The Silent Princess

Chapter 39

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Where did all of these people come from, Isilla thought, a smile plastered to her face as yet another guard bowed in front of her while firing off an introduction. The same process had been repeated by at least twenty men before him and still, there were more people, more staff, waiting to introduce themselves. On either side of her sat Haribit and Elixabete. Ilun laid at her feet, head in paws but facing Elixabete, ready to act.

Vil stood behind Elixabete, back straight and eyes focused. The woman had been quiet so far, a gentle smile on her face as the members of Isilla's retinue bowed and made themselves known to her.

This must look awful, Isilla thought as another guard bowed before her. The prince's wife and the woman who is supposedly carrying his child side by side like this, Isilla sighed, not letting the embarrassment reach her face.

Next an old man, dressed in a shirt and pants bowed. His announcement began a stream of kitchen workers. They transitioned into a suite of maids responsible for cleaning and errands around the apartments. Then onto the groundskeepers for her indoor and outdoor gardens. A dressmaker, a bookkeeper, a painter, and finally a fleet of nannies for children she did not have.

"I suppose we will care for the Lady Elixabete's child until yours comes, Princess," the woman in front of her said, a smile on her face. No malice in her voice, a careless statement.

Isilla smiled at the woman, noting that Elixabete touched her belly at the woman's words.

The introductions finished, they stood and waited for some word from her. She wrote quickly in her book, anxious to get the process over with. Her stomach growled, the introductions had bled into lunchtime.

"The Princess Isilla thanks you for your service and for taking the time to meet with her today. She hopes to know you all better," Haribit read, her voice carrying over the small crowd.

Smiling, Isilla stood and turned taking her leave. A messenger met her at the garden door. He bowed low before speaking. "Your Highness, Prince Lehan would like to have lunch with you today. He requests that you come alone or with another attendant besides the Lady Elixabete. I will escort you when you're ready."

She looked back at Haribit who nodded. "Please wait at the main entrance. The Princess needs to change."

The messenger nodded and turned away, making his way back through the halls.

"I'll get your other maids after we get back to your room, they can help you better with something for him," Harbit said.

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What could he want with me, she thought. Should I tell Arren? He will be upset.

Haribit left her at her rooms. Her stomach churned and cold sweat ran down her back as she touched her neck where he had run his tongue against her. The feel of his hands on her body, the thought of being alone with him, even if Harbit accompanied her, was too much. She wrapped her arms around herself and sat on the couch in her sitting room, her body shaking uncontrollably.

Ilun whimpered and put his head in her lap, gently applying the weight of his body bring her back. She touched his head, running her fingers through his fur. He licked her cheek and she touched her face. Am I crying, she thought as the salty tears rolled down her face to her lips, filling her mouth with their taste.

I have to calm down, she thought forcing her breathing to slow, to match Ilun's. Gradually, her body stilled and her heart slowed.

She went to her washroom and cleaned her face, her eyes, still watery would dry on their own. I have to do this, I have to go, I can't let him know that I fear him. She looked down at her clothing. I shouldn't change, she decided.

Steady now, she left the bathroom as Haribit entered the room with her maids.

Isilla shook her head and motioned to her clothing as she beckoned Ilun to follow.

"You can't see the prince in that! It's not proper!" Greta said.

Isilla turned her head and frowned at the woman, silencing her.

I'll be back soon, she wrote.

"You can't go alone," Haribit stopped her, hand on her arm.

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Isilla smiled at the gesture. It's alright, I'll take Ilun.

"Isilla! After what he did," Haribit started.

Isilla stopped her with a finger to her lips. I'm fine, she wrote. He can't hurt me.

She motioned for Ilun to follow, leaving the women standing in her bedroom.

He thinks I'm weak, she thought, everyone does. I must show him I'm not afraid.

She passed down her halls and met the messenger at the door. The man nodded in greeting which she returned and they walked out of the glass doors and into the dark halls of the castle.

He lead her quietly, no words passed from his lips. At her chest the necklace that Arren had given her to find him pulsed, begging her to follow its lead to him but she ignored it.

The messenger led her up stairs, to higher levels and towers she had never been to before. The stone changed to carpet under her feet, the walls outfitted with wooden pillars in much the same way that her own rooms were. High, wide windows showed a bright, sunny day. Is that real, she thought Her own windows had shown a clear day but in this glass it seemed brighter and less cold then her own view had been.

Finally the messenger stopped, bowing and opening the door revealing a small room, lit by hanging lamps and filled with soft cushions and chairs. At a table against the wall sat Lehan, plates for lunch already waiting.

"Ah, there you are," he said, his voice soft, almost gentle. "Have a seat, Princess Isilla."

She nodded her greeting and with Ilun at her side, entered the parlor.

"What a strange dress that is. How silly all your people must look," he commented as she took her seat across from him. The small table did not offer as much space as Isilla would have wished for but she tried to keep her features blank. Ilun sat next to her, his eyes which covered his face and ran down his neck focused on the man in front of them.

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"Tell your pet to stand down. I didn't call you here to hurt you. After all, you are my treasured sister in law. What would my brother do to this world if I were to harm a hair on your head? He'd probably bring the whole mountain down on us. We really don't want to make him cry. He really cares for you which means he'll probably never lay with you. Your marriage isn't sealed."

She tilted her head to the side, a question, a mark of interest but she hopped that she kept the worry and fear from her eyes.

"How do I know? Because he can't feel anything. I mean, he can, he's very sensitive for a man but he can't express them. I'm sure you've noticed, he can't control the magic and himself at once. If he were to sleep with you or Elixabete for that matter then you would be either dead or insane. Since you're sitting here and very sane I can safely assume that he's never visited between your legs. Well, Elixabete is a bit unhinged so perhaps that really is his baby but that has nothing to do with you. I don't know why you've gone along with it, he's a monster. So, you must have some other reason for being here. Why don't you just tell me?"

You don't know him, she thought, her cheeks hot with anger. She frowned, surprised at her own reaction. In her book she wrote, I'm here to be a wife to seal the treaty between our lands. That's the only reason.

He smiled slowly, "I would have believed that a week ago. That you were some hapless woman caught in the politics of the court. How romantic! But then a very odd thing happened. I saw you in one of my dreams."

Sweat beading under her breasts and down her back she wrote, It's not unusual for people to see someone they've met in a dream.

He chuckled, "This wasn't an ordinary dream. It felt more real, more vivid than any dream I've ever had. You were there."

She stayed silent, hands folded over her book.

"You were so beautiful. There was something about your eyes, your skin was so soft when I held you. Would it be like that now if I were to take you for mine? I could, you know. There are certain formalities for that but I know if I laid you on my bed you'd bleed."

It was just a dream, she wrote.

"Was it? I don't think so. Let me show you," he waved his hand over the center of the table. Ilun growled and shifted, sensing the magic in the air. Between their untouched food, a darkness spun and boiled for a moment before dropping away leaving behind a small vase of flowers.

Small, delicate things with wine red petals that didn't quite look like they belonged to this world.

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"When I woke up, I was clutching these. They're very pretty. There's no water in that vase, no dirt and yet even after so many days, nearly a week, they still live, in fact they're thriving."

He pulled them from their pot, they're stems turning to thin, pale roots, like spiderwebs. They twisted upon each other, searching for something they knew by instinct.

"They're so strange. They grow without any means to . They've never been seen before. They seem to have just sprung from thin air but that's not what happened. You made these."

He broke one from the bunch and reaching across the table slipped it into her hair. "The color suits you. I'll have your dress dyed in these for our wedding."

The thing in her chest stirred, wakened by Lehan's use of magic. Hungry and searching it reached for the power and he paused frowning, touching his own chest in return.

I have to leave, she thought as she pushed her chair back, standing.

"No," the command simple, the chair sliding back under her, toppling her into it. "What was that? Just now. It felt like that a bit in my dream too."

She shook her head and Ilun crouched, growling louder, preparing to strike.

"I am not Elixabete, animal," Lehan said waving his hand. A storm of darkness rose, thick and wet, surrounding Ilun.

Ilun growled at the closing walls and Lehan balled his hand into a fist, snapping Ilun up in his trap, the animal letting out one pitiful yelp as they closed on him, swallowing him whole.

"Ilun!" Isilla shouted.

"It's a pity no one can hear you," Lehan said.

The words sounded like they were coming from underwater. Barely aware that Lehan crossed the table to her, her eyes locked on the spot where Ilun had been, every trace of the great beast, gone.

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