for help.

At that time he didn’t know how much he would later regret his actions. He didn’t know that once Ye Ming left it was as though he had vanished into a vast sea of people, it was impossible to find him again.

After Ye Ming left, Qin Yi had searched for a long, long time. But the trail had only led to He ShaoChen and then disappeared. Their twenty-something years of friendship was destroyed and the two become strangers. He ShaoChen practically never appeared again at any events involving Qin Yi.

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No matter what He ShaoChen never imagined that when he saw Ye Ming again, it would be under these kind of circumstances.

Ye Ming gazed for a while at He ShaoChen then he pathetically turned away his head. His voice was hoarse and he seemed to be laughing at himself. “Sorry to let you see such a pathetic, laughable thing.”

He also didn’t think that when he saw He ShaoChen again it would be under thesse circumstances. He had always known about He ShaoChen’s feelings but as he couldn’t reciprocate them, he had always felt guilt towards him.

He ShaoChen eyes were filled with pity. He walked over and said softly, “You know that I would never laugh at you.”

Probably because these days he had bottled up his emotions too tightly so when he heard these gentle words, Ye Ming’s emotions overflowed and threatened to burst out. He thinned his lips and looked away. “Thank you. But I should go back now.”

When he heard these words, He ShaoChen became anxious. He said seriously, “He treats you like this and you still want to return to his side?”

Ye Ming’s face was pale. His expression was extremely sorrowful. He paused and then said, “It was because I left suddenly back then. It’s normal for him to blame me….”

He ShaoChen furiously cut off his words. He frowned deeply and said, “Even if you did wrong by leaving him back then, he still can’t treat you like that! Do you know he agreed to let Huang have you after he was tired with you! Is that okay with you?!”

Ye Ming’s trembled violently as though he had finally approached the limit of his endurance. His expression broke and he said disjointedly, “He wouldn’t….”

He didn’t want to hear these words anymore! He turned and wanted to leave immediately!

But before he could go, He ShaoChen suddenly grabbed his wrist and pulled him back! His back hit the wall and He ShaoChen’s tall body loomed over him. His hands were on either side of his body, his gaze was lowered to meet his eyes. He said, “To what extent do you intend to debase yourself? Can’t you clearly see his attitude from his behaviour today? Since you’ve already broken up, why do continue to cling onto him? I said it before, I said that I would always wait for you…. That I’m willing to do anything for you. Those words are still true today. My feelings haven’t changed.”

Ye Ming’s gaze shook. Slowly an apologetic expression rose into his eyes. “I’m sorry…”

He ShaoChen’s expression was very pained. He said, “You still love him, is that right?”

Ye Ming’s eyes went red.

Even though he didn’t reply his answer was very clear. He ShaoChen finally couldn’t control the bitterness in his heart. He had always loved Ye Ming but from the very beginning Ye Ming hadn’t been willing to give him a chance. Even if Qin Yi treated him like this, he would still follow him to the death.

Why? What part him wasn’t as good as Qin Yi? Was it only because he had come too late?

“Since you love him this much, why did you leave back then?” He ShaoChen stared fixedly at Ye Ming’s eyes. The two of them were extremely closed, almost close enough to kiss. His breath landed on Ye Ming’s nose, each word was said slowly, “Tell me the reason and I’ll let you go.”

A deep sorrow instantly flew into Ye Ming’s gaze. He closed his eyes and then opened them again. He was just about to speak when he suddenly turned around and saw Qin Yi standing at the end of the corridor looking at them.

His expression instantly changed

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