The Silent Princess

Chapter 48

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Isilla breathed deeply, a comfortable warmth flowing through her body. Slowly she began to let herself feel past it. Her skin felt damp and cool, even under the heavy blankets. She tried to move her hand, to touch her lips where he had kissed her but she couldn't.

She turned her head. Arren leaned on her bed from a chair, asleep, her hand held tightly in his. On the floor, beyond him, Ilun sat, his body curled upon itself, watching them in the darkness. She moved slowly, sitting up, her body still weak and slow to listen but not pained, her breathing much easier with only a light cough.

She reached over and brushed his hair away from his face, and he woke, his voice still full of sleep. "Isilla, you're awake!"

She nodded and he reached forward, touching her forehead and neck. A smile spreading to his lips, "Your fever broke."

She touched her forehead, cool skin meeting her as he shifted, moving onto the bed and pulling her into his arms. She had no strength to push him away and submitted to his hold, his scent filling her nostrils, the warmth of his hands and arms bleeding through the nightgown to her skin.

"My dearest, I thought I would lose you! The doctor said that you would be unlikely to wake again, the fever burned too hot," he explained his shadows touched her her body, feeling along her skin.

His shadows reached for the lamps, casting low light into the room. He pulled away from her, looking into her eyes, brows creased. "This happened because I forced you to leave your bed. Please forgive me."

He had dark circles under his eyes, stubble over his chin. He looked as if he hadn't slept well in days. She looked away from him, still angry with his actions.

"Isilla what is the matter?" he asked his fingers under her chin, pulling her eyes back to him. "Wait," he said releasing her to reach behind her, for her book.

You went to her rooms. You didn't come see me, she wrote.

He brushed back her hair, "Isilla, that wasn't because I don't care for you. I wanted to ensure she was gone and you were safe."

She came here to taunt me, she wrote.

Arren frowned, a shadow sweeping over his features, "I had to leave, briefly. There were some other matters that I needed to handle."

She tilted her head to the side, questioning him in her way and he responded by shaking his head, "It is fine, my little bird, it is nothing for you to be concerned with."

You've put a target on me, she wrote, Elixabete says if something happens to me or if I cannot give you children then she will become your wife.

"You will be very safe from her. She cannot attack you and if someone does move against you, she will be the first to be investigated. As for children, we will discuss that more when you are recovered," he said gently.

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She shook her head. "Why?" she asked, letting him read the word on her lips.

"Because I didn't want them to know of our love. I didn't want them to be able to use you as a weapon to harm me. There's a chance that if they dug enough they would find that I wrote you the letters and covered it up. You have not seen much of the politics of our Realm. If they knew that I cared for you so deeply they would do everything in their power to use you against me. That would be a target on you. So I must hide it as best I can. That is why I treat you so coldly outside of these rooms."

She pointed to his shadows, the twisting darkness that betrayed his every feeling to her. He smiled.

"It is only when I am around you that I let them roam so freely. Any other time I keep them under my control," he explained.

She thought of the their visit to his father's throne, the creeping darkness that covered everything. You meant to threaten Haribit with them, she wrote.

His eyes widened and he shook his head. "No! Of course not! I was upset with the Council for forcing you from your bed and in that moment was not thinking."

This is all very selfish of you, she wrote.

He stilled, dropping his hand form her, "You're right."

Tears fell from her eyes, hitting the page and she felt weak for crying but they came regardless.

"I have made you cry so much, my love," he said softly moving her body back into the bed with him, wrapping his arms around her form, holding her close. "Of course you are upset that I have taken Elixabete as my consort. But I promise you, Isilla, she will never warm my bed."

He pulled her closer, "I have only thought to handle things quickly and not of the ways they may impact your feelings. I have already told you that I am not good at this, my love. Please, forgive me my mistakes."

His sincere words melted her anger and she pushed herself tighter against him.

"Is that why you did not see me in all the days you have been asleep? Because I hurt you? I do not remember my dreams well but I know when I have not felt your presence. Just before we woke I felt it again for the first time since your fever had gone so high. So, were you avoiding me because you were angry?"

She nodded, the admission feeling childish and silly.

"You cannot help your feelings anymore than I can help my own. It is my fault. I should have come to you right away, my dearest. But you need to see me, correct? Do not endanger yourself like this! Please do not cry over my stupidity any longer. I will not let something as minor as that woman's meddling come between us."

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I have to tell him about the darktellers, she thought realizing that he wouldn't know, she had found them after she became ill and and was all too much to explain.

She coughed, and he sighed. "You are still not well enough. You will need many days to rest and we must attend the ball for our wedding."

She turned his palm over. Still, she wrote with her finger.

"Yes, my love. There will be delegates from your home, we cannot change the event. It is in four days time. You will need to stay in bed until then," he said firmly.

She frowned and he shifted around her, moving to allow her to relax more against him. "What's this?" he asked pulling something from her sheets.

In the low light of the lamp, the bracelet shimmered, the thin twisting hoop catching the light as Isilla's curls caught it, gold and rich red all along the length of it. He turned the piece in his fingers, the ring of metal thin and delicate.

Isilla pulled away from Arren's arms, sitting up in the bed. She found her book. I made it, in the dream with you, she wrote.

Arren sat up, still inspecting the ring of gold, a thoughtful expression on his face as he traced along it with his fingers. "Why did you make this? It looks as if someone has woven your hair into metal." he said fascinated.

She shook her head, a small shrug, embarrassed at his attention to the piece. She reached for it, prepared to take it back.

"May I have it?" he asked suddenly.

She stilled her hand, gazing at him curiously.

"It is far too large for your wrist and it feels as if I should have this. So, may I have this," he asked again.

She nodded slowly and he slipped it over his hand, where it stayed, a perfect fit for his wrist.

Did I mean to do that, she thought touching the piece, the metal warm under her fingers. She thought she felt something in it, a bit like the glowing orb that Arren had swallowed back into himself during the dream.

"Now a gift for you. I shouldn't do this, you should stay in bed but I think you want to see this," he said standing, pulling her from the bed.

She stumbled, her legs weak and he caught her, lifting her in his arms as he had done so many times before. "You're so light, my dearest. You will need to eat more now that you can. We are not going far."

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He walked around her bed and took her to her window, setting her down on her feet. "It's too cold," he murmured wrapping his arms around her shivering body. She looked up at him and he smiled gently down at her, his shadows moving the curtain away.

Outside, the tops of the trees were white under a dark sky. Like the ash of his dream, snow fell from the sky, dropping from thick clouds and covering the world below. She touched her lips, shocked at the sight of it.

"It is still too early in the season and this will likely melt but I said I would show this to you and I have. I love you, Isilla. Every word I wrote you was the truth. I am clumsy in these matters but I would never betray you. I wish for you to return my love but there is no rush, I will stand by your side forever."

His words, bold and plain filled her heart. She pushed away, turning towards him. Her legs, still weak, shook beneath her and reached for her, gripping her elbows to steady her. I do, she signed.

"I don't understand your hand movements, I'm sorry. I'll learn," he began and she tilted forward, pressing her lips against his. He slipped his hands around her body, holding her close as she deepened her kiss, wrapping her hands around his neck.

Breathless she lowered herself to the ground, her body already out of energy. His shadows reached for her, supporting her. If I fell right now, they would catch me, she thought, exhaustion already overtaking her. The touch of his darkness reached for her, wrapping itself around her waist and ran up her back.

She opened her eyes and he shut his, pulling away from her, covering them with his hand. "Don't look! When you kiss me like that, I can't," he stopped as she reached forward, pulling his hand away from his eyes forcing him to look at her.

The eyes that had been moss green and brown were now the sick black and purple, glowing as the darkness twisted in them. He breathed hard as he stared at her, his face distressed. She smiled at him and reaching for his face, kissed him. He relaxed, letting himself be kissed, pulling her closer, holding her tighter as her own body relaxed, his hands hot against her back.

"I have to return you to bed," he said softly, the words tickling her lips as he spoke them.

She nodded, her body, tingling and heavy from his touch as he lifted her again, placing her back between her blankets. He moved the pillows behind her head and Ilun, climbed into the bed, licking her face.

Arren frowned at the animal but didn't say anything as Ilun rested his head in Isilla's lap, her fingers rubbing his head and ears.

"I will call for food to be brought to you. Your maids will bathe you and change your sheets as well," he said, brushing her hair behind her ear.

She shook her head, reaching for her book. It is very late, you should let them sleep.

He shook his head, "It is very early. Near dawn. I will need to wash up as well. I will return later in the day to check on you."

His tone changed slowly as he spoke, becoming more distant. She reached for him, slipping her hand into his. "Arren," she said, hoping he could read his name on her lips.

He paused and smiled softly, "If I could simply climb into bed beside you right now I would. I will visit with you this afternoon and I will stay with you tonight, my love."

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She blushed and nodded. I have things to tell you, she wrote. Things that happened in the Veil while I was ill, she explained.

He touched her face, "Are you alright."

She nodded, smiling.

"Then it can wait until I return to you. You should eat before you sleep again."

My maids, she questioned him.

"I dismissed them. They were removed from the castle."

They have families to care for, she wrote, frowning.

"And I have you," he responded. "I will not leave people who have betrayed you here to do so again."

You could have assigned them to Elixabete, she suggested.

He shook his head, "Love, you are too kind but I will not discuss this with you any further. They are not worthy of your care. Please, drop this, it is done."

She frowned and gave a curt nod. He sighed and pressed his lips against hers, his touch provoking her body into a reaction, kissing him back.

"Do not be angry, not over this," he scolded and she frowned, blushing. "Eat and rest, I will return to you soon."

He smiled before the shadows rose around him, leaving her alone.

Will he think the darktellers are below my care as well, she wondered, frowning as she stroked Ilun's head, his tail beating a rhythm into the sheets And that bracelet, why did I make that?

The ring of metal was almost exactly as she had envisioned, she had wanted to try to mimic what the shade had done with the flowers but the color and size were all wrong. It was almost as if she were making a memento for him but it wasn't her objective. Perhaps I carry him more in my heart then even I realize, she thought, a hot blush running to her cheeks. Will he take me tonight?

The prospect hadn't occurred to her before but having met him in his dreams, uninhibited by his fears and duties in the waking world, his desire was more than clear. A warm shiver ran through her as she remembered the way he had touched her.

Her thoughts were broken as a knock came from the door, the maids entering with a tray full of her breakfast. She smiled and turned her focus to their introductions.

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