The Silent Princess

Chapter 38

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Isilla rubbed her eyes in waking, the first lights of dawn creeping under her heavy bedroom curtain. She pulled her body up. Oh, I forgot to visit Arren, she realized, no strange gift tangled into her sheets. Still tired, she considered trying to go back to sleep.

But that girl, she thought, I should find her in this world. I think she needs help. But how can I help her when I am trapped here.

Ilun moved upon the bed, placing his head in her lap. "Am I really trapped here?" she asked him. He pulled me through the shadows with him when I fainted and I've traveled that way with Arren many times, so why can't I go through them with him whenever I want?

"Ilun, can you take me through the shadows?"

He yawned and slid off the bed, his heavy body thumping on the floor. He lowered himself, for her to climb on.

She met him on the floor, climbing onto his back, gripping his fur in her fists. He twisted his head so one long, floppy ear faced her, waiting for direction.

"Take me to the forest outside of the window," she said.

He nodded and leaped into a corner. The wall did not stop him, he landed in a dark space, Isilla's eyes detected no light but Ilun's body moved smoothly underneath of her. He leaped again, the forest surrounded them.

She breathed in crisp, cold air, the smell of mulch and rot from the recent rains surrounding her. "I'm outside," she said in awe.

She searched quickly, locating the mountain that held the castle in the distance. From this side it was even less orderly, random windows and towers stuck out all over it. "I'm so far away," she said.

The wind blew past her and she shivered, her nightgown a poor wardrobe for the outing. "Take me back Ilun," she said.

He repeated the process, finding a suitable shadow before leaping. Just that quickly, she returned back to her rooms.

Shivering she slid from his back, rubbing her arms and returning to bed. "I can leave whenever I want," she whispered in awe. Ilun climbed onto the bed and yawning settled his head into her lap. "So can you but you choose to stay here? Or maybe you can't leave, like that girl, Mireia. But at least now I know I can go help her, if I can find her."

Ilun made a soft woof, his tail wagging.

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Isilla slid further under the covers, nestling under Ilun's warmth, letting him help chase away the cold. He sighed, ready to fall back asleep but too wired, Isilla couldn't settle. She had too many questions and this girl was only one of them.

Her door creaked opened as Haribit, yawning, still in her nightdress walked through it. "Wake up Isilla! You have an early morning," she called, crossing the room to the window, throwing the curtain back and letting the soft morning light flood the room.

Isilla pushed herself up from under Ilun. She sneezed.

Haribit caught the movement and crossed the room back to her bed, placing a hand on her forehead. "Are you catching an illness? It's from the cold of this place! We must get something to keep us warm."

Isilla batted her hands away.

I'm fine, she signed. Haribit had learned a few simple phrases in the hand language but not enough to communicate complex thoughts.

"You always say you're fine, Isilla. It's alright to admit you're not," Harbit's voice a sigh as she stood, crossing the room to her closet.

"Well if you're fine, then you can see to your duties," she pulled open the closet, "What do you want to wear today?"

Isilla climbed out of the bed as Julen poked his head through the open door. Ilun perked up and moved off the bed to meet the boy, sniffing his messy hair before licking his face.

Julen laughed and wiped at the wetness with his sleeve before running across the room to wrap Isilla in a hug. "Are you alright this morning?" he asked.

She patted his head nodded as she looked down at him.

"Oh, there's no breakfast here yet," he said pouting, hoping for a treat.

Isilla pulled him away from her, smiling. She held her finger up, signaling for him to wait as she hurried across the room to the dresser, opening a bag that sat on it.

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The scent of the dried, spiced fruit filled her nose as she plucked a piece, a deep red color, from it and offered it to the boy.

He looked at it strangely before taking it from her fingers.

"What is it?" he asked eyeing it, Ilun pulled by the smell attempted to sneak his way to the treat before Isilla shooed him away.

"It's candy," Haribit said. "Isilla's favorite. Try it."

He sniffed it, wary of the strange sweet before taking a small bite. His eyes lit up and a moment later it was gone, stuffed into his mouth.

"It's good!" he said, chewing.

"Ah! Don't talk with your mouth full!" Haribit scolded as she turned him, pushing him out of the room. "Now out, she has to dress."

Julen nodded, still chewing as he left, smiling.

"Now, what do you want to wear?" Haribit asked again.

Isilla smiled joining her friend at the closet. It was nice to be asked. She ran her hands over the dresses, specialty made gowns from her own lands, the material heavier for the cold weather but the style the same. She chose a emerald colored dress with gold and black embroidery down the front.

"You should wear your in braids with that," Haribit suggested as she sat Isilla on the stool and began twisting her hair from her face. Haribit's fingers were gentle on her scalp as she braided.

Finished, she let Isilla dress while she dug around in the jewelry boxes. "Oh you should wear this!" she said holding up a bracket. A heavy gold chain and green stones formed a pattern.

Too much, she signed.

"No, look," Haribit said, clasping it on Isilla's wrist, "Just right."

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Looking at herself in the full mirror, Isilla had to agree with her. The dress softened the bracelet but it added an air of importance to her. She gently turned it on her wrist.

"I'm going to get dressed and then we can eat breakfast. You're to meet the staff in the garden so we'll eat there."

Isilla nodded as she crossed back to her bed, picking up her book from the nightstand.

I need to tell you about some things, later, there's not time now, Isilla wrote.

"You can write while I get dressed," Haribit said pulling Isilla behind her, out of her rooms and across the hall the bedroom opposite of hers. Inside, the room slightly smaller but really no less grand. A loom took up most of Haribit's sitting space. That's right, Isilla thought, her people are weavers. I guess she'll keep at it even though we're here now.

How long will you stay with me, she wrote, showing the note to her.

"What do you mean?" Haribit asked as they walked into her bedroom, the space simple with a bed, closet, and dresser.

Isilla waved her hand around.

"Oh you mean, here, in the Dark Realm. Well however long you're here. And since you're married now, I suppose the rest of my life?" she shrugged. "Maybe I'll find a nice husband here," she giggled.

But your family, she questioned.

"It's not like I can't go home now and then and visit. Same for you, if you wanted to spend some time some place warmer. That's the whole point of this marriage isn't it? To keep our realms form fighting all the time."

Isilla nodded. You're right.

"I know I'm right! You've completely lost your head being here! You're not thinking straight at all."

There's been a lot happening around me, it's hard to think straight. Everyday it's something new, she wrote.

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Haribit snorted, "And now you've got something else new to tell me?"

Isilla nodded. There was someone in the Veil with me. Someone like me but she worked nightmares, not dreams.

Haribit frowned at the note before turning to her closet, "Tell me what happened."

Isilla wrote out the long explanation, even the part with Ilun and laid on Haribit's bed playing with the bracelet as Haribit read it.

Finished, she handed the book back and sat in silence. "You should leave this alone," no laughter in her voice, her words were slow, even.

What do you mean, Isilla asked frowning.

Haribit shook her head, "There's obviously something much larger than you happening. Whoever this girl is, whatever reason they had for targeting that woman, it has nothing to do with you, personally. In a few weeks she'll have that baby and be gone. Just let it go."

She's attacking us, Isilla said.

Haribit shook her head again, pulling on her skirt and tucking a blouse into the band, belting it around the middle. The fabric various shades of blue with small flowers embroidered on it. Next to Isilla she seemed very plain which Isilla realized, was what she was attempting to do. "She can't hurt us. I'm here to protect you. Ilun will protect you. I'm sure your husband will protect you. Just let her be. You have enough to worry about without adding the problems of some woman who doesn't know when to give up."

I don't want to just be protected, Isilla wrote. That makes me sound like I'm just a duty.

"I am here because I love you as my dearest friend," Haribit responded, fixing up her hair in the mirror.

And Arren and Ilun, she asked, smug.

"I'm sure your very large and devoted pet cares for you, if he is capable of caring. And the Prince as well. Did you see how he looked after you kissed him? A blind man can see he cares for you." Haribit said waving away her concerns.

You haven't seen what he's normally like, Isilla reminded her.

"No, but I've seen what he's really like and if you'd stop being so stubborn, you would too," Haribit said. "Alright, breakfast is waiting."

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