The Silent Princess

Chapter 33

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The air bit at her hands and face, windy and fierce far colder than it should be for the late fall. Even with the wind, the smell filled her nostrils, something strong and half wild. Something that ate meat.

She opened her eyes and looked up at Arren, the wind tousling his dark hair, a light smile on his face. He turned her away from him. The sky, clear and blue stretched for miles in front of her, below the rocky cliff they stood on, the Kingdom spread out before them. She stepped away from him, closer to the edge, to see more. His shadows danced at her feet, ready to catch her if she slipped.

She turned, a question on her lips even as she looked past him, at the wooden doors and the half shaped tower, a structure that was barely carved out of the mountain, waited behind him.

"Come my little bird, I didn't bring you all this way for the view alone," his lips were curved in a sly smile as he reached for her hand again. It's warm, she thought as she took it following him to the entrance.

The smell doubled as the doors opened but Isilla hardly noticed it. Above her in large nests were great hawks, huge and magnificent, resting peacefully.

She lifted her hand over her mouth, open in awe at the sight. The flying mounts of the Dark Realm that she had only heard of in stories during the long years of war or seen in the distance were only a few steps away from her, their feathers catching the sunlight that streamed through large openings in the ceiling, deep, dark blacks to dusty reds.

"This is one of the aeries. There are others. Most are larger," Arren said, close to her ear. "You see now why your pet couldn't accompany you."

She nodded slowly. Larger than this? she thought counting twelve birds, some with babies nestled under their wings.

"We keep nesting mothers here," he explained as he pulled her gently closer to one. "You can touch them. Hold out your hand. They are very friendly girls. That's why I brought you here."

She did as he said, reaching her hand out to the animal, her feathers a light brown. The animal shifted revealing two small, bald, pink hatchlings the size of dogs. The mother moved carefully around them observing Isilla's hand for a moment before pressing her sharp beak gently into her palm.

Her heart pounded in her chest, the small touch communicating the power and restraint the creature held.

"Her name is Chicken, Julen named her when he was much smaller. If I had known she was going to be such a good breeder I wouldn't have let him. Go ahead, touch her feathers," Arren coaxed gently as he touched the animal's neck to demonstrate that it was alright. "I breed them for patience and calm, not aggression."

She reached past the bird's beak and to small feathers around it, letting them slide smoothly through her fingers.

She turned to Arren. "You?" she asked, the word simple enough for him to read on her lips.

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He smiled, "I don't spend all of my time in my offices."

"Ah! Prince Arren! We didn't know you were coming!" a man called entering the large space from a door that she had not noticed. Red color rose like a stain over his bald head, his face hidden behind a bushy beard. Very worn and patched clothing covered his staunch body.

Arren waved the man's words away, "I didn't say anything. I wanted her to see things as they are."

"The Princess," the man choked out. "Thank you so much for visiting our humble aerie!" he words slightly muffled by his deep bow.

"This is Iker, he is head of this aerie. Please stand old man," Arren said, his tone familiar and friendly.

Iker shook his head as he stood, "I am just a servant to the Crown. This aerie is run by his Majesty."

Isilla looked back at Arren and he shook his head, "Don't listen to him. He disagrees with half of my judgments and then we just do what he wants anyway."

"You flatter me, Lord," Iker said glancing away.

"Since you are here, prepare Gray Wind," Arren ordered casually.

The man nodded. "It was very nice to meet you, Princess Isilla."

She smiled as he turned back, leaving them alone again.

"I help raise them. It was something that I began years ago. Their care is very calming," he explained.

She reached in her pocket for her book. These are not for war, she asked.

He shook his head, "Not at all. They have a calm temperament. I suppose they could fly in battle but it was not my intention when I was choosing which birds to breed. I wanted something that was just, beautiful."

Red rose to his cheeks and he looked away from her, embarrassed by his own words.

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She touched his hand and smiled. That sounds very nice, can you tell me about them, she wrote.

He nodded and began to speak on the hawks in his care. He walked her around the room pointing out each one giving their names and ages. He showed her the babies, explaining their care.

"There are more. These mothers have just hatched their young but there are some older ones, I thought you would like to hold them."

She nodded, her smile wide and he met it taking her hand again leading her through the door that Iker had come through. The space beyond meant more for people than birds. Smaller and warmer, the smell of the greater space lessened.

"There's a back way up through here, so we can transport sick birds deeper into the aerie. And of course the young ones begin their training here before we move them them up," he explained as they walked past halls that would more correctly be described as tunnels until they came to another wooden door.

"We take them from their mothers when they have all their feathers. Then they stay here where one of the younger apprentices is always around to feed them every few hours," he said. Soft light from the open windows filtered down onto the colorful mass of downy feathers.

She turned back to him, questioning.

"Go ahead, they are perfectly safe. Watch," he crossed the room and squatting to the ground, looked over the mass of soft feathers. He pulled one from the center. The animal came up easily looking at Arren with one dark eye. Its feathers a mix of gray down and sleek spotted dusty red.

He handled the small fledgling for a moment, speaking softly to it in a strange language, rubbing its head before he held the bird out to her. "You keep a nightmare as a pet but you're afraid of a baby bird," he teased.

She blushed and took it from him. The bird filled her arms, lighter than she thought, an arm full of feathers. It looked around making soft cooing sounds. She petted the animal's head and it observed her with a single eye until it shut it in a contented sleep.

She smiled up at Arren, his eyes were on her, a soft smile on his face. "Do you like this?"

She nodded and put the sleeping bird back into the mass where it snuggled into its nest mates. She pulled out the book and pen and scribbled, Thank you for bringing me here even if it is very cold, she wrote.

He chuckled, "We are very high up. The birds need the space and it is easier for them to take flight from above. Especially when they carry a rider."

Is Grey Wind yours, she wrote.

"Of course. Would you like to see her?" he asked slyly.

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"I thought you would. We will bypass the steps," he said taking her hand and moving them quickly through the shadows.

On a higher level, the wind bit at her hands once more, freezing them but her clothes were enough to keep her body warm.

"You are handling this well," he said watching her, the same half smile on his face.

She turned to him, questioning.

"The cold, the smell of them. Most would not." he took her hands, blowing warmth into them. His thumbs ran over hers and but his eyes stayed on her face. "This won't do," he said barely audible over the wind. A bird cried near them and he said, louder, "Hush girl!"

He turned to the hooks on the wall. "I'm afraid these were all made for men so they may be a bit large."

He presented her with a jacket, gloves and a hat. She looked at them curiously, inspecting the gloves before pulling them onto her hands, the cover blocking the cold. Arren placed the hat on her head, lacing it under her chin before covering her with the jacket. As he had warned, it was too large for her but not by much. Satisfied he donned similar attire.

"Come, I'll introduce you to my other lady," he said playfully to her, taking her hand and leading her up the last flight of steps.

There, ready for flight, stood a hawk, larger than the ones that nested below. Gray feathers, speckled with black covered her form. Large, light brown eyes stared questioning at her master over a sharp gray beak.

Isilla pointed at her and the bird turned her attention to the princess, eyeing her. She looks like she wants to know if I'm good enough. If I am strong enough for her master, she thought to herself.

The bird took a step towards her, its beak lowered. Isilla held out her hand as she had below and the bird pressed her beak into it for a moment before turning away. Isilla turned back to Arren, waiting.

"This is Gray Wind. She's not as large the ones you in see the war but she is smart. And she likes you," he said.

How can you tell, she wrote the wind whipping at the pages.

"Because she did not try to kill you," he said smiling, "You should put your book away before the wind rips it from your hands.

She nodded and slipped her pen and the book into her pocket.

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"Would you like to ride her?" he asked.

She nodded, her hands at her chest in excitement but he wasn't looking. "If someone wanted to ride her, they would really have to ask her. She is very particular."

Isilla frowned and tugged on his sleeve pointing at her mouth.

"But if you don't ask then nothing at all can happen," his voice, playful and teasing in the wind

Oh, this is the real Arren, she thought coming to her suddenly. This is something hardly anyone gets to see, she realized.

Gray Wind moved her foot and shook herself out. A saddle sat between her wings, reigns held in her beak.

She pulled out her book and moved to write something but his shadows swept them out of her hands swallowing them in their depths, "I told you, you'll lose them up here. If you want to ride her, you should ask."

She stared at him a frown on her face. Her hands flew up but she realized that he couldn't read them and the gloves would make it difficult to speak that way anyway. She crossed them under her arms frowning. He smiled at her, laughing at her frustration. She looked away.

He wrapped his arms around her, the sudden shock of his touch sending warmth through her, "Allow me just this little bit of fun."

He released her and turned to the bird, "Gray Wind, would you show my wife the sky?"

The bird turned its eyes away, blinking, thinking. Then she lowered her body. Arren lifted Isilla suddenly and placed her on the bird's back. She steadied herself grabbing at the saddle as Arren settled behind her, picking up the reigns as he wrapped an arm around her.

"Hold on," he said into her ear. And then there was no ground, only the sky.

The animal moved forward and then dropped. Arren's arm wrapped securely around her waist, even as she felt her body lift. She gripped his arm, afraid to pull at the hawk's feathers. The wind grabbed at her eyes and she closed them as the rose. They evened out and he shouted, "Open your eyes! You'll miss it all."

Even in the bright sun, the palace sprawled, eating at the landscape around it. Massive and dark she had never seen the enormity of it all, its true size something that could only be grasped from above where all of it could be seen at once. It didn't just stretch up the mountain side but all through it, enough space to be a city of its own. Is it all occupied, she wondered in awe.

She shivered as they moved away from the castle and he pulled her closer, tucking her under his chin. She stared at the landscape. I'm flying. Not in a dream, really flying, she thought. The animal moved quickly, its wings open, switching from air stream to air stream, taking gentle direction from Arren's reigns.

The landscape changed, shifting past the city that surrounded the castle, to farmlands and finally to a deep forest. The leaves orange and red, still clinging to the branches in the late fall. They circled over a clearing and Gray Wind dropped, landing on the grass. She lowered her body and Arren slid off pulling her down with him.

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