Ye Ming violently reacted, reaching out and pushing away He ShaoChen. His face looked extremely agitated.

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He ShaoChen also paused. He then saw Qin Yi standing in front of him. He then recalled Ye Ming’s movements from before, clearly drawing a line with him. A hurt expression appeared on his face.

If Qin Yi treated Ye Ming well then he didn’t have anything to say. He could only lament he had come too late. But now Qin Yi was clearly mistreating Ye Ming! Why should he still follow Qin Yi to this extent?

He ShaoChen’s heart felt very bitter. He couldn’t control the feelings that had been growing for many years. He grabbed Ye Ming’s wrist, not letting him leave. He looked at Qin Yi and said coldly, “You came.”

Qin Yi gazed deeply at them. At this time the icy cold hate in his eyes was completely unveiled! He… if back then the evidence hadn’t been irrefutable then how could he have believed it! His best brother and his lover were having an affair. He even helped him flee the country to leave Qin Yi.

He had trusted the two of them so much but they betrayed him, getting together behind his back. Even though it had been three years, as long as he gave them the the slightest chance, then the flames would rise again from the ashes.

If he didn’t see it himself, then how could he believe it?!

He ShaoChen’s expression was equally icy. He felt that Ye Ming definitely had a good reason for leaving. As the person who was the closest person to Ye Ming, Qin Yi hadn’t even gotten the reason clear before getting his revenge! This kind of person wasn’t worthy of Ye Ming’s feelings!

The two people’s thoughts weren’t even on the same path. The only only common point was both of them held each other in contempt!

Qin Yi slowly lowered his gaze and looked at He ShaoChen’s hand holding onto Ye Ming’s wrist. He felt this scene was like needles poking his eyes. He said dangerously, “Let go.”

He ShaoChen had no intention of letting go. He raised his eyebrow and said, “Since you don’t like him right now, then why force him to stay by your side? Why don’t you just give him to me?”

He laughed dryly and then added, “Besides, giving it to anybody is the same right? You don’t need to worry about Huang. I’ll tell him and he won’t dare to saything against me.”

He ShaoChen’s were slightly sly. He didn’t want to let Ye Ming stupidly put his heart on Qin Yi, thus he tried to point out the cruel truth to him clearly.

Ye Ming’s eyes were dark and he stopped struggling.

Qin Yi clenched his hand. A violently furious expression flashed through his eyes. Then he suddenly rushed over and without warning kicked towards He ShaoChen’s abdomen. His first smashed out towards his face.

He ShaoChen’s expression changed. He didn’t think Qin Yi would suddenly use violence and he was slow by one pace and was momentarily at a disadvantage! The two well-dressed people began scuffling in front of the bathroom door, the image very inelegant.

Ye Ming was pushed to one side. When he saw the situation was deteriorating he suddenly rushed over and grabbed Qin Yi’s arm from behind. “Both of you stop it!’

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Qin Yi stopped. He turned around. Then he suddenly wrenched his arm violently, throwing Ye Ming onto the floor! Then he continued fighting with He ShaoChen.

Ye Ming’s face but he didn’t go up again. He seemed frozen.

[888: … really the vixen that brings disaster.]

[Ye Ming: Innocent.jpg]

[888: Isn’t there a saying “a brother is your hands and feet, a woman is like your clothes”? But in my opinion the current mankind is too useless. Fighting over any old person, their eyes must be bad.]

[Ye Ming: … are you looking down on me?!]

[888: Did I say you? Why are you so eager to sit on the seat? Feel guilty?]

[Ye Ming: …..]

[Ye Ming: Let me tell you, that phrase is already out of fashion! Now the saying goes, “For a woman break your brother’s hands and feet, then stab him two more times”. Getting rid of your singledom is the most important mission, single dogs have no dignity to speak of!]

[888: Oh I understand. Turns out, you’re a woman.]

[Ye Ming: You’re focusing on the wrong point, okay!!!]

Back on the other side, Qin Yi and He ShaoChen’s fight was coming to an end. Qin Yi was the victor, he grabbed He ShaoChen’s collar and pressed him to the ground. He said coldly, “I’m warning you, don’t come near my person again. Otherwise next time I won’t be so kind and you can’t blame me for forgetting our old friendship.”

He ShaoChen wiped the blood from his lips. He gazed at Qin Yi fearlessly and said laughed coldly. “Oh, talking as though I’m scared of you. Wasn’t the person who wanted to give him away you? What’s the meaning of pretending now that you can’t bear to let him go now?”

“Can’t bear to let him go?” Qin Yi narrowed his eyes and laughed mockingly. “These words are too hilarious. After I don’t want him anymore, I can give him to anyone I want. But as for you… I’m afraid you can’t pay the price!”

He ShaoChen narrowed his eye.

Qin Yi released his hands and gave him a cold glare. Then he turned around and dragged Ye Ming outside.

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As Ye Ming was being dragged away, he couldn’t help turning around to look at He ShaoChen. His eyes were full of apologies.

He ShaoChen also knew that it would be impossible to prevent Qin Yi from taking Ye Ming away today. But he was worried that under his anger, Qin Yi might do something terrible to Ye Ming so he yelled, “Qin Yi!”

Qin Yi paused and turned around.

He ShaoChen glared at him in the eyes and enunciated each world. “Don’t do anything you’ll regret.”

Qin Yi’s mouth twitched and then he smiled disdainfully. Cooly he dragged Ye Ming away and left.


The whole way home home Qin Yi didn’t release Ye Ming’s hand. As soon as the went inside he swung him to the ground.

Ye Ming’s pale wrist was exposed and on it was an extremely red finger mark. It was easy to see how much force Qin Yi had used in his grip. Painfully he frowned. Just as he was about to climb to his feet, Qin Yi suddenly seized him by the neck and forcefully pushed him back onto the ground!

Qin Yi’s crazed gaze swept over his face. He twisted his mouth and laughed coldly. “Did you think that this time he would be able to help you again?”

Ye Ming only thought that it was difficult to breath. He struggled to push away Qin Yi’s hand but it was as though it was made of steel, it was impossible to move it even an inch. His face was extremely red and Qin Yi’s eyes were only filled with a chilly hatred….

He felt shocked in his heart. Did this person… really want to kill him…?

Qin Yi lowered his head, placing his lips by Ye Ming’s ear. He said lowly, “When did you and He ShaoChen start your affair? What do you think that he can give you? Do you think the He family would tolerate scum like you?”

Bringing Ye Ming to that place… what did he want to prove? Actually there was no point.

The only thing it achieved was to prove to himself how blind he once was.

[Ding! Qin Yi’s blackening value +10, currently the blackening value is 75.]

Ye Ming stared at the person in front of him. His gaze felt blurred… the events of yesteryear flashed before his eyes. Those years of happiness and joy slowly disappeared in his memories, until it became faceless.

The person in front of him had long ceased being the person from his memories.

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He had once thought that he had been prepared for anything, that he could withstand any kind of revenge. But at that moment when Qin Yi casually send he would give him to someone else, he realized he really couldn’t stand it. It felt as though his heart was being ripped open.

But he couldn’t blame anyone…

Everything was his fault. It was he that pushed him to his degree. It was him that made Qin Yi and He ShaoChen become enemies. He was the root of all this evil.

The strength slowly left Ye Ming’s hand and slowly fell back by his side. He felt like he couldn’t breath. If he just died like this then it wouldn’t be so bad… wanting to come back to see his person one last time probably was the wrong decision…

At this time the pressure around his neck was suddenly released. The air rushed back into his lungs. Ye Ming began to cough uncontrollably.

He felt his clothes being ripped open, closely followed by the pain of his body being torn apart.

Qin Yi grabbed onto his hair and bit his neck. The feeling of extreme pain accompanied the taste of blood rising into the air.

“Until you repay everything you owe me, you belong to me… since you belong  to me, then you should know your position.” Qin Yi’s voice seemed to float straight from hell. “If you dare again to seduce someone else behind my back, then I’ll let you know the consequence of betraying me. It won’t be this simple.”

Ye Ming’s tears flowed out. He didn’t know if it was pain or sorrow. He bit his lip so hard he drew blood but he didn’t make a sound. Only when the pain was too much to tolerate he let out a soft moan.

Actually he only thought that.. if he could stay by the side of the person he loved the most, even it was for a minute or a second more than he would satisfied. How was he to know this wish was so foolish, and the consequence so high?

If remaining by Qin Yi’s side meant having to endure such pain, then he didn’t know how long he could keep it up…

Qin Yi released him and looked down at the person who had fainted on the ground.

Tiredly he closed his eyes. He recalled again the memory of seeing He ShaoChen and Ye Ming together… other than rage of being betrayed there had been another feeling in his heart, what was it? It was probably jealousy…

Even though it was already like this, he could still feel jealous. He didn’t want to let anyone else touch this person.

He shouldn’t have these thoughts. They were wrong. But he couldn’t control himself. He couldn’t control his feelings towards this person. What a joke… even to this day, he could still care about this person.

His emotions felt like they were at breaking point.

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The dining room felt like a graveyard. Qin Yi sat on the couch like a statue.

His mobile phone rang suddenly, breaking the dead silence in the room.

Qin Yi slowly moved his eyes and picked up the phone. He paused before finally answering. The sound of his mother’s usual familiar voice could be heard over the line. “Qin Yi, do you have any plans this weekend? If you don’t have any then let’s get together to eat.”

A mocking smile appeared on Qin Yi’s face. He said directly, “Eat with who?”

Mother Qin’s voice was slightly uncomfortable but she still said, “Song Family’s daughter. I already met her, she’s a very gentle young lady. I think you should meet her..”

You couldn’t blame her for worrying. Even though Qin Yi had come home and looked as though nothing was wrong, but that person and those things that happened was like a knot that stood between them, a forbidden topic that couldn’t unravelled.

In the beginning she had tried hard to persuade Qin Yi to find a good marriage partner but now she could only pray that Qin Yi could walk out from the shadow of that relationship.

Even she could not have expected that what happened back then would end this way? Watching her son slowly become what he was today, as a mother, how could she not be worried?

Qin Yi closed his eyes. If it was in the past he would not hesitate to reject but now…

He lowered his eyes and gazed at the person lying on the floor. His gaze was filled with turbulence.

Not wanting to let go of those things, was it because he was waiting for something? Was it because he was hoping for something? Even though he knew the result, he still clung stubbornly to those old things, what for? For this person who betrayed and didn’t deserve him?

Right now he had already obtained the truth from his lips and seen the truth with his own eyes… what was there that he couldn’t let go of?

Qin Yi laughed lowly from his throat. He didn’t know how he felt. He clutched the phone tightly and his eyes were dim. “Tomorrow I won’t go.”

Mother Qin felt very anxious. She said, “I’m not trying to force you. I just want you to have a look…. If you don’t like being arranged and have someone else you like, that’s okay too.”

Qin Yi’s gaze was very dark. He said slowly. “Okay. Although Miss Song isn’t appropriate but the issue of getting married, I will consider it.”

Authors Note: I think I should a few explanations here. The gong’s turn to be tortured will come up soon. However the method of torture is different from my previous work. After all the gong in  this story originally is not a scum~ although I didn’t write, all the gong have affection level of 100 ah! It’s only because of their love that their hate exists. Xiao Ye’s motivation was also not to torture the gong, his objective is to reduce the blackening. Although he is a little bit of a scum but he is a scum with a bottom line and wouldn’t just torture for the fun of it. In his inner heart there exists a kind and cute little fellow~~

Although the gong really is tortured pretty badly. But the one torturing them is not really Xiao Ye but the cruel fate ah! (runs away)

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