The Silent Princess

Chapter 32

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Isilla frowned at the men who stood awkwardly at her bedroom door. They wore the clothing of workers and seemed as surprised at finding her still in bed as she was at seeing them in her doorway. Ilun, used to to the coming and going of the people in the castle, did not react more than lifting his huge head from his paws to stare at the men.

"Ma'am, ah, hmm," the oldest of the four started, "we're here to move your things."

Isilla raised an eyebrow, confused.

Hanna muscled her way through the doorway, "Princess! Why aren't you dressed? You're supposed to be at breakfast!"

At breakfast, she thought, I take all my meals in my room. She spread her hands and tilted her head in confusion.

Hanna groaned as she crossed the room to her closet. Flinging it open she removed a heavy dress in dark green fabric and laid it over the chair.

"Do you plan on watching the Princess dress? Get out!" Hanna yelled at the men. Quickly they turned, pulling the door shut.

"You were told yesterday! That your living quarters were changing today and that you were expected to accompany your husband on an outing while the move took place! Honestly!" Hanna exclaimed, clearly frustrated with her mistress' "forgetfulness."

Isilla sighed. The message must have been intercepted by Elixabete, she realized as she climbed from the bed. The woman had made herself scarce around Isilla since the incident with the King two days prior but the pettiness of the action seemed too much like her to be otherwise.

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But why wouldn't Arren tell me directly he wanted to see me today, she wondered as Hanna fixed her hair, the braids simple, leading into a tight bun at the back of her head. The entire matter held together with pins.

As they had discussed, she had gone to Arren in his dreams to release the energy. Each night, something different but she was careful with her words, choosing instead to bring back the things she found in other dreams. She searched the Veil for places that were fading, such as the one she found Ilun in, where whatever she took wouldn't be missed. So far she had woken up clutching a ring of tiny, jeweled keys and a glass which held a beetle that glowed softly, the colors changing throughout the day. The latter didn't seem to need to eat.

In the waking world, he sent Julen to check on her in the morning, to ensure she was alright. The boy took his duty very seriously and she showed him the treasures she found, to his delight.

This morning it had been the workman who woke her though and in her sheets, somewhere there was a handkerchief that she had dropped in surprise. I'll get it later, she thought as she pulled on the heavy gown.

Dressed, Hanna presented her with a pair of boots. She looked at the strange shoes curiously, noting that they slid over her feet, covering them completely and that there was no heel, they were flat, like sandals.

She took them from Hanna, sliding her feet into their soft embrace. Standing she tried them out, taking a few steps and smiling. I like these much better than the other shoes, she thought.

"Come on! Come on! Your breakfast is waiting, the prince will be here for you soon!" Hanna said ushering her out of the room and down the hall to the sun room where she had first been presented with Elixabete.

A small table sat ready for her, Ilun's meal already on the floor. He yipped and pounced on it, shoving his face into the plate.

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Sighing, Isilla sat at the table and picked up her fork. "Quickly," Hanna scolded.

"There's no need to rush," Arren said from the door, Julen peeking from behind him.

Hanna bowed low as Arren crossed the small room and took the seat next to Isilla. Julen watched Ilun, wide eyed.

"You may go," he said to Hanna. The woman nodded and left quickly as he turned to Isilla. "Why aren't you ready?"

I didn't know I was being called on today, she wrote quickly before picking up her fork again.

He looked at her curiously, "Julen, who did you give my message to?" he asked the boy.

"The lady with the brown hair took it. She told me that Isilla wasn't in her rooms," Julen replied inching closer to Ilun as he finished his plate, his long tongue licking his lips for any trace of food that may remain.

"Elixabete," Arren confirmed a ripple running through his shadows. "It's fine. Julen," he called, the boy turning to him, "Only give my messages to Isilla. If she's not here, you wait for her, alright?"

Julen nodded and turned back to Ilun, holding out his hand to pet him. The animal obliged, his huge body stretching to reach the child's hand, one large eye opening in the back of his furry head, focused on Isilla's breakfast table.

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You are very patient with him, she wrote.

"Of course, he's a child," Arren responded. "Eat your food, I do have something planned for the day."

She tilted her head, curious. He only smiled gently at her for a moment before turning to watch the the boy play with her pet.

She finished her breakfast, enjoying the close company of two. This is nice, she thought as she watched them, to have company.

"Are you finished?" Arren asked gently as she wiped her mouth.

She nodded and Ilun stood up from the floor turning his body to face her, his mouth open revealing sharp rows of teeth and a fat, wet tongue.

"Wait!" she said as she scraped the scraps of her own meal onto his empty plate for him.

She turned to Arren, returning her empty plate back to the table.

"Your pet will stay with Julen today, in your new rooms until our return. He absolutely cannot come where we are going. No sneaking through shadows. You two may play in the garden and the sun room. Food will be brought for you both."

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Keep yours on the table, he'll eat anything that falls on the floor, she wrote showing the note to Julen before turning to Ilun. "Stay with Julen today."

Ilun whined and pressed himself against her leg and she gently pushed him away. "Listen to Arren, I'll be alright."

"I promise, no harm will come to your lady," Arren soothed the creature. Reluctantly Ilun stepped forward to stand by Julen's side.

"Keep an eye on Isilla's pet for me, make sure he doesn't get lonely while she's away," Arren said. "You remember where you're going, right?"

Julen wrapped his fingers in Ilun's shaggy fur and nodded his head, a serious look on his young face.

"Good, go before you get under the worker's feet!" Arren shooed him away. Julen and and Ilun left the room together, the animal already livening up at the prospect of a playmate.

"And now, it's time for us to leave as well. Come here, Isilla," Arren said gently, holding out his hand.

She took it, the gesture familiar as the darkness began to swirl around them. He pulled her closer. "Close your eyes, it's a surprise," he whispered.

Her eyes closed, the world shifted.

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