The Silent Princess

Chapter 49

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"And if you EVER do something like that again, I swear I will NEVER forgive you!" Harbit's voice scolding, Isilla finally well enough for a long overdue lecture about her actions with Lehan. "You need to be more careful. This isn't our home, and you don't have to handle everything by yourself now! You're not just some girl on the street anymore."

Isilla frowned. You're right, I know, she wrote.

"But I am glad you are well," her friend said smiling.

Isilla smiled back. She would not describe herself as well but she felt somewhat better, more able to think straight.

"Why did you put yourself in such danger?" Haribit asked.

I didn't realize that I would be in such danger. I am glad I did not take you. If he had done to you what he did to Ilun, you would not have survived, she wrote.

"Then why not your husband? Prince Arren would have gladly escorted you or told his brother you weren't coming at all!" Harbit replied.

I wasn't sure of Arren, she admitted.

"Not sure of him! I told you he cared for you! Any fool could see that!" Haribit threw her hands up in frustration.

You saw what he can be like, I didn't want to upset him and lose whatever good will he held for me, she wrote feeling foolish for her choices. But, she added, is it really so strange that I would be cautious about his feelings? He was hiding them from me.

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"That is true but that doesn't mean you should put yourself in danger," Haribit sighed sitting on the edge of the bed.

Arren didn't pay any attention to me until I meet him in the Veil and then shortly after I upset him and since then it's been one thing after another. I hadn't the time to get a handle on his feelings, before he told me, she explained.

"It was still a foolish thing to have done," Harbit replied.

I know, she wrote. She bit her lip before writing her next sentence, sure it would upset Harbit even more. I saved Lehan's life, I healed him in the Veil, she confessed.

"What? What do you mean? Why would you help him? He'll kill you!" Haribit said, turning to her, eyes wide with shock and anger. "You are so foolish! Why did you go to him at all?"

Isilla frowned. I don't know! I just felt like I had to and then when I saw him I couldn't stop myself. It is hard to explain, something is happening to me, she wrote. I don't feel any different when I am awake but there, it's like I can do anything at all.

Haribit sighed, "I know but something like this. It's like. . ."

Isilla nodded. Magic, she wrote.

"Not just magic. Strong magic. More than I can do. Dreamweavers affect dreams. What you've done for Lehan is not at all a dream. Does Arren know?" she asked

Isilla nodded. I told him right away, she wrote.

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"Well that's good at least, what did he say?" she asked.

Nothing, she wrote, only that he would protect me from whatever came of it and nothing has come of it.

Haribit frowned, "Are you sure? From what I understand of him, this is not something he would let go of so easily."

I have to place my trust in Arren, if he says he has taken care of this, then he has.

"I thought things would calm now. Elixabete has been moved, those horrible maids are finally gone. Hopefully I am worrying over nothing. Just concentrate on getting yourself well," Haribit said, letting Isilla know she forgave her in her own way.

A knock came at the door. Ilun lifted his head from her lap, his ears perking up.

Haribit crossed the room and opened it. "What is this?" she asked.

"Umm, these are from the library. For the Princess Isilla," a timid voice said. One of the new maids.

Haribit accepted the stack of books and frowning, took them to Isilla, placing the stack on the bed. Five heavy books, their covers cracked with age, the titles half faded. Haribit lifted one puzzling at the strange words. "What is this?"

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History books, Isilla wrote. I asked Mattin, the librarian, for books that talked about darktellers this morning.

"I told you to leave that alone," Haribit warned.

I thought you just meant Elixabete who I did leave alone and now she's my husband's consort, Isilla fired back.

"You know that means nothing, why are you so upset about it? Arren assured you, didn't he?" Haribit frowned.

Yes but I still don't like it. I would rather she were just gone, Isilla frowned as she wrote.

Harbit looked guilty at her for a moment before picking up one of the books to hide her shame. "You only just learned the language, how can you read all this?"

I've learned a lot. It's not easy but I'll manage, she wrote before picking up another one of the books.

Harbit made a dismissive sound in her throat, climbing off the bed before gathering up the books in a pile and moving them to dresser across the room. "You can start your studies when you're really feeling better. You need more rest."

Isilla frowned. Fine, she signed and yawned.

"You were up rather early," Haribit crossed back to her and fixed her pillows around her head.

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Isilla didn't argue, her body had become heavy over the time that Harbit had spent with her, but she grabbed her friend's sleeve as she began to walk away, preparing to let her nap for the rest of the afternoon.

Turning she wrote, What if he wants to lie with me tonight?

Haribit raised an eyebrow, "You've only just come out of your fever. I doubt that he will and if you were to deny him on account of your health, I don't think he would be too upset. Unless there was some other reason for you to say no?"

Isilla frowned and shook her head, knowing that he had restrained himself so far but the man she met in the Veil came more to the surface with every day.

Haribit nodded. "Why are you worried about such a thing?"

The way he touches me when he dreams, it is very, she paused searching for the right word, loving, she finished. I don't think he will hold himself back for much longer.

Harbit smiled and shrugged, "Then love him back."

Isilla blushed at the thought. Even in the Veil she had not been so bold and in the waking her few kisses to him had not begun to match the passion he showed her, she felt. This is a silly thing to worry about, with everything else, she wrote.

Haribit shrugged, "It's the most normal thing to worry about."

She turned, leaving the room letting Isilla fall asleep with the thought of Arren's touch on her mind.

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